Esempio n. 1
// newNSEC3CEandWildcard returns the NSEC3 for the closest encloser
// and the NSEC3 that denies that wildcard at that level.
func newNSEC3CEandWildcard(apex, ce string, ttl uint32) (*dns.NSEC3, *dns.NSEC3) {
	n1 := new(dns.NSEC3)
	n1.Hdr.Class = dns.ClassINET
	n1.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeNSEC3
	n1.Hdr.Ttl = ttl
	n1.Hash = dns.SHA1
	n1.Flags = 0
	n1.Iterations = 0
	n1.Salt = ""
	n1.TypeBitMap = []uint16{dns.TypeA, dns.TypeNS, dns.TypeSOA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypeRRSIG, dns.TypeDNSKEY}
	prev := dns.HashName(ce, dns.SHA1, n1.Iterations, n1.Salt)
	n1.Hdr.Name = strings.ToLower(prev) + "." + apex
	buf := packBase32(prev)
	byteArith(buf, true) // one next
	n1.NextDomain = unpackBase32(buf)

	n2 := new(dns.NSEC3)
	n2.Hdr.Class = dns.ClassINET
	n2.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeNSEC3
	n2.Hdr.Ttl = ttl
	n2.Hash = dns.SHA1
	n2.Flags = 0
	n2.Iterations = 0
	n2.Salt = ""

	prev = dns.HashName("*."+ce, dns.SHA1, n2.Iterations, n2.Salt)
	buf = packBase32(prev)
	byteArith(buf, false) // one before
	n2.Hdr.Name = strings.ToLower(unpackBase32(buf)) + "." + apex
	byteArith(buf, true) // one next
	byteArith(buf, true) // and another one
	n2.NextDomain = unpackBase32(buf)

	return n1, n2
Esempio n. 2
// NewNSEC3 returns the NSEC3 record needed to denial the types
func (s *server) NewNSEC3NoData(qname string) *dns.NSEC3 {
	n := new(dns.NSEC3)
	n.Hdr.Class = dns.ClassINET
	n.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeNSEC3
	n.Hdr.Ttl = s.config.MinTtl
	n.Hash = dns.SHA1
	n.Flags = 0
	n.Salt = ""
	n.TypeBitMap = []uint16{}

	n.Hdr.Name = dns.HashName(qname, dns.SHA1, 0, "")
	buf := packBase32(n.Hdr.Name)
	byteArith(buf, true) // one next
	n.NextDomain = unpackBase32(buf)

	n.Hdr.Name += "." + s.config.Domain
	return n
Esempio n. 3
File: nsec3.go Progetto: CMGS/skydns
// newNSEC3NoData returns the NSEC3 record needed to denial the types
func (s *server) newNSEC3NoData(qname string) *dns.NSEC3 {
	n := new(dns.NSEC3)
	n.Hdr.Class = dns.ClassINET
	n.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeNSEC3
	n.Hdr.Ttl = s.config.MinTtl
	n.Hash = dns.SHA1
	n.HashLength = sha1.Size
	n.Flags = 0
	n.Salt = ""
	n.TypeBitMap = []uint16{dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypeSRV, dns.TypeRRSIG}

	n.Hdr.Name = dns.HashName(qname, dns.SHA1, 0, "")
	buf := packBase32(n.Hdr.Name)
	byteArith(buf, true) // one next
	n.NextDomain = unpackBase32(buf)

	n.Hdr.Name += appendDomain("", s.config.Domain)
	return n
Esempio n. 4
// NewNSEC3 returns the NSEC3 record needed to denial qname.
func (s *server) NewNSEC3NameError(qname string) *dns.NSEC3 {
	n := new(dns.NSEC3)
	n.Hdr.Class = dns.ClassINET
	n.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeNSEC3
	n.Hdr.Ttl = s.config.MinTtl
	n.Hash = dns.SHA1
	n.Flags = 0
	n.Salt = ""
	n.TypeBitMap = []uint16{}

	covername := dns.HashName(qname, dns.SHA1, 0, "")

	buf := packBase32(covername)
	byteArith(buf, false) // one before
	n.Hdr.Name = strings.ToLower(unpackBase32(buf)) + "." + s.config.Domain
	byteArith(buf, true) // one next
	byteArith(buf, true) // and another one
	n.NextDomain = unpackBase32(buf)
	return n
Esempio n. 5
File: q.go Progetto: valm0unt/exdns
// NSEC3 Helper
func denial3(nsec3 []dns.RR, in *dns.Msg) {
	qname := in.Question[0].Name
	qtype := in.Question[0].Qtype
	switch in.Rcode {
	case dns.RcodeSuccess:
		// qname should match nsec3, type should not be in bitmap
		match := nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Match(qname)
		if !match {
			fmt.Printf(";- Denial, owner name does not match qname\n")
			fmt.Printf(";- Denial, failed authenticated denial of existence proof for no data\n")
		for _, t := range nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).TypeBitMap {
			if t == qtype {
				fmt.Printf(";- Denial, found type, %d, in bitmap\n", qtype)
				fmt.Printf(";- Denial, failed authenticated denial of existence proof for no data\n")
			if t > qtype { // ordered list, bail out, because not found
		// Some success data printed here
		fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, matching record, %s, (%s) found and type %s denied\n", qname,
			strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(qname, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)),
		fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, secure authenticated denial of existence proof for no data\n")
	case dns.RcodeNameError: // NXDOMAIN Proof
		indx := dns.Split(qname)
		ce := "" // Closest Encloser
		nc := "" // Next Closer
		wc := "" // Source of Synthesis (wildcard)
		for i := 0; i < len(indx); i++ {
			for j := 0; j < len(nsec3); j++ {
				if nsec3[j].(*dns.NSEC3).Match(qname[indx[i]:]) {
					ce = qname[indx[i]:]
					wc = "*." + ce
					if i == 0 {
						nc = qname
					} else {
						nc = qname[indx[i-1]:]
					break ClosestEncloser
		if ce == "" {
			fmt.Printf(";- Denial, closest encloser not found\n")
		fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, closest encloser, %s (%s)\n", ce,
			strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(ce, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)))
		covered := 0 // Both nc and wc must be covered
		for i := 0; i < len(nsec3); i++ {
			if nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).Cover(nc) {
				fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, next closer %s (%s), covered by %s -> %s\n", nc, nsec3[i].Header().Name, nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).NextDomain,
					strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(ce, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)))
			if nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).Cover(wc) {
				fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, source of synthesis %s (%s), covered by %s -> %s\n", wc, nsec3[i].Header().Name, nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).NextDomain,
					strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(ce, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)))
		if covered != 2 {
			fmt.Printf(";- Denial, too many, %d, covering records\n", covered)
			fmt.Printf(";- Denial, failed authenticated denial of existence proof for name error\n")
		fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, secure authenticated denial of existence proof for name error\n")