Esempio n. 1
File: nat.go Progetto: rht/ipget
	ma ""
	manet ""

	nat ""
	notifier ""
	logging ""
	goprocess ""
	periodic ""

var (
	// ErrNoMapping signals no mapping exists for an address
	ErrNoMapping = errors.New("mapping not established")

var log = logging.Logger("nat")

// MappingDuration is a default port mapping duration.
// Port mappings are renewed every (MappingDuration / 3)
const MappingDuration = time.Second * 60

// CacheTime is the time a mapping will cache an external address for
const CacheTime = time.Second * 15

// DiscoverNAT looks for a NAT device in the network and
// returns an object that can manage port mappings.
func DiscoverNAT() *NAT {
	nat, err := nat.DiscoverGateway()
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("DiscoverGateway error:", err)
		return nil
Esempio n. 2
package ipfsaddr

import (

	ma ""

	peer ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("ipfsaddr")

// ErrInvalidAddr signals an address is not a valid ipfs address.
var ErrInvalidAddr = errors.New("invalid ipfs address")

type IPFSAddr interface {
	ID() peer.ID
	Multiaddr() ma.Multiaddr
	Transport() ma.Multiaddr
	String() string
	Equal(b interface{}) bool

type ipfsAddr struct {
	ma ma.Multiaddr
	id peer.ID

func (a ipfsAddr) ID() peer.ID {
Esempio n. 3
File: config.go Progetto: rht/ipget
// package config implements the ipfs config file datastructures and utilities.
package config

import (

	u ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("config")

// Config is used to load IPFS config files.
type Config struct {
	Identity         Identity              // local node's peer identity
	Datastore        Datastore             // local node's storage
	Addresses        Addresses             // local node's addresses
	Mounts           Mounts                // local node's mount points
	Version          Version               // local node's version management
	Discovery        Discovery             // local node's discovery mechanisms
	Ipns             Ipns                  // Ipns settings
	Bootstrap        []string              // local nodes's bootstrap peer addresses
	Tour             Tour                  // local node's tour position
	Gateway          Gateway               // local node's gateway server options
	SupernodeRouting SupernodeClientConfig // local node's routing servers (if SupernodeRouting enabled)
	API              API                   // local node's API settings
Esempio n. 4
File: gc.go Progetto: rht/ipget
package corerepo

import (
	key ""
	context ""

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("corerepo")

type KeyRemoved struct {
	Key key.Key

func GarbageCollect(n *core.IpfsNode, ctx context.Context) error {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel() // in case error occurs during operation
	keychan, err := n.Blockstore.AllKeysChan(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for k := range keychan { // rely on AllKeysChan to close chan
		if !n.Pinning.IsPinned(k) {
			err := n.Blockstore.DeleteBlock(k)
			if err != nil {
				return err
Esempio n. 5

	proto ""
	key ""
	peer ""
	routing ""
	dhtpb ""
	u ""
	logging ""
	ds ""
	ma ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("mockrouter")

type client struct {
	datastore ds.Datastore
	server    server
	peer      testutil.Identity

// FIXME(brian): is this method meant to simulate putting a value into the network?
func (c *client) PutValue(ctx context.Context, key key.Key, val []byte) error {
	log.Debugf("PutValue: %s", key)
	rec := new(dhtpb.Record)
	rec.Value = val
	rec.Key = proto.String(string(key))
	rec.TimeReceived = proto.String(u.FormatRFC3339(time.Now()))
	data, err := proto.Marshal(rec)
Esempio n. 6
File: diag.go Progetto: rht/ipget

	ggio ""
	proto ""
	pb ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	protocol ""
	logging ""
	ctxio ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("diagnostics")

// ProtocolDiag is the diagnostics protocol.ID
var ProtocolDiag protocol.ID = "/ipfs/diagnostics"

var ErrAlreadyRunning = errors.New("diagnostic with that ID already running")

const ResponseTimeout = time.Second * 10
const HopTimeoutDecrement = time.Second * 2

// Diagnostics is a net service that manages requesting and responding to diagnostic
// requests
type Diagnostics struct {
	host host.Host
	self peer.ID
Esempio n. 7
File: key.go Progetto: rht/ipget
import (

	u ""
	testutil ""
	logging ""

	ic ""
	peer ""

	ma ""

var log = logging.Logger("boguskey")

// TestBogusPrivateKey is a key used for testing (to avoid expensive keygen)
type TestBogusPrivateKey []byte

// TestBogusPublicKey is a key used for testing (to avoid expensive keygen)
type TestBogusPublicKey []byte

func (pk TestBogusPublicKey) Verify(data, sig []byte) (bool, error) {
	log.Errorf("TestBogusPublicKey.Verify -- this better be a test!")
	return bytes.Equal(data, reverse(sig)), nil

func (pk TestBogusPublicKey) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte(pk), nil
Esempio n. 8
File: peer.go Progetto: rht/ipget
import (

	b58 ""
	ma ""
	mh ""

	ic ""
	u ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("peer")

// ID represents the identity of a peer.
type ID string

// Pretty returns a b58-encoded string of the ID
func (id ID) Pretty() string {
	return IDB58Encode(id)

func (id ID) Loggable() map[string]interface{} {
	return map[string]interface{}{
		"peerID": id.Pretty(),
Esempio n. 9
File: repub.go Progetto: rht/ipget
	peer ""
	path ""
	dhtpb ""

	proto ""
	logging ""
	ds ""
	goprocess ""
	gpctx ""
	context ""

var errNoEntry = errors.New("no previous entry")

var log = logging.Logger("ipns-repub")

var DefaultRebroadcastInterval = time.Hour * 4

const DefaultRecordLifetime = time.Hour * 24

type Republisher struct {
	r  routing.IpfsRouting
	ds ds.Datastore
	ps peer.Peerstore

	Interval time.Duration

	// how long records that are republished should be valid for
	RecordLifetime time.Duration
Esempio n. 10
File: conn.go Progetto: rht/ipget

	ic ""
	peer ""
	u ""
	lgbl ""
	logging ""
	msgio ""
	mpool ""
	ma ""
	manet ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("conn")

// ReleaseBuffer puts the given byte array back into the buffer pool,
// first verifying that it is the correct size
func ReleaseBuffer(b []byte) {
	log.Debugf("Releasing buffer! (cap,size = %d, %d)", cap(b), len(b))
	mpool.ByteSlicePool.Put(uint32(cap(b)), b)

// singleConn represents a single connection to another Peer (IPFS Node).
type singleConn struct {
	local  peer.ID
	remote peer.ID
	maconn manet.Conn
	msgrw  msgio.ReadWriteCloser
	event  io.Closer
Esempio n. 11
File: offline.go Progetto: rht/ipget

	proto ""
	key ""
	ci ""
	routing ""
	pb ""
	record ""
	logging ""
	ds ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("offlinerouting")

var ErrOffline = errors.New("routing system in offline mode")

func NewOfflineRouter(dstore ds.Datastore, privkey ci.PrivKey) routing.IpfsRouting {
	return &offlineRouting{
		datastore: dstore,
		sk:        privkey,

// offlineRouting implements the IpfsRouting interface,
// but only provides the capability to Put and Get signed dht
// records to and from the local datastore.
type offlineRouting struct {
	datastore ds.Datastore
Esempio n. 12
	ggio ""
	context ""

	key ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	dhtpb ""
	kbucket ""
	logging ""

const ProtocolSNR = "/ipfs/supernoderouting"

var log = logging.Logger("supernode/proxy")

type Proxy interface {
	Bootstrap(context.Context) error
	SendMessage(ctx context.Context, m *dhtpb.Message) error
	SendRequest(ctx context.Context, m *dhtpb.Message) (*dhtpb.Message, error)

type standard struct {
	Host host.Host

	remoteInfos []peer.PeerInfo // addr required for bootstrapping
	remoteIDs   []peer.ID       // []ID is required for each req. here, cached for performance.
Esempio n. 13
File: system.go Progetto: rht/ipget

	key ""
	dag ""
	namesys ""
	ci ""
	path ""
	pin ""
	ft ""

	logging ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("ipnsfs")

var ErrIsDirectory = errors.New("error: is a directory")

// Filesystem is the writeable fuse filesystem structure
type Filesystem struct {
	ctx context.Context

	dserv dag.DAGService

	nsys namesys.NameSystem

	resolver *path.Resolver

	pins pin.Pinner
Esempio n. 14
	trickle ""
	mdag ""
	pin ""
	ft ""
	uio ""
	logging ""

var ErrSeekFail = errors.New("failed to seek properly")
var ErrSeekEndNotImpl = errors.New("SEEK_END currently not implemented")
var ErrUnrecognizedWhence = errors.New("unrecognized whence")

// 2MB
var writebufferSize = 1 << 21

var log = logging.Logger("dagio")

// DagModifier is the only struct licensed and able to correctly
// perform surgery on a DAG 'file'
// Dear god, please rename this to something more pleasant
type DagModifier struct {
	dagserv mdag.DAGService
	curNode *mdag.Node
	mp      pin.ManualPinner

	splitter   chunk.SplitterGen
	ctx        context.Context
	readCancel func()

	writeStart uint64
	curWrOff   uint64
Esempio n. 15
File: routing.go Progetto: rht/ipget
import (

	proto ""
	mh ""

	key ""
	pb ""
	path ""
	routing ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("namesys")

// routingResolver implements NSResolver for the main IPFS SFS-like naming
type routingResolver struct {
	routing routing.IpfsRouting

// NewRoutingResolver constructs a name resolver using the IPFS Routing system
// to implement SFS-like naming on top.
func NewRoutingResolver(route routing.IpfsRouting) Resolver {
	if route == nil {
		panic("attempt to create resolver with nil routing system")

	return &routingResolver{routing: route}
Esempio n. 16
File: addr.go Progetto: rht/ipget
package addrutil

import (

	logging ""

	ma ""
	manet ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("p2p/net/swarm/addr")

// SupportedTransportStrings is the list of supported transports for the swarm.
// These are strings of encapsulated multiaddr protocols. E.g.:
//   /ip4/tcp
var SupportedTransportStrings = []string{
	// "/ip4/udp/utp", disabled because the lib is broken
	// "/ip6/udp/utp", disabled because the lib is broken
	// "/ip4/udp/udt", disabled because the lib doesnt work on arm
	// "/ip6/udp/udt", disabled because the lib doesnt work on arm

// SupportedTransportProtocols is the list of supported transports for the swarm.
// These are []ma.Protocol lists. Populated at runtime from SupportedTransportStrings
var SupportedTransportProtocols = [][]ma.Protocol{}

func init() {
Esempio n. 17
File: bitswap.go Progetto: rht/ipget
	key ""
	exchange ""
	decision ""
	bsmsg ""
	bsnet ""
	notifications ""
	wantlist ""
	peer ""
	logging ""
	process ""
	procctx ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("bitswap")

const (
	// maxProvidersPerRequest specifies the maximum number of providers desired
	// from the network. This value is specified because the network streams
	// results.
	// TODO: if a 'non-nice' strategy is implemented, consider increasing this value
	maxProvidersPerRequest = 3
	providerRequestTimeout = time.Second * 10
	hasBlockTimeout        = time.Second * 15
	provideTimeout         = time.Second * 15
	sizeBatchRequestChan   = 32
	// kMaxPriority is the max priority as defined by the bitswap protocol
	kMaxPriority = math.MaxInt32

	HasBlockBufferSize    = 256
Esempio n. 18
package path

import (

	mh ""

	key ""
	merkledag ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("path")

// Paths after a protocol must contain at least one component
var ErrNoComponents = errors.New(
	"path must contain at least one component")

// ErrNoLink is returned when a link is not found in a path
type ErrNoLink struct {
	name string
	node mh.Multihash

func (e ErrNoLink) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("no link named %q under %s",, e.node.B58String())
Esempio n. 19
File: add.go Progetto: rht/ipget
	gopath "path"

	context ""

	core ""
	importer ""
	chunk ""
	merkledag ""
	unixfs ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("coreunix")

// Add builds a merkledag from the a reader, pinning all objects to the local
// datastore. Returns a key representing the root node.
func Add(n *core.IpfsNode, r io.Reader) (string, error) {
	// TODO more attractive function signature importer.BuildDagFromReader

	dagNode, err := importer.BuildDagFromReader(
		chunk.NewSizeSplitter(r, chunk.DefaultBlockSize),
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	k, err := dagNode.Key()
Esempio n. 20
File: ping.go Progetto: rht/ipget
import (

	context ""

	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	u ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("ping")

const PingSize = 32

const ID = "/ipfs/ping"

type PingService struct {
	Host host.Host

func NewPingService(h host.Host) *PingService {
	ps := &PingService{h}
	h.SetStreamHandler(ID, ps.PingHandler)
	return ps
Esempio n. 21
import (

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("fsrepo")

// ReadConfigFile reads the config from `filename` into `cfg`.
func ReadConfigFile(filename string, cfg interface{}) error {
	f, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer f.Close()
	if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(cfg); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failure to decode config: %s", err)
	return nil

// WriteConfigFile writes the config from `cfg` into `filename`.
Esempio n. 22
File: table.go Progetto: rht/ipget
// package kbucket implements a kademlia 'k-bucket' routing table.
package kbucket

import (

	peer ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("table")

// RoutingTable defines the routing table.
type RoutingTable struct {

	// ID of the local peer
	local ID

	// Blanket lock, refine later for better performance
	tabLock sync.RWMutex

	// latency metrics
	metrics peer.Metrics

	// Maximum acceptable latency for peers in this cluster
	maxLatency time.Duration

	// kBuckets define all the fingers to other nodes.
Esempio n. 23
File: mdns.go Progetto: rht/ipget
	golog "log"

	ma ""
	manet ""

	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("mdns")

const ServiceTag = ""

type Service interface {

type Notifee interface {

type mdnsService struct {
	server  *mdns.Server
Esempio n. 24
File: id.go Progetto: rht/ipget
	ggio ""
	ma ""
	context ""

	mstream ""
	host ""
	inet ""
	peer ""
	protocol ""
	pb ""
	config ""
	lgbl ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("net/identify")

// ID is the protocol.ID of the Identify Service.
const ID protocol.ID = "/ipfs/identify"

// IpfsVersion holds the current protocol version for a client running this code
// TODO(jbenet): fix the versioning mess.
const IpfsVersion = "ipfs/0.1.0"
const ClientVersion = "go-ipfs/" + config.CurrentVersionNumber

// IDService is a structure that implements ProtocolIdentify.
// It is a trivial service that gives the other peer some
// useful information about the local peer. A sort of hello.
// The IDService sends:
//  * Our IPFS Protocol Version
Esempio n. 25
File: dht.go Progetto: rht/ipget
	peer ""
	protocol ""
	routing ""
	pb ""
	kb ""
	record ""
	logging ""

	proto ""
	ds ""
	goprocess ""
	goprocessctx ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("dht")

var ProtocolDHT protocol.ID = "/ipfs/dht"

// NumBootstrapQueries defines the number of random dht queries to do to
// collect members of the routing table.
const NumBootstrapQueries = 5


// IpfsDHT is an implementation of Kademlia with Coral and S/Kademlia modifications.
// It is used to implement the base IpfsRouting module.
type IpfsDHT struct {
	host      host.Host      // the network services we need
	self      peer.ID        // Local peer (yourself)
	peerstore peer.Peerstore // Peer Registry
Esempio n. 26
package corehttp

import (

	core ""
	logging ""
	ma ""
	manet ""

var log = logging.Logger("core/server")

// ServeOption registers any HTTP handlers it provides on the given mux.
// It returns the mux to expose to future options, which may be a new mux if it
// is interested in mediating requests to future options, or the same mux
// initially passed in if not.
type ServeOption func(*core.IpfsNode, net.Listener, *http.ServeMux) (*http.ServeMux, error)

// makeHandler turns a list of ServeOptions into a http.Handler that implements
// all of the given options, in order.
func makeHandler(n *core.IpfsNode, l net.Listener, options ...ServeOption) (http.Handler, error) {
	topMux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux := topMux
	for _, option := range options {
		var err error
		mux, err = option(n, l, mux)
Esempio n. 27
File: root.go Progetto: rht/ipget
package commands

import (

	cmds ""
	unixfs ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("core/commands")

type TestOutput struct {
	Foo string
	Bar int

const (
	ApiOption = "api"

var Root = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmds.HelpText{
		Tagline: "global p2p merkle-dag filesystem",
		Synopsis: `
ipfs [<flags>] <command> [<arg>] ...
		ShortDescription: `
Esempio n. 28
// package merkledag implements the ipfs Merkle DAG datastructures.
package merkledag

import (

	blocks ""
	key ""
	bserv ""
	logging ""

var log = logging.Logger("merkledag")
var ErrNotFound = fmt.Errorf("merkledag: not found")

// DAGService is an IPFS Merkle DAG service.
type DAGService interface {
	Add(*Node) (key.Key, error)
	AddRecursive(*Node) error
	Get(context.Context, key.Key) (*Node, error)
	Remove(*Node) error

	// GetDAG returns, in order, all the single leve child
	// nodes of the passed in node.
	GetDAG(context.Context, *Node) []NodeGetter
	GetNodes(context.Context, []key.Key) []NodeGetter

	Batch() *Batch
Esempio n. 29

	ci ""
	pb ""
	peer ""
	u ""
	logging ""
	msgio ""
	context ""

var log = logging.Logger("secio")

// ErrUnsupportedKeyType is returned when a private key cast/type switch fails.
var ErrUnsupportedKeyType = errors.New("unsupported key type")

// ErrClosed signals the closing of a connection.
var ErrClosed = errors.New("connection closed")

// ErrEcho is returned when we're attempting to handshake with the same keys and nonces.
var ErrEcho = errors.New("same keys and nonces. one side talking to self.")

// HandshakeTimeout governs how long the handshake will be allowed to take place for.
// Making this number large means there could be many bogus connections waiting to
// timeout in flight. Typical handshakes take ~3RTTs, so it should be completed within
// seconds across a typical planet in the solar system.
var HandshakeTimeout = time.Second * 30
Esempio n. 30
File: engine.go Progetto: rht/ipget
// decision engine is given responsibility for all of the others, it can
// intelligently decide how to combine requests efficiently.
// Some examples of what would be possible:
// * when sending out the wantlists, include `cancel` requests
// * when handling `blockrequests`, include `sendwantlist` and `cancel` as appropriate
// * when handling `cancel`, if we recently received a wanted block from a
// 	 peer, include a partial wantlist that contains a few other high priority
//   blocks
// In a sense, if we treat the decision engine as a black box, it could do
// whatever it sees fit to produce desired outcomes (get wanted keys
// quickly, maintain good relationships with peers, etc).

var log = logging.Logger("engine")

const (
	// outboxChanBuffer must be 0 to prevent stale messages from being sent
	outboxChanBuffer = 0

// Envelope contains a message for a Peer
type Envelope struct {
	// Peer is the intended recipient
	Peer peer.ID

	// Block is the payload
	Block *blocks.Block

	// A callback to notify the decision queue that the task is complete