Esempio n. 1
// Test string template with list0 data
func ExampleGenerate0_list0StrTemplate() {
	// Equivalent testing on commandline:
	//   easygen -ts '{{range .Colors}}{{.}}, {{end}}' test/list0
	fmt.Print(easygen.Generate0(false, "{{range .Colors}}{{.}}, {{end}}", "test/list0"))
	// Output:
	// red, blue, white,
Esempio n. 2
// Test the string split function in template
func ExampleGenerate0_split0() {
	// Equivalent testing on commandline:
	//   easygen -ts '{{split .Colorlist}}' test/list0
	fmt.Print(easygen.Generate0(false, `{{split .Colorlist}}`, "test/list0"))
	// Output:
	// [red blue white]
Esempio n. 3
// Test the string split function in template again
func ExampleGenerate0_split1() {
	// Equivalent testing on commandline:
	//   easygen -ts '{{range ... {{end}}' test/list0
	fmt.Print(easygen.Generate0(false, `{{range (split .Colorlist)}}{{.}} {{end}}`, "test/list0"))
	// Output:
	// red blue white
Esempio n. 4
// Test string comparison in template
func ExampleGenerate0_stringsCmp() {
	// Equivalent testing on commandline:
	//   easygen -ts '{{The {{if ... {{end}}.' test/strings0
	fmt.Print(easygen.Generate0(false, `The {{if eq .StrTest "-AB-axxb- HTML Html html"}}eq says Yea{{else}}eq says Nay{{end}} but {{if eqf .StrTest "-AB-axxb- HTML Html html"}}eqf says Yea{{else}}eqf says Nay{{end}}.`, "test/strings0"))
	// Output:
	// The eq says Nay but eqf says Yea.