Esempio n. 1
func GPUBench(gpuid uint64) {
	e := ethash.NewCL([]int{int(gpuid)})

	var h common.Hash
	bogoHeader := &types.Header{
		ParentHash: h,
		Number:     big.NewInt(int64(42)),
		Difficulty: big.NewInt(int64(999999999999999)),
	bogoBlock := types.NewBlock(bogoHeader, nil, nil, nil)

	err := ethash.InitCL(bogoBlock.NumberU64(), e)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("OpenCL init error: ", err)

	stopChan := make(chan struct{})
	reportHashRate := func() {
		for {
			time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
			fmt.Printf("hashes/s : %v\n", e.GetHashrate())
	fmt.Printf("Starting benchmark (%v seconds)\n", 60)
	go reportHashRate()
	go e.Search(bogoBlock, stopChan, 0)
	time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
Esempio n. 2
// GenerateChain creates a chain of n blocks. The first block's
// parent will be the provided parent. db is used to store
// intermediate states and should contain the parent's state trie.
// The generator function is called with a new block generator for
// every block. Any transactions and uncles added to the generator
// become part of the block. If gen is nil, the blocks will be empty
// and their coinbase will be the zero address.
// Blocks created by GenerateChain do not contain valid proof of work
// values. Inserting them into BlockChain requires use of FakePow or
// a similar non-validating proof of work implementation.
func GenerateChain(parent *types.Block, db ethdb.Database, n int, gen func(int, *BlockGen)) ([]*types.Block, []types.Receipts) {
	blocks, receipts := make(types.Blocks, n), make([]types.Receipts, n)
	genblock := func(i int, h *types.Header, statedb *state.StateDB) (*types.Block, types.Receipts) {
		b := &BlockGen{parent: parent, i: i, chain: blocks, header: h, statedb: statedb}
		if gen != nil {
			gen(i, b)
		AccumulateRewards(statedb, h, b.uncles)
		root, err := statedb.Commit()
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("state write error: %v", err))
		h.Root = root
		return types.NewBlock(h, b.txs, b.uncles, b.receipts), b.receipts
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		statedb, err := state.New(parent.Root(), db)
		if err != nil {
		header := makeHeader(parent, statedb)
		block, receipt := genblock(i, header, statedb)
		blocks[i] = block
		receipts[i] = receipt
		parent = block
	return blocks, receipts
Esempio n. 3
func (self *worker) pendingBlock() *types.Block {
	defer self.currentMu.Unlock()

	if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 0 {
		return types.NewBlock(
	return self.current.Block
Esempio n. 4
// GenesisBlockForTesting creates a block in which addr has the given wei balance.
// The state trie of the block is written to db. the passed db needs to contain a state root
func GenesisBlockForTesting(db ethdb.Database, addr common.Address, balance *big.Int) *types.Block {
	statedb, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
	obj := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(addr)
	root, err := statedb.Commit()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot write state: %v", err))
	block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
		Difficulty: params.GenesisDifficulty,
		GasLimit:   params.GenesisGasLimit,
		Root:       root,
	}, nil, nil, nil)
	return block
Esempio n. 5
func (self *worker) commitNewWork() {
	defer self.uncleMu.Unlock()
	defer self.currentMu.Unlock()

	tstart := time.Now()
	parent := self.chain.CurrentBlock()
	tstamp := tstart.Unix()
	if parent.Time().Cmp(new(big.Int).SetInt64(tstamp)) >= 0 {
		tstamp = parent.Time().Int64() + 1
	// this will ensure we're not going off too far in the future
	if now := time.Now().Unix(); tstamp > now+4 {
		wait := time.Duration(tstamp-now) * time.Second
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("We are too far in the future. Waiting for", wait)

	num := parent.Number()
	header := &types.Header{
		ParentHash: parent.Hash(),
		Number:     num.Add(num, common.Big1),
		Difficulty: core.CalcDifficulty(uint64(tstamp), parent.Time().Uint64(), parent.Number(), parent.Difficulty()),
		GasLimit:   core.CalcGasLimit(parent),
		GasUsed:    new(big.Int),
		Coinbase:   self.coinbase,
		Extra:      self.extra,
		Time:       big.NewInt(tstamp),

	previous := self.current
	// Could potentially happen if starting to mine in an odd state.
	err := self.makeCurrent(parent, header)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Could not create new env for mining, retrying on next block.")
	work := self.current

	/* //approach 1
	transactions := self.eth.TxPool().GetTransactions()

	//approach 2
	transactions := self.eth.TxPool().GetTransactions()

	/* // approach 3
	// commit transactions for this run.
	txPerOwner := make(map[common.Address]types.Transactions)
	// Sort transactions by owner
	for _, tx := range self.eth.TxPool().GetTransactions() {
		from, _ := tx.From() // we can ignore the sender error
		txPerOwner[from] = append(txPerOwner[from], tx)
	var (
		singleTxOwner types.Transactions
		multiTxOwner  types.Transactions
	// Categorise transactions by
	// 1. 1 owner tx per block
	// 2. multi txs owner per block
	for _, txs := range txPerOwner {
		if len(txs) == 1 {
			singleTxOwner = append(singleTxOwner, txs[0])
		} else {
			multiTxOwner = append(multiTxOwner, txs...)
	transactions := append(singleTxOwner, multiTxOwner...)

	work.commitTransactions(transactions, self.gasPrice, self.chain)

	// compute uncles for the new block.
	var (
		uncles    []*types.Header
		badUncles []common.Hash
	for hash, uncle := range self.possibleUncles {
		if len(uncles) == 2 {
		if err := self.commitUncle(work, uncle.Header()); err != nil {
			if glog.V(logger.Ridiculousness) {
				glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Bad uncle found and will be removed (%x)\n", hash[:4])
			badUncles = append(badUncles, hash)
		} else {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("commiting %x as uncle\n", hash[:4])
			uncles = append(uncles, uncle.Header())
	for _, hash := range badUncles {
		delete(self.possibleUncles, hash)

	if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 1 {
		// commit state root after all state transitions.
		core.AccumulateRewards(work.state, header, uncles)
		header.Root = work.state.IntermediateRoot()

	// create the new block whose nonce will be mined.
	work.Block = types.NewBlock(header, work.txs, uncles, work.receipts)

	// We only care about logging if we're actually mining.
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 1 {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("commit new work on block %v with %d txs & %d uncles. Took %v\n", work.Block.Number(), work.tcount, len(uncles), time.Since(tstart))
		self.logLocalMinedBlocks(work, previous)
Esempio n. 6
// WriteGenesisBlock writes the genesis block to the database as block number 0
func WriteGenesisBlock(chainDb ethdb.Database, reader io.Reader) (*types.Block, error) {
	contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var genesis struct {
		Nonce      string
		Timestamp  string
		ParentHash string
		ExtraData  string
		GasLimit   string
		Difficulty string
		Mixhash    string
		Coinbase   string
		Alloc      map[string]struct {
			Code    string
			Storage map[string]string
			Balance string

	if err := json.Unmarshal(contents, &genesis); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// creating with empty hash always works
	statedb, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, chainDb)
	for addr, account := range genesis.Alloc {
		address := common.HexToAddress(addr)
		statedb.AddBalance(address, common.String2Big(account.Balance))
		statedb.SetCode(address, common.Hex2Bytes(account.Code))
		for key, value := range account.Storage {
			statedb.SetState(address, common.HexToHash(key), common.HexToHash(value))
	root, stateBatch := statedb.CommitBatch()

	difficulty := common.String2Big(genesis.Difficulty)
	block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
		Nonce:      types.EncodeNonce(common.String2Big(genesis.Nonce).Uint64()),
		Time:       common.String2Big(genesis.Timestamp),
		ParentHash: common.HexToHash(genesis.ParentHash),
		Extra:      common.FromHex(genesis.ExtraData),
		GasLimit:   common.String2Big(genesis.GasLimit),
		Difficulty: difficulty,
		MixDigest:  common.HexToHash(genesis.Mixhash),
		Coinbase:   common.HexToAddress(genesis.Coinbase),
		Root:       root,
	}, nil, nil, nil)

	if block := GetBlock(chainDb, block.Hash()); block != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Genesis block already in chain. Writing canonical number")
		err := WriteCanonicalHash(chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return block, nil

	if err := stateBatch.Write(); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot write state: %v", err)
	if err := WriteTd(chainDb, block.Hash(), difficulty); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteBlock(chainDb, block); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteBlockReceipts(chainDb, block.Hash(), nil); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteCanonicalHash(chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteHeadBlockHash(chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return block, nil