func (s *ZZBackupSuite) testClusterBackup(t *c.C, index int, path string) { debugf(t, "restoring cluster backup %s", filepath.Base(path)) // boot the cluster using an RFC 5737 TEST-NET IP, avoiding conflicts // with those used by script/bootstrap-flynn so the test can be run in // development ip := fmt.Sprintf("192.0.2.%d", index+100) device := fmt.Sprintf("eth0:%d", index+10) t.Assert(run(t, exec.Command("sudo", "ifconfig", device, ip)), Succeeds) dir := t.MkDir() debugf(t, "using tempdir %s", dir) debug(t, "starting flynn-host") cmd := exec.Command( "sudo", "../host/bin/flynn-host", "daemon", "--id", fmt.Sprintf("backup%d", index), "--external-ip", ip, "--listen-ip", ip, "--bridge-name", fmt.Sprintf("backupbr%d", index), "--state", filepath.Join(dir, "host-state.bolt"), "--volpath", filepath.Join(dir, "volumes"), "--log-dir", filepath.Join(dir, "logs"), "--flynn-init", "../host/bin/flynn-init", ) out, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(dir, "flynn-host.log")) t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) defer out.Close() cmd.Stdout = out cmd.Stderr = out t.Assert(cmd.Start(), c.IsNil) go cmd.Process.Wait() defer func() { // collect-debug-info if the tests failed then kill flynn-host if t.Failed() { cmd := exec.Command( "sudo", "-E", "../host/bin/flynn-host", "collect-debug-info", "--log-dir", filepath.Join(dir, "logs"), ) cmd.Env = []string{fmt.Sprintf("DISCOVERD=%s:1111", ip)} cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr cmd.Run() } exec.Command("sudo", "kill", strconv.Itoa(cmd.Process.Pid)).Run() }() debugf(t, "bootstrapping flynn from backup") cmd = exec.Command( "../host/bin/flynn-host", "bootstrap", "--peer-ips", ip, "--from-backup", path, "../bootstrap/bin/manifest.json", ) cmd.Env = []string{ "", fmt.Sprintf("DISCOVERD=%s:1111", ip), fmt.Sprintf("FLANNEL_NETWORK=100.%d.0.0/16", index+101), } logR, logW := io.Pipe() defer logW.Close() go func() { buf := bufio.NewReader(logR) for { line, err := buf.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { return } debug(t, line[0:len(line)-1]) } }() cmd.Stdout = logW cmd.Stderr = logW t.Assert(cmd.Run(), c.IsNil) debug(t, "waiting for nodejs-web service") disc := discoverd.NewClientWithURL(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:1111", ip)) _, err = disc.Instances("nodejs-web", 30*time.Second) t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) debug(t, "checking HTTP requests") req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://"+ip, nil) t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) req.Host = "" var res *http.Response // try multiple times in case we get a 503 from the router as it has // not seen the service yet err = attempt.Strategy{Total: 10 * time.Second, Delay: 100 * time.Millisecond}.Run(func() (err error) { res, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req) if err != nil { return err } else if res.StatusCode == http.StatusServiceUnavailable { return errors.New("router returned 503") } return nil }) t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) t.Assert(res.StatusCode, c.Equals, http.StatusOK) debug(t, "getting app release") controllerInstances, err := disc.Instances("controller", 30*time.Second) t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) controllerURL := "http://" + controllerInstances[0].Addr controllerKey := controllerInstances[0].Meta["AUTH_KEY"] client, err := controller.NewClient(controllerURL, controllerKey) t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) release, err := client.GetAppRelease("nodejs") t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) debug(t, "configuring flynn CLI") flynnrc := filepath.Join(dir, ".flynnrc") conf := &config.Config{} t.Assert(conf.Add(&config.Cluster{ Name: "default", ControllerURL: controllerURL, Key: controllerKey, }, true), c.IsNil) t.Assert(conf.SaveTo(flynnrc), c.IsNil) flynn := func(cmdArgs ...string) *CmdResult { cmd := exec.Command(args.CLI, cmdArgs...) cmd.Env = flynnEnv(flynnrc) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "FLYNN_APP=nodejs") return run(t, cmd) } if _, ok := release.Env["FLYNN_REDIS"]; ok { debug(t, "checking redis resource") // try multiple times as the Redis resource is not guaranteed to be up yet var redisResult *CmdResult err = attempt.Strategy{Total: 10 * time.Second, Delay: 100 * time.Millisecond}.Run(func() error { redisResult = flynn("redis", "redis-cli", "--", "PING") return redisResult.Err }) t.Assert(err, c.IsNil) t.Assert(redisResult, SuccessfulOutputContains, "PONG") } debug(t, "checking mysql resource") if _, ok := release.Env["FLYNN_MYSQL"]; ok { t.Assert(flynn("mysql", "console", "--", "-e", "SELECT * FROM foos"), SuccessfulOutputContains, "foobar") } else { t.Assert(flynn("resource", "add", "mysql"), Succeeds) } debug(t, "checking mongodb resource") if _, ok := release.Env["FLYNN_MONGO"]; ok { t.Assert(flynn("mongodb", "mongo", "--", "--eval", "db.foos.find()"), SuccessfulOutputContains, "foobar") } else { t.Assert(flynn("resource", "add", "mongodb"), Succeeds) } debug(t, "checking dashboard STATUS_KEY matches status AUTH_KEY") dashboardStatusKeyResult := flynn("-a", "dashboard", "env", "get", "STATUS_KEY") t.Assert(dashboardStatusKeyResult, Succeeds) statusAuthKeyResult := flynn("-a", "status", "env", "get", "AUTH_KEY") t.Assert(statusAuthKeyResult, Succeeds) t.Assert(dashboardStatusKeyResult.Output, c.Equals, statusAuthKeyResult.Output) }