Esempio n. 1
// Logger retrieves an event logger by name
func Logger(system string) EventLogger {

	// TODO if we would like to adjust log levels at run-time. Store this event
	// logger in a map (just like the util.Logger impl)

	return &eventLogger{system: system, Logger: util.Logger(system)}
Esempio n. 2



var log = u.Logger("updates")

var currentVersion *semver.Version

// ErrNoUpdateAvailable returned when a check fails to find a newer update.
var ErrNoUpdateAvailable = check.NoUpdateAvailable

func init() {
	var err error
	currentVersion, err = parseVersion()
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("invalid version number in code (must be semver): %q", Version)
	log.Infof("go-ipfs Version: %s", currentVersion)
Esempio n. 3
// package kbucket implements a kademlia 'k-bucket' routing table.
package kbucket

import (

	peer ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("table")

// RoutingTable defines the routing table.
type RoutingTable struct {

	// ID of the local peer
	local ID

	// Blanket lock, refine later for better performance
	tabLock sync.RWMutex

	// Maximum acceptable latency for peers in this cluster
	maxLatency time.Duration

	// kBuckets define all the fingers to other nodes.
	Buckets    []*Bucket
	bucketsize int
Esempio n. 4
package network

import (

	context ""

	bsmsg ""
	inet ""
	netmsg ""
	peer ""
	util ""

var log = util.Logger("bitswap_network")

// NewFromIpfsNetwork returns a BitSwapNetwork supported by underlying IPFS
// Dialer & Service
func NewFromIpfsNetwork(s inet.Service, dialer inet.Dialer) BitSwapNetwork {
	bitswapNetwork := impl{
		service: s,
		dialer:  dialer,
	return &bitswapNetwork

// impl transforms the ipfs network interface, which sends and receives
// NetMessage objects, into the bitswap network interface.
type impl struct {
	service inet.Service
Esempio n. 5
// package config implements the ipfs config file datastructures and utilities.
package config

import (

	u ""

var log = u.Logger("config")

// Identity tracks the configuration of the local node's identity.
type Identity struct {
	PeerID  string
	PrivKey string

// Logs tracks the configuration of the event logger
type Logs struct {
	Filename   string
	MaxSizeMB  uint64
	MaxBackups uint64
	MaxAgeDays uint64

// Datastore tracks the configuration of the datastore.
Esempio n. 6

	proto ""

	pb ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("crypto")

var ErrBadKeyType = errors.New("invalid or unsupported key type")

const (
	RSA = iota

// Key represents a crypto key that can be compared to another key
type Key interface {
	// Bytes returns a serialized, storeable representation of this key
	Bytes() ([]byte, error)

	// Hash returns the hash of this key
	Hash() ([]byte, error)
Esempio n. 7
	context ""
	ds ""

	blocks ""
	blockstore ""
	exchange ""
	bsmsg ""
	bsnet ""
	notifications ""
	strategy ""
	peer ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("bitswap")

// New initializes a BitSwap instance that communicates over the
// provided BitSwapNetwork. This function registers the returned instance as
// the network delegate.
// Runs until context is cancelled
func New(ctx context.Context, p peer.Peer,
	network bsnet.BitSwapNetwork, routing bsnet.Routing,
	d ds.ThreadSafeDatastore, nice bool) exchange.Interface {

	notif := notifications.New()
	go func() {
Esempio n. 8
import (

	conn ""
	msg ""
	pb ""
	u ""
	ctxc ""

	context ""
	proto ""

var log = u.Logger("muxer")

// ProtocolIDs used to identify each protocol.
// These should probably be defined elsewhere.
var (
	ProtocolID_Routing    = pb.ProtocolID_Routing
	ProtocolID_Exchange   = pb.ProtocolID_Exchange
	ProtocolID_Diagnostic = pb.ProtocolID_Diagnostic

// Protocol objects produce + consume raw data. They are added to the Muxer
// with a ProtocolID, which is added to outgoing payloads. Muxer properly
// encapsulates and decapsulates when interfacing with its Protocols. The
// Protocols do not encounter their ProtocolID.
type Protocol interface {
	GetPipe() *msg.Pipe
Esempio n. 9
package mock

import (

	ds ""
	peer ""
	routing ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("mockrouter")

var _ routing.IpfsRouting = &MockRouter{}

type MockRouter struct {
	datastore ds.Datastore
	hashTable RoutingServer
	peer      peer.Peer

func NewMockRouter(local peer.Peer, dstore ds.Datastore) routing.IpfsRouting {
	return &MockRouter{
		datastore: dstore,
		peer:      local,
		hashTable: VirtualRoutingServer(),
Esempio n. 10
package commands

import (
	cmds ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("core/commands")

type TestOutput struct {
	Foo string
	Bar int

var Root = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmds.HelpText{
		Tagline: "global p2p merkle-dag filesystem",
		Synopsis: `
ipfs [<flags>] <command> [<arg>] ...
		ShortDescription: `
Basic commands:

    init          Initialize ipfs local configurationx
    add <path>    Add an object to ipfs
    cat <ref>     Show ipfs object data
    ls <ref>      List links from an object

Tool commands:

    config        Manage configuration
Esempio n. 11
// package path implements utilities for resolving paths within ipfs.
package path

import (

	merkledag ""
	u ""
	mh ""

var log = u.Logger("path")

// Resolver provides path resolution to IPFS
// It has a pointer to a DAGService, which is uses to resolve nodes.
type Resolver struct {
	DAG merkledag.DAGService

// ResolvePath fetches the node for given path. It uses the first
// path component as a hash (key) of the first node, then resolves
// all other components walking the links, with ResolveLinks.
func (s *Resolver) ResolvePath(fpath string) (*merkledag.Node, error) {
	log.Debugf("Resolve: '%s'", fpath)
	fpath = path.Clean(fpath)

	parts := strings.Split(fpath, "/")

	// skip over empty first elem
Esempio n. 12
// package mount provides a simple abstraction around a mount point
package mount

import (

	context ""

	u ""
	ctxc ""

var log = u.Logger("mount")

// Mount represents a filesystem mount
type Mount interface {

	// MountPoint is the path at which this mount is mounted
	MountPoint() string

	// Mount function sets up a mount + registers the unmount func
	Mount(mount MountFunc, unmount UnmountFunc)

	// Unmount calls Close.
	Unmount() error


// UnmountFunc is a function used to Unmount a mount
Esempio n. 13
package merkledag

import (


	blocks ""
	bserv ""
	u ""
	mh ""

var log = u.Logger("merkledag")
var ErrNotFound = fmt.Errorf("merkledag: not found")

// NodeMap maps u.Keys to Nodes.
// We cannot use []byte/Multihash for keys :(
// so have to convert Multihash bytes to string (u.Key)
type NodeMap map[u.Key]*Node

// Node represents a node in the IPFS Merkle DAG.
// nodes have opaque data and a set of navigable links.
type Node struct {
	Links []*Link
	Data  []byte

	// cache encoded/marshaled value
	encoded []byte
Esempio n. 14
package blockservice

import (

	context ""
	ds ""
	mh ""

	blocks ""
	exchange ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("blockservice")
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("blockservice: key not found")

// BlockService is a block datastore.
// It uses an internal `datastore.Datastore` instance to store values.
type BlockService struct {
	Datastore ds.Datastore
	Remote    exchange.Interface

// NewBlockService creates a BlockService with given datastore instance.
func NewBlockService(d ds.Datastore, rem exchange.Interface) (*BlockService, error) {
	if d == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("BlockService requires valid datastore")
	if rem == nil {
Esempio n. 15
// and readers
package importer

import (

	dag ""
	ft ""

var log = util.Logger("importer")

// BlockSizeLimit specifies the maximum size an imported block can have.
var BlockSizeLimit = int64(1048576) // 1 MB

// ErrSizeLimitExceeded signals that a block is larger than BlockSizeLimit.
var ErrSizeLimitExceeded = fmt.Errorf("object size limit exceeded")

// todo: incremental construction with an ipfs node. dumping constructed
// objects into the datastore, to avoid buffering all in memory

// NewDagFromReader constructs a Merkle DAG from the given io.Reader.
// size required for block construction.
func NewDagFromReader(r io.Reader) (*dag.Node, error) {
	return NewDagFromReaderWithSplitter(r, chunk.DefaultSplitter)
Esempio n. 16
// package chunk implements streaming block splitters
package chunk

import (


var log = util.Logger("chunk")

var DefaultSplitter = &SizeSplitter{Size: 1024 * 256}

type BlockSplitter interface {
	Split(r io.Reader) chan []byte

type SizeSplitter struct {
	Size int

func (ss *SizeSplitter) Split(r io.Reader) chan []byte {
	out := make(chan []byte)
	go func() {
		defer close(out)

		// all-chunks loop (keep creating chunks)
		for {
			// log.Infof("making chunk with size: %d", ss.Size)
			chunk := make([]byte, ss.Size)
			nread, err := io.ReadFull(r, chunk)
Esempio n. 17
package commands

import (

	u ""

var log = u.Logger("command")

// Function is the type of function that Commands use.
// It reads from the Request, and writes results to the Response.
type Function func(Request) (interface{}, error)

// Marshaler is a function that takes in a Response, and returns a marshalled []byte
// (or an error on failure)
type Marshaler func(Response) ([]byte, error)

// MarshalerMap is a map of Marshaler functions, keyed by EncodingType
// (or an error on failure)
type MarshalerMap map[EncodingType]Marshaler

// HelpText is a set of strings used to generate command help text. The help
// text follows formats similar to man pages, but not exactly the same.
type HelpText struct {
	// required
	Tagline          string // used in <cmd usage>
	ShortDescription string // used in DESCRIPTION
Esempio n. 18
// package set contains various different types of 'BlockSet's
package set

import (

var log = util.Logger("blockset")

// BlockSet represents a mutable set of keyed blocks
type BlockSet interface {
	HasKey(util.Key) bool
	GetBloomFilter() bloom.Filter

	GetKeys() []util.Key

func SimpleSetFromKeys(keys []util.Key) BlockSet {
	sbs := &simpleBlockSet{blocks: make(map[util.Key]struct{})}
	for _, k := range keys {
		sbs.blocks[k] = struct{}{}
	return sbs

func NewSimpleBlockSet() BlockSet {
	return &simpleBlockSet{blocks: make(map[util.Key]struct{})}
Esempio n. 19
package namesys

import (


	ci ""
	pb ""
	routing ""
	u ""
	mh ""

var log = u.Logger("namesys")

// routingResolver implements NSResolver for the main IPFS SFS-like naming
type routingResolver struct {
	routing routing.IpfsRouting

// NewRoutingResolver constructs a name resolver using the IPFS Routing system
// to implement SFS-like naming on top.
func NewRoutingResolver(route routing.IpfsRouting) Resolver {
	return &routingResolver{routing: route}

// CanResolve implements Resolver. Checks whether name is a b58 encoded string.
func (r *routingResolver) CanResolve(name string) bool {
	_, err := mh.FromB58String(name)
Esempio n. 20
package http

import (

	cmds ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("commands/http")

type Handler struct {
	ctx    cmds.Context
	root   *cmds.Command
	origin string

var ErrNotFound = errors.New("404 page not found")

const (
	streamHeader      = "X-Stream-Output"
	contentTypeHeader = "Content-Type"

var mimeTypes = map[string]string{
	cmds.JSON: "application/json",
	cmds.XML:  "application/xml",
	cmds.Text: "text/plain",
Esempio n. 21
package handshake

import (

	pb ""
	peer ""
	u ""

	ma ""

var log = u.Logger("handshake")

// Handshake3Msg constructs a Handshake3 msg.
func Handshake3Msg(localPeer peer.Peer, remoteAddr ma.Multiaddr) *pb.Handshake3 {
	var msg pb.Handshake3
	// don't need publicKey after secure channel.
	// msg.PublicKey = localPeer.PubKey().Bytes()

	// local listen addresses
	addrs := localPeer.Addresses()
	msg.ListenAddrs = make([][]byte, len(addrs))
	for i, a := range addrs {
		msg.ListenAddrs[i] = a.Bytes()

	// observed remote address
	msg.ObservedAddr = remoteAddr.Bytes()

	// services
Esempio n. 22
// which objects a user wants to keep stored locally.
package pin

import (

	ds ""
	nsds ""
	mdag ""

var log = util.Logger("pin")
var recursePinDatastoreKey = ds.NewKey("/local/pins/recursive/keys")
var directPinDatastoreKey = ds.NewKey("/local/pins/direct/keys")
var indirectPinDatastoreKey = ds.NewKey("/local/pins/indirect/keys")

type PinMode int

const (
	Recursive PinMode = iota

type Pinner interface {
	IsPinned(util.Key) bool
	Pin(*mdag.Node, bool) error
Esempio n. 23
package io

import (

	proto ""

	chunk ""
	mdag ""
	ft ""
	ftpb ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("dagio")

// DagModifier is the only struct licensed and able to correctly
// perform surgery on a DAG 'file'
// Dear god, please rename this to something more pleasant
type DagModifier struct {
	dagserv mdag.DAGService
	curNode *mdag.Node

	pbdata   *ftpb.Data
	splitter chunk.BlockSplitter

func NewDagModifier(from *mdag.Node, serv mdag.DAGService, spl chunk.BlockSplitter) (*DagModifier, error) {
	pbd, err := ft.FromBytes(from.Data)
	if err != nil {
Esempio n. 24
	fuse ""
	fs ""
	proto ""

	core ""
	ci ""
	chunk ""
	mdag ""
	ft ""
	uio ""
	ftpb ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("ipns")

var (
	shortRepublishTimeout = time.Millisecond * 5
	longRepublishTimeout  = time.Millisecond * 500

// FileSystem is the readwrite IPNS Fuse Filesystem.
type FileSystem struct {
	Ipfs     *core.IpfsNode
	RootNode *Root

// NewFileSystem constructs new fs using given core.IpfsNode instance.
func NewIpns(ipfs *core.IpfsNode, ipfspath string) (*FileSystem, error) {
	root, err := CreateRoot(ipfs, []ci.PrivKey{ipfs.Identity.PrivKey()}, ipfspath)
Esempio n. 25
package service

import (

	msg ""
	u ""
	ctxc ""

	context ""

var log = u.Logger("service")

// ErrNoResponse is returned by Service when a Request did not get a response,
// and no other error happened
var ErrNoResponse = errors.New("no response to request")

// Handler is an interface that objects must implement in order to handle
// a service's requests.
type Handler interface {

	// HandleMessage receives an incoming message, and potentially returns
	// a response message to send back.
	HandleMessage(context.Context, msg.NetMessage) msg.NetMessage

// Sender interface for network services.
type Sender interface {
Esempio n. 26

	fuse ""
	fs ""
	proto ""

	core ""
	mount ""
	mdag ""
	uio ""
	ftpb ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("ipfs")

// FileSystem is the readonly Ipfs Fuse Filesystem.
type FileSystem struct {
	Ipfs *core.IpfsNode

// NewFileSystem constructs new fs using given core.IpfsNode instance.
func NewFileSystem(ipfs *core.IpfsNode) *FileSystem {
	return &FileSystem{Ipfs: ipfs}

// Root constructs the Root of the filesystem, a Root object.
func (f FileSystem) Root() (fs.Node, fuse.Error) {
	return &Root{Ipfs: f.Ipfs}, nil
Esempio n. 27
import (

	b58 ""
	ma ""
	mh ""

	ic ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("peer")

// ID is a byte slice representing the identity of a peer.
type ID mh.Multihash

// String is utililty function for printing out peer ID strings.
func (id ID) String() string {
	return id.Pretty()

// Equal is utililty function for comparing two peer ID's
func (id ID) Equal(other ID) bool {
	return bytes.Equal(id, other)

// Pretty returns a b58-encoded string of the ID
Esempio n. 28
import (

	context ""
	msgio ""
	ma ""
	manet ""

	peer ""
	u ""
	ctxc ""

var log = u.Logger("conn")

const (
	// ChanBuffer is the size of the buffer in the Conn Chan
	ChanBuffer = 10

	// MaxMessageSize is the size of the largest single message
	MaxMessageSize = 1 << 20

	// HandshakeTimeout for when nodes first connect
	HandshakeTimeout = time.Second * 5

// global static buffer pool for byte arrays of size MaxMessageSize
var BufferPool *sync.Pool