Esempio n. 1
// ForEach returns Count and MaxRows and any error that 'each' wont handle
func (c *StandardXMLSearchResult) ForEach(match minidom.Matcher, each minidom.EachDOM) (int, bool, error) {
	defer c.body.Close()
	count := 0
	maxrows := false
	md := minidom.MiniDom{
		StartFunc: func(start xml.StartElement) {
			switch start.Name.Local {
			case "COUNT":
				count, _ = countTag(start).Parse()
			case "MAXROWS":
				maxrows = true
		// quit on the the xml tag
		EndFunc: func(end xml.EndElement) bool {
			switch end.Name.Local {
			case XMLElemRETS, XMLElemRETSStatus:
				return true
			return false
	err := md.Walk(c.parser, match, each)
	return count, maxrows, err
Esempio n. 2
func TestSimple(t *testing.T) {
	doms := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(example))
	parser := xml.NewDecoder(doms)
	listings := Listings{}
	// minidom isnt necessary but its crazy useful for massive streams
	md := minidom.MiniDom{
		StartFunc: func(start xml.StartElement) {
			switch start.Name.Local {
			case "Listings":
				attrs := map[string]string{}
				for _, v := range start.Attr {
					attrs[v.Name.Local] = v.Value
				listings.ListingsKey = attrs["listingsKey"]
				listings.Version = attrs["version"]
				listings.VersionTimestamp = attrs["versionTimestamp"]
				listings.Language = attrs["lang"]
			case "Disclaimer":
				parser.DecodeElement(listings.Disclaimer, &start)
		// quit on the the xml tag
		EndFunc: minidom.QuitAt("Listings"),
	err := md.Walk(parser, minidom.ByName("Listing"), ToListing(func(l Listing, err error) error {
		listings.Listings = append(listings.Listings, l)
		return err
	testutils.Ok(t, err)
	testutils.Equals(t, 1, len(listings.Listings))
	testutils.Equals(t, "", listings.Listings[0].ListingURL)
	testutils.Equals(t, "New Light Fixtures", *listings.Listings[0].Photos[1].Caption)
	testutils.Equals(t, "1100.0", listings.Listings[0].Expenses[2].Value.Value)