Esempio n. 1
func (s *LxcSuite) TestContainerState(c *gc.C) {
	manager := s.makeManager(c, "test")
	c.Logf("%#v", manager)
	instance := containertesting.CreateContainer(c, manager, "1/lxc/0")

	// The mock container will be immediately "running".
	c.Assert(instance.Status(), gc.Equals, string(golxc.StateRunning))

	// DestroyContainer stops and then destroys the container, putting it
	// into "unknown" state.
	err := manager.DestroyContainer(instance.Id())
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(instance.Status(), gc.Equals, string(golxc.StateUnknown))
Esempio n. 2
// AllInstances returns all instances currently known to the broker.
func (env *environ) AllInstances() ([]instance.Instance, error) {
	// Please note that this must *not* return instances that have not been
	// allocated as part of this environment -- if it does, juju will see they
	// are not tracked in state, assume they're stale/rogue, and shut them down.


	servers, err := env.client.instances()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Tracef("environ.AllInstances failed: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	instances := make([]instance.Instance, 0, len(servers))
	for _, server := range servers {
		instance := sigmaInstance{server: server}
		instances = append(instances, instance)

	if logger.LogLevel() <= loggo.TRACE {
		logger.Tracef("All instances, len = %d:", len(instances))
		for _, instance := range instances {
			logger.Tracef("... id: %q, status: %q", instance.Id(), instance.Status())

	return instances, nil