Esempio n. 1
func (m Manifest) getAppMaps(data generic.Map) (apps []generic.Map, errs []error) {
	globalProperties := data.Except([]interface{}{"applications"})

	if data.Has("applications") {
		appMaps, ok := data.Get("applications").([]interface{})
		if !ok {
			errs = append(errs, errors.New(T("Expected applications to be a list")))

		for _, appData := range appMaps {
			if !generic.IsMappable(appData) {
				errs = append(errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("Expected application to be a list of key/value pairs\nError occurred in manifest near:\n'{{.YmlSnippet}}'",
					map[string]interface{}{"YmlSnippet": appData})))

			appMap := generic.DeepMerge(globalProperties, generic.NewMap(appData))
			apps = append(apps, appMap)
	} else {
		apps = append(apps, globalProperties)

Esempio n. 2
func (cmd CreateBuildpack) createBuildpack(buildpackName string, c *cli.Context) (buildpack models.Buildpack, apiErr error) {
	position, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Args()[2])
	if err != nil {
		apiErr = errors.NewWithFmt(T("Invalid position. {{.ErrorDescription}}", map[string]interface{}{"ErrorDescription": err.Error()}))

	enabled := c.Bool("enable")
	disabled := c.Bool("disable")
	if enabled && disabled {
		apiErr = errors.New(T("Cannot specify both {{.Enabled}} and {{.Disabled}}.", map[string]interface{}{
			"Enabled":  "enabled",
			"Disabled": "disabled",

	var enableOption *bool = nil
	if enabled {
		enableOption = &enabled
	if disabled {
		disabled = false
		enableOption = &disabled

	buildpack, apiErr = cmd.buildpackRepo.Create(buildpackName, &position, enableOption, nil)

Esempio n. 3
func intVal(yamlMap generic.Map, key string, errs *[]error) *int {
	var (
		intVal int
		err    error

	switch val := yamlMap.Get(key).(type) {
	case string:
		intVal, err = strconv.Atoi(val)
	case int:
		intVal = val
	case int64:
		intVal = int(val)
	case nil:
		return nil
		err = errors.NewWithFmt(T("Expected {{.PropertyName}} to be a number, but it was a {{.PropertyType}}.",
			map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key, "PropertyType": val}))

	if err != nil {
		*errs = append(*errs, err)
		return nil

	return &intVal
Esempio n. 4
func sliceOrEmptyVal(yamlMap generic.Map, key string, errs *[]error) *[]string {
	if !yamlMap.Has(key) {
		return new([]string)

	var (
		stringSlice []string
		err         error

	sliceErr := errors.NewWithFmt(T("Expected {{.PropertyName}} to be a list of strings.",
		map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key}))

	switch input := yamlMap.Get(key).(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		for _, value := range input {
			stringValue, ok := value.(string)
			if !ok {
				err = sliceErr
			stringSlice = append(stringSlice, stringValue)
		err = sliceErr

	if err != nil {
		*errs = append(*errs, err)
		return nil

	return &stringSlice
Esempio n. 5
func ParseVersion(input string) (Version, error) {
	parts := strings.Split(input, ".")
	if len(parts) != 3 {
		return Version{}, errors.NewWithFmt(T("Could not parse version number: {{.Input}}",
			map[string]interface{}{"Input": input}))

	major, err1 := strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 64)
	minor, err2 := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64)
	patch, err3 := strconv.ParseInt(parts[2], 10, 64)
	if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil {
		return Version{}, errors.NewWithFmt(T("Could not parse version number: {{.Input}}",
			map[string]interface{}{"Input": input}))

	return Version{major, minor, patch}, nil
Esempio n. 6
func (matcher haveSucceededMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (bool, error) {
	switch actual.(type) {
	case testcmd.RunCommandResult:
		result := actual.(testcmd.RunCommandResult)
		return result == testcmd.RunCommandResultSuccess, nil
		return false, errors.NewWithFmt("Expected actual value to be an enum, but it was a %T", actual)
Esempio n. 7
func envVarOrEmptyMap(yamlMap generic.Map, errs *[]error) *map[string]string {
	key := "env"
	switch envVars := yamlMap.Get(key).(type) {
	case nil:
		aMap := make(map[string]string, 0)
		return &aMap
	case map[string]interface{}:
		yamlMap.Set(key, generic.NewMap(yamlMap.Get(key)))
		return envVarOrEmptyMap(yamlMap, errs)
	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
		yamlMap.Set(key, generic.NewMap(yamlMap.Get(key)))
		return envVarOrEmptyMap(yamlMap, errs)
	case generic.Map:
		merrs := validateEnvVars(envVars)
		if merrs != nil {
			*errs = append(*errs, merrs...)
			return nil

		result := make(map[string]string, envVars.Count())
		generic.Each(envVars, func(key, value interface{}) {

			switch value.(type) {
			case string:
				result[key.(string)] = value.(string)
			case int64, int, int32:
				result[key.(string)] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", value)
			case float32, float64:
				result[key.(string)] = fmt.Sprintf("%f", value)
				*errs = append(*errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("Expected environment variable {{.PropertyName}} to have a string value, but it was a {{.PropertyType}}.",
					map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key, "PropertyType": value})))

		return &result
		*errs = append(*errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("Expected {{.Name}} to be a set of key => value, but it was a {{.Type}}.",
			map[string]interface{}{"Name": key, "Type": envVars})))
		return nil
Esempio n. 8
File: users.go Progetto: nttlabs/cli
func (repo CloudControllerUserRepository) checkSpaceRole(userGuid, spaceGuid, role string) (fullPath string, apiErr error) {
	rolePath, found := spaceRoleToPathMap[role]

	if !found {
		apiErr = errors.NewWithFmt(T("Invalid Role {{.Role}}",
			map[string]interface{}{"Role": role}))

	fullPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/v2/spaces/%s/%s/%s", repo.config.ApiEndpoint(), spaceGuid, rolePath, userGuid)
Esempio n. 9
func stringVal(yamlMap generic.Map, key string, errs *[]error) *string {
	val := yamlMap.Get(key)
	if val == nil {
		return nil
	result, ok := val.(string)
	if !ok {
		*errs = append(*errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("{{.PropertyName}} must be a string value", map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key})))
		return nil
	return &result
Esempio n. 10
func checkForNulls(yamlMap generic.Map) (errs []error) {
	generic.Each(yamlMap, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
		if key == "command" || key == "buildpack" {
		if value == nil {
			errs = append(errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("{{.PropertyName}} should not be null", map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key})))

Esempio n. 11
func (matcher havePassedRequirementsMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (bool, error) {
	switch actual.(type) {
	case bool:
		asBool := actual.(bool)
		return asBool == true, nil
	case testcmd.RunCommandResult:
		result := actual.(testcmd.RunCommandResult)
		return result == testcmd.RunCommandResultSuccess, nil
		return false, errors.NewWithFmt("Expected actual value to be a bool or enum, but it was a %T", actual)
Esempio n. 12
func boolVal(yamlMap generic.Map, key string, errs *[]error) bool {
	switch val := yamlMap.Get(key).(type) {
	case nil:
		return false
	case bool:
		return val
	case string:
		return val == "true"
		*errs = append(*errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("Expected {{.PropertyName}} to be a boolean.", map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key})))
		return false
Esempio n. 13
func bytesVal(yamlMap generic.Map, key string, errs *[]error) *int64 {
	yamlVal := yamlMap.Get(key)
	if yamlVal == nil {
		return nil
	value, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(yamlVal.(string))
	if err != nil {
		*errs = append(*errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("Unexpected value for {{.PropertyName}} :\n{{.Error}}",
			map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key, "Error": err.Error()})))
		return nil
	return &value
Esempio n. 14
func (cmd Target) setOrganization(orgName string) error {
	// setting an org necessarily invalidates any space you had previously targeted

	org, apiErr := cmd.orgRepo.FindByName(orgName)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return errors.NewWithFmt(T("Could not target org.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
			map[string]interface{}{"ApiErr": apiErr.Error()}))

	return nil
Esempio n. 15
func (cmd Target) setSpace(spaceName string) error {

	if !cmd.config.HasOrganization() {
		return errors.New(T("An org must be targeted before targeting a space"))

	space, apiErr := cmd.spaceRepo.FindByName(spaceName)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return errors.NewWithFmt(T("Unable to access space {{.SpaceName}}.\n{{.ApiErr}}",
			map[string]interface{}{"SpaceName": spaceName, "ApiErr": apiErr.Error()}))

	return nil
Esempio n. 16
func expandProperties(input interface{}, babbler generator.WordGenerator) (output interface{}, errs []error) {
	switch input := input.(type) {
	case string:
		match := propertyRegex.FindStringSubmatch(input)
		if match != nil {
			if match[0] == "${random-word}" {
				output = strings.Replace(input, "${random-word}", strings.ToLower(babbler.Babble()), -1)
			} else {
				err := errors.NewWithFmt(T("Property '{{.PropertyName}}' found in manifest. This feature is no longer supported. Please remove it and try again.",
					map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": match[0]}))
				errs = append(errs, err)
		} else {
			output = input
	case []interface{}:
		outputSlice := make([]interface{}, len(input))
		for index, item := range input {
			itemOutput, itemErrs := expandProperties(item, babbler)
			outputSlice[index] = itemOutput
			errs = append(errs, itemErrs...)
		output = outputSlice
	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
		outputMap := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
		for key, value := range input {
			itemOutput, itemErrs := expandProperties(value, babbler)
			outputMap[key] = itemOutput
			errs = append(errs, itemErrs...)
		output = outputMap
	case generic.Map:
		outputMap := generic.NewMap()
		generic.Each(input, func(key, value interface{}) {
			itemOutput, itemErrs := expandProperties(value, babbler)
			outputMap.Set(key, itemOutput)
			errs = append(errs, itemErrs...)
		output = outputMap
		output = input

Esempio n. 17
func stringValOrDefault(yamlMap generic.Map, key string, errs *[]error) *string {
	if !yamlMap.Has(key) {
		return nil
	empty := ""
	switch val := yamlMap.Get(key).(type) {
	case string:
		if val == "default" {
			return &empty
		} else {
			return &val
	case nil:
		return &empty
		*errs = append(*errs, errors.NewWithFmt(T("{{.PropertyName}} must be a string or null value", map[string]interface{}{"PropertyName": key})))
		return nil
Esempio n. 18
File: users.go Progetto: nttlabs/cli
func (repo CloudControllerUserRepository) setOrUnsetOrgRole(verb, userGuid, orgGuid, role string) (apiErr error) {
	rolePath, found := orgRoleToPathMap[role]

	if !found {
		apiErr = errors.NewWithFmt(T("Invalid Role {{.Role}}",
			map[string]interface{}{"Role": role}))

	path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/v2/organizations/%s/%s/%s", repo.config.ApiEndpoint(), orgGuid, rolePath, userGuid)

	request, apiErr := repo.ccGateway.NewRequest(verb, path, repo.config.AccessToken(), nil)
	if apiErr != nil {

	_, apiErr = repo.ccGateway.PerformRequest(request)
	if apiErr != nil {
Esempio n. 19
func ParseJSON(path string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {
	if path == "" {
		return nil, nil

	file, err := os.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	stringMaps := []map[string]interface{}{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &stringMaps)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewWithFmt("Incorrect json format: %s", err.Error())

	return stringMaps, nil
Esempio n. 20
File: push.go Progetto: nttlabs/cli
func (cmd *Push) getAppParamsFromContext(c *cli.Context) (appParams models.AppParams) {
	if len(c.Args()) > 0 {
		appParams.Name = &c.Args()[0]

	appParams.NoRoute = c.Bool("no-route")
	appParams.UseRandomHostname = c.Bool("random-route")

	if c.String("n") != "" {
		hostname := c.String("n")
		appParams.Host = &hostname

	if c.String("b") != "" {
		buildpack := c.String("b")
		if buildpack == "null" || buildpack == "default" {
			buildpack = ""
		appParams.BuildpackUrl = &buildpack

	if c.String("c") != "" {
		command := c.String("c")
		if command == "null" || command == "default" {
			command = ""
		appParams.Command = &command

	if c.String("d") != "" {
		domain := c.String("d")
		appParams.Domain = &domain

	if c.IsSet("i") {
		instances := c.Int("i")
		if instances < 1 {
			cmd.ui.Failed(T("Invalid instance count: {{.InstancesCount}}\nInstance count must be a positive integer",
				map[string]interface{}{"InstancesCount": instances}))
		appParams.InstanceCount = &instances

	if c.String("k") != "" {
		diskQuota, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(c.String("k"))
		if err != nil {
			cmd.ui.Failed(T("Invalid disk quota: {{.DiskQuota}}\n{{.Err}}",
				map[string]interface{}{"DiskQuota": c.String("k"), "Err": err.Error()}))
		appParams.DiskQuota = &diskQuota

	if c.String("m") != "" {
		memory, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(c.String("m"))
		if err != nil {
			cmd.ui.Failed(T("Invalid memory limit: {{.MemLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
				map[string]interface{}{"MemLimit": c.String("m"), "Err": err.Error()}))
		appParams.Memory = &memory

	if c.String("p") != "" {
		path := c.String("p")
		appParams.Path = &path

	if c.String("s") != "" {
		stackName := c.String("s")
		appParams.StackName = &stackName

	if c.String("t") != "" {
		timeout, err := strconv.Atoi(c.String("t"))
		if err != nil {
			cmd.ui.Failed("Error: %s", errors.NewWithFmt(T("Invalid timeout param: {{.Timeout}}\n{{.Err}}",
				map[string]interface{}{"Timeout": c.String("t"), "Err": err.Error()})))

		appParams.HealthCheckTimeout = &timeout

	if c.IsSet("z") == true {
		zoneName := c.String("z")
		if zoneName == "null" || zoneName == "default" || zoneName == "" {
			zoneGuid := ""
			appParams.ZoneGuid = &zoneGuid
		} else {
			zone, apiErr := cmd.zoneRepo.FindByName(zoneName, cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Guid)
			switch apiErr.(type) {
			case nil:
			case *errors.ModelNotFoundError:
				cmd.ui.Failed(T("Zone {{.ZoneName}} does not exist or is not accessible", map[string]interface{}{"ZoneName": zoneName}))
				cmd.ui.Failed(T("Error finding zone {{.ZoneName}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
						"ZoneName":         zoneName,
						"ErrorDescription": apiErr.Error(),

			appParams.ZoneGuid = &zone.ZoneFields.Guid