Esempio n. 1
func (s *MachineSuite) TestMachineAgentRunsAPIAddressUpdaterWorker(c *gc.C) {
	// Start the machine agent.
	m, _, _ := s.primeAgent(c, version.Current, state.JobHostUnits)
	a := s.newAgent(c, m)
	go func() { c.Check(a.Run(nil), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer func() { c.Check(a.Stop(), gc.IsNil) }()

	// Update the API addresses.
	updatedServers := [][]instance.HostPort{instance.AddressesWithPort(
		instance.NewAddresses("localhost"), 1234,
	err := s.BackingState.SetAPIHostPorts(updatedServers)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// Wait for config to be updated.
	for attempt := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); attempt.Next(); {
		addrs, err := a.CurrentConfig().APIAddresses()
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		if reflect.DeepEqual(addrs, []string{"localhost:1234"}) {
	c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for agent config to change")
Esempio n. 2
func (s *APIAddressUpdaterSuite) TestAddressChange(c *gc.C) {
	setter := &apiAddressSetter{servers: make(chan [][]instance.HostPort, 1)}
	st, _ := s.OpenAPIAsNewMachine(c, state.JobHostUnits)
	worker := apiaddressupdater.NewAPIAddressUpdater(st.Machiner(), setter)
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()
	updatedServers := [][]instance.HostPort{instance.AddressesWithPort(
		instance.NewAddresses("localhost", ""),
	// SetAPIHostPorts should be called with the initial value (empty),
	// and then the updated value.
	select {
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for SetAPIHostPorts to be called first")
	case servers := <-setter.servers:
		c.Assert(servers, gc.HasLen, 0)
	err := s.State.SetAPIHostPorts(updatedServers)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	select {
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for SetAPIHostPorts to be called second")
	case servers := <-setter.servers:
		c.Assert(servers, gc.DeepEquals, updatedServers)
Esempio n. 3
// testNamespace starts a worker and ensures that
// the rsyslog config file has the expected filename,
// and the appropriate log dir is used.
func (s *RsyslogSuite) testNamespace(c *gc.C, st *api.State, tag, namespace, expectedFilename, expectedLogDir string) {
	restarted := make(chan struct{}, 2) // once for create, once for teardown
	s.PatchValue(rsyslog.RestartRsyslog, func() error {
		restarted <- struct{}{}
		return nil

	err := os.MkdirAll(expectedLogDir, 0755)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	worker, err := rsyslog.NewRsyslogConfigWorker(st.Rsyslog(), rsyslog.RsyslogModeForwarding, tag, namespace, []string{""})
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()

	// change the API HostPorts to trigger an rsyslog restart
	newHostPorts := instance.AddressesWithPort(instance.NewAddresses(""), 6541)
	err = s.State.SetAPIHostPorts([][]instance.HostPort{newHostPorts})
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// Wait for rsyslog to be restarted, so we can check to see
	// what the name of the config file is.
	waitForRestart(c, restarted)

	// Ensure that ca-cert.pem gets written to the expected log dir.
	waitForFile(c, filepath.Join(expectedLogDir, "ca-cert.pem"))

	dir, err := os.Open(*rsyslog.RsyslogConfDir)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	names, err := dir.Readdirnames(-1)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(names, gc.HasLen, 1)
	c.Assert(names[0], gc.Equals, expectedFilename)
Esempio n. 4
func parseHostPort(s string) (instance.HostPort, error) {
	addr, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(s)
	if err != nil {
		return instance.HostPort{}, err
	portNum, err := strconv.Atoi(port)
	if err != nil {
		return instance.HostPort{}, fmt.Errorf("bad port number %q", port)
	addrs := instance.NewAddresses(addr)
	hostPorts := instance.AddressesWithPort(addrs, portNum)
	return hostPorts[0], nil
Esempio n. 5
func (m *fakeMachine) setStateHostPort(hostPort string) {
	var mongoHostPorts []instance.HostPort
	if hostPort != "" {
		host, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostPort)
		if err != nil {
		port, err := strconv.Atoi(portStr)
		if err != nil {
		mongoHostPorts = instance.AddressesWithPort(instance.NewAddresses(host), port)
		mongoHostPorts[0].NetworkScope = instance.NetworkCloudLocal

	m.mutate(func(doc *machineDoc) {
		doc.mongoHostPorts = mongoHostPorts
Esempio n. 6
File: config.go Progetto: jkary/core
// newRsyslogConfig creates a new instance of the RsyslogConfig.
func newRsyslogConfig(envCfg *config.Config, api *RsyslogAPI) (*apirsyslog.RsyslogConfig, error) {
	stateAddrsResult, err := api.StateAddresser.StateAddresses()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	port := envCfg.SyslogPort()

	var bareAddrs []string
	for _, addr := range stateAddrsResult.Result {
		hostOnly, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		bareAddrs = append(bareAddrs, hostOnly)
	apiAddresses := instance.NewAddresses(bareAddrs...)

	return &apirsyslog.RsyslogConfig{
		CACert:    envCfg.RsyslogCACert(),
		Port:      port,
		HostPorts: instance.AddressesWithPort(apiAddresses, port),
	}, nil
Esempio n. 7
// StartInstance is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
func (e *environ) StartInstance(args environs.StartInstanceParams) (instance.Instance, *instance.HardwareCharacteristics, []network.Info, error) {

	defer delay()
	machineId := args.MachineConfig.MachineId
	logger.Infof("dummy startinstance, machine %s", machineId)
	if err := e.checkBroken("StartInstance"); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	estate, err := e.state()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	if args.MachineConfig.MachineNonce == "" {
		return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot start instance: missing machine nonce")
	if _, ok := e.Config().CACert(); !ok {
		return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no CA certificate in environment configuration")
	if args.MachineConfig.StateInfo.Tag != names.MachineTag(machineId) {
		return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("entity tag must match started machine")
	if args.MachineConfig.APIInfo.Tag != names.MachineTag(machineId) {
		return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("entity tag must match started machine")
	logger.Infof("would pick tools from %s", args.Tools)
	series := args.Tools.OneSeries()

	idString := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d",, estate.maxId)
	i := &dummyInstance{
		id:           instance.Id(idString),
		addresses:    instance.NewAddresses(idString + ".dns"),
		ports:        make(map[instance.Port]bool),
		machineId:    machineId,
		series:       series,
		firewallMode: e.Config().FirewallMode(),
		state:        estate,

	var hc *instance.HardwareCharacteristics
	// To match current system capability, only provide hardware characteristics for
	// environ machines, not containers.
	if state.ParentId(machineId) == "" {
		// We will just assume the instance hardware characteristics exactly matches
		// the supplied constraints (if specified).
		hc = &instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
			Arch:     args.Constraints.Arch,
			Mem:      args.Constraints.Mem,
			RootDisk: args.Constraints.RootDisk,
			CpuCores: args.Constraints.CpuCores,
			CpuPower: args.Constraints.CpuPower,
			Tags:     args.Constraints.Tags,
		// Fill in some expected instance hardware characteristics if constraints not specified.
		if hc.Arch == nil {
			arch := "amd64"
			hc.Arch = &arch
		if hc.Mem == nil {
			mem := uint64(1024)
			hc.Mem = &mem
		if hc.RootDisk == nil {
			disk := uint64(8192)
			hc.RootDisk = &disk
		if hc.CpuCores == nil {
			cores := uint64(1)
			hc.CpuCores = &cores
	// Simulate networks added when requested.
	networkInfo := make([]network.Info, len(args.MachineConfig.IncludeNetworks))
	for i, netName := range args.MachineConfig.IncludeNetworks {
		if strings.HasPrefix(netName, "bad-") {
			// Simulate we didn't get correct information for the network.
			networkInfo[i] = network.Info{
				ProviderId:  network.Id(netName),
				NetworkName: netName,
				CIDR:        "invalid",
		} else {
			networkInfo[i] = network.Info{
				ProviderId:    network.Id(netName),
				NetworkName:   netName,
				CIDR:          fmt.Sprintf("0.%d.2.0/24", i+1),
				InterfaceName: fmt.Sprintf("eth%d", i),
				VLANTag:       i,
				MACAddress:    fmt.Sprintf("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f%d", i),
				IsVirtual:     i > 0,
	estate.insts[] = i
	estate.ops <- OpStartInstance{
		Env:   ,
		MachineId:       machineId,
		MachineNonce:    args.MachineConfig.MachineNonce,
		Constraints:     args.Constraints,
		IncludeNetworks: args.MachineConfig.IncludeNetworks,
		ExcludeNetworks: args.MachineConfig.ExcludeNetworks,
		NetworkInfo:     networkInfo,
		Instance:        i,
		Info:            args.MachineConfig.StateInfo,
		APIInfo:         args.MachineConfig.APIInfo,
		Secret:          e.ecfg().secret(),
	return i, hc, networkInfo, nil
Esempio n. 8
func addressesWithPort(port int, addrs ...string) []instance.HostPort {
	return instance.AddressesWithPort(instance.NewAddresses(addrs...), port)
Esempio n. 9
func newTestInstance(status string, addresses []string) *testInstance {
	thisInstance := testInstance{status: status}
	thisInstance.addresses = instance.NewAddresses(addresses...)
	return &thisInstance