Esempio n. 1
// toDraw sets the model specific bound data references and
// uniform data needed by the rendering layer.
func (m *model) toDraw(d render.Draw, mm *lin.M4) {
	d.SetAlpha(float64(m.alpha)) // 1 : no transparency as the default.

	// Use any previous render to texture passes.
	if m.layer != nil {
		switch m.layer.attr {
		case render.IMAGE_BUFF:
			// handled as regular texture below.
			// Leave it to the shader to use the right the "uv#" uniform.
		case render.DEPTH_BUFF:
			d.SetShadowmap(m.layer.tex.tid) // texture with depth values.

			// Shadow depth bias is the mvp matrix from the light.
			// It needs to be adjusted to allow shadow maps to work., m.layer.vp)   // model (light) view., // incorporate shadow bias.

	// Set the bound data references.
	d.SetRefs(m.shd.program, m.msh.vao, m.drawMode)
	if total := len(m.texs); total > 0 {
		for cnt, t := range m.texs {
			d.SetTex(total, cnt, t.tid, t.f0, t.fn)
	} else {
		d.SetTex(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) // clear any previous data.

	// Set uniform values. These can be sent as a reference because they
	// are fixed on shader creation.
	d.SetUniforms(m.shd.uniforms) // shader integer uniform references.
	if m.anm != nil && len(m.pose) > 0 {
	} else {
		d.SetPose(nil) // clear data.
	d.SetTime(time.Since(m.time).Seconds()) // For shaders that need elapsed time.

	// Set colour uniforms.
	d.SetFloats("kd", m.kd.R, m.kd.G, m.kd.B)
	d.SetFloats("ks", m.ks.R, m.ks.G, m.ks.B)
	d.SetFloats("ka", m.ka.R, m.ka.G, m.ka.B)

	// Set user specificed uniforms.
	for uniform, uvalues := range m.uniforms {
		d.SetFloats(uniform, uvalues...)