Esempio n. 1
func init() {
	cli.Register("daemon", runDaemon, `
usage: flynn-host daemon [options]

  --http-port=PORT           HTTP port [default: 1113]
  --external-ip=IP           external IP of host
  --listen-ip=IP             bind host network services to this IP
  --state=PATH               path to state file [default: /var/lib/flynn/host-state.bolt]
  --id=ID                    host id
  --tags=TAGS                host tags (comma separated list of KEY=VAL pairs, used for job constraints in the scheduler)
  --force                    kill all containers booted by flynn-host before starting
  --volpath=PATH             directory to create volumes in [default: /var/lib/flynn/volumes]
  --vol-provider=VOL         volume provider [default: zfs]
  --backend=BACKEND          runner backend [default: libcontainer]
  --flynn-init=PATH          path to flynn-init binary [default: /usr/local/bin/flynn-init]
  --log-dir=DIR              directory to store job logs [default: /var/log/flynn]
  --discovery=TOKEN          join cluster with discovery token
  --peer-ips=IPLIST          join existing cluster using IPs
  --bridge-name=NAME         network bridge name [default: flynnbr0]
  --no-resurrect             disable cluster resurrection
  --max-job-concurrency=NUM  maximum number of jobs to start concurrently
  --partitions=PARTITIONS    specify resource partitions for host [default: system=cpu_shares:4096 background=cpu_shares:4096 user=cpu_shares:8192]
Esempio n. 2
func init() {
	log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile | log.Lmicroseconds)

	cli.Register("daemon", runDaemon, `
usage: flynn-host daemon [options]

  --external-ip=IP       external IP of host
  --state=PATH           path to state file [default: /var/lib/flynn/host-state.bolt]
  --id=ID                host id
  --force                kill all containers booted by flynn-host before starting
  --volpath=PATH         directory to create volumes in [default: /var/lib/flynn/volumes]
  --backend=BACKEND      runner backend [default: libvirt-lxc]
  --flynn-init=PATH      path to flynn-init binary [default: /usr/local/bin/flynn-init]
  --log-dir=DIR          directory to store job logs [default: /var/log/flynn]
  --discovery=TOKEN      join cluster with discovery token
  --peer-ips=IPLIST      join existing cluster using IPs
Esempio n. 3
func init() {
	log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile | log.Lmicroseconds)

	cli.Register("daemon", runDaemon, `
usage: flynn-host daemon [options] [--meta=<KEY=VAL>...]

  --external=IP          external IP of host
  --config=PATH          path to configuration file
  --manifest=PATH        path to manifest file [default: /etc/flynn-host.json]
  --state=PATH           path to state file
  --id=ID                host id
  --force                kill all containers booted by flynn-host before starting
  --volpath=PATH         directory to create volumes in [default: /var/lib/flynn-host]
  --backend=BACKEND      runner backend (docker or libvirt-lxc) [default: libvirt-lxc]
  --meta=<KEY=VAL>...    key=value pair to add as metadata
  --bind=IP              bind containers to IP
  --flynn-init=PATH      path to flynn-init binary [default: /usr/bin/flynn-init]
Esempio n. 4
func init() {
	cli.Register("daemon", runDaemon, `
usage: flynn-host daemon [options]

  --http-port=PORT       HTTP port [default: 1113]
  --external-ip=IP       external IP of host
  --listen-ip=IP         bind host network services to this IP
  --state=PATH           path to state file [default: /var/lib/flynn/host-state.bolt]
  --id=ID                host id
  --force                kill all containers booted by flynn-host before starting
  --volpath=PATH         directory to create volumes in [default: /var/lib/flynn/volumes]
  --vol-provider=VOL     volume provider [default: zfs]
  --backend=BACKEND      runner backend [default: libvirt-lxc]
  --flynn-init=PATH      path to flynn-init binary [default: /usr/local/bin/flynn-init]
  --nsumount=PATH        path to flynn-nsumount binary [default: /usr/local/bin/flynn-nsumount]
  --log-dir=DIR          directory to store job logs [default: /var/log/flynn]
  --discovery=TOKEN      join cluster with discovery token
  --peer-ips=IPLIST      join existing cluster using IPs
  --bridge-name=NAME     network bridge name [default: flynnbr0]