func generatePagingLinks(baseURL url.URL, query search.Query, total uint32) []models.BundleLinkComponent {
	links := make([]models.BundleLinkComponent, 0, 5)
	params := query.URLQueryParameters(true)
	offset := 0
	if pOffset := params.Get(search.OffsetParam); pOffset != "" {
		offset, _ = strconv.Atoi(pOffset)
		if offset < 0 {
			offset = 0
	count := search.NewQueryOptions().Count
	if pCount := params.Get(search.CountParam); pCount != "" {
		count, _ = strconv.Atoi(pCount)
		if count < 1 {
			count = search.NewQueryOptions().Count

	// Self link
	links = append(links, newLink("self", baseURL, params, offset, count))

	// First link
	links = append(links, newLink("first", baseURL, params, 0, count))

	// Previous link
	if offset > 0 {
		prevOffset := offset - count
		// Handle case where paging is uneven (e.g., count=10&offset=5)
		if prevOffset < 0 {
			prevOffset = 0
		prevCount := offset - prevOffset
		links = append(links, newLink("previous", baseURL, params, prevOffset, prevCount))

	// Next Link
	if total > uint32(offset+count) {
		nextOffset := offset + count
		links = append(links, newLink("next", baseURL, params, nextOffset, count))

	// Last Link
	remainder := (int(total) - offset) % count
	if int(total) < offset {
		remainder = 0
	newOffset := int(total) - remainder
	if remainder == 0 && int(total) > count {
		newOffset = int(total) - count
	links = append(links, newLink("last", baseURL, params, newOffset, count))

	return links
Esempio n. 2
func generatePagingLinks(r *http.Request, query search.Query, total uint32) []models.BundleLinkComponent {
	links := make([]models.BundleLinkComponent, 0, 5)
	values := query.NormalizedQueryValues(false)
	options := query.Options()
	count := uint32(options.Count)
	offset := uint32(options.Offset)

	// First create the base URL for paging
	baseURL := responseURL(r, query.Resource)

	// Self link
	links = append(links, newLink("self", baseURL, values, count, offset))

	// First link
	links = append(links, newLink("first", baseURL, values, count, uint32(0)))

	// Previous link
	if offset > uint32(0) {
		newOffset := offset - count
		// Handle case where paging is uneven (e.g., count=10&offset=5)
		if count > offset {
			newOffset = uint32(0)
		links = append(links, newLink("previous", baseURL, values, offset-newOffset, newOffset))

	// Next Link
	if total > (offset + count) {
		links = append(links, newLink("next", baseURL, values, count, offset+count))

	// Last Link
	remainder := (total - offset) % count
	if total < offset {
		remainder = uint32(0)
	newOffset := total - remainder
	if remainder == uint32(0) && total > count {
		newOffset = total - count
	links = append(links, newLink("last", baseURL, values, count, newOffset))

	return links
func (dal *mongoDataAccessLayer) Search(baseURL url.URL, searchQuery search.Query) (*models.Bundle, error) {
	searcher := search.NewMongoSearcher(dal.Database)

	var result interface{}
	var err error
	usesIncludes := len(searchQuery.Options().Include) > 0
	usesRevIncludes := len(searchQuery.Options().RevInclude) > 0
	// Only use (slower) pipeline if it is needed
	if usesIncludes || usesRevIncludes {
		result = models.NewSlicePlusForResourceName(searchQuery.Resource, 0, 0)
		err = searcher.CreatePipeline(searchQuery).All(result)
	} else {
		result = models.NewSliceForResourceName(searchQuery.Resource, 0, 0)
		err = searcher.CreateQuery(searchQuery).All(result)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, convertMongoErr(err)

	includesMap := make(map[string]interface{})
	var entryList []models.BundleEntryComponent
	resultVal := reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem()
	for i := 0; i < resultVal.Len(); i++ {
		var entry models.BundleEntryComponent
		entry.Resource = resultVal.Index(i).Addr().Interface()
		entry.Search = &models.BundleEntrySearchComponent{Mode: "match"}
		entryList = append(entryList, entry)

		if usesIncludes || usesRevIncludes {
			rpi, ok := entry.Resource.(ResourcePlusRelatedResources)
			if ok {
				for k, v := range rpi.GetIncludedAndRevIncludedResources() {
					includesMap[k] = v

	for _, v := range includesMap {
		var entry models.BundleEntryComponent
		entry.Resource = v
		entry.Search = &models.BundleEntrySearchComponent{Mode: "include"}
		entryList = append(entryList, entry)

	var bundle models.Bundle
	bundle.Id = bson.NewObjectId().Hex()
	bundle.Type = "searchset"
	bundle.Entry = entryList

	options := searchQuery.Options()

	// Need to get the true total (not just how many were returned in this response)
	var total uint32
	if resultVal.Len() == options.Count || resultVal.Len() == 0 {
		// Need to get total count from the server, since there may be more or the offset was too high
		intTotal, err := searcher.CreateQueryWithoutOptions(searchQuery).Count()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, convertMongoErr(err)
		total = uint32(intTotal)
	} else {
		// We can figure out the total by adding the offset and # results returned
		total = uint32(options.Offset + resultVal.Len())
	bundle.Total = &total

	// Add links for paging
	bundle.Link = generatePagingLinks(baseURL, searchQuery, total)

	return &bundle, nil
Esempio n. 4
func (rc *ResourceController) IndexHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
			switch x := r.(type) {
			case search.Error:
				outcome := &models.OperationOutcome{
					Issue: []models.OperationOutcomeIssueComponent{
							Severity: "fatal",
							Code:     "exception",

	result := models.NewSliceForResourceName(rc.Name, 0, 0)

	// Create and execute the Mongo query based on the http query params
	searcher := search.NewMongoSearcher(Database)
	searchQuery := search.Query{Resource: rc.Name, Query: r.URL.RawQuery}
	mgoQuery := searcher.CreateQuery(searchQuery)

	// Horrible, horrible hack (for now) to ensure patients are sorted by name.  This is needed by
	// the frontend, else paging won't work correctly.  This should be removed when the general
	// sorting feature is implemented.
	if rc.Name == "Patient" {
		// To add insult to injury, mongo will not let us sort by family *and* given name:
		// Executor error: BadValue cannot sort with keys that are parallel arrays
		mgoQuery = mgoQuery.Sort("" /*", name.0.given.0"*/, "_id")

	err := mgoQuery.All(result)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(rw, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

	var entryList []models.BundleEntryComponent
	resultVal := reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem()
	for i := 0; i < resultVal.Len(); i++ {
		var entry models.BundleEntryComponent
		entry.Resource = resultVal.Index(i).Addr().Interface()
		entryList = append(entryList, entry)

	var bundle models.Bundle
	bundle.Id = bson.NewObjectId().Hex()
	bundle.Type = "searchset"
	bundle.Entry = entryList

	options := searchQuery.Options()

	// Need to get the true total (not just how many were returned in this response)
	var total uint32
	if resultVal.Len() == options.Count || resultVal.Len() == 0 {
		// Need to get total count from the server, since there may be more or the offset was too high
		intTotal, err := searcher.CreateQueryWithoutOptions(searchQuery).Count()
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(rw, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		total = uint32(intTotal)
	} else {
		// We can figure out the total by adding the offset and # results returned
		total = uint32(options.Offset + resultVal.Len())
	bundle.Total = &total

	// Add links for paging
	bundle.Link = generatePagingLinks(r, searchQuery, total)

	context.Set(r, rc.Name, reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Interface())
	context.Set(r, "Resource", rc.Name)
	context.Set(r, "Action", "search")

	rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
	rw.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")