Esempio n. 1
File: agent.go Progetto: faiq/consul
// loadCheckState is used to restore the persisted state of a check.
func (a *Agent) loadCheckState(check *structs.HealthCheck) error {
	// Try to read the persisted state for this check
	file := filepath.Join(a.config.DataDir, checkStateDir, stringHash(check.CheckID))
	buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("failed reading file %q: %s", file, err)

	// Decode the state data
	var p persistedCheckState
	if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &p); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed decoding check state: %s", err)

	// Check if the state has expired
	if time.Now().Unix() >= p.Expires {
		a.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] agent: check state expired for %q, not restoring", check.CheckID)
		return a.purgeCheckState(check.CheckID)

	// Restore the fields from the state
	check.Output = p.Output
	check.Status = p.Status
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
File: local.go Progetto: faiq/consul
// AddCheck is used to add a health check to the local state.
// This entry is persistent and the agent will make a best effort to
// ensure it is registered
func (l *localState) AddCheck(check *structs.HealthCheck, token string) {
	// Set the node name
	check.Node = l.config.NodeName

	defer l.Unlock()

	l.checks[check.CheckID] = check
	l.checkStatus[check.CheckID] = syncStatus{}
	l.checkTokens[check.CheckID] = token
Esempio n. 3
func TestAgentAntiEntropy_Checks(t *testing.T) {
	conf := nextConfig()
	dir, agent := makeAgent(t, conf)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
	defer agent.Shutdown()

	testutil.WaitForLeader(t, agent.RPC, "dc1")

	// Register info
	args := &structs.RegisterRequest{
		Datacenter: "dc1",
		Node:       agent.config.NodeName,
		Address:    "",

	// Exists both, same (noop)
	var out struct{}
	chk1 := &structs.HealthCheck{
		Node:    agent.config.NodeName,
		CheckID: "mysql",
		Name:    "mysql",
		Status:  structs.HealthPassing,
	agent.state.AddCheck(chk1, "")
	args.Check = chk1
	if err := agent.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)

	// Exists both, different (update)
	chk2 := &structs.HealthCheck{
		Node:    agent.config.NodeName,
		CheckID: "redis",
		Name:    "redis",
		Status:  structs.HealthPassing,
	agent.state.AddCheck(chk2, "")

	chk2_mod := new(structs.HealthCheck)
	*chk2_mod = *chk2
	chk2_mod.Status = structs.HealthCritical
	args.Check = chk2_mod
	if err := agent.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)

	// Exists local (create)
	chk3 := &structs.HealthCheck{
		Node:    agent.config.NodeName,
		CheckID: "web",
		Name:    "web",
		Status:  structs.HealthPassing,
	agent.state.AddCheck(chk3, "")

	// Exists remote (delete)
	chk4 := &structs.HealthCheck{
		Node:    agent.config.NodeName,
		CheckID: "lb",
		Name:    "lb",
		Status:  structs.HealthPassing,
	args.Check = chk4
	if err := agent.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)

	// Exists local, in sync, remote missing (create)
	chk5 := &structs.HealthCheck{
		Node:    agent.config.NodeName,
		CheckID: "cache",
		Name:    "cache",
		Status:  structs.HealthPassing,
	agent.state.AddCheck(chk5, "")
	agent.state.checkStatus["cache"] = syncStatus{inSync: true}

	// Trigger anti-entropy run and wait
	time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)

	// Verify that we are in sync
	req := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{
		Datacenter: "dc1",
		Node:       agent.config.NodeName,
	var checks structs.IndexedHealthChecks
	if err := agent.RPC("Health.NodeChecks", &req, &checks); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)

	// We should have 5 checks (serf included)
	if len(checks.HealthChecks) != 5 {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v", checks)

	// All the checks should match
	for _, chk := range checks.HealthChecks {
		switch chk.CheckID {
		case "mysql":
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(chk, chk1) {
				t.Fatalf("bad: %v %v", chk, chk1)
		case "redis":
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(chk, chk2) {
				t.Fatalf("bad: %v %v", chk, chk2)
		case "web":
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(chk, chk3) {
				t.Fatalf("bad: %v %v", chk, chk3)
		case "cache":
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(chk, chk5) {
				t.Fatalf("bad: %v %v", chk, chk5)
		case "serfHealth":
			// ignore
			t.Fatalf("unexpected check: %v", chk)

	// Check the local state
	if len(agent.state.checks) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v", agent.state.checks)
	if len(agent.state.checkStatus) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v", agent.state.checkStatus)
	for name, status := range agent.state.checkStatus {
		if !status.inSync {
			t.Fatalf("should be in sync: %v %v", name, status)
Esempio n. 4
File: agent.go Progetto: faiq/consul
// AddCheck is used to add a health check to the agent.
// This entry is persistent and the agent will make a best effort to
// ensure it is registered. The Check may include a CheckType which
// is used to automatically update the check status
func (a *Agent) AddCheck(check *structs.HealthCheck, chkType *CheckType, persist bool, token string) error {
	if check.CheckID == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("CheckID missing")
	if chkType != nil && !chkType.Valid() {
		return fmt.Errorf("Check type is not valid")

	if check.ServiceID != "" {
		svc, ok := a.state.Services()[check.ServiceID]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("ServiceID %q does not exist", check.ServiceID)
		check.ServiceName = svc.Service

	defer a.checkLock.Unlock()

	// Check if already registered
	if chkType != nil {
		if chkType.IsTTL() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkTTLs[check.CheckID]; ok {

			ttl := &CheckTTL{
				Notify:  &a.state,
				CheckID: check.CheckID,
				TTL:     chkType.TTL,
				Logger:  a.logger,

			// Restore persisted state, if any
			if err := a.loadCheckState(check); err != nil {
				a.logger.Printf("[WARN] agent: failed restoring state for check %q: %s",
					check.CheckID, err)

			a.checkTTLs[check.CheckID] = ttl

		} else if chkType.IsHTTP() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkHTTPs[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			http := &CheckHTTP{
				Notify:   &a.state,
				CheckID:  check.CheckID,
				HTTP:     chkType.HTTP,
				Interval: chkType.Interval,
				Timeout:  chkType.Timeout,
				Logger:   a.logger,
			a.checkHTTPs[check.CheckID] = http

		} else {
			if existing, ok := a.checkMonitors[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			monitor := &CheckMonitor{
				Notify:   &a.state,
				CheckID:  check.CheckID,
				Script:   chkType.Script,
				Interval: chkType.Interval,
				Logger:   a.logger,
			a.checkMonitors[check.CheckID] = monitor

	// Add to the local state for anti-entropy
	a.state.AddCheck(check, token)

	// Persist the check
	if persist {
		return a.persistCheck(check, chkType)

	return nil
Esempio n. 5
File: local.go Progetto: faiq/consul
// setSyncState does a read of the server state, and updates
// the local syncStatus as appropriate
func (l *localState) setSyncState() error {
	req := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{
		Datacenter:   l.config.Datacenter,
		Node:         l.config.NodeName,
		QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: l.config.ACLToken},
	var out1 structs.IndexedNodeServices
	var out2 structs.IndexedHealthChecks
	if e := l.iface.RPC("Catalog.NodeServices", &req, &out1); e != nil {
		return e
	if err := l.iface.RPC("Health.NodeChecks", &req, &out2); err != nil {
		return err
	checks := out2.HealthChecks

	defer l.Unlock()

	services := make(map[string]*structs.NodeService)
	if out1.NodeServices != nil {
		services = out1.NodeServices.Services

	for id, _ := range {
		// If the local service doesn't exist remotely, then sync it
		if _, ok := services[id]; !ok {
			l.serviceStatus[id] = syncStatus{inSync: false}

	for id, service := range services {
		// If we don't have the service locally, deregister it
		existing, ok :=[id]
		if !ok {
			l.serviceStatus[id] = syncStatus{remoteDelete: true}

		// If our definition is different, we need to update it
		equal := reflect.DeepEqual(existing, service)
		l.serviceStatus[id] = syncStatus{inSync: equal}

	for id, _ := range l.checks {
		// Sync any check which doesn't exist on the remote side
		found := false
		for _, check := range checks {
			if check.CheckID == id {
				found = true
		if !found {
			l.checkStatus[id] = syncStatus{inSync: false}

	for _, check := range checks {
		// If we don't have the check locally, deregister it
		id := check.CheckID
		existing, ok := l.checks[id]
		if !ok {
			// The Serf check is created automatically, and does not
			// need to be registered
			if id == consul.SerfCheckID {
			l.checkStatus[id] = syncStatus{remoteDelete: true}

		// If our definition is different, we need to update it
		var equal bool
		if l.config.CheckUpdateInterval == 0 {
			equal = reflect.DeepEqual(existing, check)
		} else {
			eCopy := new(structs.HealthCheck)
			*eCopy = *existing
			eCopy.Output = ""
			check.Output = ""
			equal = reflect.DeepEqual(eCopy, check)

		// Update the status
		l.checkStatus[id] = syncStatus{inSync: equal}
	return nil