Esempio n. 1
// templateRunner returns a consul-template runner for the given templates and a
// lookup by destination to the template. If no templates are given, a nil
// template runner and lookup is returned.
func templateRunner(tmpls []*structs.Template, config *config.Config,
	vaultToken, taskDir string, taskEnv *env.TaskEnvironment) (
	*manager.Runner, map[string][]*structs.Template, error) {

	if len(tmpls) == 0 {
		return nil, nil, nil

	runnerConfig, err := runnerConfig(config, vaultToken)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Parse the templates
	allowAbs := config.ReadBoolDefault(hostSrcOption, true)
	ctmplMapping, err := parseTemplateConfigs(tmpls, taskDir, taskEnv, allowAbs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Set the config
	flat := make([]*ctconf.ConfigTemplate, 0, len(ctmplMapping))
	for ctmpl := range ctmplMapping {
		local := ctmpl
		flat = append(flat, &local)
	runnerConfig.ConfigTemplates = flat

	runner, err := manager.NewRunner(runnerConfig, false, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Build the lookup
	idMap := runner.ConfigTemplateMapping()
	lookup := make(map[string][]*structs.Template, len(idMap))
	for id, ctmpls := range idMap {
		for _, ctmpl := range ctmpls {
			templates := lookup[id]
			templates = append(templates, ctmplMapping[ctmpl])
			lookup[id] = templates

	return runner, lookup, nil
Esempio n. 2
// Run accepts a slice of arguments and returns an int representing the exit
// status from the command.
func (cli *CLI) Run(args []string) int {
	// Parse the flags
	config, once, dry, version, err := cli.ParseFlags(args[1:])
	if err != nil {
		if err == flag.ErrHelp {
			return 0
		return cli.handleError(err, ExitCodeParseFlagsError)

	// Save original config (defaults + parsed flags) for handling reloads
	baseConfig := config.Copy()

	// Setup the config and logging
	config, err = cli.setup(config)
	if err != nil {
		return cli.handleError(err, ExitCodeConfigError)

	// Print version information for debugging
	log.Printf("[INFO] %s", humanVersion)

	// If the version was requested, return an "error" containing the version
	// information. This might sound weird, but most *nix applications actually
	// print their version on stderr anyway.
	if version {
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] (cli) version flag was given, exiting now")
		fmt.Fprintf(cli.errStream, "%s\n", humanVersion)
		return ExitCodeOK

	// Initial runner
	runner, err := manager.NewRunner(config, dry, once)
	if err != nil {
		return cli.handleError(err, ExitCodeRunnerError)
	go runner.Start()

	// Listen for signals

	for {
		select {
		case err := <-runner.ErrCh:
			// Check if the runner's error returned a specific exit status, and return
			// that value. If no value was given, return a generic exit status.
			code := ExitCodeRunnerError
			if typed, ok := err.(manager.ErrExitable); ok {
				code = typed.ExitStatus()
			return cli.handleError(err, code)
		case <-runner.DoneCh:
			return ExitCodeOK
		case s := <-cli.signalCh:
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] (cli) receiving signal %q", s)

			switch s {
			case *config.ReloadSignal:
				fmt.Fprintf(cli.errStream, "Reloading configuration...\n")

				// Load the new configuration from disk
				config, err = cli.setup(baseConfig)
				if err != nil {
					return cli.handleError(err, ExitCodeConfigError)

				runner, err = manager.NewRunner(config, dry, once)
				if err != nil {
					return cli.handleError(err, ExitCodeRunnerError)
				go runner.Start()
			case *config.KillSignal:
				fmt.Fprintf(cli.errStream, "Cleaning up...\n")
				return ExitCodeInterrupt
			case signals.SignalLookup["SIGCHLD"]:
				// The SIGCHLD signal is sent to the parent of a child process when it
				// exits, is interrupted, or resumes after being interrupted. We ignore
				// this signal because the child process is monitored on its own.
				// Also, the reason we do a lookup instead of a direct syscall.SIGCHLD
				// is because that isn't defined on Windows.
				// Propogate the signal to the child process
		case <-cli.stopCh:
			return ExitCodeOK