func (self *NodeNameHandler) Prepare(config *util.Config) {
	if !config.HasCIConnection() {

	if foundNode, err := self.verifyNodeName(config); err == nil {

		if !foundNode {
			if config.CreateClientIfMissing {
				if err := self.createNode(config); err == nil {
					util.GOut("naming", "Created node '%s' in Jenkins.", config.ClientName)
				} else {
					util.GOut("naming", "ERROR: Failed to create node '%s' in Jenkins. Cause: %v", config.ClientName, err)
				foundNode, _ = self.verifyNodeName(config)
			} else {
				util.GOut("naming", "Will not attempt to auto generate node '%s' in Jenkins. Enable this with '-create' or within the configuration.", config.ClientName)

		if foundNode {
			util.GOut("naming", "Found client node name in Jenkins, using '%v'.", config.ClientName)
		} else {
			util.GOut("naming", "WARN: Client node name '%v' was %s in Jenkins. Likely the next operations will fail.", config.ClientName, "NOT FOUND")
	} else {
		util.GOut("nameing", "ERROR: Failed to verify the client node name in Jenkins. Cause: %v", err)
func (self *JenkinsNodeMonitor) IsConfigAcceptable(config *util.Config) bool {
	if config.ClientMonitorStateOnServer && !config.HasCIConnection() {
		util.GOut("monitor", "No Jenkins URI defined. Cannot monitor this node within Jenkins.")
		return false
	return true
func (self *NodeNameHandler) verifyNodeName(config *util.Config) (bool, error) {
	clientName := config.ClientName
	if clientName == "" {
		if name, err := util.Hostname(); err == nil {
			clientName = name
			config.ClientName = name

	if nodes, err := GetAllRegisteredNodesInJenkins(config); err == nil {
		clientName = strings.ToLower(clientName)
		match, bestMatch := "", ""

		for _, computerName := range nodes.Names {
			name := strings.ToLower(computerName)

			if name == clientName {
				bestMatch, match = computerName, computerName
			} else if len(clientName) > 0 && strings.Index(name, clientName+".") == 0 {
				match = computerName

		if bestMatch != "" {
			config.ClientName = bestMatch
		} else if match != "" {
			config.ClientName = match

		return bestMatch != "" || match != "", nil
	} else {
		return false, err
Esempio n. 4
func (self *FullGCInvoker) IsConfigAcceptable(config *util.Config) bool {
	if config.ForceFullGC && !config.HasCIConnection() {
		util.GOut("gc", "WARN: No Jenkins URI defined. System.GC() cannot be called inside the Jenkins client.")
		return false
	return true
func (self *JenkinsClientDownloader) downloadJar(config *util.Config) error {
	util.GOut("DOWNLOAD", "Getting latest Jenkins client %v", (config.CIHostURI + "/" + ClientJarURL))

	// Create the HTTP request.
	request, err := config.CIRequest("GET", ClientJarURL, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if fi, err := os.Stat(ClientJarName); err == nil {
		request.Header.Add("If-Modified-Since", fi.ModTime().Format(http.TimeFormat))

	// Perform the HTTP request.
	var source io.ReadCloser
	sourceTime := time.Now()
	if response, err := config.CIClient().Do(request); err == nil {
		defer response.Body.Close()

		source = response.Body

		if response.StatusCode == 304 {
			util.GOut("DOWNLOAD", "Jenkins client is up-to-date, no need to download.")
			return nil
		} else if response.StatusCode != 200 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed downloading jenkins client. Cause: HTTP-%v %v", response.StatusCode, response.Status)

		if value := response.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); value != "" {
			if time, err := http.ParseTime(value); err == nil {
				sourceTime = time
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed downloading jenkins client. Connect failed. Cause: %v", err)

	target, err := os.Create(ClientJarDownloadName)
	defer target.Close()

	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed downloading jenkins client. Cannot create local file. Cause: %v", err)

	if _, err = io.Copy(target, source); err == nil {
		if err = os.Remove(ClientJarName); err == nil || os.IsNotExist(err) {
			if err = os.Rename(ClientJarDownloadName, ClientJarName); err == nil {
				os.Chtimes(ClientJarName, sourceTime, sourceTime)
		return err
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed downloading jenkins client. Transfer failed. Cause: %v", err)
func (self *SSHTunnelEstablisher) IsConfigAcceptable(config *util.Config) bool {
	if config.CITunnelSSHEnabled && config.CITunnelSSHAddress == "" {
		util.GOut("ssh-tunnel", "WARN: SSH tunnel is enabled but SSH server address is empty.")
		return false
	if config.CITunnelSSHAddress != "" && !config.HasCIConnection() {
		util.GOut("ssh-tunnel", "WARN: No Jenkins URI defined. SSH tunnel settings are not enough to connect to Jenkins.")
		return false
	return true
// Returns the names of all nodes that are registered in Jenkins.
func GetAllRegisteredNodesInJenkins(config *util.Config) (*AllComputerNames, error) {
	response, err := config.CIGet(ComputersURI)
	if err == nil && response.StatusCode == 200 {
		defer response.Body.Close()
		names := new(AllComputerNames)
		err = xml.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(names)
		return names, err
	} else {
		if err == nil && response != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf(response.Status)
		return nil, err
// Returns the current offline and idle status of this Jenkins node from the Jenkins server.
func GetJenkinsNodeStatus(config *util.Config) (*JenkinsNodeStatus, error) {
	if response, err := config.CIGet(fmt.Sprintf(NodeMonitoringURI, config.ClientName)); err == nil {
		defer response.Body.Close()
		if response.StatusCode == 200 {
			status := &JenkinsNodeStatus{}
			err = xml.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(status)
			return status, err
		} else {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf(response.Status)
	} else {
		return nil, err
// Returns the current configuration of this Jenkins node from the Jenkins server.
func GetJenkinsNodeConfig(config *util.Config) (*JenkinsNodeConfig, error) {
	if response, err := config.CIGet(fmt.Sprintf("/computer/%s/config.xml", config.ClientName)); err == nil {
		defer response.Body.Close()
		if response.StatusCode == 200 {
			config := &JenkinsNodeConfig{}
			err = xml.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(config)
			return config, err
		} else {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf(response.Status)
	} else {
		return nil, err
Esempio n. 10
func (self *ClientMode) IsConfigAcceptable(config *util.Config) bool {
	if !config.HasCIConnection() {
		util.GOut(self.Name(), "ERROR: No Jenkins URI defined. Cannot connect to the CI server.")
		return false

	if config.SecretKey == "" && !self.isAuthCredentialsPassedViaCommandline(config) {
		if config.SecretKey = self.getSecretFromJenkins(config); config.SecretKey == "" {
			util.GOut(self.Name(), "ERROR: No secret key set for node %v and the attempt to fetch it from Jenkins failed.", config.ClientName)
			return false

	return true
Esempio n. 11
func (self *FullGCInvoker) invokeSystemGC(config *util.Config) {
	// curl -d "script=System.gc()" -X POST http://user:password@jenkins-host/ci/computer/%s/scriptText
	postBody := strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(FullGCPostBody, url.QueryEscape(FullGCScript)))
	request, err := config.CIRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf(FullGCURL, config.ClientName), postBody)
	if err == nil {
		if response, err := config.CIClient().Do(request); err == nil {
			if response.StatusCode != 200 {
				util.GOut("gc", "ERROR: Failed invoking full GC as node request in Jenkins failed with %s", response.Status)
		} else {
			util.GOut("gc", "ERROR: Failed invoking full GC as Jenkins cannot be contacted. Cause: %v", err)
func (self *JenkinsClientDownloader) Prepare(config *util.Config) {
	util.ClientJar, _ = filepath.Abs(ClientJarName)

	modes.RegisterModeListener(func(mode modes.ExecutableMode, nextStatus int32, config *util.Config) {
		if mode.Name() == "client" && nextStatus == modes.ModeStarting && config.HasCIConnection() {
			if err := self.downloadJar(config); err != nil {
				jar, e := os.Open(ClientJarName)
				defer jar.Close()
				if os.IsNotExist(e) {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("No jenkins client: %s", err))
				} else {
					util.GOut("DOWNLOAD", "%s", err)
// Gets the port that is used by the JNLP client to communicate with Jenkins.
// Returns the port number as string and an error if fetching the port failed for any reason.
func (self *SSHTunnelEstablisher) getJNLPListenerPort(config *util.Config) (port string, err error) {
	var response *http.Response
	port = ""

	if response, err = config.CIGet("/tcpSlaveAgentListener/"); err == nil {
		if response.StatusCode == 200 {
			if port = response.Header.Get("X-Jenkins-JNLP-Port"); port == "" {
				port = response.Header.Get("X-Hudson-JNLP-Port")

		if port == "" {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Jenkins did not provide the JNLP-Port, the reply was %v.", response.Status)

Esempio n. 14
func (self *ClientMode) getSecretFromJenkins(config *util.Config) string {
	response, err := config.CIGet(fmt.Sprintf("computer/%s/", config.ClientName))
	if err == nil {
		defer response.Body.Close()

		if response.StatusCode == 200 {
			var content []byte
			if content, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body); err == nil {
				return self.extractSecret(content)
		} else {
			util.GOut("client", "ERROR: Failed fetching secret key from Jenkins. Cause: %v", response.Status)

	if err != nil {
		util.GOut("client", "ERROR: Failed fetching secret key from Jenkins. Cause: %v", err)

	return ""
Esempio n. 15
func (self *ClientMode) getCustomizedAgentJnlp(config *util.Config) []byte {
	response, err := config.CIGet(fmt.Sprintf("computer/%s/slave-agent.jnlp", config.ClientName))
	if err == nil {
		defer response.Body.Close()

		if response.StatusCode == 200 {
			var content []byte
			if content, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body); err == nil {
				return self.applyCustomJnlpArgs(config, content)
		} else {
			util.GOut("client", "ERROR: Failed JNLP config from Jenkins. Cause: %v", response.Status)

	if err != nil {
		util.GOut("client", "ERROR: Failed JNLP config from Jenkins. Cause: %v", err)

	return nil
Esempio n. 16
func (self *NodeNameHandler) createNode(config *util.Config) error {
	toJson := func(v interface{}) string {
		if content, err := json.Marshal(v); err == nil {
			return string(content)
		} else {
			return fmt.Sprintf("{\"error\": \"%v\"}", err)

	cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
	mode := "EXCLUSIVE"                                   // NORMAL or EXCLUSIVE (tied jobs only)
	retention := "hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always" // Always on

	params := make(url.Values)
	params.Set("name", config.ClientName)
	params.Set("type", ExpectedNodeType)
	params.Set("json", toJson(map[string]interface{}{
		"name":              config.ClientName,
		"nodeDescription":   fmt.Sprintf("JSL auto generated node '%s'.", config.ClientName),
		"numExecutors":      1,
		"remoteFS":          cwd,
		"labelString":       fmt.Sprintf("JSL %s %s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH),
		"mode":              mode,
		"type":              ExpectedNodeType,
		"retentionStrategy": map[string]interface{}{"stapler-class": retention},
		"nodeProperties":    map[string]interface{}{"stapler-class-bag": true},
		"launcher":          map[string]interface{}{"stapler-class": ExpectedNodeLauncher},

	if response, err := config.CIGet(CreateNodeURI + "?" + params.Encode()); err == nil {
		if response.StatusCode == 200 {
			return nil
		} else {
			return fmt.Errorf("Create node failed. Jenkins returned %v", response.Status)
	} else {
		return err
// Closes a previously opened SSL connection.
func (self *SSHTunnelEstablisher) tearDownSSHTunnel(config *util.Config) {
	if self.ciHostURL == nil {


	config.CIHostURI = self.ciHostURL.String()
	delete(util.JnlpArgs, "-url")
	delete(util.JnlpArgs, "-tunnel")

	if self.closables != nil && len(self.closables) > 0 {
		for i := len(self.closables) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		self.closables = self.closables[0:0]
// Opens a new SSH connection, local server ports (JNLP, HTTP) and forwards it to the corresponding ports on Jenkins.
func (self *SSHTunnelEstablisher) setupSSHTunnel(config *util.Config) {
	if self.ciHostURL == nil {

	if !config.PassCIAuth && config.SecretKey != "" {
		util.GOut("ssh-tunnel", "WARN: Secret key is not supported in combination with SSH tunnel. Implicitly setting %v to %v", "client>passAuth", "true")
		config.PassCIAuth = true

	// Ensure no other SSL connections are still open.

	// Configuring the SSH client
	clientConfig := &ssh.ClientConfig{
		User: config.CITunnelSSHUsername,
		Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
		HostKeyCallback: func(hostname string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error {
			expected, actual := config.CITunnelSSHFingerprint, self.formatHostFingerprint(key)
			if actual != expected && expected != "-" {
				if expected == "" {
					return fmt.Errorf("The host fingerprint of '%v' is '%v'. Please add this to the configuration in order to connect.", hostname, actual)
				} else {
					return fmt.Errorf("The host fingerprint of '%v' is '%v' while '%v' was expected. Connection aborted.", hostname, actual, expected)
			return nil

	// Connecting to the SSH host
	if config.CITunnelSSHPort == 0 {
		config.CITunnelSSHPort = 22
	sshAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", config.CITunnelSSHAddress, config.CITunnelSSHPort)

	sshClient, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", sshAddress, clientConfig)
	if err == nil {
		self.closables = append(self.closables, sshClient)
		util.GOut("ssh-tunnel", "Successfully connected with '%v'.", sshAddress)
	} else {
		util.GOut("ssh-tunnel", "ERROR: Failed connecting with %v. Cause: %v", sshAddress, err)

	// Fetching target ports
	jnlpTargetAddress, err := self.formatJNLPHostAndPort(config)
	if err != nil {
		util.GOut("ssh-tunnel", "ERROR: Failed fetching JNLP port from '%v'. Cause: %v.", config.CIHostURI, err)

	httpTargetAddress := self.formatHttpHostAndPort()

	// Creating a local server listeners to use for port forwarding.
	httpListener, err1 := self.newLocalServerListener()
	jnlpListener, err2 := self.newLocalServerListener()

	if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {

	// Forward local connections to the HTTP(S)/JNLP ports.
	go self.forwardLocalConnectionsTo(config, sshClient, httpListener, httpTargetAddress)
	go self.forwardLocalConnectionsTo(config, sshClient, jnlpListener, jnlpTargetAddress)

	// Apply the tunnel configuration
	localCiURL, _ := url.Parse(self.ciHostURL.String())
	localCiURL.Host = httpListener.Addr().String()
	config.CIHostURI = localCiURL.String()
	util.JnlpArgs["-url"] = localCiURL.String()
	util.JnlpArgs["-tunnel"] = jnlpListener.Addr().String()

	// Mark tunnel as connected when we passed this line.