Esempio n. 1
// validateProjectConfig returns a slice containing a list of any errors
// found in validating the given project configuration
func (as *APIServer) validateProjectConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	defer r.Body.Close()
	yamlBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		as.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Error reading request body: %v", err))

	project := &model.Project{}
	validationErr := validator.ValidationError{}
	if err := model.LoadProjectInto(yamlBytes, "", project); err != nil {
		validationErr.Message = err.Error()
		as.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, []validator.ValidationError{validationErr})
	syntaxErrs, err := validator.CheckProjectSyntax(project)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	semanticErrs := validator.CheckProjectSemantics(project)
	if len(syntaxErrs)+len(semanticErrs) != 0 {
		as.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, append(syntaxErrs, semanticErrs...))
	as.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, []validator.ValidationError{})
Esempio n. 2
// validateProjectConfig returns a slice containing a list of any errors
// found in validating the given project configuration
func (as *APIServer) validateProjectConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	project := &model.Project{}
	validationErr := validator.ValidationError{}
	if err := util.ReadYAMLInto(r.Body, project); err != nil {
		validationErr.Message = err.Error()
		as.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, []validator.ValidationError{validationErr})
	syntaxErrs := validator.CheckProjectSyntax(project)
	semanticErrs := validator.CheckProjectSemantics(project)
	if len(syntaxErrs)+len(semanticErrs) != 0 {
		as.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, append(syntaxErrs, semanticErrs...))
	as.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, []validator.ValidationError{})
Esempio n. 3
// GetProjectConfig fetches the project configuration for a given repository
// returning a remote config if the project references a remote repository
// configuration file - via the Identifier. Otherwise it defaults to the local
// project file
func (repoTracker *RepoTracker) GetProjectConfig(revision string) (
	project *model.Project, err error) {
	projectRef := repoTracker.ProjectRef
	if projectRef.LocalConfig != "" {
		// return the Local config from the project Ref.
		return model.FindProject("", projectRef)
	project, err = repoTracker.GetRemoteConfig(revision)
	if err != nil {
		// Only create a stub version on API request errors that pertain
		// to actually fetching a config. Those errors currently include:
		// thirdparty.APIRequestError, thirdparty.FileNotFoundError and
		// thirdparty.YAMLFormatError
		_, apiReqErr := err.(thirdparty.APIRequestError)
		_, ymlFmtErr := err.(thirdparty.YAMLFormatError)
		_, noFileErr := err.(thirdparty.FileNotFoundError)
		if apiReqErr || noFileErr || ymlFmtErr {
			// If there's an error getting the remote config, e.g. because it
			// does not exist, we treat this the same as when the remote config
			// is invalid - but add a different error message
			message := fmt.Sprintf("error fetching project “%v” configuration "+
				"data at revision “%v” (remote path=“%v”): %v",
				projectRef.Identifier, revision, projectRef.RemotePath, err)
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, message)
			return nil, projectConfigError{[]string{message}}
		// If we get here then we have an infrastructural error - e.g.
		// a thirdparty.APIUnmarshalError (indicating perhaps an API has
		// changed), a thirdparty.ResponseReadError(problem reading an
		// API response) or a thirdparty.APIResponseError (nil API
		// response) - or encountered a problem in fetching a local
		// configuration file. At any rate, this is bad enough that we
		// want to send a notification instead of just creating a stub
		// version.
		var lastRevision string
		repository, fErr := model.FindRepository(projectRef.Identifier)
		if fErr != nil || repository == nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "error finding "+
				"repository '%v': %v", projectRef.Identifier, fErr)
		} else {
			lastRevision = repository.LastRevision
		repoTracker.sendFailureNotification(lastRevision, err)
		return nil, err

	// check if project config is valid
	errs := validator.CheckProjectSyntax(project)
	if len(errs) != 0 {
		// We have syntax errors in the project.
		// Format them, as we need to store + display them to the user
		var message string
		var projectParseErrors []string
		for _, configError := range errs {
			message += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t=> %v", configError)
			projectParseErrors = append(projectParseErrors, configError.Error())
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "error validating project '%v' "+
			"configuration at revision '%v': %v", projectRef.Identifier,
			revision, message)
		return nil, projectConfigError{projectParseErrors}
	return project, nil