func resource_aws_r53_record_refresh(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	p := meta.(*ResourceProvider)
	conn := p.route53

	zone := s.Attributes["zone_id"]
	lopts := &route53.ListOpts{
		Name: s.Attributes["name"],
		Type: s.Attributes["type"],
	resp, err := conn.ListResourceRecordSets(zone, lopts)
	if err != nil {
		return s, err

	// Scan for a matching record
	found := false
	for _, record := range resp.Records {
		if route53.FQDN(record.Name) != route53.FQDN(lopts.Name) {
		if strings.ToUpper(record.Type) != strings.ToUpper(lopts.Type) {

		found = true
		resource_aws_r53_record_update_state(s, &record)
	if !found {
		s.ID = ""
	return s, nil
func resource_aws_subnet_create(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	d *terraform.ResourceDiff,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	p := meta.(*ResourceProvider)
	ec2conn := p.ec2conn

	// Merge the diff so that we have all the proper attributes
	s = s.MergeDiff(d)

	// Create the Subnet
	createOpts := &ec2.CreateSubnet{
		AvailabilityZone: s.Attributes["availability_zone"],
		CidrBlock:        s.Attributes["cidr_block"],
		VpcId:            s.Attributes["vpc_id"],
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Subnet create config: %#v", createOpts)
	resp, err := ec2conn.CreateSubnet(createOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating subnet: %s", err)

	// Get the ID and store it
	subnet := &resp.Subnet
	s.ID = subnet.SubnetId
	log.Printf("[INFO] Subnet ID: %s", s.ID)

	// Wait for the Subnet to become available
		"[DEBUG] Waiting for subnet (%s) to become available",
	stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
		Pending: []string{"pending"},
		Target:  "available",
		Refresh: SubnetStateRefreshFunc(ec2conn, s.ID),
		Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
	subnetRaw, err := stateConf.WaitForState()
	if err != nil {
		return s, fmt.Errorf(
			"Error waiting for subnet (%s) to become available: %s",
			s.ID, err)

	// Map public ip on launch must be set in another API call
	if attr := s.Attributes["map_public_ip_on_launch"]; attr == "true" {
		modifyOpts := &ec2.ModifySubnetAttribute{
			SubnetId:            s.ID,
			MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true,
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Subnet modify attributes: %#v", modifyOpts)
		_, err := ec2conn.ModifySubnetAttribute(modifyOpts)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error modify subnet attributes: %s", err)

	// Update our attributes and return
	return resource_aws_subnet_update_state(s, subnetRaw.(*ec2.Subnet))
Esempio n. 3
// Apply performs a create or update depending on the diff, and calls
// the proper function on the matching Resource.
func (m *Map) Apply(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	d *terraform.ResourceDiff,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	r, ok := m.Mapping[s.Type]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown resource type: %s", s.Type)

	if d.Destroy || d.RequiresNew() {
		if s.ID != "" {
			// Destroy the resource if it is created
			err := r.Destroy(s, meta)
			if err != nil {
				return s, err

			s.ID = ""

		// If we're only destroying, and not creating, then return now.
		// Otherwise, we continue so that we can create a new resource.
		if !d.RequiresNew() {
			return nil, nil

	var result *terraform.ResourceState
	var err error
	if s.ID == "" {
		result, err = r.Create(s, d, meta)
	} else {
		if r.Update == nil {
			return s, fmt.Errorf(
				"Resource type '%s' doesn't support update",

		result, err = r.Update(s, d, meta)
	if result != nil {
		if result.Attributes == nil {
			result.Attributes = make(map[string]string)

		result.Attributes["id"] = result.ID

	return result, err
func resource_aws_r53_zone_refresh(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	p := meta.(*ResourceProvider)
	r53 := p.route53

	_, err := r53.GetHostedZone(s.Attributes["zone_id"])
	if err != nil {
		// Handle a deleted zone
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "404") {
			s.ID = ""
			return s, nil
		return s, err
	return s, nil
func resource_aws_vpc_create(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	d *terraform.ResourceDiff,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	p := meta.(*ResourceProvider)
	ec2conn := p.ec2conn

	// Merge the diff so that we have all the proper attributes
	s = s.MergeDiff(d)

	// Create the VPC
	createOpts := &ec2.CreateVpc{
		CidrBlock: s.Attributes["cidr_block"],
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC create config: %#v", createOpts)
	vpcResp, err := ec2conn.CreateVpc(createOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating VPC: %s", err)

	// Get the ID and store it
	vpc := &vpcResp.VPC
	log.Printf("[INFO] VPC ID: %s", vpc.VpcId)
	s.ID = vpc.VpcId

	// Wait for the VPC to become available
		"[DEBUG] Waiting for VPC (%s) to become available",
	stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
		Pending: []string{"pending"},
		Target:  "available",
		Refresh: VPCStateRefreshFunc(ec2conn, s.ID),
		Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
	vpcRaw, err := stateConf.WaitForState()
	if err != nil {
		return s, fmt.Errorf(
			"Error waiting for VPC (%s) to become available: %s",
			s.ID, err)

	// Update our attributes and return
	return resource_aws_vpc_update_state(s, vpcRaw.(*ec2.VPC))
Esempio n. 6
// State returns the new ResourceState after the diff and any Set
// calls.
func (d *ResourceData) State() *terraform.ResourceState {
	var result terraform.ResourceState
	result.ID = d.Id()

	// If we have no ID, then this resource doesn't exist and we just
	// return nil.
	if result.ID == "" {
		return nil

	result.Attributes = d.stateObject("", d.schema)
	result.ConnInfo = d.ConnInfo()
	result.Dependencies = d.Dependencies()

	if v := d.Id(); v != "" {
		result.Attributes["id"] = d.Id()

	return &result
func resource_aws_route_table_create(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	d *terraform.ResourceDiff,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	p := meta.(*ResourceProvider)
	ec2conn := p.ec2conn

	// Create the routing table
	createOpts := &ec2.CreateRouteTable{
		VpcId: d.Attributes["vpc_id"].New,
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] RouteTable create config: %#v", createOpts)
	resp, err := ec2conn.CreateRouteTable(createOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating route table: %s", err)

	// Get the ID and store it
	rt := &resp.RouteTable
	s.ID = rt.RouteTableId
	log.Printf("[INFO] Route Table ID: %s", s.ID)

	// Wait for the route table to become available
		"[DEBUG] Waiting for route table (%s) to become available",
	stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
		Pending: []string{"pending"},
		Target:  "ready",
		Refresh: RouteTableStateRefreshFunc(ec2conn, s.ID),
		Timeout: 1 * time.Minute,
	if _, err := stateConf.WaitForState(); err != nil {
		return s, fmt.Errorf(
			"Error waiting for route table (%s) to become available: %s",
			s.ID, err)

	// Update our routes
	return resource_aws_route_table_update(s, d, meta)
func resource_aws_internet_gateway_create(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	d *terraform.ResourceDiff,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	p := meta.(*ResourceProvider)
	ec2conn := p.ec2conn

	// Create the gateway
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Creating internet gateway")
	resp, err := ec2conn.CreateInternetGateway(nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating subnet: %s", err)

	// Get the ID and store it
	ig := &resp.InternetGateway
	s.ID = ig.InternetGatewayId
	log.Printf("[INFO] InternetGateway ID: %s", s.ID)

	// Update our attributes and return
	return resource_aws_internet_gateway_update(s, d, meta)
Esempio n. 9
func resource_aws_vpc_create(
	s *terraform.ResourceState,
	d *terraform.ResourceDiff,
	meta interface{}) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
	p := meta.(*ResourceProvider)
	ec2conn := p.ec2conn

	// Merge the diff so that we have all the proper attributes
	s = s.MergeDiff(d)

	// Create the VPC
	createOpts := &ec2.CreateVpc{
		CidrBlock: s.Attributes["cidr_block"],
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC create config: %#v", createOpts)
	vpcResp, err := ec2conn.CreateVpc(createOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating VPC: %s", err)

	// Get the ID and store it
	vpc := &vpcResp.VPC
	log.Printf("[INFO] VPC ID: %s", vpc.VpcId)
	s.ID = vpc.VpcId

	// Wait for the VPC to become available
		"[DEBUG] Waiting for VPC (%s) to become available",
	stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
		Pending: []string{"pending"},
		Target:  "available",
		Refresh: VPCStateRefreshFunc(ec2conn, s.ID),
		Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
	vpcRaw, err := stateConf.WaitForState()
	if err != nil {
		return s, fmt.Errorf(
			"Error waiting for VPC (%s) to become available: %s",
			s.ID, err)

	if attr, ok := d.Attributes["enable_dns_support"]; ok {
		options := new(ec2.ModifyVpcAttribute)

		options.EnableDnsSupport = attr.New != "" && attr.New != "false"
		options.SetEnableDnsSupport = true

		s.Attributes["enable_dns_support"] = strconv.FormatBool(options.EnableDnsSupport)

		log.Printf("[INFO] Modifying vpc attributes for %s: %#v", s.ID, options)

		if _, err := ec2conn.ModifyVpcAttribute(s.ID, options); err != nil {
			return s, err

	if attr, ok := d.Attributes["enable_dns_hostnames"]; ok {
		options := new(ec2.ModifyVpcAttribute)

		options.EnableDnsHostnames = attr.New != "" && attr.New != "false"
		options.SetEnableDnsHostnames = true

		s.Attributes["enable_dns_hostnames"] = strconv.FormatBool(options.EnableDnsHostnames)

		log.Printf("[INFO] Modifying enable_dns_hostnames vpc attribute for %s: %#v", s.ID, options)

		if _, err := ec2conn.ModifyVpcAttribute(s.ID, options); err != nil {
			return s, err

	// Update our attributes and return
	return resource_aws_vpc_update_state(s, vpcRaw.(*ec2.VPC))