Esempio n. 1
// From a local repo find out the current branch name if there is one.
func findCurrentBranch(repo v.Repo) string {
	msg.Debug("Attempting to find current branch for %s", repo.Remote())
	// Svn and Bzr don't have default branches.
	if repo.Vcs() == v.Svn || repo.Vcs() == v.Bzr {
		return ""

	if repo.Vcs() == v.Git {
		c := exec.Command("git", "symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD")
		c.Dir = repo.LocalPath()
		c.Env = envForDir(c.Dir)
		out, err := c.CombinedOutput()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Debug("Unable to find current branch for %s, error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)
			return ""
		return strings.TrimSpace(string(out))

	if repo.Vcs() == v.Hg {
		c := exec.Command("hg", "branch")
		c.Dir = repo.LocalPath()
		c.Env = envForDir(c.Dir)
		out, err := c.CombinedOutput()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Debug("Unable to find current branch for %s, error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)
			return ""
		return strings.TrimSpace(string(out))

	return ""
Esempio n. 2
// NotFound attempts to retrieve a package when not found in the local vendor/
// folder. It will attempt to get it from the remote location info.
func (m *MissingPackageHandler) NotFound(pkg string, addTest bool) (bool, error) {
	root := util.GetRootFromPackage(pkg)
	// Skip any references to the root package.
	if root == m.Config.Name {
		return false, nil

	dest := filepath.Join(m.destination, root)

	// This package may have been placed on the list to look for when it wasn't
	// downloaded but it has since been downloaded before coming to this entry.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); err == nil {
		// Make sure the location contains files. It may be an empty directory.
		empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(dest)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		if empty {
			msg.Warn("%s is an existing location with no files. Fetching a new copy of the dependency.", dest)
			msg.Debug("Removing empty directory %s", dest)
			err := os.RemoveAll(dest)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Installer error removing directory %s: %s", dest, err)
				return false, err
		} else {
			msg.Debug("Found %s", dest)
			return true, nil

	msg.Info("Fetching %s into %s", pkg, m.destination)

	d := m.Config.Imports.Get(root)
	if d == nil && addTest {
		d = m.Config.DevImports.Get(root)

	// If the dependency is nil it means the Config doesn't yet know about it.
	if d == nil {
		d, _ = m.Use.Get(root)
		// We don't know about this dependency so we create a basic instance.
		if d == nil {
			d = &cfg.Dependency{Name: root}
		if addTest {
			m.Config.DevImports = append(m.Config.DevImports, d)
		} else {
			m.Config.Imports = append(m.Config.Imports, d)
	if err := VcsGet(d, dest, m.home, m.cache, m.cacheGopath, m.useGopath); err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil
Esempio n. 3
func (m *memCache) put(name, version string) {
	defer m.Unlock()
	m.t[name] = true
	sv, err := semver.NewVersion(version)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Debug("Ignoring %s version %s: %s", name, version, err)

	latest, found := m.latest[name]
	if found {
		lv, err := semver.NewVersion(latest)
		if err == nil {
			if sv.GreaterThan(lv) {
				m.latest[name] = version
	} else {
		m.latest[name] = version

	found = false
	for _, v := range m.versions[name] {
		if v == version {
			found = true
	if !found {
		m.versions[name] = append(m.versions[name], version)
Esempio n. 4
// GodepWorkspace removes any Godeps/_workspace directories and makes sure
// any rewrites are undone.
// Note, this is not concuccency safe.
func GodepWorkspace(v string) error {
	vPath = v
	if _, err := os.Stat(vPath); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			msg.Debug("Vendor directory does not exist.")

		return err

	err := filepath.Walk(vPath, stripGodepWorkspaceHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Walk the marked projects to make sure rewrites are undone.
	for k := range godepMark {
		msg.Info("Removing Godep rewrites for %s", k)
		err := filepath.Walk(k, rewriteGodepfilesHandler)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Esempio n. 5
func stripGodepWorkspaceHandler(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
	// Skip the base vendor directory
	if path == vPath {
		return nil

	name := info.Name()
	p := filepath.Dir(path)
	pn := filepath.Base(p)
	if name == "_workspace" && pn == "Godeps" {
		if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
			if info.IsDir() {
				// Marking this location to make sure rewrites are undone.
				pp := filepath.Dir(p)
				godepMark[pp] = true

				msg.Info("Removing: %s", path)
				return os.RemoveAll(path)

			msg.Debug("%s is not a directory. Skipping removal", path)
			return nil
	return nil
Esempio n. 6
func (m *MissingPackageHandler) NotFound(pkg string) (bool, error) {
	root := util.GetRootFromPackage(pkg)

	// Skip any references to the root package.
	if root == m.Config.Name {
		return false, nil

	dest := filepath.Join(m.destination, root)

	// This package may have been placed on the list to look for when it wasn't
	// downloaded but it has since been downloaded before coming to this entry.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); err == nil {
		msg.Debug("Found %s", dest)
		return true, nil

	msg.Info("Fetching %s into %s", pkg, m.destination)

	d := m.Config.Imports.Get(root)
	// If the dependency is nil it means the Config doesn't yet know about it.
	if d == nil {
		d = m.Use.Get(root)
		// We don't know about this dependency so we create a basic instance.
		if d == nil {
			d = &cfg.Dependency{Name: root}

		m.Config.Imports = append(m.Config.Imports, d)
	if err := VcsGet(d, dest, m.home, m.cache, m.cacheGopath, m.useGopath); err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil
Esempio n. 7
// LazyConcurrentUpdate updates only deps that are not already checkout out at the right version.
// This is only safe when updating from a lock file.
func LazyConcurrentUpdate(deps []*cfg.Dependency, cwd string, i *Installer, c *cfg.Config) error {

	newDeps := []*cfg.Dependency{}
	for _, dep := range deps {
		destPath := filepath.Join(i.VendorPath(), dep.Name)

		// Get a VCS object for this directory
		repo, err := dep.GetRepo(destPath)
		if err != nil {
			newDeps = append(newDeps, dep)

		ver, err := repo.Version()
		if err != nil {
			newDeps = append(newDeps, dep)

		if ver == dep.Reference {
			msg.Info("--> Found desired version %s %s!", dep.Name, dep.Reference)

		msg.Debug("--> Queue %s for update (%s != %s).", dep.Name, ver, dep.Reference)
		newDeps = append(newDeps, dep)
	if len(newDeps) > 0 {
		return ConcurrentUpdate(newDeps, cwd, i, c)

	return nil
Esempio n. 8
// Unlock unlocks a particular key name
func Unlock(name string) {
	msg.Debug("Unlocking %s", name)
	if m, ok := lockData[name]; ok {

Esempio n. 9
func findCurrentBranch(repo vcs.Repo) string {
	msg.Debug("Attempting to find current branch for %s", repo.Remote())
	// Svn and Bzr don't have default branches.
	if repo.Vcs() == vcs.Svn || repo.Vcs() == vcs.Bzr {
		return ""

	if repo.Vcs() == vcs.Git || repo.Vcs() == vcs.Hg {
		ver, err := repo.Current()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Debug("Unable to find current branch for %s, error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)
			return ""
		return ver

	return ""
Esempio n. 10
// StripVcs removes VCS metadata (.git, .hg, .bzr, .svn) from the vendor/
// directory.
func StripVcs() error {
	if _, err := os.Stat(VendorDir); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			msg.Debug("Vendor directory does not exist.")

		return err
	return filepath.Walk(VendorDir, stripHandler)
Esempio n. 11
File: ensure.go Progetto: gus/glide
// EnsureVendorDir ensures that a vendor/ directory is present in the cwd.
func EnsureVendorDir() {
	fi, err := os.Stat(gpath.VendorDir)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Debug("Creating %s", gpath.VendorDir)
		if err := os.MkdirAll(gpath.VendorDir, os.ModeDir|0755); err != nil {
			msg.Die("Could not create %s: %s", gpath.VendorDir, err)
	} else if !fi.IsDir() {
		msg.Die("Vendor is not a directory")
Esempio n. 12
// Lock locks a particular key name
func Lock(name string) {
	m, ok := lockData[name]
	if !ok {
		m = &sync.Mutex{}
		lockData[name] = m
	msg.Debug("Locking %s", name)
Esempio n. 13
// sliceToQueue is a special-purpose function for unwrapping a slice of
// dependencies into a queue of fully qualified paths.
func sliceToQueue(deps []*cfg.Dependency, basepath string) *list.List {
	l := list.New()
	for _, e := range deps {
		if len(e.Subpackages) > 0 {
			for _, v := range e.Subpackages {
				ip := e.Name
				if v != "." && v != "" {
					ip = ip + "/" + v
				msg.Debug("Adding local Import %s to queue", ip)
				l.PushBack(filepath.Join(basepath, filepath.FromSlash(ip)))
		} else {
			msg.Debug("Adding local Import %s to queue", e.Name)
			l.PushBack(filepath.Join(basepath, filepath.FromSlash(e.Name)))

	return l
Esempio n. 14
File: vcs.go Progetto: albrow/glide
// VcsGet figures out how to fetch a dependency, and then gets it.
// VcsGet installs into the cache.
func VcsGet(dep *cfg.Dependency) error {

	key, err := cp.Key(dep.Remote())
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Cache key generation error: %s", err)
	location := cp.Location()
	d := filepath.Join(location, "src", key)

	repo, err := dep.GetRepo(d)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// If the directory does not exist this is a first cache.
	if _, err = os.Stat(d); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		msg.Debug("Adding %s to the cache for the first time", dep.Name)
		err = repo.Get()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		branch := findCurrentBranch(repo)
		if branch != "" {
			msg.Debug("Saving default branch for %s", repo.Remote())
			c := cp.RepoInfo{DefaultBranch: branch}
			err = cp.SaveRepoData(key, c)
			if err == cp.ErrCacheDisabled {
				msg.Debug("Unable to cache default branch because caching is disabled")
			} else if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Error saving %s to cache. Error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)
	} else {
		msg.Debug("Updating %s in the cache", dep.Name)
		err = repo.Update()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Esempio n. 15
// Load pulls the mirrors into memory
func Load() error {
	home := gpath.Home()

	op := filepath.Join(home, "mirrors.yaml")

	var ov *Mirrors
	if _, err := os.Stat(op); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		msg.Debug("No mirrors.yaml file exists")
		ov = &Mirrors{
			Repos: make(MirrorRepos, 0),
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		ov = &Mirrors{
			Repos: make(MirrorRepos, 0),
		return err

	var err error
	ov, err = ReadMirrorsFile(op)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error reading existing mirrors.yaml file: %s", err)

	msg.Info("Loading mirrors from mirrors.yaml file")
	for _, o := range ov.Repos {
		msg.Debug("Found mirror: %s to %s (%s)", o.Original, o.Repo, o.Vcs)
		no := &mirror{
			Repo: o.Repo,
			Vcs:  o.Vcs,
		mirrors[o.Original] = no

	return nil
Esempio n. 16
// StripVendor removes nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace/ directories.
func StripVendor() error {
	searchPath, _ := Vendor()
	if _, err := os.Stat(searchPath); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			msg.Debug("Vendor directory does not exist.")

		return err

	err := filepath.Walk(searchPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		// Skip the base vendor directory
		if path == searchPath {
			return nil

		name := info.Name()
		if name == "vendor" {
			if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
				if info.IsDir() {
					msg.Info("Removing: %s", path)
					return os.RemoveAll(path)

				msg.Debug("%s is not a directory. Skipping removal", path)
				return nil
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return strip.GodepWorkspace(searchPath)
Esempio n. 17
func stripHandler(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {

	name := info.Name()
	if name == ".git" || name == ".bzr" || name == ".svn" || name == ".hg" {
		if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
			if info.IsDir() {
				msg.Info("Removing: %s", path)
				return os.RemoveAll(path)

			msg.Debug("%s is not a directory. Skipping removal", path)
			return nil
	return nil
Esempio n. 18
// Plugin attempts to find and execute a plugin based on a command.
// Exit code 99 means the plugin was never executed. Code 1 means the program
// exited badly.
func Plugin(command string, args []string) {

	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Die("Could not get working directory: %s", err)

	cmd := "glide-" + command
	var fullcmd string
	if fullcmd, err = exec.LookPath(cmd); err != nil {
		fullcmd = cwd + "/" + cmd
		if _, err := os.Stat(fullcmd); err != nil {
			msg.Die("Command %s does not exist.", cmd)

	// Turning os.Args first argument from `glide` to `glide-command`
	args[0] = cmd
	// Removing the first argument (command)
	removed := false
	for i, v := range args {
		if removed == false && v == command {
			args = append(args[:i], args[i+1:]...)
			removed = true
	pa := os.ProcAttr{
		Files: []*os.File{os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr},
		Dir:   cwd,

	msg.Debug("Delegating to plugin %s (%v)\n", fullcmd, args)

	proc, err := os.StartProcess(fullcmd, args, &pa)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Err("Failed to execute %s: %s", cmd, err)

	if _, err := proc.Wait(); err != nil {
Esempio n. 19
// ResolveAll takes a list of packages and returns an inclusive list of all
// vendored dependencies.
// While this will scan all of the source code it can find, it will only return
// packages that were either explicitly passed in as deps, or were explicitly
// imported by the code.
// Packages that are either CGO or on GOROOT are ignored. Packages that are
// on GOPATH, but not vendored currently generate a warning.
// If one of the passed in packages does not exist in the vendor directory,
// an error is returned.
func (r *Resolver) ResolveAll(deps []*cfg.Dependency) ([]string, error) {
	queue := sliceToQueue(deps, r.VendorDir)

	loc, err := r.ResolveLocal(false)
	if err != nil {
		return []string{}, err
	for _, l := range loc {
		msg.Debug("Adding local Import %s to queue", l)

	if r.ResolveAllFiles {
		return r.resolveList(queue)
	return r.resolveImports(queue)
Esempio n. 20
// StripVendor removes nested vendor and Godeps/_workspace/ directories.
func StripVendor() error {
	if _, err := os.Stat(VendorDir); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			msg.Debug("Vendor directory does not exist.")

		return err

	err := filepath.Walk(VendorDir, stripVendorHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = strip.GodepWorkspace(VendorDir)

	return err
Esempio n. 21
func stripVendorHandler(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
	// Skip the base vendor directory
	if path == VendorDir {
		return nil

	name := info.Name()
	if name == "vendor" {
		if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
			if info.IsDir() {
				msg.Info("Removing: %s", path)
				return os.RemoveAll(path)

			msg.Debug("%s is not a directory. Skipping removal", path)
			return nil
	return nil
Esempio n. 22
// LazyConcurrentUpdate updates only deps that are not already checkout out at the right version.
// This is only safe when updating from a lock file.
func LazyConcurrentUpdate(deps []*cfg.Dependency, i *Installer, c *cfg.Config) error {

	newDeps := []*cfg.Dependency{}
	for _, dep := range deps {

		key, err := cache.Key(dep.Remote())
		if err != nil {
			newDeps = append(newDeps, dep)
		destPath := filepath.Join(cache.Location(), "src", key)

		// Get a VCS object for this directory
		repo, err := dep.GetRepo(destPath)
		if err != nil {
			newDeps = append(newDeps, dep)

		ver, err := repo.Version()
		if err != nil {
			newDeps = append(newDeps, dep)
		if dep.Reference != "" {
			ci, err := repo.CommitInfo(dep.Reference)
			if err == nil && ci.Commit == dep.Reference {
				msg.Info("--> Found desired version locally %s %s!", dep.Name, dep.Reference)

		msg.Debug("--> Queue %s for update (%s != %s).", dep.Name, ver, dep.Reference)
		newDeps = append(newDeps, dep)
	if len(newDeps) > 0 {
		return ConcurrentUpdate(newDeps, i, c)

	return nil
Esempio n. 23
// Setup creates the cache location.
func Setup() {
	defer setupMutex.Unlock()

	if isSetup {
	msg.Debug("Setting up the cache directory")
	pths := []string{
		filepath.Join("cache", "src"),
		filepath.Join("cache", "info"),

	for _, l := range pths {
		err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(gpath.Home(), l), 0755)
		if err != nil {
			msg.Die("Cache directory unavailable: %s", err)

	isSetup = true
Esempio n. 24
// Setup creates the cache location.
func Setup() error {
	defer setupMutex.Unlock()

	if isSetup {
		return nil
	msg.Debug("Setting up the cache directory")
	pths := []string{
		filepath.Join("cache", "src"),
		filepath.Join("cache", "info"),

	for _, l := range pths {
		err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(gpath.Home(), l), 0755)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	isSetup = true
	return nil
Esempio n. 25
// VcsVersion set the VCS version for a checkout.
func VcsVersion(dep *cfg.Dependency, vend string) error {

	// If the dependency has already been pinned we can skip it. This is a
	// faster path so we don't need to resolve it again.
	if dep.Pin != "" {
		msg.Debug("Dependency %s has already been pinned. Setting version skipped.", dep.Name)
		return nil

	cwd := filepath.Join(vend, dep.Name)

	// If there is no refernece configured there is nothing to set.
	if dep.Reference == "" {
		// Before exiting update the pinned version
		repo, err := dep.GetRepo(cwd)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		dep.Pin, err = repo.Version()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
	// a vendored files situation.
	empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(cwd)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(cwd)
	if empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
		msg.Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package. Unable to set new version. Consider the '--update-vendored' flag.\n", dep.Name)
	} else {
		repo, err := dep.GetRepo(cwd)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ver := dep.Reference
		// Referenes in Git can begin with a ^ which is similar to semver.
		// If there is a ^ prefix we assume it's a semver constraint rather than
		// part of the git/VCS commit id.
		if repo.IsReference(ver) && !strings.HasPrefix(ver, "^") {
			msg.Info("Setting version for %s to %s.\n", dep.Name, ver)
		} else {

			// Create the constraing first to make sure it's valid before
			// working on the repo.
			constraint, err := semver.NewConstraint(ver)

			// Make sure the constriant is valid. At this point it's not a valid
			// reference so if it's not a valid constrint we can exit early.
			if err != nil {
				msg.Warn("The reference '%s' is not valid\n", ver)
				return err

			// Get the tags and branches (in that order)
			refs, err := getAllVcsRefs(repo)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Convert and filter the list to semver.Version instances
			semvers := getSemVers(refs)

			// Sort semver list
			found := false
			for _, v := range semvers {
				if constraint.Check(v) {
					found = true
					// If the constrint passes get the original reference
					ver = v.Original()
			if found {
				msg.Info("Detected semantic version. Setting version for %s to %s.\n", dep.Name, ver)
			} else {
				msg.Warn("Unable to find semantic version for constraint %s %s\n", dep.Name, ver)
		if err := repo.UpdateVersion(ver); err != nil {
			msg.Error("Failed to set version to %s: %s\n", dep.Reference, err)
			return err
		dep.Pin, err = repo.Version()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Esempio n. 26
func wizardFindVersions(d *cfg.Dependency) {
	l, err := cache.Location()
	if err != nil {
		msg.Debug("Problem detecting cache location: %s", err)
	var remote string
	if d.Repository != "" {
		remote = d.Repository
	} else {
		remote = "https://" + d.Name

	key, err := cache.Key(remote)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Debug("Problem generating cache key for %s: %s", remote, err)

	local := filepath.Join(l, "src", key)
	repo, err := vcs.NewRepo(remote, local)
	if err != nil {
		msg.Debug("Problem getting repo instance: %s", err)

	var useLocal bool
	if _, err = os.Stat(local); err == nil {
		useLocal = true

	// Git endpoints allow for querying without fetching the codebase locally.
	// We try that first to avoid fetching right away. Is this premature
	// optimization?
	cc := true
	if !useLocal && repo.Vcs() == vcs.Git {
		out, err2 := exec.Command("git", "ls-remote", remote).CombinedOutput()
		if err2 == nil {
			cc = false
			lines := strings.Split(string(out), "\n")
			for _, i := range lines {
				ti := strings.TrimSpace(i)
				if found := createGitParseVersion.FindString(ti); found != "" {
					tg := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(found, "^{}"), "tags/")
					cache.MemPut(remote, tg)
					if d.Reference != "" && strings.HasPrefix(ti, d.Reference) {
						cache.MemSetCurrent(remote, tg)

	if cc {
		if _, err = os.Stat(local); os.IsNotExist(err) {
			branch := findCurrentBranch(repo)
			c := cache.RepoInfo{DefaultBranch: branch}
			err = cache.SaveRepoData(key, c)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Error saving cache repo details: %s", err)
		} else {
		tgs, err := repo.Tags()
		if err != nil {
			msg.Debug("Problem getting tags: %s", err)
		} else {
			for _, v := range tgs {
				cache.MemPut(remote, v)
		if d.Reference != "" && repo.IsReference(d.Reference) {
			tgs, err = repo.TagsFromCommit(d.Reference)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Problem getting tags for commit: %s", err)
			} else {
				if len(tgs) > 0 {
					for _, v := range tgs {
						if !(repo.Vcs() == vcs.Hg && v == "tip") {
							cache.MemSetCurrent(remote, v)
Esempio n. 27
// imports gets all of the imports for a given package.
// If the package is in GOROOT, this will return an empty list (but not
// an error).
// If it cannot resolve the pkg, it will return an error.
func (r *Resolver) imports(pkg string) ([]string, error) {

	// If this pkg is marked seen, we don't scan it again.
	if _, ok := r.seen[pkg]; ok {
		msg.Debug("Already saw %s", pkg)
		return []string{}, nil

	// FIXME: On error this should try to NotFound to the dependency, and then import
	// it again.
	p, err := r.BuildContext.ImportDir(pkg, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return []string{}, err

	// It is okay to scan a package more than once. In some cases, this is
	// desirable because the package can change between scans (e.g. as a result
	// of a failed scan resolving the situation).
	msg.Debug("=> Scanning %s (%s)", p.ImportPath, pkg)
	r.seen[pkg] = true

	// Optimization: If it's in GOROOT, it has no imports worth scanning.
	if p.Goroot {
		return []string{}, nil

	// We are only looking for dependencies in vendor. No root, cgo, etc.
	buf := []string{}
	for _, imp := range p.Imports {
		info := r.FindPkg(imp)
		switch info.Loc {
		case LocUnknown:
			// Do we resolve here?
			found, err := r.Handler.NotFound(imp)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Error("Failed to fetch %s: %s", imp, err)
			if found {
				buf = append(buf, filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp)))
			r.seen[info.Path] = true
		case LocVendor:
			//msg.Debug("Vendored: %s", imp)
			buf = append(buf, info.Path)
		case LocGopath:
			found, err := r.Handler.OnGopath(imp)
			if err != nil {
				msg.Error("Failed to fetch %s: %s", imp, err)
			// If the Handler marks this as found, we drop it into the buffer
			// for subsequent processing. Otherwise, we assume that we're
			// in a less-than-perfect, but functional, situation.
			if found {
				buf = append(buf, filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp)))
			msg.Warn("Package %s is on GOPATH, but not vendored. Ignoring.", imp)
			r.seen[info.Path] = true
			// Local packages are an odd case. CGO cannot be scanned.
			msg.Debug("===> Skipping %s", imp)

	return buf, nil
Esempio n. 28
// defaultBranch tries to ascertain the default branch for the given repo.
// Some repos will have multiple branches in them (e.g. Git) while others
// (e.g. Svn) will not.
func defaultBranch(repo v.Repo, home string) string {

	// Svn and Bzr use different locations (paths or entire locations)
	// for branches so we won't have a default branch.
	if repo.Vcs() == v.Svn || repo.Vcs() == v.Bzr {
		return ""

	// Check the cache for a value.
	key, kerr := cacheCreateKey(repo.Remote())
	var d cacheRepoInfo
	if kerr == nil {
		d, err := cacheRepoData(key, home)
		if err == nil {
			if d.DefaultBranch != "" {
				return d.DefaultBranch

	// If we don't have it in the store try some APIs
	r := repo.Remote()
	u, err := url.Parse(r)
	if err != nil {
		return ""
	if u.Scheme == "" {
		// Where there is no scheme we try urls like [email protected]:foo/bar
		r = strings.Replace(r, ":", "/", -1)
		r = "ssh://" + r
		u, err = url.Parse(r)
		if err != nil {
			return ""
		u.Scheme = ""
	if u.Host == "" {
		parts := strings.Split(u.Path, "/")
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return ""
		api := fmt.Sprintf("", parts[0], parts[1])
		resp, err := http.Get(api)
		if err != nil {
			return ""
		defer resp.Body.Close()
		if resp.StatusCode >= 300 || resp.StatusCode < 200 {
			return ""
		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		var data interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
		if err != nil {
			return ""
		gh := data.(map[string]interface{})
		db := gh["default_branch"].(string)
		if kerr == nil {
			d.DefaultBranch = db
			err := saveCacheRepoData(key, d, home)
			if err == errCacheDisabled {
				msg.Debug("Unable to cache default branch because caching is disabled")
			} else if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Error saving %s to cache. Error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)
		return db

	if u.Host == "" {
		parts := strings.Split(u.Path, "/")
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			return ""
		api := fmt.Sprintf("", parts[0], parts[1])
		resp, err := http.Get(api)
		if err != nil {
			return ""
		defer resp.Body.Close()
		if resp.StatusCode >= 300 || resp.StatusCode < 200 {
			return ""
		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		var data interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
		if err != nil {
			return ""
		bb := data.(map[string]interface{})
		db := bb["name"].(string)
		if kerr == nil {
			d.DefaultBranch = db
			err := saveCacheRepoData(key, d, home)
			if err == errCacheDisabled {
				msg.Debug("Unable to cache default branch because caching is disabled")
			} else if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Error saving %s to cache. Error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)
		return db

	return ""
Esempio n. 29
// VcsGet figures out how to fetch a dependency, and then gets it.
// VcsGet installs into the dest.
func VcsGet(dep *cfg.Dependency, dest, home string, cache, cacheGopath, useGopath bool) error {
	// When not skipping the $GOPATH look in it for a copy of the package
	if useGopath {
		// Check if the $GOPATH has a viable version to use and if so copy to vendor
		gps := gpath.Gopaths()
		for _, p := range gps {
			d := filepath.Join(p, "src", dep.Name)
			if _, err := os.Stat(d); err == nil {
				empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(d)
				if empty || err != nil {

				repo, err := dep.GetRepo(d)
				if err != nil {

				// Dirty repos have uncomitted changes.
				if repo.IsDirty() {

				// Having found a repo we copy it to vendor and update it.
				msg.Info("Copying package %s from the GOPATH.", dep.Name)
				msg.Debug("Found %s in GOPATH at %s. Copying to %s", dep.Name, d, dest)
				err = gpath.CopyDir(d, dest)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// Update the repo in the vendor directory
				msg.Debug("Updating %s, now in the vendor path at %s", dep.Name, dest)
				repo, err = dep.GetRepo(dest)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				err = repo.Update()
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// If there is no reference set on the dep we try to checkout
				// the default branch.
				if dep.Reference == "" {
					db := defaultBranch(repo, home)
					if db != "" {
						err = repo.UpdateVersion(db)
						if err != nil && msg.Default.IsDebugging {
							msg.Debug("Attempting to set the version on %s to %s failed. Error %s", dep.Name, db, err)
				return nil

	// When opting in to cache in the GOPATH attempt to do put a copy there.
	if cacheGopath {

		// Since we didn't find an existing copy in the GOPATHs try to clone there.
		gp := gpath.Gopath()
		if gp != "" {
			d := filepath.Join(gp, "src", dep.Name)
			if _, err := os.Stat(d); os.IsNotExist(err) {
				// Empty directory so we checkout out the code here.
				msg.Debug("Retrieving %s to %s before copying to vendor", dep.Name, d)
				repo, err := dep.GetRepo(d)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				branch := findCurrentBranch(repo)
				if branch != "" {
					// we know the default branch so we can store it in the cache
					var loc string
					if dep.Repository != "" {
						loc = dep.Repository
					} else {
						loc = "https://" + dep.Name
					key, err := cacheCreateKey(loc)
					if err == nil {
						msg.Debug("Saving default branch for %s", repo.Remote())
						c := cacheRepoInfo{DefaultBranch: branch}
						err = saveCacheRepoData(key, c, home)
						if msg.Default.IsDebugging && err == errCacheDisabled {
							msg.Debug("Unable to cache default branch because caching is disabled")

				msg.Debug("Copying %s from GOPATH at %s to %s", dep.Name, d, dest)
				err = gpath.CopyDir(d, dest)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				return nil

	// If opting in to caching attempt to put it in the cache folder
	if cache {
		// Check if the cache has a viable version and try to use that.
		var loc string
		if dep.Repository != "" {
			loc = dep.Repository
		} else {
			loc = "https://" + dep.Name
		key, err := cacheCreateKey(loc)
		if err == nil {
			d := filepath.Join(home, "cache", "src", key)

			repo, err := dep.GetRepo(d)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// If the directory does not exist this is a first cache.
			if _, err = os.Stat(d); os.IsNotExist(err) {
				msg.Debug("Adding %s to the cache for the first time", dep.Name)
				err = repo.Get()
				if err != nil {
					return err
				branch := findCurrentBranch(repo)
				if branch != "" {
					// we know the default branch so we can store it in the cache
					var loc string
					if dep.Repository != "" {
						loc = dep.Repository
					} else {
						loc = "https://" + dep.Name
					key, err := cacheCreateKey(loc)
					if err == nil {
						msg.Debug("Saving default branch for %s", repo.Remote())
						c := cacheRepoInfo{DefaultBranch: branch}
						err = saveCacheRepoData(key, c, home)
						if err == errCacheDisabled {
							msg.Debug("Unable to cache default branch because caching is disabled")
						} else if err != nil {
							msg.Debug("Error saving %s to cache. Error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)

			} else {
				msg.Debug("Updating %s in the cache", dep.Name)
				err = repo.Update()
				if err != nil {
					return err

			msg.Debug("Copying %s from the cache to %s", dep.Name, dest)
			err = gpath.CopyDir(d, dest)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			return nil
		} else {
			msg.Warn("Cache key generation error: %s", err)

	// If unable to cache pull directly into the vendor/ directory.
	repo, err := dep.GetRepo(dest)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	gerr := repo.Get()

	// Attempt to cache the default branch
	branch := findCurrentBranch(repo)
	if branch != "" {
		// we know the default branch so we can store it in the cache
		var loc string
		if dep.Repository != "" {
			loc = dep.Repository
		} else {
			loc = "https://" + dep.Name
		key, err := cacheCreateKey(loc)
		if err == nil {
			msg.Debug("Saving default branch for %s", repo.Remote())
			c := cacheRepoInfo{DefaultBranch: branch}
			err = saveCacheRepoData(key, c, home)
			if err == errCacheDisabled {
				msg.Debug("Unable to cache default branch because caching is disabled")
			} else if err != nil {
				msg.Debug("Error saving %s to cache - Error: %s", repo.Remote(), err)

	return gerr
Esempio n. 30
// VcsUpdate updates to a particular checkout based on the VCS setting.
func VcsUpdate(dep *cfg.Dependency, dest, home string, cache, cacheGopath, useGopath, force, updateVendored bool) error {

	// If the dependency has already been pinned we can skip it. This is a
	// faster path so we don't need to resolve it again.
	if dep.Pin != "" {
		msg.Debug("Dependency %s has already been pinned. Fetching updates skipped.", dep.Name)
		return nil

	msg.Info("Fetching updates for %s.\n", dep.Name)

	if filterArchOs(dep) {
		msg.Info("%s is not used for %s/%s.\n", dep.Name, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
		return nil

	// If destination doesn't exist we need to perform an initial checkout.
	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, home, cache, cacheGopath, useGopath); err != nil {
			msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
			return err
	} else {
		// At this point we have a directory for the package.

		// When the directory is not empty and has no VCS directory it's
		// a vendored files situation.
		empty, err := gpath.IsDirectoryEmpty(dest)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = v.DetectVcsFromFS(dest)
		if updateVendored == false && empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
			msg.Warn("%s appears to be a vendored package. Unable to update. Consider the '--update-vendored' flag.\n", dep.Name)
		} else {

			if updateVendored == true && empty == false && err == v.ErrCannotDetectVCS {
				// A vendored package, no repo, and updating the vendored packages
				// has been opted into.
				msg.Info("%s is a vendored package. Updating.", dep.Name)
				err = os.RemoveAll(dest)
				if err != nil {
					msg.Error("Unable to update vendored dependency %s.\n", dep.Name)
					return err
				} else {
					dep.UpdateAsVendored = true

				if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, home, cache, cacheGopath, useGopath); err != nil {
					msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
					return err

				return nil

			repo, err := dep.GetRepo(dest)

			// Tried to checkout a repo to a path that does not work. Either the
			// type or endpoint has changed. Force is being passed in so the old
			// location can be removed and replaced with the new one.
			// Warning, any changes in the old location will be deleted.
			// TODO: Put dirty checking in on the existing local checkout.
			if (err == v.ErrWrongVCS || err == v.ErrWrongRemote) && force == true {
				var newRemote string
				if len(dep.Repository) > 0 {
					newRemote = dep.Repository
				} else {
					newRemote = "https://" + dep.Name

				msg.Warn("Replacing %s with contents from %s\n", dep.Name, newRemote)
				rerr := os.RemoveAll(dest)
				if rerr != nil {
					return rerr
				if err = VcsGet(dep, dest, home, cache, cacheGopath, useGopath); err != nil {
					msg.Warn("Unable to checkout %s\n", dep.Name)
					return err
			} else if err != nil {
				return err
			} else if repo.IsDirty() {
				return fmt.Errorf("%s contains uncommited changes. Skipping update", dep.Name)
			} else {

				// Check if the current version is a tag or commit id. If it is
				// and that version is already checked out we can skip updating
				// which is faster than going out to the Internet to perform
				// an update.
				if dep.Reference != "" {
					version, err := repo.Version()
					if err != nil {
						return err
					ib, err := isBranch(dep.Reference, repo)
					if err != nil {
						return err

					// If the current version equals the ref and it's not a
					// branch it's a tag or commit id so we can skip
					// performing an update.
					if version == dep.Reference && !ib {
						msg.Info("%s is already set to version %s. Skipping update.", dep.Name, dep.Reference)
						return nil

				if err := repo.Update(); err != nil {
					msg.Warn("Download failed.\n")
					return err

	return nil