Esempio n. 1
	swarm ""
	protocol ""
	testutil ""
	u ""
	logging ""

	ps ""
	context ""

func init() {
	// change the garbage collect timeout for testing.
	ps.GarbageCollectTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond

var log = logging.Logger("reconnect")

func EchoStreamHandler(stream inet.Stream) {
	c := stream.Conn()
	log.Debugf("%s echoing %s", c.LocalPeer(), c.RemotePeer())
	go func() {
		defer stream.Close()
		io.Copy(stream, stream)

type sendChans struct {
	send   chan struct{}
	sent   chan struct{}
	read   chan struct{}
	close_ chan struct{}
Esempio n. 2
import (

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("fsrepo")

// ReadConfigFile reads the config from `filename` into `cfg`.
func ReadConfigFile(filename string, cfg interface{}) error {
	f, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer f.Close()
	if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(cfg); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failure to decode config: %s", err)
	return nil

// WriteConfigFile writes the config from `cfg` into `filename`.
Esempio n. 3
package host

import (
	ma ""
	context ""
	logging ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	protocol ""
	metrics ""

var log = logging.Logger("p2p/host")

// Host is an object participating in a p2p network, which
// implements protocols or provides services. It handles
// requests like a Server, and issues requests like a Client.
// It is called Host because it is both Server and Client (and Peer
// may be confusing).
type Host interface {
	// ID returns the (local) peer.ID associated with this Host
	ID() peer.ID

	// Peerstore returns the Host's repository of Peer Addresses and Keys.
	Peerstore() peer.Peerstore

	// Returns the listen addresses of the Host
	Addrs() []ma.Multiaddr

	// Networks returns the Network interface of the Host
	Network() inet.Network
Esempio n. 4
import (

	bal ""
	h ""
	trickle ""
	dag ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("importer")

// Builds a DAG from the given file, writing created blocks to disk as they are
// created
func BuildDagFromFile(fpath string, ds dag.DAGService, mp pin.ManualPinner) (*dag.Node, error) {
	stat, err := os.Lstat(fpath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if stat.IsDir() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("`%s` is a directory", fpath)

	f, err := files.NewSerialFile(fpath, fpath, stat)
	if err != nil {
Esempio n. 5
	trickle ""
	mdag ""
	pin ""
	ft ""
	uio ""
	logging ""

var ErrSeekFail = errors.New("failed to seek properly")
var ErrSeekEndNotImpl = errors.New("SEEK_END currently not implemented")
var ErrUnrecognizedWhence = errors.New("unrecognized whence")

// 2MB
var writebufferSize = 1 << 21

var log = logging.Logger("dagio")

// DagModifier is the only struct licensed and able to correctly
// perform surgery on a DAG 'file'
// Dear god, please rename this to something more pleasant
type DagModifier struct {
	dagserv mdag.DAGService
	curNode *mdag.Node
	mp      pin.ManualPinner

	splitter   chunk.SplitterGen
	ctx        context.Context
	readCancel func()

	writeStart uint64
	curWrOff   uint64
Esempio n. 6
	ggio ""
	context ""

	key ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	dhtpb ""
	kbucket ""
	logging ""

const ProtocolSNR = "/ipfs/supernoderouting"

var log = logging.Logger("supernode/proxy")

type Proxy interface {
	Bootstrap(context.Context) error
	SendMessage(ctx context.Context, m *dhtpb.Message) error
	SendRequest(ctx context.Context, m *dhtpb.Message) (*dhtpb.Message, error)

type standard struct {
	Host host.Host

	remoteInfos []peer.PeerInfo // addr required for bootstrapping
	remoteIDs   []peer.ID       // []ID is required for each req. here, cached for performance.
Esempio n. 7
package queue

import (
	context ""
	logging ""
	peer ""

var log = logging.Logger("peerqueue")

// ChanQueue makes any PeerQueue synchronizable through channels.
type ChanQueue struct {
	Queue   PeerQueue
	EnqChan chan<- peer.ID
	DeqChan <-chan peer.ID

// NewChanQueue creates a ChanQueue by wrapping pq.
func NewChanQueue(ctx context.Context, pq PeerQueue) *ChanQueue {
	cq := &ChanQueue{Queue: pq}
	return cq

func (cq *ChanQueue) process(ctx context.Context) {
	// construct the channels here to be able to use them bidirectionally
	enqChan := make(chan peer.ID)
	deqChan := make(chan peer.ID)

	cq.EnqChan = enqChan
	cq.DeqChan = deqChan
Esempio n. 8
import (

	ds ""
	nsds ""
	context ""
	key ""
	mdag ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("pin")
var recursePinDatastoreKey = ds.NewKey("/local/pins/recursive/keys")
var directPinDatastoreKey = ds.NewKey("/local/pins/direct/keys")
var indirectPinDatastoreKey = ds.NewKey("/local/pins/indirect/keys")

type PinMode int

const (
	Recursive PinMode = iota

type Pinner interface {
	IsPinned(key.Key) bool
Esempio n. 9
	addrutil ""
	peer ""
	logging ""

	ma ""
	ps ""
	pst ""
	psy ""
	goprocessctx ""
	prom ""
	mafilter ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("swarm2")

var PSTransport pst.Transport

var peersTotal = prom.NewGaugeVec(prom.GaugeOpts{
	Namespace: "ipfs",
	Subsystem: "p2p",
	Name:      "peers_total",
	Help:      "Number of connected peers",
}, []string{"peer_id"})

func init() {
	tpt := *psy.DefaultTransport
	tpt.MaxStreamWindowSize = 512 * 1024
	PSTransport = &tpt
Esempio n. 10
import (

	process ""
	procctx ""
	ratelimit ""
	blocks ""
	key ""
	exchange ""

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("blockservice")

var DefaultConfig = Config{
	NumWorkers:       1,
	ClientBufferSize: 0,
	WorkerBufferSize: 0,

type Config struct {
	// NumWorkers sets the number of background workers that provide blocks to
	// the exchange.
	NumWorkers int

	// ClientBufferSize allows clients of HasBlock to send up to
	// |ClientBufferSize| blocks without blocking.
	ClientBufferSize int
Esempio n. 11
package reprovide

import (

	backoff ""
	context ""
	blocks ""
	routing ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("reprovider")

type Reprovider struct {
	// The routing system to provide values through
	rsys routing.IpfsRouting

	// The backing store for blocks to be provided
	bstore blocks.Blockstore

func NewReprovider(rsys routing.IpfsRouting, bstore blocks.Blockstore) *Reprovider {
	return &Reprovider{
		rsys:   rsys,
		bstore: bstore,

func (rp *Reprovider) ProvideEvery(ctx context.Context, tick time.Duration) {
Esempio n. 12
import (

	u ""
	testutil ""
	logging ""

	ic ""
	peer ""

	ma ""

var log = logging.Logger("boguskey")

// TestBogusPrivateKey is a key used for testing (to avoid expensive keygen)
type TestBogusPrivateKey []byte

// TestBogusPublicKey is a key used for testing (to avoid expensive keygen)
type TestBogusPublicKey []byte

func (pk TestBogusPublicKey) Verify(data, sig []byte) (bool, error) {
	log.Errorf("TestBogusPublicKey.Verify -- this better be a test!")
	return bytes.Equal(data, reverse(sig)), nil

func (pk TestBogusPublicKey) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte(pk), nil
Esempio n. 13
// package merkledag implements the ipfs Merkle DAG datastructures.
package merkledag

import (

	blocks ""
	key ""
	bserv ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("merkledag")
var ErrNotFound = fmt.Errorf("merkledag: not found")

// DAGService is an IPFS Merkle DAG service.
type DAGService interface {
	Add(*Node) (key.Key, error)
	AddRecursive(*Node) error
	Get(context.Context, key.Key) (*Node, error)
	Remove(*Node) error

	// GetDAG returns, in order, all the single leve child
	// nodes of the passed in node.
	GetDAG(context.Context, *Node) []NodeGetter
	GetNodes(context.Context, []key.Key) []NodeGetter

	Batch() *Batch
Esempio n. 14
	ggio ""
	ma ""
	context ""

	config ""
	logging ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	protocol ""
	pb ""
	lgbl ""
	mstream ""

var log = logging.Logger("net/identify")

// ID is the protocol.ID of the Identify Service.
const ID protocol.ID = "/ipfs/identify"

// IpfsVersion holds the current protocol version for a client running this code
// TODO(jbenet): fix the versioning mess.
const IpfsVersion = "ipfs/0.1.0"
const ClientVersion = "go-ipfs/" + config.CurrentVersionNumber

// IDService is a structure that implements ProtocolIdentify.
// It is a trivial service that gives the other peer some
// useful information about the local peer. A sort of hello.
// The IDService sends:
//  * Our IPFS Protocol Version
Esempio n. 15
	gopath "path"

	context ""

	core ""
	importer ""
	chunk ""
	merkledag ""
	unixfs ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("coreunix")

// Add builds a merkledag from the a reader, pinning all objects to the local
// datastore. Returns a key representing the root node.
func Add(n *core.IpfsNode, r io.Reader) (string, error) {
	// TODO more attractive function signature importer.BuildDagFromReader

	dagNode, err := importer.BuildDagFromReader(
		chunk.NewSizeSplitter(r, chunk.DefaultBlockSize),
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	k, err := dagNode.Key()
Esempio n. 16
	protocol ""
	routing ""
	pb ""
	kb ""
	record ""
	u ""
	logging ""

	proto ""
	ds ""
	goprocess ""
	goprocessctx ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("dht")

var ProtocolDHT protocol.ID = "/ipfs/dht"

// NumBootstrapQueries defines the number of random dht queries to do to
// collect members of the routing table.
const NumBootstrapQueries = 5


// IpfsDHT is an implementation of Kademlia with Coral and S/Kademlia modifications.
// It is used to implement the base IpfsRouting module.
type IpfsDHT struct {
	host      host.Host      // the network services we need
	self      peer.ID        // Local peer (yourself)
	peerstore peer.Peerstore // Peer Registry
Esempio n. 17
	golog "log"

	ma ""
	manet ""

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("mdns")

const ServiceTag = ""

type Service interface {

type Notifee interface {

type mdnsService struct {
	server  *mdns.Server
Esempio n. 18
package commands

import (

	cmds ""
	unixfs ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("core/commands")

type TestOutput struct {
	Foo string
	Bar int

const (
	ApiOption = "api"

var Root = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmds.HelpText{
		Tagline: "global p2p merkle-dag filesystem",
		Synopsis: `
ipfs [<flags>] <command> [<arg>] ...
		ShortDescription: `
Esempio n. 19

	cors ""
	context ""

	cmds ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("commands/http")

// the internal handler for the API
type internalHandler struct {
	ctx  cmds.Context
	root *cmds.Command
	cfg  *ServerConfig

// The Handler struct is funny because we want to wrap our internal handler
// with CORS while keeping our fields.
type Handler struct {
	corsHandler http.Handler
Esempio n. 20
package blockstore

import (

	ds ""
	dsns ""
	dsq ""
	mh ""
	context ""
	blocks ""
	key ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("blockstore")

// BlockPrefix namespaces blockstore datastores
var BlockPrefix = ds.NewKey("blocks")

var ValueTypeMismatch = errors.New("The retrieved value is not a Block")

var ErrNotFound = errors.New("blockstore: block not found")

// Blockstore wraps a ThreadSafeDatastore
type Blockstore interface {
	DeleteBlock(key.Key) error
	Has(key.Key) (bool, error)
	Get(key.Key) (*blocks.Block, error)
	Put(*blocks.Block) error
	PutMany([]*blocks.Block) error
Esempio n. 21
	mount ""
	ipnsfs ""
	merkledag ""
	namesys ""
	path ""
	pin ""
	repo ""
	config ""

const IpnsValidatorTag = "ipns"
const kSizeBlockstoreWriteCache = 100
const kReprovideFrequency = time.Hour * 12
const discoveryConnTimeout = time.Second * 30

var log = logging.Logger("core")

type mode int

const (
	// zero value is not a valid mode, must be explicitly set
	invalidMode mode = iota

// IpfsNode is IPFS Core module. It represents an IPFS instance.
type IpfsNode struct {

	// Self
	Identity peer.ID // the local node's identity
Esempio n. 22

	ggio ""
	proto ""
	ctxio ""
	context ""
	pb ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	protocol ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("diagnostics")

// ProtocolDiag is the diagnostics protocol.ID
var ProtocolDiag protocol.ID = "/ipfs/diagnostics"

var ErrAlreadyRunning = errors.New("diagnostic with that ID already running")

const ResponseTimeout = time.Second * 10
const HopTimeoutDecrement = time.Second * 2

// Diagnostics is a net service that manages requesting and responding to diagnostic
// requests
type Diagnostics struct {
	host host.Host
	self peer.ID
Esempio n. 23
	context ""
	blocks ""
	blockstore ""
	key ""
	exchange ""
	decision ""
	bsmsg ""
	bsnet ""
	notifications ""
	wantlist ""
	peer ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("bitswap")

const (
	// maxProvidersPerRequest specifies the maximum number of providers desired
	// from the network. This value is specified because the network streams
	// results.
	// TODO: if a 'non-nice' strategy is implemented, consider increasing this value
	maxProvidersPerRequest = 3
	providerRequestTimeout = time.Second * 10
	hasBlockTimeout        = time.Second * 15
	provideTimeout         = time.Second * 15
	sizeBatchRequestChan   = 32
	// kMaxPriority is the max priority as defined by the bitswap protocol
	kMaxPriority = math.MaxInt32

	HasBlockBufferSize    = 256
Esempio n. 24

	proto ""

	u ""
	logging ""
	pb ""

var log = logging.Logger("crypto")

var ErrBadKeyType = errors.New("invalid or unsupported key type")

const (
	RSA = iota

// Key represents a crypto key that can be compared to another key
type Key interface {
	// Bytes returns a serialized, storeable representation of this key
	Bytes() ([]byte, error)

	// Hash returns the hash of this key
	Hash() ([]byte, error)
Esempio n. 25

	ma ""
	context ""
	logging ""
	lgbl ""

	routing ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	protocol ""
	metrics ""

var log = logging.Logger("p2p/host/routed")

// AddressTTL is the expiry time for our addresses.
// We expire them quickly.
const AddressTTL = time.Second * 10

// RoutedHost is a p2p Host that includes a routing system.
// This allows the Host to find the addresses for peers when
// it does not have them.
type RoutedHost struct {
	host  host.Host // embedded other host.
	route routing.IpfsRouting

func Wrap(h host.Host, r routing.IpfsRouting) *RoutedHost {
	return &RoutedHost{h, r}
Esempio n. 26
// package mount provides a simple abstraction around a mount point
package mount

import (

	goprocess ""

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("mount")

var MountTimeout = time.Second * 5

// Mount represents a filesystem mount
type Mount interface {
	// MountPoint is the path at which this mount is mounted
	MountPoint() string

	// Unmounts the mount
	Unmount() error

	// Process returns the mount's Process to be able to link it
	// to other processes. Unmount upon closing.
	Process() goprocess.Process
Esempio n. 27

	key ""
	dag ""
	namesys ""
	ci ""
	path ""
	pin ""
	ft ""

	context ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("ipnsfs")

var ErrIsDirectory = errors.New("error: is a directory")

// Filesystem is the writeable fuse filesystem structure
type Filesystem struct {
	ctx context.Context

	dserv dag.DAGService

	nsys namesys.NameSystem

	resolver *path.Resolver

	pins pin.Pinner
Esempio n. 28
	context ""
	cmds ""
	cmdsCli ""
	cmdsHttp ""
	core ""
	coreCmds ""
	repo ""
	config ""
	fsrepo ""
	u ""
	logging ""

// log is the command logger
var log = logging.Logger("cmd/ipfs")

var (
	errUnexpectedApiOutput = errors.New("api returned unexpected output")
	errApiVersionMismatch  = errors.New("api version mismatch")

const (
	EnvEnableProfiling = "IPFS_PROF"
	cpuProfile         = "ipfs.cpuprof"
	heapProfile        = "ipfs.memprof"
	errorFormat        = "ERROR: %v\n\n"

type cmdInvocation struct {
	path []string
Esempio n. 29
package relay

import (

	mh ""

	logging ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	protocol ""

var log = logging.Logger("p2p/protocol/relay")

// ID is the protocol.ID of the Relay Service.
const ID protocol.ID = "/ipfs/relay"

// Relay is a structure that implements ProtocolRelay.
// It is a simple relay service which forwards traffic
// between two directly connected peers.
// the protocol is very simple:
//   /ipfs/relay\n
//   <multihash src id>
//   <multihash dst id>
//   <data stream>
Esempio n. 30
package tour

import (

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("tour")

// ID is a string identifier for topics
type ID string

// LessThan returns whether this ID is sorted earlier than another.
func (i ID) LessThan(o ID) bool {
	return compareDottedInts(string(i), string(o))

// IDSlice implements the sort interface for ID slices.
type IDSlice []ID

func (a IDSlice) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a IDSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a IDSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].LessThan(a[j]) }

// Topic is a type of objects that structures a tour topic.
type Topic struct {