Esempio n. 1
func Init() {
	sc = seen.Init()

	bot.Handle(smoke, client.PRIVMSG, client.ACTION)
	bot.Handle(recordPrivmsg, client.PRIVMSG, client.ACTION)
	bot.Handle(recordJoin, client.JOIN, client.PART)
	bot.Handle(recordNick, client.NICK, client.QUIT)
	bot.Handle(recordKick, client.KICK)

	bot.Command(seenCmd, "seen", "seen <nick> [action]  -- "+
		"display the last time <nick> was seen on IRC [doing action]")
Esempio n. 2
func Init() {
	sc = seen.Init()

	bot.HandleFunc(smoke, "privmsg", "action")
	bot.HandleFunc(recordLines, "privmsg", "action")
	bot.HandleFunc(recordPrivmsg, "privmsg", "action")
	bot.HandleFunc(recordJoin, "join", "part")
	bot.HandleFunc(recordNick, "nick", "quit")
	bot.HandleFunc(recordKick, "kick")

	bot.CommandFunc(seenCmd, "seen", "seen <nick> [action]  -- "+
		"display the last time <nick> was seen on IRC [doing action]")
	bot.CommandFunc(lines, "lines", "lines [nick]  -- "+
		"display how many lines you [or nick] has said in the channel")
	bot.CommandFunc(topten, "topten", "topten  -- "+
		"display the nicks who have said the most in the channel")
	bot.CommandFunc(topten, "top10", "top10  -- "+
		"display the nicks who have said the most in the channel")