Esempio n. 1
// Execute executes the command with the given user and arguments.
// Return value descriptions:
//    string: A message to be returned to the user upon successful execution.
//    bool:   Whether the message should be private or not. true = private,
//            false = public (sent to whole channel).
//    error:  An error message to be returned upon unsuccessful execution.
//            If no error has occurred, pass nil instead.
// Example return statement:
//    return "This is a private message!", true, nil
func (c *CurrentTrackCommand) Execute(user *gumble.User, args ...string) (string, bool, error) {
	var (
		currentTrack interfaces.Track
		err          error

	if currentTrack, err = DJ.Queue.CurrentTrack(); err != nil {
		return "", true, errors.New(viper.GetString("commands.common_messages.no_tracks_error"))

	return fmt.Sprintf(viper.GetString("commands.currenttrack.messages.current_track"),
		currentTrack.GetTitle(), currentTrack.GetSubmitter()), true, nil