Esempio n. 1
func PutRecordToRouting(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, seqnum uint64, eol time.Time, r routing.IpfsRouting, id peer.ID) error {
	namekey, ipnskey := IpnsKeysForID(id)
	entry, err := CreateRoutingEntryData(k, value, seqnum, eol)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	ttl, ok := checkCtxTTL(ctx)
	if ok {
		entry.Ttl = proto.Uint64(uint64(ttl.Nanoseconds()))

	errs := make(chan error)

	go func() {
		errs <- PublishEntry(ctx, r, ipnskey, entry)

	go func() {
		errs <- PublishPublicKey(ctx, r, namekey, k.GetPublic())

	err = waitOnErrChan(ctx, errs)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = waitOnErrChan(ctx, errs)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Esempio n. 2
func (n *FSNode) GetBytes() ([]byte, error) {
	pbn := new(pb.Data)
	pbn.Type = &n.Type
	pbn.Filesize = proto.Uint64(uint64(len(n.Data)) + n.subtotal)
	pbn.Blocksizes = n.blocksizes
	pbn.Data = n.Data
	return proto.Marshal(pbn)
Esempio n. 3
func BytesForMetadata(m *Metadata) ([]byte, error) {
	pbd := new(pb.Data)
	pbd.Filesize = proto.Uint64(m.Size)
	typ := pb.Data_Metadata
	pbd.Type = &typ
	mdd, err := m.Bytes()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	pbd.Data = mdd
	return proto.Marshal(pbd)
Esempio n. 4
func WrapData(b []byte) []byte {
	pbdata := new(pb.Data)
	typ := pb.Data_Raw
	pbdata.Data = b
	pbdata.Type = &typ
	pbdata.Filesize = proto.Uint64(uint64(len(b)))

	out, err := proto.Marshal(pbdata)
	if err != nil {
		// This shouldnt happen. seriously.

	return out
Esempio n. 5
func CreateRoutingEntryData(pk ci.PrivKey, val path.Path, seq uint64, eol time.Time) (*pb.IpnsEntry, error) {
	entry := new(pb.IpnsEntry)

	entry.Value = []byte(val)
	typ := pb.IpnsEntry_EOL
	entry.ValidityType = &typ
	entry.Sequence = proto.Uint64(seq)
	entry.Validity = []byte(u.FormatRFC3339(eol))

	sig, err := pk.Sign(ipnsEntryDataForSig(entry))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	entry.Signature = sig
	return entry, nil
Esempio n. 6
func FilePBData(data []byte, totalsize uint64) []byte {
	pbfile := new(pb.Data)
	typ := pb.Data_File
	pbfile.Type = &typ
	pbfile.Data = data
	pbfile.Filesize = proto.Uint64(totalsize)

	data, err := proto.Marshal(pbfile)
	if err != nil {
		// This really shouldnt happen, i promise
		// The only failure case for marshal is if required fields
		// are not filled out, and they all are. If the proto object
		// gets changed and nobody updates this function, the code
		// should panic due to programmer error
	return data