Esempio n. 1
func (*reflectSuite) TestValueOf(c *gc.C) {
	v := rpcreflect.ValueOf(reflect.ValueOf(nil))
	c.Check(v.IsValid(), jc.IsFalse)
	c.Check(func() { v.MethodCaller("foo", "bar") }, gc.PanicMatches, "MethodCaller called on invalid Value")

	root := &Root{}
	v = rpcreflect.ValueOf(reflect.ValueOf(root))
	c.Check(v.IsValid(), jc.IsTrue)
	c.Check(v.GoValue().Interface(), gc.Equals, root)
Esempio n. 2
func (*reflectSuite) TestMethodCaller(c *gc.C) {
	// MethodCaller is actually extensively tested because it's
	// used in the implementation of the rpc server,
	// so just a simple sanity check test here.
	root := &Root{
		simple: make(map[string]*SimpleMethods),
	root.simple["a99"] = &SimpleMethods{root: root, id: "a99"}
	v := rpcreflect.ValueOf(reflect.ValueOf(root))

	m, err := v.MethodCaller("foo", "bar")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unknown object type "foo"`)
	c.Assert(err, gc.FitsTypeOf, (*rpcreflect.CallNotImplementedError)(nil))
	c.Assert(m, gc.DeepEquals, rpcreflect.MethodCaller{})

	m, err = v.MethodCaller("SimpleMethods", "bar")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "no such request - method is not implemented")
	c.Assert(err, gc.FitsTypeOf, (*rpcreflect.CallNotImplementedError)(nil))
	c.Assert(m, gc.DeepEquals, rpcreflect.MethodCaller{})

	m, err = v.MethodCaller("SimpleMethods", "Call1r1e")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(m.ParamsType, gc.Equals, reflect.TypeOf(stringVal{}))
	c.Assert(m.ResultType, gc.Equals, reflect.TypeOf(stringVal{}))

	ret, err := m.Call("a99", reflect.ValueOf(stringVal{"foo"}))
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(ret.Interface(), gc.Equals, stringVal{"Call1r1e ret"})