Esempio n. 1
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (*TransactionPool, error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS
	if g == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp := &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		knownObjects:        make(map[ObjectID]TransactionSetID),
		transactionSets:     make(map[TransactionSetID][]types.Transaction),
		transactionSetDiffs: make(map[TransactionSetID]modules.ConsensusChange),

		// The consensus change index is intialized to '-1', which indicates
		// that no consensus changes have been sent yet. The first consensus
		// change will then have an index of '0'.
		consensusChangeIndex: -1,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 5),

	// Register RPCs
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransactionSet", tp.RelayTransactionSet)
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransaction", tp.RelayTransaction) // COMPAT v0.3.3.3

	// Subscribe the transaction pool to the consensus set.

	return tp, nil
Esempio n. 2
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, persistDir string) (*TransactionPool, error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS
	if g == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp := &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		knownObjects:        make(map[ObjectID]TransactionSetID),
		transactionSets:     make(map[TransactionSetID][]types.Transaction),
		transactionSetDiffs: make(map[TransactionSetID]modules.ConsensusChange),

		persistDir: persistDir,

	// Open the tpool database.
	err := tp.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Register RPCs
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransactionSet", tp.relayTransactionSet)

	return tp, nil
Esempio n. 3
// New returns a new ConsensusSet, containing at least the genesis block. If
// there is an existing block database present in the persist directory, it
// will be loaded.
func New(gateway modules.Gateway, persistDir string) (*ConsensusSet, error) {
	// Check for nil dependencies.
	if gateway == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Create the genesis block.
	genesisBlock := types.Block{
		Timestamp: types.GenesisTimestamp,
		Transactions: []types.Transaction{
			{SiafundOutputs: types.GenesisSiafundAllocation},

	// Create the ConsensusSet object.
	cs := &ConsensusSet{
		gateway: gateway,

		blockRoot: processedBlock{
			Block:       genesisBlock,
			ChildTarget: types.RootTarget,
			Depth:       types.RootDepth,

			DiffsGenerated: true,

		dosBlocks: make(map[types.BlockID]struct{}),

		marshaler:       encoding.StdGenericMarshaler{},
		blockRuleHelper: stdBlockRuleHelper{},
		blockValidator:  NewBlockValidator(),

		persistDir: persistDir,

	// Create the diffs for the genesis siafund outputs.
	for i, siafundOutput := range genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputs {
		sfid := genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputID(uint64(i))
		sfod := modules.SiafundOutputDiff{
			Direction:     modules.DiffApply,
			ID:            sfid,
			SiafundOutput: siafundOutput,
		cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs = append(cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs, sfod)

	// Initialize the consensus persistence structures.
	err := cs.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Register RPCs
	gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlocks", cs.sendBlocks)
	gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayBlock", cs.relayBlock)
	gateway.RegisterConnectCall("SendBlocks", cs.threadedReceiveBlocks)

	return cs, nil
Esempio n. 4
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (tp *TransactionPool, err error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		err = errors.New("transaction pool cannot use a nil state")
	if g == nil {
		err = errors.New("transaction pool cannot use a nil gateway")

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp = &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		transactions:   make(map[crypto.Hash]struct{}),
		siacoinOutputs: make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		fileContracts:  make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		siafundOutputs: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		referenceSiacoinOutputs: make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		referenceFileContracts:  make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		referenceSiafundOutputs: make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Register RPCs
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransaction", tp.RelayTransaction)

	// Subscribe the transaction pool to the consensus set.

Esempio n. 5
// New creates a transaction pool that is ready to receive transactions.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway) (*TransactionPool, error) {
	// Check that the input modules are non-nil.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errNilCS
	if g == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Initialize a transaction pool.
	tp := &TransactionPool{
		consensusSet: cs,
		gateway:      g,

		knownObjects:        make(map[ObjectID]TransactionSetID),
		transactionSets:     make(map[TransactionSetID][]types.Transaction),
		transactionSetDiffs: make(map[TransactionSetID]modules.ConsensusChange),

		// The consensus change index is intialized to '-1', which indicates
		// that no consensus changes have been sent yet. The first consensus
		// change will then have an index of '0'.
		consensusChangeIndex: -1,
	// Register RPCs
	// TODO: rename RelayTransactionSet so that the conflicting RPC
	// RelayTransaction calls v0.4.6 clients and earlier are ignored.
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayTransactionSet", tp.relayTransactionSet)

	// Subscribe the transaction pool to the consensus set.
	err := cs.ConsensusSetPersistentSubscribe(tp, modules.ConsensusChangeID{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("transactionpool subscription failed: " + err.Error())

	return tp, nil
Esempio n. 6
// startDaemonCmd uses the config parameters to start siad.
func startDaemon(config Config) (err error) {
	// Prompt user for API password.
	var password string
	if config.Siad.AuthenticateAPI {
		password, err = speakeasy.Ask("Enter API password: "******"" {
			return errors.New("password cannot be blank")
		passwordConfirm, err := speakeasy.Ask("Confirm API password: "******"passwords don't match")

	// Print a startup message.
	loadStart := time.Now()

	// Create all of the modules.
	i := 0
	var g modules.Gateway
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "g") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading gateway...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		g, err = gateway.New(config.Siad.RPCaddr, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.GatewayDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	var cs modules.ConsensusSet
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "c") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading consensus...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		cs, err = consensus.New(g, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.ConsensusDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	var e modules.Explorer
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "e") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading explorer...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		e, err = explorer.New(cs, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.ExplorerDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	var tpool modules.TransactionPool
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "t") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading transaction pool...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		tpool, err = transactionpool.New(cs, g, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.TransactionPoolDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	var w modules.Wallet
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "w") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading wallet...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		w, err = wallet.New(cs, tpool, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.WalletDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	var m modules.Miner
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "m") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading miner...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		m, err = miner.New(cs, tpool, w, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.MinerDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	var h modules.Host
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "h") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading host...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		h, err = host.New(cs, tpool, w, config.Siad.HostAddr, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.HostDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	var r modules.Renter
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "r") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading renter...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		r, err = renter.New(cs, w, tpool, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.RenterDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	srv, err := api.NewServer(
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Bootstrap to the network.
	if !config.Siad.NoBootstrap && g != nil {
		// connect to 3 random bootstrap nodes
		perm, err := crypto.Perm(len(modules.BootstrapPeers))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for _, i := range perm[:3] {
			go g.Connect(modules.BootstrapPeers[i])

	// Print a 'startup complete' message.
	startupTime := time.Since(loadStart)
	fmt.Println("Finished loading in", startupTime.Seconds(), "seconds")

	// Start serving api requests.
	err = srv.Serve()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 7
// New returns a new State, containing at least the genesis block. If there is
// an existing block database present in saveDir, it will be loaded. Otherwise,
// a new database will be created.
func New(gateway modules.Gateway, saveDir string) (*State, error) {
	if gateway == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilGateway

	// Create the State object.
	cs := &State{
		blockMap:  make(map[types.BlockID]*blockNode),
		dosBlocks: make(map[types.BlockID]struct{}),

		currentPath: make([]types.BlockID, 1),

		siacoinOutputs:        make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),
		fileContracts:         make(map[types.FileContractID]types.FileContract),
		siafundOutputs:        make(map[types.SiafundOutputID]types.SiafundOutput),
		delayedSiacoinOutputs: make(map[types.BlockHeight]map[types.SiacoinOutputID]types.SiacoinOutput),

		gateway: gateway,

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Create the genesis block and add it as the BlockRoot.
	genesisBlock := types.Block{
		Timestamp: types.GenesisTimestamp,
		Transactions: []types.Transaction{
			{SiafundOutputs: types.GenesisSiafundAllocation},
	cs.blockRoot = &blockNode{
		block:       genesisBlock,
		childTarget: types.RootTarget,
		depth:       types.RootDepth,

		diffsGenerated: true,
	cs.blockMap[genesisBlock.ID()] = cs.blockRoot

	// Fill out the consensus information for the genesis block.
	cs.currentPath[0] = genesisBlock.ID()
	cs.siacoinOutputs[genesisBlock.MinerPayoutID(0)] = types.SiacoinOutput{
		Value:      types.CalculateCoinbase(0),
		UnlockHash: types.ZeroUnlockHash,

	// Allocate the Siafund addresses by putting them all in a big transaction
	// and applying the diffs.
	for i, siafundOutput := range genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputs {
		sfid := genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputID(i)
		sfod := modules.SiafundOutputDiff{
			Direction:     modules.DiffApply,
			ID:            sfid,
			SiafundOutput: siafundOutput,
		cs.commitSiafundOutputDiff(sfod, modules.DiffApply)
		cs.blockRoot.siafundOutputDiffs = append(cs.blockRoot.siafundOutputDiffs, sfod)

	// Send out genesis block update.
	cs.updateSubscribers(nil, []*blockNode{cs.blockRoot})

	// Create the consensus directory.
	err := os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// During short tests, use an in-memory database.
	if build.Release == "testing" && testing.Short() {
		cs.db = persist.NilDB
	} else {
		// Otherwise, try to load an existing database from disk.
		err = cs.load(saveDir)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Register RPCs
	gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlocks", cs.sendBlocks)
	gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayBlock", cs.RelayBlock)
	gateway.RegisterConnectCall("SendBlocks", cs.receiveBlocks)

	// Spawn resynchronize loop.
	go cs.threadedResynchronize()

	return cs, nil
Esempio n. 8
// startDaemon uses the config parameters to initialize Sia modules and start
// siad.
func startDaemon(config Config) (err error) {
	// Prompt user for API password.
	if config.Siad.AuthenticateAPI {
		config.APIPassword, err = speakeasy.Ask("Enter API password: "******"" {
			return errors.New("password cannot be blank")

	// Process the config variables after they are parsed by cobra.
	config, err = processConfig(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Print a startup message.
	loadStart := time.Now()

	// Create the server and start serving daemon routes immediately.
	fmt.Printf("(0/%d) Loading siad...\n", len(config.Siad.Modules))
	srv, err := NewServer(config.Siad.APIaddr, config.Siad.RequiredUserAgent, config.APIPassword)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	servErrs := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		servErrs <- srv.Serve()

	// Initialize the Sia modules
	i := 0
	var g modules.Gateway
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "g") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading gateway...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		g, err = gateway.New(config.Siad.RPCaddr, !config.Siad.NoBootstrap, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.GatewayDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer g.Close()
	var cs modules.ConsensusSet
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "c") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading consensus...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		cs, err = consensus.New(g, !config.Siad.NoBootstrap, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.ConsensusDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer cs.Close()
	var e modules.Explorer
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "e") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading explorer...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		e, err = explorer.New(cs, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.ExplorerDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer e.Close()
	var tpool modules.TransactionPool
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "t") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading transaction pool...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		tpool, err = transactionpool.New(cs, g, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.TransactionPoolDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer tpool.Close()
	var w modules.Wallet
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "w") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading wallet...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		w, err = wallet.New(cs, tpool, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.WalletDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer w.Close()
	var m modules.Miner
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "m") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading miner...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		m, err = miner.New(cs, tpool, w, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.MinerDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer m.Close()
	var h modules.Host
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "h") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading host...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		h, err = host.New(cs, tpool, w, config.Siad.HostAddr, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.HostDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer h.Close()
	var r modules.Renter
	if strings.Contains(config.Siad.Modules, "r") {
		fmt.Printf("(%d/%d) Loading renter...\n", i, len(config.Siad.Modules))
		r, err = renter.New(cs, w, tpool, filepath.Join(config.Siad.SiaDir, modules.RenterDir))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer r.Close()

	// Create the Sia API
	a := api.New(

	// connect the API to the server
	srv.mux.Handle("/", a)

	// stop the server if a kill signal is caught
	sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
	go func() {
		fmt.Println("\rCaught stop signal, quitting...")

	// Print a 'startup complete' message.
	startupTime := time.Since(loadStart)
	fmt.Println("Finished loading in", startupTime.Seconds(), "seconds")

	err = <-servErrs
	if err != nil {

	return nil
Esempio n. 9
// New returns a new ConsensusSet, containing at least the genesis block. If
// there is an existing block database present in the persist directory, it
// will be loaded.
func New(gateway modules.Gateway, bootstrap bool, persistDir string) (*ConsensusSet, error) {
	// Check for nil dependencies.
	if gateway == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Create the ConsensusSet object.
	cs := &ConsensusSet{
		gateway: gateway,

		blockRoot: processedBlock{
			Block:       types.GenesisBlock,
			ChildTarget: types.RootTarget,
			Depth:       types.RootDepth,

			DiffsGenerated: true,

		dosBlocks: make(map[types.BlockID]struct{}),

		marshaler:       encoding.StdGenericMarshaler{},
		blockRuleHelper: stdBlockRuleHelper{},
		blockValidator:  NewBlockValidator(),

		persistDir: persistDir,

	// Create the diffs for the genesis siafund outputs.
	for i, siafundOutput := range types.GenesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputs {
		sfid := types.GenesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputID(uint64(i))
		sfod := modules.SiafundOutputDiff{
			Direction:     modules.DiffApply,
			ID:            sfid,
			SiafundOutput: siafundOutput,
		cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs = append(cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs, sfod)

	// Initialize the consensus persistence structures.
	err := cs.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go func() {
		// Sync with the network. Don't sync if we are testing because
		// typically we don't have any mock peers to synchronize with in
		// testing.
		if bootstrap {
			// We are in a virgin goroutine right now, so calling the threaded
			// function without a goroutine is okay.
			err = cs.threadedInitialBlockchainDownload()
			if err != nil {

		// threadedInitialBlockchainDownload will release the threadgroup 'Add'
		// it was holding, so another needs to be grabbed to finish off this
		// goroutine.
		err =
		if err != nil {

		// Register RPCs
		gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlocks", cs.rpcSendBlocks)
		gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayBlock", cs.rpcRelayBlock) // COMPATv0.5.1
		gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayHeader", cs.threadedRPCRelayHeader)
		gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlk", cs.rpcSendBlk)
		gateway.RegisterConnectCall("SendBlocks", cs.threadedReceiveBlocks) {

		// Mark that we are synced with the network.
		cs.synced = true

	return cs, nil
Esempio n. 10
// New returns a new ConsensusSet, containing at least the genesis block. If
// there is an existing block database present in saveDir, it will be loaded.
// Otherwise, a new database will be created.
func New(gateway modules.Gateway, saveDir string) (*ConsensusSet, error) {
	if gateway == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilGateway

	// Create the genesis block.
	genesisBlock := types.Block{
		Timestamp: types.GenesisTimestamp,
		Transactions: []types.Transaction{
			{SiafundOutputs: types.GenesisSiafundAllocation},

	// Create the ConsensusSet object.
	cs := &ConsensusSet{
		gateway: gateway,

		blockRoot: processedBlock{
			Block:       genesisBlock,
			ChildTarget: types.RootTarget,
			Depth:       types.RootDepth,

			DiffsGenerated: true,

		dosBlocks: make(map[types.BlockID]struct{}),

		mu: sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),

	// Allocate the Siafund addresses by putting them all in a big transaction inside the genesis block
	for i, siafundOutput := range genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputs {
		sfid := genesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputID(i)
		sfod := modules.SiafundOutputDiff{
			Direction:     modules.DiffApply,
			ID:            sfid,
			SiafundOutput: siafundOutput,
		cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs = append(cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs, sfod)

	// Create the consensus directory.
	err := os.MkdirAll(saveDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Try to load an existing database from disk.
	err = cs.load(saveDir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Send the genesis block to subscribers.
	cs.updateSubscribers(nil, []*processedBlock{&cs.blockRoot})

	// Send any blocks that were loaded from disk to subscribers.

	// Register RPCs
	gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlocks", cs.sendBlocks)
	gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayBlock", cs.RelayBlock)
	gateway.RegisterConnectCall("SendBlocks", cs.receiveBlocks)

	return cs, nil
Esempio n. 11
// New returns a new ConsensusSet, containing at least the genesis block. If
// there is an existing block database present in the persist directory, it
// will be loaded.
func New(gateway modules.Gateway, persistDir string) (*ConsensusSet, error) {
	// Check for nil dependencies.
	if gateway == nil {
		return nil, errNilGateway

	// Create the ConsensusSet object.
	cs := &ConsensusSet{
		gateway: gateway,

		blockRoot: processedBlock{
			Block:       types.GenesisBlock,
			ChildTarget: types.RootTarget,
			Depth:       types.RootDepth,

			DiffsGenerated: true,

		dosBlocks: make(map[types.BlockID]struct{}),

		marshaler:       encoding.StdGenericMarshaler{},
		blockRuleHelper: stdBlockRuleHelper{},
		blockValidator:  NewBlockValidator(),

		persistDir: persistDir,

	// Create the diffs for the genesis siafund outputs.
	for i, siafundOutput := range types.GenesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputs {
		sfid := types.GenesisBlock.Transactions[0].SiafundOutputID(uint64(i))
		sfod := modules.SiafundOutputDiff{
			Direction:     modules.DiffApply,
			ID:            sfid,
			SiafundOutput: siafundOutput,
		cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs = append(cs.blockRoot.SiafundOutputDiffs, sfod)

	// Initialize the consensus persistence structures.
	err := cs.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go func() {
		// Sync with the network. Don't sync if we are testing because typically we
		// don't have any mock peers to synchronize with in testing.
		// TODO: figure out a better way to conditionally do IBD. Otherwise this block will never be tested.
		if build.Release != "testing" {

		// Register RPCs
		gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlocks", cs.rpcSendBlocks)
		gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayBlock", cs.rpcRelayBlock) // COMPATv0.5.1
		gateway.RegisterRPC("RelayHeader", cs.rpcRelayHeader)
		gateway.RegisterRPC("SendBlk", cs.rpcSendBlk)
		gateway.RegisterConnectCall("SendBlocks", cs.threadedReceiveBlocks)

		// Mark that we are synced with the network.
		cs.synced = true

	return cs, nil