Esempio n. 1
func (blockchain *blockchain) addPersistenceChangesForNewBlock(ctx context.Context,
	block *protos.Block, stateHash []byte, writeBatch *gorocksdb.WriteBatch) (uint64, error) {
	block = blockchain.buildBlock(block, stateHash)
	if block.NonHashData == nil {
		block.NonHashData = &protos.NonHashData{LocalLedgerCommitTimestamp: util.CreateUtcTimestamp()}
	} else {
		block.NonHashData.LocalLedgerCommitTimestamp = util.CreateUtcTimestamp()
	blockNumber := blockchain.size
	blockHash, err := block.GetHash()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	blockBytes, blockBytesErr := block.Bytes()
	if blockBytesErr != nil {
		return 0, blockBytesErr
	writeBatch.PutCF(db.GetDBHandle().BlockchainCF, encodeBlockNumberDBKey(blockNumber), blockBytes)
	writeBatch.PutCF(db.GetDBHandle().BlockchainCF, blockCountKey, encodeUint64(blockNumber+1))
	if blockchain.indexer.isSynchronous() {
		blockchain.indexer.createIndexesSync(block, blockNumber, blockHash, writeBatch)
	blockchain.lastProcessedBlock = &lastProcessedBlock{block, blockNumber, blockHash}
	return blockNumber, nil
Esempio n. 2
func (blockchain *blockchain) persistRawBlock(block *protos.Block, blockNumber uint64) error {
	blockBytes, blockBytesErr := block.Bytes()
	if blockBytesErr != nil {
		return blockBytesErr
	writeBatch := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
	defer writeBatch.Destroy()
	writeBatch.PutCF(db.GetDBHandle().BlockchainCF, encodeBlockNumberDBKey(blockNumber), blockBytes)

	// Need to check as we suport out of order blocks in cases such as block/state synchronization. This is
	// really blockchain height, not size.
	if blockchain.getSize() < blockNumber+1 {
		sizeBytes := encodeUint64(blockNumber + 1)
		writeBatch.PutCF(db.GetDBHandle().BlockchainCF, blockCountKey, sizeBytes)
		blockchain.size = blockNumber + 1
	blockHash, err := block.GetHash()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if blockchain.indexer.isSynchronous() {
		blockchain.indexer.createIndexesSync(block, blockNumber, blockHash, writeBatch)

	opt := gorocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
	defer opt.Destroy()
	err = db.GetDBHandle().DB.Write(opt, writeBatch)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 3
func fetchDataNodesFromDBFor(bucketKey *bucketKey) (dataNodes, error) {
	logger.Debug("Fetching from DB data nodes for bucket [%s]", bucketKey)
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	itr := openchainDB.GetStateCFIterator()
	defer itr.Close()
	minimumDataKeyBytes := minimumPossibleDataKeyBytesFor(bucketKey)

	var dataNodes dataNodes


	for ; itr.Valid(); itr.Next() {
		k := itr.Key().Data()
		v := itr.Value().Data()
		// making a copy of key-value bytes because, underlying key bytes are reused by itr.
		//Did not observe the same behaviour for value but for now making copy for both key and value bytes
		keyBytes := statemgmt.Copy(k)
		valueBytes := statemgmt.Copy(v)

		dataKey := newDataKeyFromEncodedBytes(keyBytes)
		logger.Debug("Retrieved data key [%s] from DB for bucket [%s]", dataKey, bucketKey)
		if !dataKey.getBucketKey().equals(bucketKey) {
			logger.Debug("Data key [%s] from DB does not belong to bucket = [%s]. Stopping further iteration and returning results [%v]", dataKey, bucketKey, dataNodes)
			return dataNodes, nil
		dataNode := unmarshalDataNode(dataKey, valueBytes)

		logger.Debug("Data node [%s] from DB belongs to bucket = [%s]. Including the key in results...", dataNode, bucketKey)
		dataNodes = append(dataNodes, dataNode)
	logger.Debug("Returning results [%v]", dataNodes)
	return dataNodes, nil
Esempio n. 4
func (stateTrie *StateTrie) AddChangesForPersistence(writeBatch *gorocksdb.WriteBatch) error {
	if stateTrie.recomputeCryptoHash {
		_, err := stateTrie.ComputeCryptoHash()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if stateTrie.trieDelta == nil {
		stateTrieLogger.Info("trieDelta is nil. Not writing anything to DB")
		return nil

	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	lowestLevel := stateTrie.trieDelta.getLowestLevel()
	for level := lowestLevel; level >= 0; level-- {
		changedNodes := stateTrie.trieDelta.deltaMap[level]
		for _, changedNode := range changedNodes {
			if changedNode.markedForDeletion {
				writeBatch.DeleteCF(openchainDB.StateCF, changedNode.trieKey.getEncodedBytes())
			serializedContent, err := changedNode.marshal()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writeBatch.PutCF(openchainDB.StateCF, changedNode.trieKey.getEncodedBytes(), serializedContent)
	stateTrieLogger.Debug("Added changes to DB")
	return nil
Esempio n. 5
// CommitTxBatch - gets invoked when the current transaction-batch needs to be committed
// This function returns successfully iff the transactions details and state changes (that
// may have happened during execution of this transaction-batch) have been committed to permanent storage
func (ledger *Ledger) CommitTxBatch(id interface{}, transactions []*protos.Transaction, proof []byte) error {
	err := ledger.checkValidIDCommitORRollback(id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	success := true
	defer ledger.resetForNextTxGroup(success)
	defer ledger.blockchain.blockPersistenceStatus(success)

	stateHash, err := ledger.state.GetHash()
	if err != nil {
		success = false
		return err

	writeBatch := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
	block := protos.NewBlock(transactions)
	newBlockNumber, err := ledger.blockchain.addPersistenceChangesForNewBlock(context.TODO(), block, stateHash, writeBatch)
	if err != nil {
		success = false
		return err
	ledger.state.AddChangesForPersistence(newBlockNumber, writeBatch)
	opt := gorocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
	dbErr := db.GetDBHandle().DB.Write(opt, writeBatch)
	if dbErr != nil {
		success = false
		return dbErr
	return nil
Esempio n. 6
func newStateSnapshotIterator(snapshot *gorocksdb.Snapshot) (*StateSnapshotIterator, error) {
	dbItr := db.GetDBHandle().GetStateCFSnapshotIterator(snapshot)
	// skip the root key, because, the value test in Next method is misleading for root key as the value field
	return &StateSnapshotIterator{dbItr, nil, nil}, nil
// Functions for persisting and retrieving index data
func addIndexDataForPersistence(block *protos.Block, blockNumber uint64, blockHash []byte, writeBatch *gorocksdb.WriteBatch) error {
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	cf := openchainDB.IndexesCF

	// add blockhash -> blockNumber
	indexLogger.Debug("Indexing block number [%d] by hash = [%x]", blockNumber, blockHash)
	writeBatch.PutCF(cf, encodeBlockHashKey(blockHash), encodeBlockNumber(blockNumber))

	addressToTxIndexesMap := make(map[string][]uint64)
	addressToChaincodeIDsMap := make(map[string][]*protos.ChaincodeID)

	transactions := block.GetTransactions()
	for txIndex, tx := range transactions {
		// add TxUUID -> (blockNumber,indexWithinBlock)
		writeBatch.PutCF(cf, encodeTxUUIDKey(tx.Uuid), encodeBlockNumTxIndex(blockNumber, uint64(txIndex)))

		txExecutingAddress := getTxExecutingAddress(tx)
		addressToTxIndexesMap[txExecutingAddress] = append(addressToTxIndexesMap[txExecutingAddress], uint64(txIndex))

		switch tx.Type {
		case protos.Transaction_CHAINCODE_NEW, protos.Transaction_CHAINCODE_UPDATE:
			authroizedAddresses, chaincodeID := getAuthorisedAddresses(tx)
			for _, authroizedAddress := range authroizedAddresses {
				addressToChaincodeIDsMap[authroizedAddress] = append(addressToChaincodeIDsMap[authroizedAddress], chaincodeID)
	for address, txsIndexes := range addressToTxIndexesMap {
		writeBatch.PutCF(cf, encodeAddressBlockNumCompositeKey(address, blockNumber), encodeListTxIndexes(txsIndexes))
	return nil
Esempio n. 8
func TestStateSnapshotIterator(t *testing.T) {
	stateTrieTestWrapper := newStateTrieTestWrapper(t)
	stateTrie := stateTrieTestWrapper.stateTrie
	stateDelta := statemgmt.NewStateDelta()

	// insert keys
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID1", "key1", []byte("value1"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID2", "key2", []byte("value2"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID3", "key3", []byte("value3"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID4", "key4", []byte("value4"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID5", "key5", []byte("value5"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID6", "key6", []byte("value6"), nil)
	//check that the key is persisted
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID1", "key1"), []byte("value1"))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID2", "key2"), []byte("value2"))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID3", "key3"), []byte("value3"))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID4", "key4"), []byte("value4"))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID5", "key5"), []byte("value5"))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID6", "key6"), []byte("value6"))

	// take db snapeshot
	dbSnapshot := db.GetDBHandle().GetSnapshot()

	stateDelta1 := statemgmt.NewStateDelta()
	// delete a few keys
	stateDelta1.Delete("chaincodeID1", "key1", nil)
	stateDelta1.Delete("chaincodeID3", "key3", nil)
	stateDelta1.Delete("chaincodeID4", "key4", nil)
	stateDelta1.Delete("chaincodeID6", "key6", nil)

	// update remaining keys
	stateDelta1.Set("chaincodeID2", "key2", []byte("value2_new"), nil)
	stateDelta1.Set("chaincodeID5", "key5", []byte("value5_new"), nil)

	//check that the keys are updated
	testutil.AssertNil(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID1", "key1"))
	testutil.AssertNil(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID3", "key3"))
	testutil.AssertNil(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID4", "key4"))
	testutil.AssertNil(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID6", "key6"))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID2", "key2"), []byte("value2_new"))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateTrieTestWrapper.Get("chaincodeID5", "key5"), []byte("value5_new"))

	itr, err := newStateSnapshotIterator(dbSnapshot)
	testutil.AssertNoError(t, err, "Error while getting state snapeshot iterator")

	stateDeltaFromSnapshot := statemgmt.NewStateDelta()
	for itr.Next() {
		keyBytes, valueBytes := itr.GetRawKeyValue()
		t.Logf("key=[%s], value=[%s]", string(keyBytes), string(valueBytes))
		chaincodeID, key := statemgmt.DecodeCompositeKey(keyBytes)
		stateDeltaFromSnapshot.Set(chaincodeID, key, valueBytes, nil)
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateDelta, stateDeltaFromSnapshot)
func fetchBlockNumberByBlockHashFromDB(blockHash []byte) (uint64, error) {
	blockNumberBytes, err := db.GetDBHandle().GetFromIndexesCF(encodeBlockHashKey(blockHash))
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	blockNumber := decodeBlockNumber(blockNumberBytes)
	return blockNumber, nil
Esempio n. 10
// DeleteState deletes ALL state keys/values from the DB. This is generally
// only used during state synchronization when creating a new state from
// a snapshot.
func (state *State) DeleteState() error {
	err := db.GetDBHandle().DeleteState()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("Error deleting state", err)
	return err
Esempio n. 11
// GetStateSnapshot returns a point-in-time view of the global state for the current block. This
// should be used when transfering the state from one peer to another peer. You must call
// stateSnapshot.Release() once you are done with the snapsnot to free up resources.
func (ledger *Ledger) GetStateSnapshot() (*state.StateSnapshot, error) {
	dbSnapshot := db.GetDBHandle().GetSnapshot()
	blockNumber, err := fetchBlockchainSizeFromSnapshot(dbSnapshot)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return ledger.state.GetSnapshot(blockNumber, dbSnapshot)
Esempio n. 12
func fetchTransactionIndexByUUIDFromDB(txUUID string) (uint64, uint64, error) {
	blockNumTxIndexBytes, err := db.GetDBHandle().GetFromIndexesCF(encodeTxUUIDKey(txUUID))
	if err != nil {
		return 0, 0, err
	if blockNumTxIndexBytes == nil {
		return 0, 0, ErrResourceNotFound
	return decodeBlockNumTxIndex(blockNumTxIndexBytes)
Esempio n. 13
func fetchBlockchainSizeFromDB() (uint64, error) {
	bytes, err := db.GetDBHandle().GetFromBlockchainCF(blockCountKey)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if bytes == nil {
		return 0, nil
	return decodeToUint64(bytes), nil
Esempio n. 14
// CommitStateDelta commits the changes from state.ApplyStateDelta to the
// DB.
func (state *State) CommitStateDelta() error {
	if state.updateStateImpl {
		state.updateStateImpl = false
	writeBatch := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
	opt := gorocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
	return db.GetDBHandle().DB.Write(opt, writeBatch)
Esempio n. 15
func fetchBlockFromDB(blockNumber uint64) (*protos.Block, error) {
	blockBytes, err := db.GetDBHandle().GetFromBlockchainCF(encodeBlockNumberDBKey(blockNumber))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if blockBytes == nil {
		return nil, nil
	return protos.UnmarshallBlock(blockBytes)
Esempio n. 16
func fetchBlockchainSizeFromSnapshot(snapshot *gorocksdb.Snapshot) (uint64, error) {
	blockNumberBytes, err := db.GetDBHandle().GetFromBlockchainCFSnapshot(snapshot, blockCountKey)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	var blockNumber uint64
	if blockNumberBytes != nil {
		blockNumber = decodeToUint64(blockNumberBytes)
	return blockNumber, nil
Esempio n. 17
func newRangeScanIterator(chaincodeID string, startKey string, endKey string) (*RangeScanIterator, error) {
	dbItr := db.GetDBHandle().GetStateCFIterator()
	itr := &RangeScanIterator{
		dbItr:       dbItr,
		chaincodeID: chaincodeID,
		startKey:    startKey,
		endKey:      endKey,
	return itr, nil
Esempio n. 18
func fetchBucketNodeFromDB(bucketKey *bucketKey) (*bucketNode, error) {
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	nodeBytes, err := openchainDB.GetFromStateCF(bucketKey.getEncodedBytes())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if util.IsNil(nodeBytes) {
		return nil, nil
	return unmarshalBucketNode(bucketKey, nodeBytes), nil
Esempio n. 19
// FetchStateDeltaFromDB fetches the StateDelta corrsponding to given blockNumber
func (state *State) FetchStateDeltaFromDB(blockNumber uint64) (*statemgmt.StateDelta, error) {
	stateDeltaBytes, err := db.GetDBHandle().GetFromStateDeltaCF(encodeStateDeltaKey(blockNumber))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if stateDeltaBytes == nil {
		return nil, nil
	stateDelta := statemgmt.NewStateDelta()
	return stateDelta, nil
func fetchLastIndexedBlockNumFromDB() (zerothBlockIndexed bool, lastIndexedBlockNum uint64, err error) {
	lastIndexedBlockNumberBytes, err := db.GetDBHandle().GetFromIndexesCF(lastIndexedBlockKey)
	if err != nil {
	if lastIndexedBlockNumberBytes == nil {
	lastIndexedBlockNum = decodeBlockNumber(lastIndexedBlockNumberBytes)
	zerothBlockIndexed = true
Esempio n. 21
// GetStateSnapshot returns a point-in-time view of the global state for the current block. This
// should be used when transfering the state from one peer to another peer. You must call
// stateSnapshot.Release() once you are done with the snapsnot to free up resources.
func (ledger *Ledger) GetStateSnapshot() (*state.StateSnapshot, error) {
	dbSnapshot := db.GetDBHandle().GetSnapshot()
	blockHeight, err := fetchBlockchainSizeFromSnapshot(dbSnapshot)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if 0 == blockHeight {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Blockchain has no blocks, cannot determine block number")
	return ledger.state.GetSnapshot(blockHeight-1, dbSnapshot)
// createIndexes adds entries into db for creating indexes on various atributes
func (indexer *blockchainIndexerAsync) createIndexesInternal(block *protos.Block, blockNumber uint64, blockHash []byte) error {
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	writeBatch := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
	addIndexDataForPersistence(block, blockNumber, blockHash, writeBatch)
	writeBatch.PutCF(openchainDB.IndexesCF, lastIndexedBlockKey, encodeBlockNumber(blockNumber))
	opt := gorocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
	err := openchainDB.DB.Write(opt, writeBatch)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 23
func (stateImpl *StateImpl) addDataNodeChangesForPersistence(writeBatch *gorocksdb.WriteBatch) {
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	affectedBuckets := stateImpl.dataNodesDelta.getAffectedBuckets()
	for _, affectedBucket := range affectedBuckets {
		dataNodes := stateImpl.dataNodesDelta.getSortedDataNodesFor(affectedBucket)
		for _, dataNode := range dataNodes {
			if util.IsNil(dataNode.value) {
				writeBatch.DeleteCF(openchainDB.StateCF, dataNode.dataKey.getEncodedBytes())
			} else {
				writeBatch.PutCF(openchainDB.StateCF, dataNode.dataKey.getEncodedBytes(), dataNode.value)
Esempio n. 24
func (stateImpl *StateImpl) addBucketNodeChangesForPersistence(writeBatch *gorocksdb.WriteBatch) {
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	secondLastLevel := conf.getLowestLevel() - 1
	for level := secondLastLevel; level >= 0; level-- {
		bucketNodes := stateImpl.bucketTreeDelta.getBucketNodesAt(level)
		for _, bucketNode := range bucketNodes {
			if bucketNode.markedForDeletion {
				writeBatch.DeleteCF(openchainDB.StateCF, bucketNode.bucketKey.getEncodedBytes())
			} else {
				writeBatch.PutCF(openchainDB.StateCF, bucketNode.bucketKey.getEncodedBytes(), bucketNode.marshal())
			writeBatch.PutCF(openchainDB.StateCF, bucketNode.bucketKey.getEncodedBytes(), bucketNode.marshal())
Esempio n. 25
func TestStateSnapshotIterator(t *testing.T) {
	stateImplTestWrapper := newStateImplTestWrapper(t)
	stateDelta := statemgmt.NewStateDelta()

	// insert keys
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID1", "key1", []byte("value1"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID2", "key2", []byte("value2"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID3", "key3", []byte("value3"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID4", "key4", []byte("value4"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID5", "key5", []byte("value5"), nil)
	stateDelta.Set("chaincodeID6", "key6", []byte("value6"), nil)
	//check that the key is persisted
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, stateImplTestWrapper.get("chaincodeID5", "key5"), []byte("value5"))

	// take db snapeshot
	dbSnapshot := db.GetDBHandle().GetSnapshot()

	// delete keys
	stateDelta.Delete("chaincodeID1", "key1", nil)
	stateDelta.Delete("chaincodeID2", "key2", nil)
	stateDelta.Delete("chaincodeID3", "key3", nil)
	stateDelta.Delete("chaincodeID4", "key4", nil)
	stateDelta.Delete("chaincodeID5", "key5", nil)
	stateDelta.Delete("chaincodeID6", "key6", nil)
	//check that the key is deleted
	testutil.AssertNil(t, stateImplTestWrapper.get("chaincodeID5", "key5"))

	itr, err := newStateSnapshotIterator(dbSnapshot)
	testutil.AssertNoError(t, err, "Error while getting state snapeshot iterator")
	numKeys := 0
	for itr.Next() {
		key, value := itr.GetRawKeyValue()
		t.Logf("key=[%s], value=[%s]", string(key), string(value))
	testutil.AssertEquals(t, numKeys, 6)
Esempio n. 26
// AddChangesForPersistence - method implementation for interface 'statemgmt.HashableState'
func (impl *StateImpl) AddChangesForPersistence(writeBatch *gorocksdb.WriteBatch) error {
	delta := impl.stateDelta
	if delta == nil {
		return nil
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	updatedChaincodeIds := delta.GetUpdatedChaincodeIds(false)
	for _, updatedChaincodeID := range updatedChaincodeIds {
		updates := delta.GetUpdates(updatedChaincodeID)
		for updatedKey, value := range updates {
			compositeKey := statemgmt.ConstructCompositeKey(updatedChaincodeID, updatedKey)
			if value.IsDelete() {
				writeBatch.DeleteCF(openchainDB.StateCF, compositeKey)
			} else {
				writeBatch.PutCF(openchainDB.StateCF, compositeKey, value.GetValue())
	return nil
Esempio n. 27
func fetchTrieNodeFromDB(key *trieKey) (*trieNode, error) {
	stateTrieLogger.Debug("Enter fetchTrieNodeFromDB() for trieKey [%s]", key)
	openchainDB := db.GetDBHandle()
	trieNodeBytes, err := openchainDB.GetFromStateCF(key.getEncodedBytes())
	if err != nil {
		stateTrieLogger.Error("Error in retrieving trie node from DB for triekey [%s]. Error:%s", key, err)
		return nil, err

	if trieNodeBytes == nil {
		return nil, nil

	trieNode, err := unmarshalTrieNode(key, trieNodeBytes)
	if err != nil {
		stateTrieLogger.Error("Error in unmarshalling trie node for triekey [%s]. Error:%s", key, err)
		return nil, err
	stateTrieLogger.Debug("Exit fetchTrieNodeFromDB() for trieKey [%s]", key)
	return trieNode, nil
Esempio n. 28
// CommitTxBatch - gets invoked when the current transaction-batch needs to be committed
// This function returns successfully iff the transactions details and state changes (that
// may have happened during execution of this transaction-batch) have been committed to permanent storage
func (ledger *Ledger) CommitTxBatch(id interface{}, transactions []*protos.Transaction, transactionResults []*protos.TransactionResult, metadata []byte) error {
	err := ledger.checkValidIDCommitORRollback(id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	stateHash, err := ledger.state.GetHash()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	writeBatch := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
	defer writeBatch.Destroy()
	block := protos.NewBlock(transactions, metadata)
	block.NonHashData = &protos.NonHashData{TransactionResults: transactionResults}
	newBlockNumber, err := ledger.blockchain.addPersistenceChangesForNewBlock(context.TODO(), block, stateHash, writeBatch)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ledger.state.AddChangesForPersistence(newBlockNumber, writeBatch)
	opt := gorocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
	defer opt.Destroy()
	dbErr := db.GetDBHandle().DB.Write(opt, writeBatch)
	if dbErr != nil {
		return dbErr


	return nil
Esempio n. 29
// AddChangesForPersistence adds key-value pairs to writeBatch
func (state *State) AddChangesForPersistence(blockNumber uint64, writeBatch *gorocksdb.WriteBatch) {
	if state.updateStateImpl {
		state.updateStateImpl = false

	serializedStateDelta := state.stateDelta.Marshal()
	cf := db.GetDBHandle().StateDeltaCF
	logger.Debug("Adding state-delta corresponding to block number[%d]", blockNumber)
	writeBatch.PutCF(cf, encodeStateDeltaKey(blockNumber), serializedStateDelta)
	if blockNumber >= state.historyStateDeltaSize {
		blockNumberToDelete := blockNumber - state.historyStateDeltaSize
		logger.Debug("Deleting state-delta corresponding to block number[%d]", blockNumberToDelete)
		writeBatch.DeleteCF(cf, encodeStateDeltaKey(blockNumberToDelete))
	} else {
		logger.Debug("Not deleting previous state-delta. Block number [%d] is smaller than historyStateDeltaSize [%d]",
			blockNumber, state.historyStateDeltaSize)
Esempio n. 30
func newStateSnapshotIterator(snapshot *gorocksdb.Snapshot) (*StateSnapshotIterator, error) {
	dbItr := db.GetDBHandle().GetStateCFSnapshotIterator(snapshot)
	return &StateSnapshotIterator{dbItr}, nil