Esempio n. 1
	. ""
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	. ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("delete-service-broker command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		configRepo          core_config.ReadWriter
		brokerRepo          *testapi.FakeServiceBrokerRepo
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{Inputs: []string{"y"}}
		brokerRepo = &testapi.FakeServiceBrokerRepo{}
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true}

	runCommand := func(args ...string) {
		cmd := NewDeleteServiceBroker(ui, configRepo, brokerRepo)
		testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)
Esempio n. 2
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("scale command", func() {
	var (
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		restarter           *testcmd.FakeApplicationRestarter
		appRepo             *testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		cmd                 *Scale
		app                 models.Application

	BeforeEach(func() {
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true, TargetedSpaceSuccess: true}
		restarter = &testcmd.FakeApplicationRestarter{}
		appRepo = &testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository{}
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		cmd = NewScale(ui, config, restarter, appRepo)

	Describe("requirements", func() {
Esempio n. 3
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("delete-space command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		space               models.Space
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		spaceRepo           *testapi.FakeSpaceRepository
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	runCommand := func(args ...string) {
		cmd := NewDeleteSpace(ui, config, spaceRepo)
		testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		spaceRepo = &testapi.FakeSpaceRepository{}
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("migrating service instances from v1 to v2", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		serviceRepo         *testapi.FakeServiceRepo
		cmd                 *MigrateServiceInstances
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		args                []string

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		config := testconfig.NewRepository()
		serviceRepo = &testapi.FakeServiceRepo{}
		cmd = NewMigrateServiceInstances(ui, config, serviceRepo)
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: false}
		args = []string{}

	Describe("requirements", func() {
		It("requires you to be logged in", func() {
Esempio n. 5
	testcmd ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("delete-quota command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		quotaRepo           *fakes.FakeSpaceQuotaRepository
		orgRepo             *test_org.FakeOrganizationRepository
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		quotaRepo = &fakes.FakeSpaceQuotaRepository{}
		orgRepo = &test_org.FakeOrganizationRepository{}
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}

		org := models.Organization{}
		org.Name = "my-org"
		org.Guid = "my-org-guid"
		orgRepo.ListOrgsReturns([]models.Organization{org}, nil)
		orgRepo.FindByNameReturns(org, nil)
Esempio n. 6
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("delete-domain command", func() {
	var (
		cmd                 *DeleteDomain
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		configRepo          core_config.ReadWriter
		domainRepo          *testapi.FakeDomainRepository
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{
			Inputs: []string{"yes"},

		domainRepo = &testapi.FakeDomainRepository{}
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{
			LoginSuccess:       true,
			TargetedOrgSuccess: true,
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
Esempio n. 7
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("delete-user command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		configRepo          core_config.ReadWriter
		userRepo            *testapi.FakeUserRepository
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{Inputs: []string{"y"}}
		userRepo = &testapi.FakeUserRepository{}
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true}
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()

		token, err := testconfig.EncodeAccessToken(core_config.TokenInfo{
			UserGuid: "admin-user-guid",
			Username: "******",
Esempio n. 8
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("Login Command", func() {
	var (
		Flags        []string
		Config       core_config.ReadWriter
		ui           *testterm.FakeUI
		authRepo     *testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository
		endpointRepo *testapi.FakeEndpointRepo
		orgRepo      *fake_organizations.FakeOrganizationRepository
		spaceRepo    *testapi.FakeSpaceRepository

		org models.Organization

	BeforeEach(func() {
		Flags = []string{}
		Config = testconfig.NewRepository()
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		authRepo = &testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository{
			AccessToken:  "my_access_token",
			RefreshToken: "my_refresh_token",
			Config:       Config,
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("create-user-provided-service command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		repo                *testapi.FakeUserProvidedServiceInstanceRepo
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		cmd                 CreateUserProvidedService

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		repo = &testapi.FakeUserProvidedServiceInstanceRepo{}
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true}
		cmd = NewCreateUserProvidedService(ui, config, repo)

	Describe("login requirements", func() {
		It("fails if the user is not logged in", func() {
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = false
Esempio n. 10
package terminal_test

import (
	. ""
	. ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Table", func() {
	var (
		ui    *testterm.FakeUI
		table Table

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		table = NewTable(ui, []string{"watashi", "no", "atama!"})

	It("prints the header", func() {
			[]string{"watashi", "no", "atama!"},

	It("prints format string literals as strings", func() {
		table.Add("cloak %s", "and", "dagger")