Esempio n. 1
func (u *User) RevokeKeysProof(key GenericKey, kidsToRevoke []keybase1.KID, deviceToDisable keybase1.DeviceID) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error) {
	ret, err := ProofMetadata{
		Me:         u,
		LinkType:   RevokeType,
		SigningKey: key,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	body := ret.AtKey("body")
	revokeSection := jsonw.NewDictionary()
	revokeSection.SetKey("kids", jsonw.NewWrapper(kidsToRevoke))
	body.SetKey("revoke", revokeSection)
	if deviceToDisable.Exists() {
		device, err := u.GetDevice(deviceToDisable)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		deviceSection := jsonw.NewDictionary()
		deviceSection.SetKey("id", jsonw.NewString(deviceToDisable.String()))
		deviceSection.SetKey("type", jsonw.NewString(device.Type))
		deviceSection.SetKey("status", jsonw.NewInt(DeviceStatusDefunct))
		body.SetKey("device", deviceSection)
	return ret, nil
Esempio n. 2
func PostDeviceLKS(sr SessionReader, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, deviceType string, serverHalf []byte,
	ppGen PassphraseGeneration,
	clientHalfRecovery string, clientHalfRecoveryKID keybase1.KID) error {
	if len(serverHalf) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("PostDeviceLKS: called with empty serverHalf")
	if ppGen < 1 {
		G.Log.Warning("PostDeviceLKS: ppGen < 1 (%d)", ppGen)
	arg := APIArg{
		Endpoint:    "device/update",
		NeedSession: true,
		Args: HTTPArgs{
			"device_id":       S{Val: deviceID.String()},
			"type":            S{Val: deviceType},
			"lks_server_half": S{Val: hex.EncodeToString(serverHalf)},
			"ppgen":           I{Val: int(ppGen)},
			"lks_client_half": S{Val: clientHalfRecovery},
			"kid":             S{Val: clientHalfRecoveryKID.String()},
		SessionR: sr,
	_, err := G.API.Post(arg)
	return err
Esempio n. 3
func (s *Session) SetLoggedIn(sessionID, csrfToken string, username NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) error {
	s.valid = true
	s.uid = uid
	s.username = &username
	s.token = sessionID
	if s.file == nil {
		G.Log.Warning("s.file == nil")
		if err := s.Load(); err != nil {
			return err
	if s.GetDictionary() == nil {
		G.Log.Warning("s.GetDict() == nil")
	s.GetDictionary().SetKey("session", jsonw.NewString(sessionID))


	s.deviceID = deviceID
	if s.file == nil {
		return errors.New("no session file")
	s.GetDictionary().SetKey("device_provisioned", jsonw.NewString(deviceID.String()))

Esempio n. 4
func (s *Session) SetDeviceProvisioned(devid keybase1.DeviceID) error {
	s.G().Log.Debug("Local Session:  setting provisioned device id: %s", devid)
	s.deviceID = devid
	if s.file == nil {
		return errors.New("no session file")
	s.GetDictionary().SetKey("device_provisioned", jsonw.NewString(devid.String()))
Esempio n. 5
func (u *UserConfig) SetDevice(d keybase1.DeviceID) {
	u.importedDeviceID = d
	var s *string
	if d.Exists() {
		tmp := d.String()
		s = &tmp
	u.Device = s
Esempio n. 6
// SaveStateTmp saves the logins state to memory, and to a
// temporary config file.
func (a *Account) SaveStateTmp(sessionID, csrf string, username NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (filename string, err error) {
	saver := func(cw ConfigWriter) error {
		var serr error
		filename, serr = cw.SaveTmp(deviceID.String())
		return serr
	if err := a.saveState(sessionID, csrf, username, uid, deviceID, saver); err != nil {
		return "", err
	return filename, nil
Esempio n. 7
func NewUserConfig(id keybase1.UID, name NormalizedUsername, salt []byte, dev keybase1.DeviceID) *UserConfig {
	ret := &UserConfig{
		ID:               id.String(),
		Name:             name,
		Salt:             hex.EncodeToString(salt),
		Device:           nil,
		importedID:       id,
		importedSalt:     salt,
		importedDeviceID: dev,
	if dev.Exists() {
		tmp := dev.String()
		ret.Device = &tmp
	return ret