Esempio n. 1
// TestUpgradeAndInvoke deploys chaincode_example01, upgrade it with chaincode_example02, then invoke it
func TestDeployAndUpgrade(t *testing.T) {
	chainID := util.GetTestChainID()
	var ctxt = context.Background()

	url1 := ""
	url2 := ""
	chaincodeID1 := &pb.ChaincodeID{Path: url1, Name: "upgradeex01"}
	chaincodeID2 := &pb.ChaincodeID{Path: url2, Name: "upgradeex01"}

	f := "init"
	argsDeploy := util.ToChaincodeArgs(f, "a", "100", "b", "200")
	spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: chaincodeID1, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: argsDeploy}}

	cccid1 := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, "upgradeex01", "", "", false, nil)
	cccid2 := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, "upgradeex02", "", "", false, nil)

	resp, prop, err := deploy(endorserServer, chainID, spec, nil)

	chaincodeName := spec.ChaincodeID.Name
	if err != nil {
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid1, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID1}})
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid2, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID2}})
		t.Logf("Error deploying <%s>: %s", chaincodeName, err)

	err = endorserServer.(*Endorser).commitTxSimulation(prop, chainID, signer, resp)
	if err != nil {
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid1, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID1}})
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid2, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID2}})
		t.Logf("Error committing <%s>: %s", chaincodeName, err)

	argsUpgrade := util.ToChaincodeArgs(f, "a", "150", "b", "300")
	spec = &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: chaincodeID2, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: argsUpgrade}}
	resp, prop, err = upgrade(endorserServer, chainID, spec, nil)
	if err != nil {
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid1, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID1}})
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid2, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID2}})
		t.Logf("Error upgrading <%s>: %s", chaincodeName, err)

	fmt.Printf("Upgrade test passed\n")
	t.Logf("Upgrade test passed")

	chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid1, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID1}})
	chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid2, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID2}})
Esempio n. 2
//call specified chaincode (system or user)
func (e *Endorser) callChaincode(ctxt context.Context, chainID string, txid string, prop *pb.Proposal, cis *pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec, cid *pb.ChaincodeID, txsim ledger.TxSimulator) ([]byte, *pb.ChaincodeEvent, error) {
	var err error
	var b []byte
	var ccevent *pb.ChaincodeEvent

	if txsim != nil {
		ctxt = context.WithValue(ctxt, chaincode.TXSimulatorKey, txsim)

	//is this a system chaincode
	syscc := chaincode.IsSysCC(cid.Name)

	cccid := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, cid.Name, "", txid, syscc, prop)

	b, ccevent, err = chaincode.ExecuteChaincode(ctxt, cccid, cis.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg.Args)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	//if this a call to deploy a chaincode, We need a mechanism
	//to pass TxSimulator into LCCC. Till that is worked out this
	//special code does the actual deploy, upgrade here so as to collect
	//all state under one TxSimulator
	//NOTE that if there's an error all simulation, including the chaincode
	//table changes in lccc will be thrown away
	if cid.Name == "lccc" && len(cis.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg.Args) == 3 && (string(cis.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg.Args[0]) == "deploy" || string(cis.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg.Args[0]) == "upgrade") {
		var cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
		cds, err = putils.GetChaincodeDeploymentSpec(cis.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg.Args[2])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

		//this should not be a system chaincode
		if chaincode.IsSysCC(cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name) {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("attempting to deploy a system chaincode %s/%s", cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name, chainID)

		cccid = chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name, "", txid, false, prop)

		err = e.deploy(ctxt, cccid, cds)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
	//----- END -------

	return b, ccevent, err
Esempio n. 3
//TestRedeploy - deploy two times, second time should fail but example02 should remain deployed
func TestRedeploy(t *testing.T) {
	chainID := util.GetTestChainID()

	//invalid arguments
	spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: "ex02", Path: ""}, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: [][]byte{[]byte("init"), []byte("a"), []byte("100"), []byte("b"), []byte("200")}}}

	cccid := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, "ex02", "", "", false, nil)

	_, _, err := deploy(endorserServer, chainID, spec, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Logf("error in endorserServer.ProcessProposal %s", err)
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(context.Background(), cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})

	//second time should not fail as we are just simulating
	_, _, err = deploy(endorserServer, chainID, spec, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Logf("error in endorserServer.ProcessProposal %s", err)
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(context.Background(), cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})
	chaincode.GetChain().Stop(context.Background(), cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})
Esempio n. 4
//TestDeploy deploy chaincode example01
func TestDeploy(t *testing.T) {
	chainID := util.GetTestChainID()
	spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: "ex01", Path: ""}, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: [][]byte{[]byte("init"), []byte("a"), []byte("100"), []byte("b"), []byte("200")}}}

	cccid := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, "ex01", "", "", false, nil)

	_, _, err := deploy(endorserServer, chainID, spec, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Logf("Deploy-error in deploy %s", err)
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(context.Background(), cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})
	chaincode.GetChain().Stop(context.Background(), cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})
Esempio n. 5
// TestDeployAndInvoke deploys and invokes chaincode_example01
func TestDeployAndInvoke(t *testing.T) {
	chainID := util.GetTestChainID()
	var ctxt = context.Background()

	url := ""
	chaincodeID := &pb.ChaincodeID{Path: url, Name: "ex01"}

	args := []string{"10"}

	f := "init"
	argsDeploy := util.ToChaincodeArgs(f, "a", "100", "b", "200")
	spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: chaincodeID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: argsDeploy}}

	cccid := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, "ex01", "", "", false, nil)

	resp, prop, err := deploy(endorserServer, chainID, spec, nil)
	chaincodeID1 := spec.ChaincodeID.Name
	if err != nil {
		t.Logf("Error deploying <%s>: %s", chaincodeID1, err)
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID}})

	err = endorserServer.(*Endorser).commitTxSimulation(prop, chainID, signer, resp)
	if err != nil {
		t.Logf("Error committing <%s>: %s", chaincodeID1, err)
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID}})

	f = "invoke"
	invokeArgs := append([]string{f}, args...)
	spec = &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: chaincodeID, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: util.ToChaincodeArgs(invokeArgs...)}}
	resp, err = invoke(chainID, spec)
	if err != nil {
		t.Logf("Error invoking transaction: %s", err)
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID}})

	fmt.Printf("Invoke test passed\n")
	t.Logf("Invoke test passed")

	chaincode.GetChain().Stop(ctxt, cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{ChaincodeID: chaincodeID}})
Esempio n. 6
func isTxValidForVscc(payload *common.Payload, envBytes []byte) error {
	// TODO: Extract the VSCC/policy from LCCC as soon as this is ready
	vscc := "vscc"

	chainName := payload.Header.ChainHeader.ChainID
	if chainName == "" {
		err := fmt.Errorf("transaction header does not contain an chain ID")
		logger.Errorf("%s", err)
		return err

	txid := "N/A" // FIXME: is that appropriate?

	// build arguments for VSCC invocation
	// args[0] - function name (not used now)
	// args[1] - serialized Envelope
	args := [][]byte{[]byte(""), envBytes}

	// create VSCC invocation proposal
	vsccCis := &pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec{ChaincodeSpec: &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: pb.ChaincodeSpec_GOLANG, ChaincodeID: &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: vscc}, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: args}}}
	prop, err := putils.CreateProposalFromCIS(txid, chainName, vsccCis, []byte(""))
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("Cannot create a proposal to invoke VSCC, err %s\n", err)
		return err

	// get context for the chaincode execution
	var txsim ledger.TxSimulator
	lgr := peer.GetLedger(chainName)
	txsim, err = lgr.NewTxSimulator()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("Cannot obtain tx simulator, err %s\n", err)
		return err
	defer txsim.Done()
	ctxt := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chaincode.TXSimulatorKey, txsim)

	cccid := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainName, vscc, "", txid, true, prop)

	// invoke VSCC
	_, _, err = chaincode.ExecuteChaincode(ctxt, cccid, args)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("VSCC check failed for transaction, error %s", err)
		return err

	return nil
Esempio n. 7
//TestDeployBadPayload set payload to nil and do a deploy. It should fail and example02 should not be deployed
func TestDeployBadPayload(t *testing.T) {
	chainID := util.GetTestChainID()
	//invalid arguments
	spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{Type: 1, ChaincodeID: &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: "ex02", Path: ""}, CtorMsg: &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: [][]byte{[]byte("init"), []byte("a"), []byte("100"), []byte("b"), []byte("200")}}}

	cccid := chaincode.NewCCContext(chainID, "ex02", "", "", false, nil)

	f := func(cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) {
		cds.CodePackage = nil
	_, _, err := deploy(endorserServer, chainID, spec, f)
	if err == nil {
		t.Log("DeployBadPayload-expected error in deploy but succeeded")
		chaincode.GetChain().Stop(context.Background(), cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})
	chaincode.GetChain().Stop(context.Background(), cccid, &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec})