Esempio n. 1
func trNodeToSchedule(scheduleNode xml.Node) (item ScheduleItem, err error) {

	results, err := scheduleNode.Search("./td/text()")

	if err != nil {
		return ScheduleItem{}, err

	item = ScheduleItem{
		TrainNumber:     strings.TrimSpace(results[1].String()),
		Misc:            strings.TrimSpace(results[2].String()),
		Class:           strings.TrimSpace(results[3].String()),
		Relation:        strings.TrimSpace(results[4].String()),
		StartingStation: strings.TrimSpace(results[5].String()),
		CurrentStation:  strings.TrimSpace(results[6].String()),
		ArrivingTime:    strings.TrimSpace(results[7].String()),
		DepartingTime:   strings.TrimSpace(results[8].String()),
		Ls:              strings.TrimSpace(results[9].String()),

	if len(results) > 10 {
		item.Status = strings.TrimSpace(results[10].String())

	stationParts := strings.FieldsFunc(item.Relation, func(r rune) bool {
		return r == '-'

	item.EndStation = stationParts[1] // [ANGKE BOGOR] BOGOR is end station

Esempio n. 2
func Link(performance xml.Node) string {
	anchor, err := performance.Search(".//a")
	if err != nil {
	return "" + anchor[0].Attr("href")
Esempio n. 3
func getContent(node gxtml.Node, cssQuery string) string {
	result, err := node.Search(toXpath(cssQuery))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to find %v node", cssQuery))
	return result[0].Content()
Esempio n. 4
func parseSource(m xml.Node) string {
	res, _ := m.Search("source")

	if len(res) > 0 {
		return res[0].Content()

	return ""
Esempio n. 5
func parseRights(m xml.Node) string {
	res, _ := m.Search("rights")

	if len(res) > 0 {
		return res[0].Content()

	return ""
Esempio n. 6
func parsePublisher(m xml.Node) string {
	publisher := ""

	res, _ := m.Search("publisher")
	if len(res) > 0 {
		publisher = res[0].Content()

	return publisher
Esempio n. 7
func parseLanguages(m xml.Node) []string {
	languages := []string{}

	res, _ := m.Search("language")
	for _, n := range res {
		languages = append(languages, n.Content())

	return languages
Esempio n. 8
func parseTitles(m xml.Node) []string {
	titles := []string{}

	res, _ := m.Search("title")
	for _, n := range res {
		titles = append(titles, n.Content())

	return titles
Esempio n. 9
func parseSubjects(m xml.Node) []string {
	subjects := []string{}

	res, _ := m.Search("subject")
	for _, n := range res {
		subjects = append(subjects, n.Content())

	return subjects
Esempio n. 10
func parseDescription(m xml.Node) string {
	description := ""

	res, _ := m.Search("description")
	if len(res) > 0 {
		description = res[0].Content()

	return description
Esempio n. 11
func parseIdentifiers(m xml.Node) []*Identifier {
	identifiers := []*Identifier{}

	res, _ := m.Search("identifier")
	for _, n := range res {
		identifier := Identifier{Identifier: n.Content(), Scheme: n.Attr("scheme")}
		identifiers = append(identifiers, &identifier)

	return identifiers
Esempio n. 12
func Pieces(details xml.Node) string {
	pieces, _ := details.Search(".//div[@class='program-media-collapse']/h3")
	var piecesString string
	piecesString = "<ul class=\"works\">"
	for _, piece := range pieces {
		piecesString += "<li>"
		piecesString += piece.Content()
		piecesString += "</li>"
	piecesString += "</ul>"
	return piecesString
Esempio n. 13
func linkDensity(node xml.Node) float64 {
	links, err := node.Search("a")
	if err != nil {
		return 0.0

	llength := 0.0
	for _, link := range links {
		llength += float64(len(link.Content()))
	tlength := float64(len(node.Content()))
	return llength / tlength
Esempio n. 14
func processNode(node xml.Node, row string) {
	row = row + node.Attr("TEXT") + "|"
	kids, err := node.Search("node")
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Error searching for node:", err)
	if len(kids) > 0 { // has children, not a leaf node
		for i := range kids {
			processNode(kids[i], row)
	} else {
		fmt.Println(row) // print leaf node
Esempio n. 15
  Not working because:,%20Hee-Soo
  is parsed as:, Hee-Soo
func parseLeagues(player xml.Node) []string {
	out := []string{}
	partialUrl, err := player.Search(".//a/@href")
	if len(partialUrl) == 1 {
		playerPageUrl := "" + partialUrl[0].String()
		playerPageSource := retrievePageSource(playerPageUrl)

		playerPage, err := gokogiri.ParseHtml(playerPageSource)
		defer playerPage.Free()
	return out
Esempio n. 16
func parseDates(m xml.Node) []*Date {
	dates := []*Date{}

	res, _ := m.Search("date")
	for _, n := range res {
		date := Date{Date: n.Content(), Event: n.Attr("event")}
		dates = append(dates, &date)

	res, _ = m.Search("meta[@property='dcterms:modified']")
	if len(res) > 0 {
		date := Date{Date: res[0].Content(), Event: "modified"}
		dates = append(dates, &date)

	return dates
Esempio n. 17
func loadInputs(doc xml.Node) ([]*Input, error) {
	nodes, e := doc.Search(".//input")
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e
	out := []*Input{}
	for _, n := range nodes {
		i := &Input{
			Type:    n.Attr("type"),
			Name:    n.Attr("name"),
			Value:   n.Attr("value"),
			Checked: n.Attr("checked") == "checked",
		out = append(out, i)
	return out, nil

Esempio n. 18
func Title(performance xml.Node) string {
	title, _ := performance.Search(".//div[@class='performance-title']")
	return title[0].Content()
Esempio n. 19
func Time(performance xml.Node) string {
	time, _ := performance.Search(".//span[@class='performance-time']")
	return time[0].Content()
Esempio n. 20
func Day(performance xml.Node) string {
	day, _ := performance.Search(".//span[contains(@class, 'performance-day')]")
	return day[0].Content()
Esempio n. 21
// Parse a match row into a managed object
func GetParsedMatch(n xml.Node) (pm *ParsedMatch, err error) {
	pm = &ParsedMatch{}
	match_url, _ := n.Search("td/a/@href")
	red, _ := n.Search("td/a/span[@class='redtext']/text()")
	redvalue, _ := n.Search("td/a/span[@class='redtext']/following-sibling::text()")
	blue, _ := n.Search("td/a/span[@class='bluetext']/text()")
	bluevalue, _ := n.Search("td/a/span[@class='bluetext']/following-sibling::text()")
	winner, _ := n.Search("td[position() = 2]/span/text()")
	bettors, _ := n.Search("td[last()]/text()")

	if len(match_url) > 0 {
		pm.MatchId, _ = strconv.Atoi(numRx.FindString(match_url[0].String()))
	if len(redvalue) > 0 {
		pm.RedBets, _ = strconv.Atoi(numRx.FindString(redvalue[0].String()))
	if len(bluevalue) > 0 {
		pm.BlueBets, _ = strconv.Atoi(numRx.FindString(bluevalue[0].String()))

	pm.Red = nameSub(html.UnescapeString(red[0].String()))
	pm.Blue = nameSub(html.UnescapeString(blue[0].String()))
	pm.Bettors, _ = strconv.Atoi(bettors[0].String())
	if len(winner) > 0 {
		pm.Winner = nameSub(html.UnescapeString(winner[0].String()))
		if pm.Winner == pm.Red {
			pm.FightWinner = spicerack.WINNER_RED
		} else if pm.Winner == pm.Blue {
			pm.FightWinner = spicerack.WINNER_BLUE

	if pm.MatchId == 0 {
		err = errors.New("Unable to parse match id.")
	} else if len(pm.Red) == 0 || len(pm.Blue) == 0 {
		err = errors.New("Red or Blue fighter is an empty string.")
	} else if int(pm.FightWinner) == 0 {
		err = errors.New("No winner found.")
	} else if pm.MatchId < 51966 {
		err = errors.New("Pre-matchmaking fight. Ignored.")

	return pm, err