Esempio n. 1
func detectRedhat(c config.ServerInfo) (itsMe bool, red osTypeInterface) {

	red = newRedhat(c)

	// set sudo option flag
	c.SudoOpt = config.SudoOption{ExecBySudo: true}

	if r := sshExec(c, "ls /etc/fedora-release", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
		red.setDistributionInfo("fedora", "unknown")
		Log.Warn("Fedora not tested yet. Host: %s:%s", c.Host, c.Port)
		return true, red

	if r := sshExec(c, "ls /etc/redhat-release", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
		// e.g.
		// $ cat /etc/redhat-release
		// CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
		if r := sshExec(c, "cat /etc/redhat-release", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
			re, _ := regexp.Compile(`(.*) release (\d[\d.]*)`)
			result := re.FindStringSubmatch(strings.TrimSpace(r.Stdout))
			if len(result) != 3 {
					"Failed to parse RedHat/CentOS version. stdout: %s, Host: %s:%s",
					r.Stdout, c.Host, c.Port)
				return true, red

			release := result[2]
			switch strings.ToLower(result[1]) {
			case "centos", "centos linux":
				red.setDistributionInfo("centos", release)
				red.setDistributionInfo("rhel", release)
			return true, red
		return true, red

	if r := sshExec(c, "ls /etc/system-release", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
		family := "amazon"
		release := "unknown"
		if r := sshExec(c, "cat /etc/system-release", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
			fields := strings.Fields(r.Stdout)
			if len(fields) == 5 {
				release = fields[4]
		red.setDistributionInfo(family, release)
		return true, red

	Log.Debugf("Not RedHat like Linux. Host: %s:%s", c.Host, c.Port)
	return false, red
Esempio n. 2
// Ubuntu, Debian
func detectDebian(c config.ServerInfo) (itsMe bool, deb osTypeInterface, err error) {

	deb = newDebian(c)

	// set sudo option flag
	c.SudoOpt = config.SudoOption{ExecBySudo: true}

	if r := sshExec(c, "ls /etc/debian_version", noSudo); !r.isSuccess() {
		if r.ExitStatus == 255 {
			return false, deb, fmt.Errorf(
				"Unable to connect via SSH. Check SSH settings. servername: %s, %s@%s:%s, status: %d, stdout: %s, stderr: %s",
				c.ServerName, c.User, c.Host, c.Port, r.ExitStatus, r.Stdout, r.Stderr,
		Log.Debugf("Not Debian like Linux. Host: %s:%s", c.Host, c.Port)
		return false, deb, nil

	if r := sshExec(c, "lsb_release -ir", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
		//  e.g.
		//  root@fa3ec524be43:/# lsb_release -ir
		//  Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
		//  Release:	14.04
		re, _ := regexp.Compile(
			`(?s)^Distributor ID:\s*(.+?)\n*Release:\s*(.+?)$`)
		result := re.FindStringSubmatch(trim(r.Stdout))

		if len(result) == 0 {
			deb.setDistributionInfo("debian/ubuntu", "unknown")
				"Unknown Debian/Ubuntu version. lsb_release -ir: %s, Host: %s:%s",
				r.Stdout, c.Host, c.Port)
		} else {
			distro := strings.ToLower(trim(result[1]))
			deb.setDistributionInfo(distro, trim(result[2]))
		return true, deb, nil

	if r := sshExec(c, "cat /etc/lsb-release", noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
		//  e.g.
		//  DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu
		//  DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS"
		re, _ := regexp.Compile(
		result := re.FindStringSubmatch(trim(r.Stdout))
		if len(result) == 0 {
				"Unknown Debian/Ubuntu. cat /etc/lsb-release: %s, Host: %s:%s",
				r.Stdout, c.Host, c.Port)
			deb.setDistributionInfo("debian/ubuntu", "unknown")
		} else {
			distro := strings.ToLower(trim(result[1]))
			deb.setDistributionInfo(distro, trim(result[2]))
		return true, deb, nil

	// Debian
	cmd := "cat /etc/debian_version"
	if r := sshExec(c, cmd, noSudo); r.isSuccess() {
		deb.setDistributionInfo("debian", trim(r.Stdout))
		return true, deb, nil

	Log.Debugf("Not Debian like Linux. Host: %s:%s", c.Host, c.Port)
	return false, deb, nil