Esempio n. 1
// Connect to a STOMP broker using TLS and disconnect.
func main() {

	st := time.Now()

	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s starts\n",
		exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs)

	// TLS Configuration.
	tc = new(tls.Config)
	tc.InsecureSkipVerify = true // Do *not* check the server's certificate

	// Usually one will use the default cipher suites that go provides.
	// However, if a custom cipher squite list is needed/required this
	// is how it is accomplished.
	if sngecomm.UseCustomCiphers() { // Set custom cipher suite list
		tc.CipherSuites = append(tc.CipherSuites, sngecomm.CustomCiphers()...)

	// Standard example TLS connect sequence
	n, conn, e := sngecomm.CommonTLSConnect(exampid, tag, ll, tc)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_on_connect error:%v",
			exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
			e.Error()) // Handle this ......

	nc := n.(*tls.Conn)
	sngecomm.DumpTLSConfig(exampid, tc, nc)

	// *NOTE* application specific functionaltiy starts here!
	// For you to add.
	// *NOTE* application specific functionaltiy ends here!

	// Standard example disconnect sequence
	e = sngecomm.CommonDisconnect(n, conn, exampid, tag, ll)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%s %s\n", exampid, e.Error()) // Handle this ......

	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_elapsed:%v\n",
		exampid, tag, conn.Session(),

Esempio n. 2
// Connect to a STOMP broker using TLS and disconnect.
func main() {

	st := time.Now()

	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s starts\n",
		exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs)

	flag.Parse() // Parse flags
	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_using_srvCAFile:%s\n",
		exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,

	// TLS Configuration.
	tc = new(tls.Config)
	tc.InsecureSkipVerify = false // *Do* check the broker's certificate
	// Be polite, allow SNI (Server Virtual Hosting)
	tc.ServerName = senv.Host()

	// Usually one will use the default cipher suites that go provides.
	// However, if a custom cipher squite list is needed/required this
	// is how it is accomplished.
	if sngecomm.UseCustomCiphers() { // Set custom cipher suite list
		tc.CipherSuites = append(tc.CipherSuites, sngecomm.CustomCiphers()...)

	// Finish TLS Config initialization, so client can authenticate broker.
	b, e := ioutil.ReadFile(srvCAFile) // Read broker's CA cert (PEM)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_read_file error:%v",
			exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
			e.Error()) // Handle this ......
	k, _ := pem.Decode(b) // Decode PEM format (*pem.Block)
	if k == nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_decode error:%v",
			exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
			e.Error()) // Handle this ......
	c, e := x509.ParseCertificate(k.Bytes) // Create *x509.Certificate
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_parse_cert error:%v",
			exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
			e.Error()) // Handle this ......

	tc.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool() // Create a cert "pool"
	tc.RootCAs.AddCert(c)           // Add the CA cert to the pool

	// Standard example TLS connect sequence
	n, conn, e := sngecomm.CommonTLSConnect(exampid, tag, ll, tc)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_on_connect error:%v",
			exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
			e.Error()) // Handle this ......

	nc := n.(*tls.Conn)
	sngecomm.DumpTLSConfig(exampid, tc, nc)

	// *NOTE* application specific functionaltiy starts here!
	// For you to add.
	// *NOTE* application specific functionaltiy ends here!

	// Standard example disconnect sequence
	e = sngecomm.CommonDisconnect(n, conn, exampid, tag, ll)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%s %s\n", exampid, e.Error()) // Handle this ......

	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_elapsed:%v\n",
		exampid, tag, conn.Session(),

Esempio n. 3
// Connect to a STOMP broker using TLS and disconnect.
func main() {

	st := time.Now()

	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s starts\n",
		exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs)

	flag.Parse() // Parse flags
	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_using_cliCertFile:%s\n",
		exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_using_cliKeyFile:%s\n",
		exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,

	// TLS Configuration.
	tc = new(tls.Config)
	tc.InsecureSkipVerify = true // Do *not* check the broker's certificate
	// Be polite, allow SNI (Server Virtual Hosting)
	tc.ServerName = senv.Host()

	// Usually one will use the default cipher suites that go provides.
	// However, if a custom cipher squite list is needed/required this
	// is how it is accomplished.
	if sngecomm.UseCustomCiphers() { // Set custom cipher suite list
		tc.CipherSuites = append(tc.CipherSuites, sngecomm.CustomCiphers()...)

	// Finish TLS Config initialization, so broker can authenticate client.
	// cc -> tls.Certificate
	cc, e := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cliCertFile, cliKeyFile)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_load_pair error:%v",
			exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
			e.Error()) // Handle this ......
	// Add cert to config
	tc.Certificates = append(tc.Certificates, cc)
	// This is OK, but does not seem to be required
	tc.BuildNameToCertificate() // Build names map

	// Standard example TLS connect sequence
	n, conn, e := sngecomm.CommonTLSConnect(exampid, tag, ll, tc)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_on_connect error:%v",
			exampid, tag, sngecomm.Lcs,
			e.Error()) // Handle this ......

	nc := n.(*tls.Conn)
	sngecomm.DumpTLSConfig(exampid, tc, nc)

	// *NOTE* application specific functionaltiy starts here!
	// For you to add.
	// *NOTE* application specific functionaltiy ends here!

	// Standard example disconnect sequence
	e = sngecomm.CommonDisconnect(n, conn, exampid, tag, ll)
	if e != nil {
		ll.Fatalf("%s %s\n", exampid, e.Error()) // Handle this ......

	ll.Printf("%stag:%s connsess:%s main_elapsed:%v\n",
		exampid, tag, conn.Session(),
