Esempio n. 1
// Describe returns the description of a build
func (d *BuildDescriber) Describe(namespace, name string) (string, error) {
	c := d.osClient.Builds(namespace)
	build, err := c.Get(name)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	events, _ := d.kubeClient.Events(namespace).Search(build)
	if events == nil {
		events = &kapi.EventList{}
	// get also pod events and merge it all into one list for describe
	if pod, err := d.kubeClient.Pods(namespace).Get(buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build)); err == nil {
		if podEvents, _ := d.kubeClient.Events(namespace).Search(pod); podEvents != nil {
			events.Items = append(events.Items, podEvents.Items...)
	return tabbedString(func(out *tabwriter.Writer) error {
		formatMeta(out, build.ObjectMeta)

		fmt.Fprintln(out, "")

		status := bold(build.Status.Phase)
		if build.Status.Message != "" {
			status += " (" + build.Status.Message + ")"
		formatString(out, "Status", status)

		if build.Status.StartTimestamp != nil && !build.Status.StartTimestamp.IsZero() {
			formatString(out, "Started", build.Status.StartTimestamp.Time.Format(time.RFC1123))

		// Create the time object with second-level precision so we don't get
		// output like "duration: 1.2724395728934s"
		formatString(out, "Duration", describeBuildDuration(build))

		if build.Status.Config != nil {
			formatString(out, "Build Config", build.Status.Config.Name)
		formatString(out, "Build Pod", buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build))

		describeBuildSpec(build.Spec, out)

		fmt.Fprintln(out, "")
		kctl.DescribeEvents(events, out)

		return nil
Esempio n. 2
// SelectableFields returns a label set that represents the object
func SelectableFields(build *api.Build) fields.Set {
	return fields.Set{
		"": build.Name,
		"status":        string(build.Status.Phase),
		"podName":       buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
Esempio n. 3
// Get returns a streamer resource with the contents of the build log
func (r *REST) Get(ctx kapi.Context, name string, opts runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	buildLogOpts, ok := opts.(*api.BuildLogOptions)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest("did not get an expected options.")
	obj, err := r.Getter.Get(ctx, name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	build := obj.(*api.Build)
	switch build.Status.Phase {
	// Build has not launched, wait til it runs
	case api.BuildPhaseNew, api.BuildPhasePending:
		if buildLogOpts.NoWait {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Build %s/%s is in %s state. No logs to retrieve yet.", build.Namespace, name, build.Status.Phase)
			// return empty content if not waiting for build
			return &genericrest.LocationStreamer{}, nil
		glog.V(4).Infof("Build %s/%s is in %s state, waiting for Build to start", build.Namespace, name, build.Status.Phase)
		latest, ok, err := registry.WaitForRunningBuild(r.Watcher, ctx, build, r.Timeout)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to wait for build %s to run: %v", name, err))
		switch latest.Status.Phase {
		case api.BuildPhaseError:
			return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("build %s encountered an error: %s", name, buildutil.NoBuildLogsMessage))
		case api.BuildPhaseCancelled:
			return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("build %s was cancelled: %s", name, buildutil.NoBuildLogsMessage))
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.NewTimeoutError(fmt.Sprintf("timed out waiting for build %s to start after %s", build.Name, r.Timeout), 1)

	// The build was cancelled
	case api.BuildPhaseCancelled:
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("build %s was cancelled. %s", name, buildutil.NoBuildLogsMessage))

	// An error occurred launching the build, return an error
	case api.BuildPhaseError:
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("build %s is in an error state. %s", name, buildutil.NoBuildLogsMessage))
	// The container should be the default build container, so setting it to blank
	buildPodName := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build)
	logOpts := &kapi.PodLogOptions{
		Follow: buildLogOpts.Follow,
	location, transport, err := pod.LogLocation(r.PodGetter, r.ConnectionInfo, ctx, buildPodName, logOpts)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return nil, errors.NewNotFound("pod", buildPodName)
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())
	return &genericrest.LocationStreamer{
		Location:    location,
		Transport:   transport,
		ContentType: "text/plain",
		Flush:       buildLogOpts.Follow,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 4
func (bs *SourceBuildStrategy) canRunAsRoot(build *buildapi.Build) bool {
	var rootUser int64
	rootUser = 0
	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
			Namespace: build.Namespace,
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			ServiceAccountName: build.Spec.ServiceAccount,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "sti-build",
					Image: bs.Image,
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						RunAsUser: &rootUser,
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
	userInfo := serviceaccount.UserInfo(build.Namespace, build.Spec.ServiceAccount, "")
	attrs := admission.NewAttributesRecord(pod, "Pod", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, "pods", "", admission.Create, userInfo)
	err := bs.AdmissionControl.Admit(attrs)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Admit for root user returned error: %v", err)
	return err == nil
Esempio n. 5
func TestSetupBuildEnvFails(t *testing.T) {
	build := mockCustomBuild()
	containerEnv := []kapi.EnvVar{
		{Name: "BUILD", Value: ""},
		{Name: "SOURCE_REPOSITORY", Value: build.Parameters.Source.Git.URI},
	privileged := true
	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name: buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "custom-build",
					Image: build.Parameters.Strategy.CustomStrategy.From.Name,
					Env:   containerEnv,
					// TODO: run unprivileged
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &privileged,
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
	if err := setupBuildEnv(build, pod); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	build.Parameters.Output.DockerImageReference = ""
	if err := setupBuildEnv(build, pod); err == nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected non-error: %v", err)
Esempio n. 6
// CancelBuild updates a build status to Cancelled, after its associated pod is deleted.
func (bc *BuildController) CancelBuild(build *buildapi.Build) error {
	if !isBuildCancellable(build) {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Build %s/%s can be cancelled only if it has pending/running status, not %s.", build.Namespace, build.Name, build.Status.Phase)
		return nil

	glog.V(4).Infof("Cancelling Build %s/%s.", build.Namespace, build.Name)

	pod, err := bc.PodManager.GetPod(build.Namespace, buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build))
	if err != nil {
		if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get Pod for build %s/%s: %v", build.Namespace, build.Name, err)
	} else {
		err := bc.PodManager.DeletePod(build.Namespace, pod)
		if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't delete Build Pod %s/%s: %v", build.Namespace, pod.Name, err)

	build.Status.Phase = buildapi.BuildPhaseCancelled
	now := util.Now()
	build.Status.CompletionTimestamp = &now
	if err := bc.BuildUpdater.Update(build.Namespace, build); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update Build %s/%s: %v", build.Namespace, build.Name, err)

	glog.V(4).Infof("Build %s/%s was successfully cancelled.", build.Namespace, build.Name)
	return nil
Esempio n. 7
// CreateBuildPod creates the pod to be used for the Docker build
// TODO: Make the Pod definition configurable
func (bs *DockerBuildStrategy) CreateBuildPod(build *buildapi.Build) (*kapi.Pod, error) {
	data, err := bs.Codec.Encode(build)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode the build: %v", err)

	privileged := true
	strategy := build.Spec.Strategy.DockerStrategy

	containerEnv := []kapi.EnvVar{
		{Name: "BUILD", Value: string(data)},
		{Name: "BUILD_LOGLEVEL", Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", cmdutil.GetLogLevel())},

	addSourceEnvVars(build.Spec.Source, &containerEnv)

	if len(strategy.Env) > 0 {
		mergeTrustedEnvWithoutDuplicates(strategy.Env, &containerEnv)

	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
			Namespace: build.Namespace,
			Labels:    getPodLabels(build),
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			ServiceAccountName: build.Spec.ServiceAccount,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "docker-build",
					Image: bs.Image,
					Env:   containerEnv,
					Args:  []string{"--loglevel=" + getContainerVerbosity(containerEnv)},
					// TODO: run unprivileged
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &privileged,
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullIfNotPresent
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = build.Spec.Resources

	if build.Spec.CompletionDeadlineSeconds != nil {
		pod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds = build.Spec.CompletionDeadlineSeconds
	if build.Spec.Source.Binary != nil {
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].Stdin = true
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].StdinOnce = true

	setupDockerSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Output.PushSecret, strategy.PullSecret)
	setupSourceSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Source.SourceSecret)
	return pod, nil
Esempio n. 8
// List lists all Pods associated with a Build.
func (lw *buildPodDeleteLW) List() (runtime.Object, error) {
	glog.V(5).Info("Checking for deleted build pods")
	buildList, err := lw.Client.Builds(kapi.NamespaceAll).List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Failed to find any builds due to error %v", err)
		return nil, err
	for _, build := range buildList.Items {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Found build %s/%s", build.Namespace, build.Name)
		if buildutil.IsBuildComplete(&build) {
			glog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring build %s/%s because it is complete", build.Namespace, build.Name)
		pod, err := lw.KubeClient.Pods(build.Namespace).Get(buildutil.GetBuildPodName(&build))
		if err != nil {
			if !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Error getting pod for build %s/%s: %v", build.Namespace, build.Name, err)
				return nil, err
			} else {
				pod = nil
		} else {
			if buildName, _ := buildutil.GetBuildLabel(pod); buildName != build.Name {
				pod = nil
		if pod == nil {
			deletedPod := &kapi.Pod{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(&build),
					Namespace: build.Namespace,
			glog.V(4).Infof("No build pod found for build %s/%s, sending delete event for build pod", build.Namespace, build.Name)
			err :=
			if err != nil {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Error queuing delete event: %v", err)
		} else {
			glog.V(5).Infof("Found build pod %s/%s for build %s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, build.Name)
	return &kapi.PodList{}, nil
Esempio n. 9
// CreateBuildPod creates a pod that will execute the STI build
// TODO: Make the Pod definition configurable
func (bs *SourceBuildStrategy) CreateBuildPod(build *buildapi.Build) (*kapi.Pod, error) {
	data, err := bs.Codec.Encode(build)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode the Build %s/%s: %v", build.Namespace, build.Name, err)

	containerEnv := []kapi.EnvVar{
		{Name: "BUILD", Value: string(data)},
		{Name: "BUILD_LOGLEVEL", Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", cmdutil.GetLogLevel())},

	addSourceEnvVars(build.Spec.Source, &containerEnv)

	strategy := build.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy
	if len(strategy.Env) > 0 {
		mergeTrustedEnvWithoutDuplicates(strategy.Env, &containerEnv)

	// check if can run container as root
	if !bs.canRunAsRoot(build) {
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, kapi.EnvVar{Name: "ALLOWED_UIDS", Value: "1-"})

	privileged := true
	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
			Namespace: build.Namespace,
			Labels:    getPodLabels(build),
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			ServiceAccountName: build.Spec.ServiceAccount,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "sti-build",
					Image: bs.Image,
					Env:   containerEnv,
					// TODO: run unprivileged
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &privileged,
					Args: []string{"--loglevel=" + getContainerVerbosity(containerEnv)},
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullIfNotPresent
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = build.Spec.Resources

	setupDockerSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Output.PushSecret, strategy.PullSecret)
	setupSourceSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Source.SourceSecret)
	return pod, nil
Esempio n. 10
func runBuildRunningPodDeleteTest(t *testing.T, clusterAdminClient *client.Client, clusterAdminKubeClient *kclient.Client) {

	buildWatch, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything(), "0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Builds %v", err)
	defer buildWatch.Stop()

	created, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Create(mockBuild())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't create Build: %v", err)

	podWatch, err := clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything(), created.ResourceVersion)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Pods %v", err)
	defer podWatch.Stop()

	// wait for initial build event from the creation of the imagerepo with tag latest
	event := waitForWatch(t, "initial build added", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild := event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)

	// initial pod creation for build
	event = waitForWatch(t, "build pod created", podWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)

	event = waitForWatch(t, "build updated to pending", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Modified, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild = event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
	if newBuild.Status.Phase != buildapi.BuildPhasePending {
		t.Fatalf("expected build status to be marked pending, but was marked %s", newBuild.Status.Phase)

	clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Delete(buildutil.GetBuildPodName(newBuild), kapi.NewDeleteOptions(0))
	event = waitForWatch(t, "build updated to error", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Modified, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild = event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
	if newBuild.Status.Phase != buildapi.BuildPhaseError {
		t.Fatalf("expected build status to be marked error, but was marked %s", newBuild.Status.Phase)
Esempio n. 11
func runBuildPodAdmissionTest(t *testing.T, client *client.Client, kclient *kclient.Client, build *buildapi.Build) (*buildapi.Build, *kapi.Pod) {

	ns := testutil.Namespace()
	_, err := client.Builds(ns).Create(build)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	watchOpt := kapi.ListOptions{
		FieldSelector: fields.OneTermEqualSelector(
	podWatch, err := kclient.Pods(ns).Watch(watchOpt)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	type resultObjs struct {
		build *buildapi.Build
		pod   *kapi.Pod
	result := make(chan resultObjs)
	defer podWatch.Stop()
	go func() {
		for e := range podWatch.ResultChan() {
			if e.Type == watchapi.Added {
				pod, ok := e.Object.(*kapi.Pod)
				if !ok {
					t.Fatalf("unexpected object: %v", e.Object)
				build := (*buildtestutil.TestPod)(pod).GetBuild(t)
				result <- resultObjs{build: build, pod: pod}

	select {
	case <-time.After(buildPodAdmissionTestTimeout):
		t.Fatalf("timed out after %v", buildPodAdmissionTestTimeout)
	case objs := <-result:
		return, objs.pod
	return nil, nil
Esempio n. 12
func runBuildDeleteTest(t *testing.T, clusterAdminClient *client.Client, clusterAdminKubeClient *kclient.Client) {

	buildWatch, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything(), "0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Builds %v", err)
	defer buildWatch.Stop()

	created, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Create(mockBuild())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't create Build: %v", err)

	podWatch, err := clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything(), created.ResourceVersion)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Pods %v", err)
	defer podWatch.Stop()

	// wait for initial build event from the creation of the imagerepo with tag latest
	event := waitForWatch(t, "initial build added", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild := event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)

	// initial pod creation for build
	event = waitForWatch(t, "build pod created", podWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)


	event = waitForWatchType(t, "pod deleted due to build deleted", podWatch, watchapi.Deleted)
	if e, a := watchapi.Deleted, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	pod := event.Object.(*kapi.Pod)
	if expected := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(newBuild); pod.Name != expected {
		t.Fatalf("Expected pod %s to be deleted, but pod %s was deleted", expected, pod.Name)

Esempio n. 13
// CreateBuildPod creates the pod to be used for the Docker build
// TODO: Make the Pod definition configurable
func (bs *DockerBuildStrategy) CreateBuildPod(build *buildapi.Build) (*kapi.Pod, error) {
	data, err := bs.Codec.Encode(build)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode the build: %v", err)

	privileged := true
	strategy := build.Parameters.Strategy.DockerStrategy

	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
			Namespace: build.Namespace,
			Labels:    getPodLabels(build),
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			ServiceAccount: build.Parameters.ServiceAccount,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "docker-build",
					Image: bs.Image,
					Env: []kapi.EnvVar{
						{Name: "BUILD", Value: string(data)},
					Args: []string{"--loglevel=" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", cmdutil.GetLogLevel())},
					// TODO: run unprivileged
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &privileged,
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullIfNotPresent
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = build.Parameters.Resources

	setupDockerSecrets(pod, build.Parameters.Output.PushSecret, strategy.PullSecret)
	setupSourceSecrets(pod, build.Parameters.Source.SourceSecret)
	return pod, nil
Esempio n. 14
// WatchBuilds begins watching for new, changed, or deleted Builds.
func (r *Etcd) WatchBuilds(ctx kapi.Context, label labels.Selector, field fields.Selector, resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) {
	version, err := tools.ParseWatchResourceVersion(resourceVersion, "build")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return r.WatchList(makeBuildListKey(ctx), version, func(obj runtime.Object) bool {
		build, ok := obj.(*api.Build)
		if !ok {
			glog.Errorf("Unexpected object during build watch: %#v", obj)
			return false
		fields := labels.Set{
			"": build.Name,
			"status":        string(build.Status),
			"podName":       buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
		return label.Matches(labels.Set(build.Labels)) && field.Matches(fields)
Esempio n. 15
// HandleBuildDeletion deletes a build pod if the corresponding build has been deleted
func (bc *BuildDeleteController) HandleBuildDeletion(build *buildapi.Build) error {
	glog.V(4).Infof("Handling deletion of build %s", build.Name)
	podName := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build)
	pod, err := bc.PodManager.GetPod(build.Namespace, podName)
	if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Failed to find pod with name %s for Build %s in namespace %s due to error: %v", podName, build.Name, build.Namespace, err)
		return err
	if pod == nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Did not find pod with name %s for Build %s in namespace %s", podName, build.Name, build.Namespace)
		return nil
	if buildName, _ := buildutil.GetBuildLabel(pod); buildName != build.Name {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Not deleting pod %s/%s because the build label %s does not match the build name %s", pod.Namespace, podName, buildName, build.Name)
		return nil
	err = bc.PodManager.DeletePod(build.Namespace, pod)
	if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Failed to delete pod %s/%s for Build %s due to error: %v", build.Namespace, podName, build.Name, err)
		return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 16
func TestSTICreateBuildPod(t *testing.T) {
	strategy := &SourceBuildStrategy{
		Image:                "sti-test-image",
		TempDirectoryCreator: &FakeTempDirCreator{},
		Codec:                latest.Codec,

	expected := mockSTIBuild()
	actual, err := strategy.CreateBuildPod(expected)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if expected, actual := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(expected), actual.ObjectMeta.Name; expected != actual {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s!", expected, actual)
	expectedLabels := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range expected.Labels {
		expectedLabels[k] = v
	expectedLabels[buildapi.BuildLabel] = expected.Name
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedLabels, actual.Labels) {
		t.Errorf("Pod Labels does not match Build Labels!")
	container := actual.Spec.Containers[0]
	if container.Name != "sti-build" {
		t.Errorf("Expected sti-build, but got %s!", container.Name)
	if container.Image != strategy.Image {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s image, got %s!", container.Image, strategy.Image)
	if container.ImagePullPolicy != kapi.PullIfNotPresent {
		t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", kapi.PullIfNotPresent, container.ImagePullPolicy)
	if actual.Spec.RestartPolicy != kapi.RestartPolicyNever {
		t.Errorf("Expected never, got %#v", actual.Spec.RestartPolicy)
	// strategy ENV is whitelisted into the container environment, and not all
	// the values are allowed, so only expect 6 not 7 values.
	if len(container.Env) != 6 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 6 elements in Env table, got %d: %+v", len(container.Env), container.Env)
	if len(container.VolumeMounts) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 4 volumes in container, got %d", len(container.VolumeMounts))
	for i, expected := range []string{dockerSocketPath, DockerPushSecretMountPath, DockerPullSecretMountPath, sourceSecretMountPath} {
		if container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath != expected {
			t.Fatalf("Expected %s in VolumeMount[%d], got %s", expected, i, container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath)
	if len(actual.Spec.Volumes) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 4 volumes in Build pod, got %d", len(actual.Spec.Volumes))
	if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources) {
		t.Fatalf("Expected actual=expected, %v != %v", container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources)
	found := false
	foundIllegal := false
	for _, v := range container.Env {
		if v.Name == "BUILD_LOGLEVEL" && v.Value == "bar" {
			found = true
		if v.Name == "ILLEGAL" {
			foundIllegal = true
	if !found {
		t.Fatalf("Expected variable BUILD_LOGLEVEL be defined for the container")
	if foundIllegal {
		t.Fatalf("Found illegal environment variable 'ILLEGAL' defined on container")
	buildJSON, _ := latest.Codec.Encode(expected)
	errorCases := map[int][]string{
		0: {"BUILD", string(buildJSON)},
	for index, exp := range errorCases {
		if e := container.Env[index]; e.Name != exp[0] || e.Value != exp[1] {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s:%s, got %s:%s!\n", exp[0], exp[1], e.Name, e.Value)
Esempio n. 17
func testSTICreateBuildPod(t *testing.T, rootAllowed bool) {
	strategy := &SourceBuildStrategy{
		Image:                "sti-test-image",
		TempDirectoryCreator: &FakeTempDirCreator{},
		Codec:                kapi.Codecs.LegacyCodec(buildapi.SchemeGroupVersion),
		AdmissionControl:     &FakeAdmissionControl{admit: rootAllowed},

	expected := mockSTIBuild()
	actual, err := strategy.CreateBuildPod(expected)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if expected, actual := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(expected), actual.ObjectMeta.Name; expected != actual {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s!", expected, actual)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(map[string]string{buildapi.BuildLabel: expected.Name}, actual.Labels) {
		t.Errorf("Pod Labels does not match Build Labels!")
	container := actual.Spec.Containers[0]
	if container.Name != "sti-build" {
		t.Errorf("Expected sti-build, but got %s!", container.Name)
	if container.Image != strategy.Image {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s image, got %s!", container.Image, strategy.Image)
	if container.ImagePullPolicy != kapi.PullIfNotPresent {
		t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", kapi.PullIfNotPresent, container.ImagePullPolicy)
	if actual.Spec.RestartPolicy != kapi.RestartPolicyNever {
		t.Errorf("Expected never, got %#v", actual.Spec.RestartPolicy)
	// strategy ENV is whitelisted into the container environment, and not all
	// the values are allowed, so only expect 9 not 10 values.
	expectedEnvCount := 9
	if !rootAllowed {
		expectedEnvCount = 10
	if len(container.Env) != expectedEnvCount {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 10 elements in Env table, got %d: %+v", len(container.Env), container.Env)
	if len(container.VolumeMounts) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 4 volumes in container, got %d", len(container.VolumeMounts))
	for i, expected := range []string{dockerSocketPath, DockerPushSecretMountPath, DockerPullSecretMountPath, sourceSecretMountPath} {
		if container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath != expected {
			t.Fatalf("Expected %s in VolumeMount[%d], got %s", expected, i, container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath)
	if len(actual.Spec.Volumes) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 4 volumes in Build pod, got %d", len(actual.Spec.Volumes))
	if *actual.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds != 60 {
		t.Errorf("Expected ActiveDeadlineSeconds 60, got %d", *actual.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds)
	if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources) {
		t.Fatalf("Expected actual=expected, %v != %v", container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources)
	found := false
	foundIllegal := false
	foundAllowedUIDs := false
	for _, v := range container.Env {
		if v.Name == "BUILD_LOGLEVEL" && v.Value == "bar" {
			found = true
		if v.Name == "ILLEGAL" {
			foundIllegal = true
		if v.Name == "ALLOWED_UIDS" && v.Value == "1-" {
			foundAllowedUIDs = true
	if !found {
		t.Fatalf("Expected variable BUILD_LOGLEVEL be defined for the container")
	if foundIllegal {
		t.Fatalf("Found illegal environment variable 'ILLEGAL' defined on container")
	if foundAllowedUIDs && rootAllowed {
		t.Fatalf("Did not expect ALLOWED_UIDS when root is allowed")
	if !foundAllowedUIDs && !rootAllowed {
		t.Fatalf("Expected ALLLOWED_UIDS when root is not allowed")
	buildJSON, _ := runtime.Encode(kapi.Codecs.LegacyCodec(buildapi.SchemeGroupVersion), expected)
	errorCases := map[int][]string{
		0: {"BUILD", string(buildJSON)},
	for index, exp := range errorCases {
		if e := container.Env[index]; e.Name != exp[0] || e.Value != exp[1] {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s:%s, got %s:%s!\n", exp[0], exp[1], e.Name, e.Value)
Esempio n. 18
// CreateBuildPod creates a pod that will execute the STI build
// TODO: Make the Pod definition configurable
func (bs *SourceBuildStrategy) CreateBuildPod(build *buildapi.Build) (*kapi.Pod, error) {
	data, err := runtime.Encode(bs.Codec, build)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode the Build %s/%s: %v", build.Namespace, build.Name, err)

	containerEnv := []kapi.EnvVar{
		{Name: "BUILD", Value: string(data)},
		{Name: "BUILD_LOGLEVEL", Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", cmdutil.GetLogLevel())},

	addSourceEnvVars(build.Spec.Source, &containerEnv)

	strategy := build.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy
	if len(strategy.Env) > 0 {
		mergeTrustedEnvWithoutDuplicates(strategy.Env, &containerEnv)

	// check if can run container as root
	if !bs.canRunAsRoot(build) {
		// TODO: both AllowedUIDs and DropCapabilities should
		// be controlled via the SCC that's in effect for the build service account
		// For now, both are hard-coded based on whether the build service account can
		// run as root.
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, kapi.EnvVar{Name: buildapi.AllowedUIDs, Value: "1-"})
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, kapi.EnvVar{Name: buildapi.DropCapabilities, Value: strings.Join(DefaultDropCaps, ",")})

	privileged := true
	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
			Namespace: build.Namespace,
			Labels:    getPodLabels(build),
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			ServiceAccountName: build.Spec.ServiceAccount,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "sti-build",
					Image: bs.Image,
					Env:   containerEnv,
					// TODO: run unprivileged
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &privileged,
					Args: []string{"--loglevel=" + getContainerVerbosity(containerEnv)},
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullIfNotPresent
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = build.Spec.Resources

	if build.Spec.CompletionDeadlineSeconds != nil {
		pod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds = build.Spec.CompletionDeadlineSeconds
	if build.Spec.Source.Binary != nil {
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].Stdin = true
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].StdinOnce = true

	setupDockerSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Output.PushSecret, strategy.PullSecret, build.Spec.Source.Images)
	setupSourceSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Source.SourceSecret)
	setupSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Source.Secrets)
	return pod, nil
func runBuildRunningPodDeleteTest(t *testing.T, clusterAdminClient *client.Client, clusterAdminKubeClient *kclient.Client) {

	buildWatch, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(kapi.ListOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Builds %v", err)
	defer buildWatch.Stop()

	created, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Create(mockBuild())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't create Build: %v", err)

	podWatch, err := clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(kapi.ListOptions{ResourceVersion: created.ResourceVersion})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Pods %v", err)
	defer podWatch.Stop()

	// wait for initial build event from the creation of the imagerepo with tag latest
	event := waitForWatch(t, "initial build added", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild := event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
	buildName := newBuild.Name
	podName := newBuild.Name + "-build"

	// initial pod creation for build
	for {
		event = waitForWatch(t, "build pod created", podWatch)
		newPod := event.Object.(*kapi.Pod)
		if newPod.Name == podName {
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)

	// throw away events from other builds, we only care about the new build
	// we just triggered
	for {
		event = waitForWatch(t, "build updated to pending", buildWatch)
		newBuild = event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
		if newBuild.Name == buildName {
	if e, a := watchapi.Modified, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	if newBuild.Status.Phase != buildapi.BuildPhasePending {
		t.Fatalf("expected build status to be marked pending, but was marked %s", newBuild.Status.Phase)

	clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Delete(buildutil.GetBuildPodName(newBuild), kapi.NewDeleteOptions(0))
	event = waitForWatch(t, "build updated to error", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Modified, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild = event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
	if newBuild.Status.Phase != buildapi.BuildPhaseError {
		t.Fatalf("expected build status to be marked error, but was marked %s", newBuild.Status.Phase)
Esempio n. 20
func printBuild(build *buildapi.Build, w io.Writer, withNamespace, wide bool, columnLabels []string) error {
	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", build.Name, describeStrategy(build.Spec.Strategy.Type), build.Status.Phase, buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build))
	return err
Esempio n. 21
// CreateBuildPod creates the pod to be used for the Custom build
func (bs *CustomBuildStrategy) CreateBuildPod(build *buildapi.Build) (*kapi.Pod, error) {
	data, err := bs.Codec.Encode(build)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode the build: %v", err)

	strategy := build.Spec.Strategy.CustomStrategy
	containerEnv := []kapi.EnvVar{{Name: "BUILD", Value: string(data)}}

	if build.Spec.Source.Git != nil {
		addSourceEnvVars(build.Spec.Source, &containerEnv)

	if strategy == nil || len(strategy.From.Name) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("CustomBuildStrategy cannot be executed without image")

	if len(strategy.Env) > 0 {
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, strategy.Env...)

	if strategy.ExposeDockerSocket {
		glog.V(2).Infof("ExposeDockerSocket is enabled for %s build", build.Name)
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, kapi.EnvVar{Name: "DOCKER_SOCKET", Value: dockerSocketPath})

	privileged := true
	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
			Namespace: build.Namespace,
			Labels:    getPodLabels(build),
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			ServiceAccountName: build.Spec.ServiceAccount,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "custom-build",
					Image: strategy.From.Name,
					Env:   containerEnv,
					// TODO: run unprivileged
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &privileged,
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
	if build.Spec.CompletionDeadlineSeconds != nil {
		pod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds = build.Spec.CompletionDeadlineSeconds

	if err := setupBuildEnv(build, pod); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !strategy.ForcePull {
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullIfNotPresent
	} else {
		glog.V(2).Infof("ForcePull is enabled for %s build", build.Name)
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullAlways
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = build.Spec.Resources
	if build.Spec.Source.Binary != nil {
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].Stdin = true
		pod.Spec.Containers[0].StdinOnce = true

	if strategy.ExposeDockerSocket {
		var sourceImageSecret *kapi.LocalObjectReference
		if build.Spec.Source.Image != nil {
			sourceImageSecret = build.Spec.Source.Image.PullSecret
		setupDockerSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Output.PushSecret, strategy.PullSecret, sourceImageSecret)
	setupSourceSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Source.SourceSecret)
	setupAdditionalSecrets(pod, build.Spec.Strategy.CustomStrategy.Secrets)
	return pod, nil
Esempio n. 22
func printBuild(build *buildapi.Build, w io.Writer, withNamespace bool) error {
	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", build.Name, describeStrategy(build.Parameters.Strategy.Type), build.Status, buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build))
	return err
Esempio n. 23
// TestConcurrentBuildControllers tests the transition of a build from new to pending. Ensures that only a single New -> Pending
// transition happens and that only a single pod is created during a set period of time.
func TestConcurrentBuildControllers(t *testing.T) {
	// Start a master with multiple BuildControllers
	osClient, kClient := setupBuildControllerTest(controllerCount{BuildControllers: 5}, t)

	// Setup an error channel
	errChan := make(chan error) // go routines will send a message on this channel if an error occurs. Once this happens the test is over

	// Create a build
	ns := testutil.Namespace()
	b, err := osClient.Builds(ns).Create(mockBuild())
	checkErr(t, err)

	// Start watching builds for New -> Pending transition
	buildWatch, err := osClient.Builds(ns).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.OneTermEqualSelector("name", b.Name), b.ResourceVersion)
	checkErr(t, err)
	defer buildWatch.Stop()
	buildModifiedCount := int32(0)
	go func() {
		for e := range buildWatch.ResultChan() {
			if e.Type != watchapi.Modified {
				errChan <- fmt.Errorf("received an unexpected event of type: %s with object: %#v", e.Type, e.Object)
			build, ok := e.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
			if !ok {
				errChan <- fmt.Errorf("received something other than build: %#v", e.Object)
			// If unexpected status, throw error
			if build.Status.Phase != buildapi.BuildPhasePending {
				errChan <- fmt.Errorf("received unexpected build status: %s", build.Status.Phase)
			} else {
				atomic.AddInt32(&buildModifiedCount, 1)

	// Watch build pods as they are created
	podWatch, err := kClient.Pods(ns).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.OneTermEqualSelector("", buildutil.GetBuildPodName(b)), "")
	checkErr(t, err)
	defer podWatch.Stop()
	podAddedCount := int32(0)
	go func() {
		for e := range podWatch.ResultChan() {
			// Look for creation events
			if e.Type == watchapi.Added {
				atomic.AddInt32(&podAddedCount, 1)

	select {
	case err := <-errChan:
		t.Errorf("Error: %v", err)
	case <-time.After(ConcurrentBuildControllersTestWait):
		if atomic.LoadInt32(&buildModifiedCount) != 1 {
			t.Errorf("The build was modified an unexpected number of times. Got: %d, Expected: 1", buildModifiedCount)
		if atomic.LoadInt32(&podAddedCount) != 1 {
			t.Errorf("The build pod was created an unexpected number of times. Got: %d, Expected: 1", podAddedCount)
Esempio n. 24
func runBuildCompletePodDeleteTest(t *testing.T, clusterAdminClient *client.Client, clusterAdminKubeClient *kclient.Client) {

	buildWatch, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything(), "0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Builds %v", err)
	defer buildWatch.Stop()

	created, err := clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Create(mockBuild())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't create Build: %v", err)

	podWatch, err := clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything(), created.ResourceVersion)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't subscribe to Pods %v", err)
	defer podWatch.Stop()

	// wait for initial build event from the creation of the imagerepo with tag latest
	event := waitForWatch(t, "initial build added", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild := event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)

	// initial pod creation for build
	event = waitForWatch(t, "build pod created", podWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Added, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)

	event = waitForWatch(t, "build updated to pending", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Modified, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)

	newBuild = event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
	if newBuild.Status != buildapi.BuildStatusPending {
		t.Fatalf("expected build status to be marked pending, but was marked %s", newBuild.Status)

	newBuild.Status = buildapi.BuildStatusComplete
	event = waitForWatch(t, "build updated to complete", buildWatch)
	if e, a := watchapi.Modified, event.Type; e != a {
		t.Fatalf("expected watch event type %s, got %s", e, a)
	newBuild = event.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
	if newBuild.Status != buildapi.BuildStatusComplete {
		t.Fatalf("expected build status to be marked complete, but was marked %s", newBuild.Status)

	clusterAdminKubeClient.Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Delete(buildutil.GetBuildPodName(newBuild), kapi.NewDeleteOptions(0))
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
	newBuild, err = clusterAdminClient.Builds(testutil.Namespace()).Get(newBuild.Name)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v", err)
	if newBuild.Status != buildapi.BuildStatusComplete {
		t.Fatalf("build status was updated to %s after deleting pod, should have stayed as %s", newBuild.Status, buildapi.BuildStatusComplete)
Esempio n. 25
// CreateBuildPod creates the pod to be used for the Custom build
func (bs *CustomBuildStrategy) CreateBuildPod(build *buildapi.Build) (*kapi.Pod, error) {
	data, err := bs.Codec.Encode(build)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode the build: %v", err)

	strategy := build.Parameters.Strategy.CustomStrategy
	containerEnv := []kapi.EnvVar{{Name: "BUILD", Value: string(data)}}

	if build.Parameters.Source.Git != nil {
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, kapi.EnvVar{
			Name: "SOURCE_REPOSITORY", Value: build.Parameters.Source.Git.URI,

	if strategy == nil || len(strategy.From.Name) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("CustomBuildStrategy cannot be executed without image")

	if len(strategy.Env) > 0 {
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, strategy.Env...)

	if strategy.ExposeDockerSocket {
		glog.V(2).Infof("ExposeDockerSocket is enabled for %s build", build.Name)
		containerEnv = append(containerEnv, kapi.EnvVar{Name: "DOCKER_SOCKET", Value: dockerSocketPath})

	privileged := true
	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build),
			Namespace: build.Namespace,
			Labels:    getPodLabels(build),
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			ServiceAccount: build.Parameters.ServiceAccount,
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:  "custom-build",
					Image: strategy.From.Name,
					Env:   containerEnv,
					// TODO: run unprivileged
					SecurityContext: &kapi.SecurityContext{
						Privileged: &privileged,
			RestartPolicy: kapi.RestartPolicyNever,

	if err := setupBuildEnv(build, pod); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullIfNotPresent
	pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = build.Parameters.Resources

	if strategy.ExposeDockerSocket {
		setupDockerSecrets(pod, build.Parameters.Output.PushSecret, strategy.PullSecret)
	setupSourceSecrets(pod, build.Parameters.Source.SourceSecret)
	return pod, nil
Esempio n. 26
func TestCustomCreateBuildPod(t *testing.T) {
	strategy := CustomBuildStrategy{
		Codec: latest.Codec,

	expectedBad := mockCustomBuild(false)
	expectedBad.Spec.Strategy.CustomStrategy.From = kapi.ObjectReference{
		Kind: "DockerImage",
		Name: "",
	if _, err := strategy.CreateBuildPod(expectedBad); err == nil {
		t.Errorf("Expected error when Image is empty, got nothing")

	expected := mockCustomBuild(false)
	actual, err := strategy.CreateBuildPod(expected)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if expected, actual := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(expected), actual.ObjectMeta.Name; expected != actual {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s!", expected, actual)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(map[string]string{buildapi.BuildLabel: expected.Name}, actual.Labels) {
		t.Errorf("Pod Labels does not match Build Labels!")
	container := actual.Spec.Containers[0]
	if container.Name != "custom-build" {
		t.Errorf("Expected custom-build, but got %s!", container.Name)
	if container.ImagePullPolicy != kapi.PullIfNotPresent {
		t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", kapi.PullIfNotPresent, container.ImagePullPolicy)
	if actual.Spec.RestartPolicy != kapi.RestartPolicyNever {
		t.Errorf("Expected never, got %#v", actual.Spec.RestartPolicy)
	if len(container.VolumeMounts) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 3 volumes in container, got %d", len(container.VolumeMounts))
	if *actual.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds != 60 {
		t.Errorf("Expected ActiveDeadlineSeconds 60, got %d", *actual.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds)
	for i, expected := range []string{dockerSocketPath, DockerPushSecretMountPath, sourceSecretMountPath} {
		if container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath != expected {
			t.Fatalf("Expected %s in VolumeMount[%d], got %s", expected, i, container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath)
	if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources) {
		t.Fatalf("Expected actual=expected, %v != %v", container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources)
	if len(actual.Spec.Volumes) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 3 volumes in Build pod, got %d", len(actual.Spec.Volumes))
	buildJSON, _ := latest.Codec.Encode(expected)
	errorCases := map[int][]string{
		0: {"BUILD", string(buildJSON)},
	for index, exp := range errorCases {
		if e := container.Env[index]; e.Name != exp[0] || e.Value != exp[1] {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s:%s, got %s:%s!\n", exp[0], exp[1], e.Name, e.Value)
	for _, name := range standardEnv {
		found := false
		for _, item := range container.Env {
			if (item.Name == name) && len(item.Value) != 0 {
				found = true
		if !found {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s variable to be set", name)
Esempio n. 27
func TestDockerCreateBuildPod(t *testing.T) {
	strategy := DockerBuildStrategy{
		Image: "docker-test-image",
		Codec: kapi.Codecs.LegacyCodec(buildapi.SchemeGroupVersion),

	expected := mockDockerBuild()
	actual, err := strategy.CreateBuildPod(expected)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if expected, actual := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(expected), actual.ObjectMeta.Name; expected != actual {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s!", expected, actual)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(map[string]string{buildapi.BuildLabel: expected.Name}, actual.Labels) {
		t.Errorf("Pod Labels does not match Build Labels!")
	container := actual.Spec.Containers[0]
	if container.Name != "docker-build" {
		t.Errorf("Expected docker-build, but got %s!", container.Name)
	if container.Image != strategy.Image {
		t.Errorf("Expected %s image, got %s!", container.Image, strategy.Image)
	if container.ImagePullPolicy != kapi.PullIfNotPresent {
		t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", kapi.PullIfNotPresent, container.ImagePullPolicy)
	if actual.Spec.RestartPolicy != kapi.RestartPolicyNever {
		t.Errorf("Expected never, got %#v", actual.Spec.RestartPolicy)
	if len(container.Env) != 9 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 9 elements in Env table, got %d: %+v", len(container.Env), container.Env)
	if len(container.VolumeMounts) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 4 volumes in container, got %d", len(container.VolumeMounts))
	if *actual.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds != 60 {
		t.Errorf("Expected ActiveDeadlineSeconds 60, got %d", *actual.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds)
	for i, expected := range []string{dockerSocketPath, DockerPushSecretMountPath, DockerPullSecretMountPath, sourceSecretMountPath} {
		if container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath != expected {
			t.Fatalf("Expected %s in VolumeMount[%d], got %s", expected, i, container.VolumeMounts[i].MountPath)
	if len(actual.Spec.Volumes) != 4 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 4 volumes in Build pod, got %d", len(actual.Spec.Volumes))
	if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources) {
		t.Fatalf("Expected actual=expected, %v != %v", container.Resources, expected.Spec.Resources)
	found := false
	foundIllegal := false
	for _, v := range container.Env {
		if v.Name == "BUILD_LOGLEVEL" && v.Value == "bar" {
			found = true
		if v.Name == "ILLEGAL" {
			foundIllegal = true
	if !found {
		t.Fatalf("Expected variable BUILD_LOGLEVEL be defined for the container")
	if foundIllegal {
		t.Fatalf("Found illegal environment variable 'ILLEGAL' defined on container")

	buildJSON, _ := runtime.Encode(kapi.Codecs.LegacyCodec(buildapi.SchemeGroupVersion), expected)
	errorCases := map[int][]string{
		0: {"BUILD", string(buildJSON)},
	for index, exp := range errorCases {
		if e := container.Env[index]; e.Name != exp[0] || e.Value != exp[1] {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s:%s, got %s:%s!\n", exp[0], exp[1], e.Name, e.Value)
Esempio n. 28

			g.By("starting the build with --wait flag")
			_, err = oc.Run("start-build").Args("source-build", "--wait").Output()

			g.By("verifying the build status")
			builds, err := oc.REST().Builds(oc.Namespace()).List(kapi.ListOptions{})

			build := builds.Items[0]

			g.By("verifying the build pod status")
			pod, err := oc.KubeREST().Pods(oc.Namespace()).Get(buildutil.GetBuildPodName(&build))

	g.Describe("oc start-build docker-build --wait", func() {
		g.It("Docker: should start a build and wait for the build failed and build pod being killed by kubelet", func() {

			g.By("calling oc create docker-build")
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", dockerFixture).Execute()

			g.By("starting the build with --wait flag")
			_, err = oc.Run("start-build").Args("docker-build", "--wait").Output()
Esempio n. 29
File: rest.go Progetto: rrati/origin
func (h *binaryInstantiateHandler) handle(r io.Reader) (runtime.Object, error) {
	h.options.Name =
	if err := rest.BeforeCreate(BinaryStrategy, h.ctx, h.options); err != nil {
		glog.Infof("failed to validate binary: %#v", h.options)
		return nil, err

	request := &buildapi.BuildRequest{}
	request.Name =
	if len(h.options.Commit) > 0 {
		request.Revision = &buildapi.SourceRevision{
			Git: &buildapi.GitSourceRevision{
				Committer: buildapi.SourceControlUser{
					Name:  h.options.CommitterName,
					Email: h.options.CommitterEmail,
				Author: buildapi.SourceControlUser{
					Name:  h.options.AuthorName,
					Email: h.options.AuthorEmail,
				Message: h.options.Message,
				Commit:  h.options.Commit,
	request.Binary = &buildapi.BinaryBuildSource{
		AsFile: h.options.AsFile,
	build, err := h.r.Generator.Instantiate(h.ctx, request)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Infof("failed to instantiate: %#v", request)
		return nil, err

	latest, ok, err := registry.WaitForRunningBuild(h.r.Watcher, h.ctx, build, h.r.Timeout)
	if err != nil {
		switch latest.Status.Phase {
		case buildapi.BuildPhaseError:
			return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("build %s encountered an error: %s", build.Name, buildutil.NoBuildLogsMessage))
		case buildapi.BuildPhaseCancelled:
			return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("build %s was cancelled: %s", build.Name, buildutil.NoBuildLogsMessage))
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("unable to wait for build %s to run: %v", build.Name, err))
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.NewTimeoutError(fmt.Sprintf("timed out waiting for build %s to start after %s", build.Name, h.r.Timeout), 0)
	if latest.Status.Phase != buildapi.BuildPhaseRunning {
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("build %s is no longer running, cannot upload file: %s", build.Name, build.Status.Phase))

	// The container should be the default build container, so setting it to blank
	buildPodName := buildutil.GetBuildPodName(build)
	opts := &kapi.PodAttachOptions{
		Stdin: true,
	location, transport, err := pod.AttachLocation(h.r.PodGetter, h.r.ConnectionInfo, h.ctx, buildPodName, opts)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return nil, errors.NewNotFound(kapi.Resource("pod"), buildPodName)
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())
	rawTransport, ok := transport.(*http.Transport)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to node, unrecognized type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(transport)))
	upgrader := spdy.NewRoundTripper(rawTransport.TLSClientConfig)
	exec, err := remotecommand.NewStreamExecutor(upgrader, nil, "POST", location)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to server: %v", err))
	if err := exec.Stream(r, nil, nil, false); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewInternalError(err)
	return latest, nil
Esempio n. 30
// TestConcurrentBuildPodControllers tests the lifecycle of a build pod when running multiple controllers.
func TestConcurrentBuildPodControllers(t *testing.T) {
	// Start a master with multiple BuildPodControllers
	osClient, kClient := setupBuildControllerTest(controllerCount{BuildPodControllers: 5}, t)

	ns := testutil.Namespace()
	waitTime := ConcurrentBuildPodControllersTestWait

	tests := []buildControllerPodTest{
			Name: "running state test",
			States: []buildControllerPodState{
					PodPhase:   kapi.PodRunning,
					BuildPhase: buildapi.BuildPhaseRunning,
			Name: "build succeeded",
			States: []buildControllerPodState{
					PodPhase:   kapi.PodRunning,
					BuildPhase: buildapi.BuildPhaseRunning,
					PodPhase:   kapi.PodSucceeded,
					BuildPhase: buildapi.BuildPhaseComplete,
			Name: "build failed",
			States: []buildControllerPodState{
					PodPhase:   kapi.PodRunning,
					BuildPhase: buildapi.BuildPhaseRunning,
					PodPhase:   kapi.PodFailed,
					BuildPhase: buildapi.BuildPhaseFailed,
	for _, test := range tests {
		// Setup communications channels
		podReadyChan := make(chan *kapi.Pod) // Will receive a value when a build pod is ready
		errChan := make(chan error)          // Will receive a value when an error occurs
		stateReached := int32(0)

		// Create a build
		b, err := osClient.Builds(ns).Create(mockBuild())
		checkErr(t, err)

		// Watch build pod for transition to pending
		podWatch, err := kClient.Pods(ns).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.OneTermEqualSelector("", buildutil.GetBuildPodName(b)), "")
		checkErr(t, err)
		go func() {
			for e := range podWatch.ResultChan() {
				pod, ok := e.Object.(*kapi.Pod)
				if !ok {
					checkErr(t, fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected object received: %#v\n", test.Name, e.Object))
				if pod.Status.Phase == kapi.PodPending {
					podReadyChan <- pod

		var pod *kapi.Pod
		select {
		case pod = <-podReadyChan:
			if pod.Status.Phase != kapi.PodPending {
				t.Errorf("Got wrong pod phase: %s", pod.Status.Phase)

		case <-time.After(BuildControllersWatchTimeout):
			t.Errorf("Timed out waiting for build pod to be ready")

		for _, state := range test.States {
			// Update pod state and verify that corresponding build state happens accordingly
			pod, err := kClient.Pods(ns).Get(pod.Name)
			checkErr(t, err)
			pod.Status.Phase = state.PodPhase
			_, err = kClient.Pods(ns).UpdateStatus(pod)
			checkErr(t, err)

			buildWatch, err := osClient.Builds(ns).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.OneTermEqualSelector("name", b.Name), b.ResourceVersion)
			checkErr(t, err)
			defer buildWatch.Stop()
			go func() {
				done := false
				for e := range buildWatch.ResultChan() {
					var ok bool
					b, ok = e.Object.(*buildapi.Build)
					if !ok {
						errChan <- fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected object received: %#v", test.Name, e.Object)
					if e.Type != watchapi.Modified {
						errChan <- fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected event received: %s, object: %#v", test.Name, e.Type, e.Object)
					if done {
						errChan <- fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected build state: %#v", test.Name, e.Object)
					} else if b.Status.Phase == state.BuildPhase {
						done = true
						atomic.StoreInt32(&stateReached, 1)

			select {
			case err := <-errChan:
				t.Errorf("%s: Error: %v\n", test.Name, err)
			case <-time.After(waitTime):
				if atomic.LoadInt32(&stateReached) != 1 {
					t.Errorf("%s: Did not reach desired build state: %s", test.Name, state.BuildPhase)