Esempio n. 1
// Clip returns a filter that extracts a clip between begin and begin + duration (in seconds, starting at 0)
// Il will try to include a key frame at the beginning, and keeps the same chunks as the origin media
func Clip(m *mp4.MP4, begin, duration time.Duration) (ClipInterface, error) {
	end := begin + duration

	if begin < 0 {
		return nil, ErrClipOutside

	if begin > m.Duration() {
		return nil, ErrClipOutside

	if end > m.Duration() {
		end = m.Duration()

	if end < 0 {
		return nil, ErrClipOutside

	return &clipFilter{
		m:     m,
		end:   end,
		begin: begin,
	}, nil