Esempio n. 1
var dlCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:     "dl <video-path>",
	Aliases: []string{"download"},
	Short:   "Download the subtitles for your video - 'subify dl --help'",
	Long: `Download the subtitles for your video (movie or TV Shows)
Give the path of your video as first parameter and let's go !`,
	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		// Assertions
		if config.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("Downloading command called with following parameters : " + strings.Join(args, " "))
		if len(args) != 1 {
			utils.Exit("Video file needed. See usage : 'subify help' or 'subify dl --help'")

		videoPath := args[0]

		if openVideo {

func init() {
	dlCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&language, "language", "l", "en", "Language of the subtitle")
	viper.BindPFlag("language", dlCmd.Flags().Lookup("language"))
	dlCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&openVideo, "open", "o", false, "Once the subtitle is donwloaded, open the video with your default video player (OSX: \"open\", Windows: \"start\", Linux/Other: \"xdg-open\")")
Esempio n. 2
var dlCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:     "dl <video-path>",
	Aliases: []string{"download"},
	Short:   "Download the subtitles for your video - 'subify dl --help'",
	Long: `Download the subtitles for your video (movie or TV Shows)
Give the path of your video as first parameter and let's go !`,
	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		if len(args) != 1 {
			utils.Exit("Video file needed. See usage : 'subify help' or 'subify dl --help'")
		videoPath := args[0]
		utils.VerbosePrintln(logger.INFO, "Given video file is "+videoPath)

		apis := strings.Split(viper.GetString("download.apis"), ",")
		languages := strings.Split(viper.GetString("download.languages"), ",")
		err := subtitles.Download(videoPath, apis, languages)
		if err != nil {
			utils.ExitPrintError(err, "Sadly, we could not download any subtitle for you. Try another time or contribute to the apis. See 'subify upload -h'")

		if openVideo {

func init() {
	dlCmd.Flags().StringP("languages", "l", "en", "Languages of the subtitle separate by a comma (First to match is downloaded). Available languages at 'subify list languages'")
	dlCmd.Flags().StringP("apis", "a", "SubDB,OpenSubtitles", "Overwrite default searching APIs behavior, hence the subtitles are downloaded. Available APIs at 'subify list apis'")
	dlCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&openVideo, "open", "o", false,
		"Once the subtitle is downloaded, open the video with your default video player"+