Esempio n. 1
File: main.go Progetto: imoapps/juju
// Main is not redundant with main(), because it provides an entry point
// for testing with arbitrary command line arguments.
func Main(args []string) int {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			buf := make([]byte, 4096)
			buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
			logger.Criticalf("Unhandled panic: \n%v\n%s", r, buf)
	var code int = 1
	ctx, err := cmd.DefaultContext()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
	commandName := filepath.Base(args[0])
	if commandName == names.Jujud {
		code, err = jujuDMain(args, ctx)
	} else if commandName == names.Jujuc {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, jujudDoc)
		code = exit_err
		err = fmt.Errorf("jujuc should not be called directly")
	} else if commandName == names.JujuRun {
		code = cmd.Main(&RunCommand{}, ctx, args[1:])
	} else if commandName == names.JujuDumpLogs {
		code = cmd.Main(dumplogs.NewCommand(), ctx, args[1:])
	} else {
		code, err = jujuCMain(commandName, ctx, args)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
	return code
Esempio n. 2
func (s *SSHSuite) testSSHCommandHostAddressRetry(c *gc.C, proxy bool) {
	m := s.makeMachines(1, c, false)
	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)

	var called int
	next := func() bool {
		return called < 2
	attemptStarter := &callbackAttemptStarter{next: next}
	s.PatchValue(&sshHostFromTargetAttemptStrategy, attemptStarter)

	// Ensure that the ssh command waits for a public address, or the attempt
	// strategy's Done method returns false.
	args := []string{"--proxy=" + fmt.Sprint(proxy), "0"}
	code := cmd.Main(newSSHCommand(), ctx, args)
	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 1)
	c.Assert(called, gc.Equals, 2)
	called = 0 = func() bool {
		if called > 1 {
			s.setAddresses(m[0], c)
		return true
	code = cmd.Main(newSSHCommand(), ctx, args)
	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(called, gc.Equals, 2)
Esempio n. 3
File: main.go Progetto: bac/juju
// Main registers subcommands for the jujud executable, and hands over control
// to the cmd package.
func jujuDMain(args []string, ctx *cmd.Context) (code int, err error) {
	// Assuming an average of 200 bytes per log message, use up to
	// 200MB for the log buffer.
	defer logger.Debugf("jujud complete, code %d, err %v", code, err)
	logCh, err := logsender.InstallBufferedLogWriter(1048576)
	if err != nil {
		return 1, errors.Trace(err)

	jujud := jujucmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{
		Name: "jujud",
		Doc:  jujudDoc,

	jujud.Log.NewWriter = func(target io.Writer) loggo.Writer {
		return &jujudWriter{target: target}


	// TODO(katco-): AgentConf type is doing too much. The
	// MachineAgent type has called out the separate concerns; the
	// AgentConf should be split up to follow suit.
	agentConf := agentcmd.NewAgentConf("")
	machineAgentFactory := agentcmd.MachineAgentFactoryFn(agentConf, logCh, "")
	jujud.Register(agentcmd.NewMachineAgentCmd(ctx, machineAgentFactory, agentConf, agentConf))

	jujud.Register(agentcmd.NewUnitAgent(ctx, logCh))


	code = cmd.Main(jujud, ctx, args[1:])
	return code, nil
Esempio n. 4
func (s *statusGetSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {
	hctx := s.GetStatusHookContext(c)
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("status-get"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	expectedHelp := "" +
		"Usage: status-get [options] [--include-data] [--service]\n" +
		"\n" +
		"Summary:\n" +
		"print status information\n" +
		"\n" +
		"Options:\n" +
		"--format  (= smart)\n" +
		"    Specify output format (json|smart|yaml)\n" +
		"--include-data  (= false)\n" +
		"    print all status data\n" +
		"-o, --output (= \"\")\n" +
		"    Specify an output file\n" +
		"--service  (= false)\n" +
		"    print status for all units of this service if this unit is the leader\n" +
		"\n" +
		"Details:\n" +
		"By default, only the status value is printed.\n" +
		"If the --include-data flag is passed, the associated data are printed also.\n"

	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, expectedHelp)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 5
func (s *statusGetSuite) TestServiceStatus(c *gc.C) {
	expected := map[string]interface{}{
		"service-status": map[interface{}]interface{}{
			"status-data": map[interface{}]interface{}{},
			"units": map[interface{}]interface{}{
				"": map[interface{}]interface{}{
					"message":     "this is a unit status",
					"status":      "active",
					"status-data": map[interface{}]interface{}{},
			"message": "this is a service status",
			"status":  "active"},
	hctx := s.GetStatusHookContext(c)
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("status-get"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--format", "json", "--include-data", "--service"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)

	var out map[string]interface{}
	c.Assert(goyaml.Unmarshal(bufferBytes(ctx.Stdout), &out), gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(out, gc.DeepEquals, expected)

Esempio n. 6
// Main registers subcommands for the jujud executable, and hands over control
// to the cmd package.
func jujuDMain(args []string, ctx *cmd.Context) (code int, err error) {
	// Assuming an average of 200 bytes per log message, use up to
	// 200MB for the log buffer.
	logCh, err := logsender.InstallBufferedLogWriter(1048576)
	if err != nil {
		return 1, errors.Trace(err)

	jujud := jujucmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{
		Name: "jujud",
		Doc:  jujudDoc,
	jujud.Log.Factory = &writerFactory{}

	// TODO(katco-): AgentConf type is doing too much. The
	// MachineAgent type has called out the separate concerns; the
	// AgentConf should be split up to follow suit.
	agentConf := agentcmd.NewAgentConf("")
	machineAgentFactory := agentcmd.MachineAgentFactoryFn(
		agentConf, logCh, looputil.NewLoopDeviceManager(),
	jujud.Register(agentcmd.NewMachineAgentCmd(ctx, machineAgentFactory, agentConf, agentConf))

	jujud.Register(agentcmd.NewUnitAgent(ctx, logCh))

	code = cmd.Main(jujud, ctx, args[1:])
	return code, nil
Esempio n. 7
func (s *CmdSuite) TestMainSuccess(c *gc.C) {
	ctx := cmdtesting.Context(c)
	result := cmd.Main(&TestCommand{Name: "verb"}, ctx, []string{"--option", "success!"})
	c.Assert(result, gc.Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, "success!\n")
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 8
// Main runs the Command specified by req, and fills in resp. A single command
// is run at a time.
func (j *Jujuc) Main(req Request, resp *exec.ExecResponse) error {
	if req.CommandName == "" {
		return badReqErrorf("command not specified")
	if !filepath.IsAbs(req.Dir) {
		return badReqErrorf("Dir is not absolute")
	c, err := j.getCmd(req.ContextId, req.CommandName)
	if err != nil {
		return badReqErrorf("%s", err)
	var stdin, stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
	ctx := &cmd.Context{
		Dir:    req.Dir,
		Stdin:  &stdin,
		Stdout: &stdout,
		Stderr: &stderr,
	logger.Infof("running hook tool %q %q", req.CommandName, req.Args)
	logger.Debugf("hook context id %q; dir %q", req.ContextId, req.Dir)
	resp.Code = cmd.Main(c, ctx, req.Args)
	resp.Stdout = stdout.Bytes()
	resp.Stderr = stderr.Bytes()
	return nil
Esempio n. 9
func (s *SetSuite) assertSetWarning(c *gc.C, dir string, args []string, w string) {
	ctx := coretesting.ContextForDir(c, dir)
	code := cmd.Main(service.NewSetCommandWithAPI(s.fakeClientAPI, s.fakeServiceAPI), ctx, append([]string{"dummy-service"}, args...))
	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)

	c.Assert(strings.Replace(c.GetTestLog(), "\n", " ", -1), gc.Matches, ".*WARNING.*"+w+".*")
Esempio n. 10
func (s *CmdSuite) TestUnknownOutputFormat(c *gc.C) {
	ctx := cmdtesting.Context(c)
	result := cmd.Main(&OutputCommand{}, ctx, []string{"--format", "cuneiform"})
	c.Check(result, gc.Equals, 2)
	c.Check(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Matches, ".*: unknown format \"cuneiform\"\n")
Esempio n. 11
func (s *storageGetSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {
	hctx, _ := s.newHookContext()
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("storage-get"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, `Usage: storage-get [options] [<key>]

print information for storage instance with specified id

--format  (= smart)
    Specify output format (json|smart|yaml)
-o, --output (= "")
    Specify an output file
-s  (= data/0)
    specify a storage instance by id

When no <key> is supplied, all keys values are printed.
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 12
func (s *SuperCommandSuite) TestNotifyRun(c *gc.C) {
	notifyTests := []struct {
		usagePrefix string
		name        string
		expectName  string
		{"juju", "juju", "juju"},
		{"something", "else", "something else"},
		{"", "juju", "juju"},
		{"", "myapp", "myapp"},
	for i, test := range notifyTests {
		c.Logf("test %d. %q %q", i, test.usagePrefix,
		notifyName := ""
		sc := cmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{
			UsagePrefix: test.usagePrefix,
			NotifyRun: func(name string) {
				notifyName = name
		sc.Register(&TestCommand{Name: "blah"})
		ctx := cmdtesting.Context(c)
		code := cmd.Main(sc, ctx, []string{"blah", "--option", "error"})
		c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Matches, "")
		c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 1)
		c.Assert(notifyName, gc.Equals, test.expectName)
Esempio n. 13
// Main registers subcommands for the juju-metadata executable, and hands over control
// to the cmd package. This function is not redundant with main, because it
// provides an entry point for testing with arbitrary command line arguments.
func Main(args []string) {
	ctx, err := cmd.DefaultContext()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
	if err := juju.InitJujuHome(); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err)
	metadatacmd := cmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{
		Name:        "metadata",
		UsagePrefix: "juju",
		Doc:         metadataDoc,
		Purpose:     "tools for generating and validating image and tools metadata",
		Log:         &cmd.Log{}})


	os.Exit(cmd.Main(metadatacmd, ctx, args[1:]))
Esempio n. 14
func (s *RelationIdsSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {
	template := `
usage: %s
purpose: list all relation ids with the given relation name

--format  (= smart)
    specify output format (json|smart|yaml)
-o, --output (= "")
    specify an output file

	for relid, t := range map[int]struct {
		usage, doc string
		-1: {"relation-ids [options] <name>", ""},
		0:  {"relation-ids [options] [<name>]", "\nCurrent default relation name is \"x\".\n"},
		3:  {"relation-ids [options] [<name>]", "\nCurrent default relation name is \"y\".\n"},
	} {
		c.Logf("relid %d", relid)
		hctx := s.GetHookContext(c, relid, "")
		com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, "relation-ids")
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		ctx := testing.Context(c)
		code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
		c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
		expect := fmt.Sprintf(template, t.usage, t.doc)
		c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, expect)
		c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 15
func (s *SSHSuite) TestSSHCommand(c *gc.C) {
	m := s.makeMachines(3, c, true)
	ch := charmtesting.Charms.Dir("dummy")
	curl := charm.MustParseURL(
		fmt.Sprintf("local:quantal/%s-%d", ch.Meta().Name, ch.Revision()),
	bundleURL, err := url.Parse("http://bundles.testing.invalid/dummy-1")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	dummy, err := s.State.AddCharm(ch, curl, bundleURL, "dummy-1-sha256")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	srv := s.AddTestingService(c, "mysql", dummy)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[0], c)

	srv = s.AddTestingService(c, "mongodb", dummy)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[1], c)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[2], c)

	for i, t := range sshTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s -> %s\n", i, t.about, t.args)
		ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
		jujucmd := cmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{})

		code := cmd.Main(jujucmd, ctx, t.args)
		c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
		c.Check(ctx.Stderr.(*bytes.Buffer).String(), gc.Equals, "")
		c.Check(ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).String(), gc.Equals, t.result)
Esempio n. 16
func (s *ActionSetSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {
	hctx := &actionSettingContext{}
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("action-set"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, `usage: action-set <key>=<value> [<key>=<value> ...]
purpose: set action results

action-set adds the given values to the results map of the Action.  This map
is returned to the user after the completion of the Action.  Keys must start
and end with lowercase alphanumeric, and contain only lowercase alphanumeric,
hyphens and periods.

Example usage:
 action-set outfile.size=10G
 action-set foo.baz.val=3
 action-set foo.baz=1

 will yield:

   size: "10G"
     zab: "4"
   baz: "1"
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 17
func (s *statusSetSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {
	hctx := s.GetStatusHookContext(c)
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("status-set"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	expectedHelp := "" +
		"Usage: status-set [options] <maintenance | blocked | waiting | active> [message]\n" +
		"\n" +
		"Summary:\n" +
		"set status information\n" +
		"\n" +
		"Options:\n" +
		"--service  (= false)\n" +
		"    set this status for the service to which the unit belongs if the unit is the leader\n" +
		"\n" +
		"Details:\n" +
		"Sets the workload status of the charm. Message is optional.\n" +
		"The \"last updated\" attribute of the status is set, even if the\n" +
		"status and message are the same as what's already set.\n"

	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, expectedHelp)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 18
func (s *storageListSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {
	hctx := s.newHookContext()
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("storage-list"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, `Usage: storage-list [options] [<storage-name>]

list storage attached to the unit

--format  (= smart)
    Specify output format (json|smart|yaml)
-o, --output (= "")
    Specify an output file

storage-list will list the names of all storage instances
attached to the unit. These names can be passed to storage-get
via the "-s" flag to query the storage attributes.

A storage name may be specified, in which case only storage
instances for that named storage will be returned.
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 19
func (s *CmdSuite) TestMainRunSilentError(c *gc.C) {
	ctx := cmdtesting.Context(c)
	result := cmd.Main(&TestCommand{Name: "verb"}, ctx, []string{"--option", "silent-error"})
	c.Assert(result, gc.Equals, 1)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 20
// Main registers subcommands for the juju executable, and hands over control
// to the cmd package. This function is not redundant with main, because it
// provides an entry point for testing with arbitrary command line arguments.
// This function returns the exit code, for main to pass to os.Exit.
func Main(args []string) int {
	ctx, err := cmd.DefaultContext()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
		return 2

	if shouldWarnJuju1x() {

	if err = juju.InitJujuXDGDataHome(); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err)
		return 2

	for i := range x {
		x[i] ^= 255
	if len(args) == 2 && args[1] == string(x[0:2]) {
		return 0

	jcmd := NewJujuCommand(ctx)
	return cmd.Main(jcmd, ctx, args[1:])
Esempio n. 21
File: main.go Progetto: bac/juju
// Run is the main entry point for the juju client.
func (m main) Run(args []string) int {
	ctx, err := cmd.DefaultContext()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
		return 2

	// note that this has to come before we init the juju home directory,
	// since it relies on detecting the lack of said directory.
	newInstall := m.maybeWarnJuju1x()

	if err = juju.InitJujuXDGDataHome(); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err)
		return 2

	if newInstall {
		fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stderr, "Since Juju %v is being run for the first time, downloading latest cloud information.\n", jujuversion.Current.Major)
		updateCmd := cloud.NewUpdateCloudsCommand()
		if err := updateCmd.Run(ctx); err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)

	for i := range x {
		x[i] ^= 255
	if len(args) == 2 && args[1] == string(x[0:2]) {
		return 0

	jcmd := NewJujuCommand(ctx)
	return cmd.Main(jcmd, ctx, args[1:])
Esempio n. 22
func (s *NetworkGetSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {

	var helpTemplate = `
Usage: network-get [options] <binding-name> --primary-address

get network config

--format  (= smart)
    Specify output format (json|smart|yaml)
-o, --output (= "")
    Specify an output file
--primary-address  (= false)
    get the primary address for the binding

network-get returns the network config for a given binding name. The only
supported flag for now is --primary-address, which is required and returns
the IP address the local unit should advertise as its endpoint to its peers.

	com := s.createCommand(c)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)

	c.Check(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, helpTemplate)
	c.Check(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 23
func (s *SSHSuite) TestSSHCommand(c *gc.C) {
	m := s.makeMachines(3, c, true)
	ch := testcharms.Repo.CharmDir("dummy")
	curl := charm.MustParseURL(
		fmt.Sprintf("local:quantal/%s-%d", ch.Meta().Name, ch.Revision()),
	info := state.CharmInfo{
		Charm:       ch,
		ID:          curl,
		StoragePath: "dummy-path",
		SHA256:      "dummy-1-sha256",
	dummy, err := s.State.AddCharm(info)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	srv := s.AddTestingService(c, "mysql", dummy)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[0], c)

	srv = s.AddTestingService(c, "mongodb", dummy)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[1], c)
	s.addUnit(srv, m[2], c)

	for i, t := range sshTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s -> %s", i, t.about, t.args)
		ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
		jujucmd := cmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{})

		code := cmd.Main(jujucmd, ctx, t.args)
		c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 0)
		c.Check(ctx.Stderr.(*bytes.Buffer).String(), gc.Equals, "")
		c.Check(strings.TrimRight(ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).String(), "\r\n"), gc.Equals, t.result)
Esempio n. 24
func (s *RelationListSuite) TestRelationList(c *gc.C) {
	for i, t := range relationListTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s", i, t.summary)
		hctx, info := s.newHookContext(t.relid, "")
		info.setRelations(0, t.members0)
		info.setRelations(1, t.members1)
		c.Logf("%#v %#v", info.rels[t.relid], t.members1)
		com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("relation-list"))
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		ctx := testing.Context(c)
		code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, t.args)
		c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, t.code)
		if code == 0 {
			c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
			expect := t.out
			if expect != "" {
				expect = expect + "\n"
			c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, expect)
		} else {
			c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, "")
			expect := fmt.Sprintf(`(.|\n)*error: %s\n`, t.out)
			c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Matches, expect)
Esempio n. 25
func (s *ActionGetSuite) TestHelp(c *gc.C) {
	hctx := &actionGetContext{}
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("action-get"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, `Usage: action-get [options] [<key>[.<key>.<key>...]]

get action parameters

--format  (= smart)
    Specify output format (json|smart|yaml)
-o, --output (= "")
    Specify an output file

action-get will print the value of the parameter at the given key, serialized
as YAML.  If multiple keys are passed, action-get will recurse into the param
map as needed.
	c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 26
func (s *RelationListSuite) TestRelationListHelp(c *gc.C) {
	template := `
usage: relation-list [options]
purpose: list relation units

--format  (= smart)
    specify output format (json|smart|yaml)
-o, --output (= "")
    specify an output file
-r, --relation  (= %s)
    specify a relation by id

	for relid, t := range map[int]struct {
		usage, doc string
		-1: {"", "\n-r must be specified when not in a relation hook\n"},
		0:  {"peer0:0", ""},
	} {
		c.Logf("test relid %d", relid)
		hctx, _ := s.newHookContext(relid, "")
		com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("relation-list"))
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		ctx := testing.Context(c)
		code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, []string{"--help"})
		c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
		expect := fmt.Sprintf(template, t.usage, t.doc)
		c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stdout), gc.Equals, expect)
		c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")
Esempio n. 27
func (s *statusGetSuite) TestOutputFormatJustStatus(c *gc.C) {
	for i, t := range statusGetTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %#v", i, t.args)
		hctx := s.GetStatusHookContext(c)
		com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, cmdString("status-get"))
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		ctx := testing.Context(c)
		code := cmd.Main(com, ctx, t.args)
		c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
		c.Assert(bufferString(ctx.Stderr), gc.Equals, "")

		var out interface{}
		var outMap map[string]interface{}
		switch t.format {
		case formatYaml:
			c.Check(goyaml.Unmarshal(bufferBytes(ctx.Stdout), &outMap), gc.IsNil)
			out = outMap
		case formatJson:
			c.Check(json.Unmarshal(bufferBytes(ctx.Stdout), &outMap), gc.IsNil)
			out = outMap
			out = string(bufferBytes(ctx.Stdout))
		c.Check(out, gc.DeepEquals, t.out)
Esempio n. 28
func runList(c *gc.C, command *status.ListCommand, args ...string) (int, string, string) {
	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(command, ctx, args)
	stdout := ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes()
	stderr := ctx.Stderr.(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes()
	return code, string(stdout), string(stderr)
Esempio n. 29
func (s *ToolsMetadataSuite) TestGenerateWithMirrors(c *gc.C) {

	metadataDir := c.MkDir()
	toolstesting.MakeTools(c, metadataDir, "released", versionStrings)
	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(newToolsMetadataCommand(), ctx, []string{"--public", "-d", metadataDir, "--stream", "released"})
	c.Assert(code, gc.Equals, 0)
	output := ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).String()

	mirrosTmpl := expectedOutputCommon + `
.*Writing tools/streams/v1/index2\.json
.*Writing tools/streams/v1/index\.json
.*Writing tools/streams/v1/com\.ubuntu\.juju-{{.Stream}}-tools\.json
.*Writing tools/streams/v1/mirrors\.json
	expectedOutput := makeExpectedOutput(mirrosTmpl, "released", "released")
	c.Check(output, gc.Matches, expectedOutput)
	metadata := toolstesting.ParseMetadataFromDir(c, metadataDir, "released", true)
	c.Check(metadata, gc.HasLen, len(versionStrings))
	obtainedVersionStrings := make([]string, len(versionStrings))
	for i, metadata := range metadata {
		s := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", metadata.Version, metadata.Release, metadata.Arch)
		obtainedVersionStrings[i] = s
	c.Assert(obtainedVersionStrings, gc.DeepEquals, versionStrings)
Esempio n. 30
func (s *leaderGetSuite) TestFormatError(c *gc.C) {
	runContext := testing.Context(c)
	code := cmd.Main(s.command, runContext, []string{"--format", "bad"})
	c.Check(code, gc.Equals, 2)
	c.Check(bufferString(runContext.Stdout), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(bufferString(runContext.Stderr), gc.Equals, `error: invalid value "bad" for flag --format: unknown format "bad"`+"\n")