Esempio n. 1
// Watching determines if the given dependency is being watched.
func (w *Watcher) Watching(d dep.Dependency) bool {
	defer w.Unlock()

	_, ok := w.depViewMap[d.HashCode()]
	return ok
Esempio n. 2
File: brain.go Progetto: nak3/nomad
// Forget accepts a dependency and removes all associated data with this
// dependency. It also resets the "receivedData" internal map.
func (b *Brain) Forget(d dep.Dependency) {
	defer b.Unlock()

	delete(, d.HashCode())
	delete(b.receivedData, d.HashCode())
Esempio n. 3
File: brain.go Progetto: nak3/nomad
// Remember accepts a dependency and the data to store associated with that
// dep. This function converts the given data to a proper type and stores
// it interally.
func (b *Brain) Remember(d dep.Dependency, data interface{}) {
	defer b.Unlock()[d.HashCode()] = data
	b.receivedData[d.HashCode()] = struct{}{}
Esempio n. 4
// ForceWatching is used to force setting the internal state of watching
// a depedency. This is only used for unit testing purposes.
func (w *Watcher) ForceWatching(d dep.Dependency, enabled bool) {
	defer w.Unlock()

	if enabled {
		w.depViewMap[d.HashCode()] = nil
	} else {
		delete(w.depViewMap, d.HashCode())
Esempio n. 5
File: brain.go Progetto: nak3/nomad
// Recall gets the current value for the given dependency in the Brain.
func (b *Brain) Recall(d dep.Dependency) (interface{}, bool) {
	defer b.RUnlock()

	// If we have not received data for this dependency, return now.
	if _, ok := b.receivedData[d.HashCode()]; !ok {
		return nil, false

	return[d.HashCode()], true
Esempio n. 6
// Remove removes the given dependency from the list and stops the
// associated View. If a View for the given dependency does not exist, this
// function will return false. If the View does exist, this function will return
// true upon successful deletion.
func (w *Watcher) Remove(d dep.Dependency) bool {
	defer w.Unlock()

	log.Printf("[INFO] (watcher) removing %s", d.Display())

	if view, ok := w.depViewMap[d.HashCode()]; ok {
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] (watcher) actually removing %s", d.Display())
		delete(w.depViewMap, d.HashCode())
		return true

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] (watcher) %s did not exist, skipping", d.Display())
	return false
Esempio n. 7
// Receive accepts a Dependency and data for that dep. This data is
// cached on the Runner. This data is then used to determine if a Template
// is "renderable" (i.e. all its Dependencies have been downloaded at least
// once).
func (r *Runner) Receive(d dep.Dependency, data interface{}) {
	// Just because we received data, it does not mean that we are actually
	// watching for that data. How is that possible you may ask? Well, this
	// Runner's data channel is pooled, meaning it accepts multiple data views
	// before actually blocking. Whilest this runner is performing a Run() and
	// executing diffs, it may be possible that more data was pushed onto the
	// data channel pool for a dependency that we no longer care about.
	// Accepting this dependency would introduce stale data into the brain, and
	// that is simply unacceptable. In fact, it is a fun little bug:
	// and by "little" bug, I mean really big bug.
	if _, ok := r.dependencies[d.HashCode()]; ok {
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] (runner) receiving dependency %s", d.Display())
		r.brain.Remember(d, data)
Esempio n. 8
// Add adds the given dependency to the list of monitored depedencies
// and start the associated view. If the dependency already exists, no action is
// taken.
// If the Dependency already existed, it this function will return false. If the
// view was successfully created, it will return true. If an error occurs while
// creating the view, it will be returned here (but future errors returned by
// the view will happen on the channel).
func (w *Watcher) Add(d dep.Dependency) (bool, error) {
	defer w.Unlock()

	log.Printf("[INFO] (watcher) adding %s", d.Display())

	if _, ok := w.depViewMap[d.HashCode()]; ok {
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] (watcher) %s already exists, skipping", d.Display())
		return false, nil

	v, err := NewView(w.config, d)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] (watcher) %s starting", d.Display())

	w.depViewMap[d.HashCode()] = v
	go v.poll(w.DataCh, w.ErrCh)

	return true, nil
// addDependency adds the given Dependency to the map.
func addDependency(m map[string]dep.Dependency, d dep.Dependency) {
	if _, ok := m[d.HashCode()]; !ok {
		m[d.HashCode()] = d
Esempio n. 10
// Receive accepts data from Consul and maps that data to the prefix.
func (r *Runner) Receive(d dep.Dependency, data interface{}) {
	defer r.Unlock()[d.HashCode()] = data.([]*dep.KeyPair)