Esempio n. 1
func NewCommandTop(name, fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out, errOut io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	// Parent command to which all subcommands are added.
	cmds := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   name,
		Short: "Show usage statistics of resources on the server",
		Long:  topLong,
		Run:   cmdutil.DefaultSubCommandRun(errOut),

	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdTopImages(f, fullName, TopImagesRecommendedName, out))
	cmds.AddCommand(NewCmdTopImageStreams(f, fullName, TopImageStreamsRecommendedName, out))
	cmdTopNode := kcmd.NewCmdTopNode(f.Factory, out)
	cmdTopNode.Long = templates.LongDesc(cmdTopNode.Long)
	cmdTopNode.Example = templates.Examples(cmdTopNode.Example)
	cmdTopPod := kcmd.NewCmdTopPod(f.Factory, out)
	cmdTopPod.Long = templates.LongDesc(cmdTopPod.Long)
	cmdTopPod.Example = templates.Examples(cmdTopPod.Example)
	return cmds
Esempio n. 2
// NewAppRecommendedCommandName is the recommended command name.
const NewAppRecommendedCommandName = "new-app"

type usage interface {
	UsageError(baseName string) string

var (
	newAppLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Create a new application by specifying source code, templates, and/or images

		This command will try to build up the components of an application using images, templates,
		or code that has a public repository. It will lookup the images on the local Docker installation
		(if available), a Docker registry, an integrated image stream, or stored templates.

		If you specify a source code URL, it will set up a build that takes your source code and converts
		it into an image that can run inside of a pod. Local source must be in a git repository that has a
		remote repository that the server can see. The images will be deployed via a deployment
		configuration, and a service will be connected to the first public port of the app. You may either specify
		components using the various existing flags or let %[2]s autodetect what kind of components
		you have provided.

		If you provide source code, a new build will be automatically triggered.
		You can use '%[1]s status' to check the progress.`)

	newAppExample = templates.Examples(`
	  # List all local templates and image streams that can be used to create an app
	  %[1]s %[2]s --list

	  # Create an application based on the source code in the current git repository (with a public remote)
	  # and a Docker image
	  %[1]s %[2]s . --docker-image=repo/langimage
Esempio n. 3
	kapi ""
	kcmd ""
	kcmdutil ""

	cmdutil ""

var (
	exposeLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Expose containers internally as services or externally via routes

		There is also the ability to expose a deployment configuration, replication controller, service, or pod
		as a new service on a specified port. If no labels are specified, the new object will re-use the
		labels from the object it exposes.`)

	exposeExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Create a route based on service nginx. The new route will re-use nginx's labels
	  %[1]s expose service nginx

	  # Create a route and specify your own label and route name
	  %[1]s expose service nginx -l name=myroute --name=fromdowntown

	  # Create a route and specify a hostname
	  %[1]s expose service nginx

	  # Expose a deployment configuration as a service and use the specified port
	  %[1]s expose dc ruby-hello-world --port=8080
Esempio n. 4
const (
	// RsyncRecommendedName is the recommended name for the rsync command
	RsyncRecommendedName = "rsync"

	noRsyncUnixWarning    = "WARNING: rsync command not found in path. Please use your package manager to install it.\n"
	noRsyncWindowsWarning = "WARNING: rsync command not found in path. Download cwRsync for Windows and add it to your PATH.\n"

var (
	rsyncLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Copy local files to or from a pod container

		This command will copy local files to or from a remote container.
		It only copies the changed files using the rsync command from your OS.
		To ensure optimum performance, install rsync locally. In UNIX systems,
		use your package manager. In Windows, install cwRsync from

		If no container is specified, the first container of the pod is used
		for the copy.`)

	rsyncExample = templates.Examples(`
	  # Synchronize a local directory with a pod directory
	  %[1]s ./local/dir/ POD:/remote/dir

	  # Synchronize a pod directory with a local directory
	  %[1]s POD:/remote/dir/ ./local/dir`)

// copyStrategy
Esempio n. 5
	observeLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Observe changes to resources and take action on them

		This command assists in building scripted reactions to changes that occur in
		Kubernetes or OpenShift resources. This is frequently referred to as a
		'controller' in Kubernetes and acts to ensure particular conditions are
		maintained. On startup, observe will list all of the resources of a
		particular type and execute the provided script on each one. Observe watches
		the server for changes, and will reexecute the script for each update.

		Observe works best for problems of the form "for every resource X, make sure
		Y is true". Some examples of ways observe can be used include:

		* Ensure every namespace has a quota or limit range object
		* Ensure every service is registered in DNS by making calls to a DNS API
		* Send an email alert whenever a node reports 'NotReady'
		* Watch for the 'FailedScheduling' event and write an IRC message
		* Dynamically provision persistent volumes when a new PVC is created
		* Delete pods that have reached successful completion after a period of time.

		The simplest pattern is maintaining an invariant on an object - for instance,
		"every namespace should have an annotation that indicates its owner". If the
		object is deleted no reaction is necessary. A variation on that pattern is
		creating another object: "every namespace should have a quota object based
		on the resources allowed for an owner".

		    $ cat
		    if [[ "$(%[1]s get namespace "$1" --template='{{ .metadata.annotations.owner }}')" == "" ]]; then
		      %[1]s annotate namespace "$1" owner=bob

		    $ %[1]s observe namespaces -- ./

		The script is invoked with a single argument (the namespace name)
		for each namespace. This simple script ensures that any user without the
		"owner" annotation gets one set, but preserves any existing value.

		The next common of controller pattern is provisioning - making changes in an
		external system to match the state of a Kubernetes resource. These scripts need
		to account for deletions that may take place while the observe command is not
		running. You can provide the list of known objects via the --names command,
		which should return a newline-delimited list of names or namespace/name pairs.
		Your command will be invoked whenever observe checks the latest state on the
		server - any resources returned by --names that are not found on the server
		will be passed to your --delete command.

		For example, you may wish to ensure that every node that is added to Kubernetes
		is added to your cluster inventory along with its IP:

		    $ cat
		    echo "$1 $2" >> inventory
		    sort -u inventory -o inventory

		    $ cat
		    grep -vE "^$1 " inventory > /tmp/newinventory
		    mv -f /tmp/newinventory inventory

		    $ cat
		    touch inventory
		    cut -f 1-1 -d ' ' inventory

		    $ %[1]s observe nodes -a '{ .status.addresses[0].address }' \
		      --names ./ \
		      --delete ./ \
		      -- ./

		If you stop the observe command and then delete a node, when you launch observe
		again the contents of inventory will be compared to the list of nodes from the
		server, and any node in the inventory file that no longer exists will trigger
		a call to with the name of the node.

		Important: when handling deletes, the previous state of the object may not be
		available and only the name/namespace of the object will be passed to	your
		--delete command as arguments (all custom arguments are omitted).

		More complicated interactions build on the two examples above - your inventory
		script could make a call to allocate storage on your infrastructure as a
		service, or register node names in DNS, or set complex firewalls. The more
		complex your integration, the more important it is to record enough data in the
		remote system that you can identify when resources on either side are deleted.

		Experimental: This command is under active development and may change without notice.`)
Esempio n. 6
	configcmd ""
	appcmd ""

const AppJSONV1GeneratorName = "app-json/v1"

var (
	appJSONLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Import app.json files as OpenShift objects

		app.json defines the pattern of a simple, stateless web application that can be horizontally scaled.
		This command will transform a provided app.json object into its OpenShift equivalent.
		During transformation fields in the app.json syntax that are not relevant when running on top of
		a containerized platform will be ignored and a warning printed.

		The command will create objects unless you pass the -o yaml or --as-template flags to generate a
		configuration file for later use.

		Experimental: This command is under active development and may change without notice.`)

	appJSONExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Import a directory containing an app.json file
	  $ %[1]s app.json -f .

	  # Turn an app.json file into a template
	  $ %[1]s app.json -f ./app.json -o yaml --as-template`)

type AppJSONOptions struct {
Esempio n. 7
func (o *MasterOptions) DefaultsFromName(basename string) {
	if cmdutil.GetProductName(basename) == cmdutil.ProductAtomicEnterprise {
		o.DisabledFeatures = configapi.AtomicDisabledFeatures

var masterLong = templates.LongDesc(`
	Start a master server

	This command helps you launch a master server.  Running

	    %[1]s start master

	will start a master listening on all interfaces, launch an etcd server to store
	persistent data, and launch the Kubernetes system components. The server will run in the
	foreground until you terminate the process.

	Note: starting the master without passing the --master address will attempt to find the IP
	address that will be visible inside running Docker containers. This is not always successful,
	so if you have problems tell the master what public address it should use via --master=<ip>.

	You may also pass --etcd=<address> to connect to an external etcd server.

	You may also pass --kubeconfig=<path> to connect to an external Kubernetes cluster.`)

// NewCommandStartMaster provides a CLI handler for 'start master' command
func NewCommandStartMaster(basename string, out, errout io.Writer) (*cobra.Command, *MasterOptions) {
	options := &MasterOptions{Output: out}

	cmd := &cobra.Command{
Esempio n. 8
	cmdutil ""

var (
	probeLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Set or remove a liveness or readiness probe from a pod or pod template

		Each container in a pod may define one or more probes that are used for general health
		checking. A liveness probe is checked periodically to ensure the container is still healthy:
		if the probe fails, the container is restarted. Readiness probes set or clear the ready
		flag for each container, which controls whether the container's ports are included in the list
		of endpoints for a service and whether a deployment can proceed. A readiness check should
		indicate when your container is ready to accept incoming traffic or begin handling work.
		Setting both liveness and readiness probes for each container is highly recommended.

		The three probe types are:

		1. Open a TCP socket on the pod IP
		2. Perform an HTTP GET against a URL on a container that must return 200 OK
		3. Run a command in the container that must return exit code 0

		Containers that take a variable amount of time to start should set generous
		initial-delay-seconds values, otherwise as your application evolves you may suddenly begin
		to fail.`)

	probeExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Clear both readiness and liveness probes off all containers
	  %[1]s probe dc/registry --remove --readiness --liveness

	  # Set an exec action as a liveness probe to run 'echo ok'
Esempio n. 9
	cmdutil ""

	ocmd ""
	f5plugin ""

var (
	f5Long = templates.LongDesc(`
		Start an F5 route synchronizer

		This command launches a process that will synchronize an F5 to the route configuration of your master.

		You may restrict the set of routes exposed to a single project (with --namespace), projects your client has
		access to with a set of labels (--project-labels), namespaces matching a label (--namespace-labels), or all
		namespaces (no argument). You can limit the routes to those matching a --labels or --fields selector. Note
		that you must have a cluster-wide administrative role to view all namespaces.`)

// F5RouterOptions represent the complete structure needed to start an F5 router
// sync process.
type F5RouterOptions struct {
	Config *clientcmd.Config

Esempio n. 10
	kcmdutil ""

	osclientcmd ""

var (
	loginLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Log in to your server and save login for subsequent use

		First-time users of the client should run this command to connect to a server,
		establish an authenticated session, and save connection to the configuration file. The
		default configuration will be saved to your home directory under

		The information required to login -- like username and password, a session token, or
		the server details -- can be provided through flags. If not provided, the command will
		prompt for user input as needed.`)

	loginExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Log in interactively
	  %[1]s login

	  # Log in to the given server with the given certificate authority file
	  %[1]s login localhost:8443 --certificate-authority=/path/to/cert.crt

	  # Log in to the given server with the given credentials (will not prompt interactively)
	  %[1]s login localhost:8443 --username=myuser --password=mypass`)
Esempio n. 11
	templateplugin ""

// defaultReloadInterval is how often to do reloads in seconds.
const defaultReloadInterval = 5

var routerLong = templates.LongDesc(`
	Start a router

	This command launches a router connected to your cluster master. The router listens for routes and endpoints
	created by users and keeps a local router configuration up to date with those changes.

	You may customize the router by providing your own --template and --reload scripts.

	The router must have a default certificate in pem format. You may provide it via --default-cert otherwise
	one is automatically created.

	You may restrict the set of routes exposed to a single project (with --namespace), projects your client has
	access to with a set of labels (--project-labels), namespaces matching a label (--namespace-labels), or all
	namespaces (no argument). You can limit the routes to those matching a --labels or --fields selector. Note
	that you must have a cluster-wide administrative role to view all namespaces.`)

type TemplateRouterOptions struct {
	Config *clientcmd.Config

Esempio n. 12
	NodeConfigFile     string
	PrintIP            bool
	ServiceNetworkCIDR string
	Output             io.Writer

var allInOneLong = templates.LongDesc(`
	Start an all-in-one server

	This command helps you launch an all-in-one server, which allows you to run all of the
	components of an enterprise Kubernetes system on a server with Docker. Running:

	    %[1]s start

	will start listening on all interfaces, launch an etcd server to store persistent
	data, and launch the Kubernetes system components. The server will run in the foreground until
	you terminate the process.  This command delegates to "%[1]s start master" and
	"%[1]s start node".

	Note: starting OpenShift without passing the --master address will attempt to find the IP
	address that will be visible inside running Docker containers. This is not always successful,
	so if you have problems tell OpenShift what public address it will be via --master=<ip>.

	You may also pass --etcd=<address> to connect to an external etcd server.

	You may also pass --kubeconfig=<path> to connect to an external Kubernetes cluster.`)

// NewCommandStartAllInOne provides a CLI handler for 'start' command
func NewCommandStartAllInOne(basename string, out, errout io.Writer) (*cobra.Command, *AllInOneOptions) {
	options := &AllInOneOptions{Output: out, MasterOptions: &MasterOptions{Output: out}}
Esempio n. 13
	deployapi ""
	imageapi ""

	imagegraph ""

const (
	TopImagesRecommendedName = "images"
	maxImageIDLength         = 20

var (
	topImagesLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Show usage statistics for Images

		This command analyzes all the Images managed by the platform and presents current
		usage statistics.`)

	topImagesExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Show usage statistics for Images
  	%[1]s %[2]s`)

// NewCmdTopImages implements the OpenShift cli top images command.
func NewCmdTopImages(f *clientcmd.Factory, parentName, name string, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	opts := &TopImagesOptions{}
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:     name,
		Short:   "Show usage statistics for Images",
		Long:    topImagesLong,
Esempio n. 14

	cmdutil ""

	authorizationapi ""

const PolicyBindingRecommendedName = "policybinding"

var (
	policyBindingLong = templates.LongDesc(`Create a policy binding that references the policy in the targeted namespace.`)

	policyBindingExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Create a policy binding in namespace "foo" that references the policy in namespace "bar"
  	%[1]s bar -n foo`)

type CreatePolicyBindingOptions struct {
	BindingNamespace string
	PolicyNamespace  string

	BindingClient client.PolicyBindingsNamespacer

	Mapper       meta.RESTMapper
	OutputFormat string
	Out          io.Writer
Esempio n. 15
	exipfailover ""
	cmdutil ""

var adminLong = templates.LongDesc(`
	Administrative Commands

	Commands for managing a cluster are exposed here. Many administrative
	actions involve interaction with the command-line client as well.`)

func NewCommandAdmin(name, fullName string, in io.Reader, out io.Writer, errout io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	// Main command
	cmds := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   name,
		Short: "Tools for managing a cluster",
		Long:  fmt.Sprintf(adminLong),
		Run:   kcmdutil.DefaultSubCommandRun(out),

	f := clientcmd.New(cmds.PersistentFlags())

	groups := templates.CommandGroups{
Esempio n. 16
	kcmdutil ""


const CreateDockerConfigSecretRecommendedName = "new-dockercfg"

var (
	createDockercfgLong = templates.LongDesc(`
    Create a new dockercfg secret

    Dockercfg secrets are used to authenticate against Docker registries.

    When using the Docker command line to push images, you can authenticate to a given registry by running
    'docker login DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --username=DOCKER_USER --password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --email=DOCKER_EMAIL'.
    That produces a ~/.dockercfg file that is used by subsequent 'docker push' and 'docker pull' commands to
    authenticate to the registry.

    When creating applications, you may have a Docker registry that requires authentication.  In order for the
    nodes to pull images on your behalf, they have to have the credentials.  You can provide this information
    by creating a dockercfg secret and attaching it to your service account.`)

	createDockercfgExample = templates.Examples(`
    # Create a new .dockercfg secret:
    %[1]s SECRET --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL

    # Create a new .dockercfg secret from an existing file:
    %[2]s SECRET path/to/.dockercfg

    # Create a new .docker/config.json secret from an existing file:
Esempio n. 17
	cmdutil ""


const LogLevelEnv = "LOGLEVEL"

var (
	longCommandDesc = templates.LongDesc(`
		Start a Git server

		This command launches a Git HTTP/HTTPS server that supports push and pull, mirroring,
		and automatic creation of applications on push.


	repositoryBuildConfigsDesc = templates.LongDesc(`
		Retrieve build configs for a gitserver repository

		This command lists build configurations in the current namespace that correspond to a given git repository.`)

// CommandFor returns the appropriate command for this base name,
// or the global OpenShift command
func CommandFor(basename string) *cobra.Command {
	var cmd *cobra.Command
Esempio n. 18
	cmdutil ""

	imageapi ""

const ImageStreamRecommendedName = "imagestream"

var (
	imageStreamLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Create a new image stream

		Image streams allow you to track, tag, and import images from other registries. They also define an
		access controlled destination that you can push images to.`)

	imageStreamExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Create a new image stream
  	%[1]s mysql`)

type CreateImageStreamOptions struct {
	IS     *imageapi.ImageStream
	Client client.ImageStreamsNamespacer

	DryRun bool

	Mapper       meta.RESTMapper
Esempio n. 19
	cmdutil ""
	configcmd ""

var (
	ipFailover_long = templates.LongDesc(`
		Configure or view IP Failover configuration

		This command helps to setup an IP failover configuration for the
		cluster. An administrator can configure IP failover on an entire
		cluster or on a subset of nodes (as defined via a labeled selector).

		If an IP failover configuration does not exist with the given name,
		the --create flag can be passed to create a deployment configuration that
		will provide IP failover capability. If you are running in production, it is
		recommended that the labeled selector for the nodes matches at least 2 nodes
		to ensure you have failover protection, and that you provide a --replicas=<n>
		value that matches the number of nodes for the given labeled selector.`)

	ipFailover_example = templates.Examples(`
		# Check the default IP failover configuration ("ipfailover"):
	  %[1]s %[2]s

	  # See what the IP failover configuration would look like if it is created:
	  %[1]s %[2]s -o json

	  # Create an IP failover configuration if it does not already exist:
Esempio n. 20
	cmdutil ""
	deployapi ""
	imageapi ""

var (
	triggersLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Set or remove triggers for build configs and deployment configs

		All build configs and deployment configs may have a set of triggers that result in a new deployment
		or build being created. This command enables you to alter those triggers - making them automatic or
		manual, adding new entries, or changing existing entries.

		Deployments support triggering off of image changes and on config changes. Config changes are any
		alterations to the pod template, while image changes will result in the container image value being
		updated whenever an image stream tag is updated.

		Build configs support triggering off of image changes, config changes, and webhooks (both GitHub-specific
		and generic). The config change trigger for a build config will only trigger the first build.`)

	triggersExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Print the triggers on the registry
	  %[1]s triggers dc/registry

	  # Set all triggers to manual
	  %[1]s triggers dc/registry --manual

	  # Enable all automatic triggers
Esempio n. 21

	kapi ""
	kcmdutil ""


// LinkSecretRecommendedName `oc secrets link`
const LinkSecretRecommendedName = "link"

var (
	linkSecretLong = templates.LongDesc(`
    Link secrets to a service account

    Linking a secret enables a service account to automatically use that secret for some forms of authentication.`)

	linkSecretExample = templates.Examples(`
    # Add an image pull secret to a service account to automatically use it for pulling pod images:
    %[1]s serviceaccount-name pull-secret --for=pull

    # Add an image pull secret to a service account to automatically use it for both pulling and pushing build images:
    %[1]s builder builder-image-secret --for=pull,mount

    # If the cluster's serviceAccountConfig is operating with limitSecretReferences: True, secrets must be added to the pod's service account whitelist in order to be available to the pod:
    %[1]s pod-sa pod-secret`)

type LinkSecretOptions struct {
Esempio n. 22
var (
	internalMigrateImagesLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Migrate references to Docker images

		This command updates embedded Docker image references on the server in place. By default it
		will update image streams and images, and may be used to update resources with a pod template
		(deployments, replication controllers, daemon sets).

		References are changed by providing a mapping between a source registry and name and the
		desired registry and name. Either name or registry can be set to '*' to change all values.
		The registry value "" is special and will handle any image reference that refers to
		the DockerHub. You may pass multiple mappings - the first matching mapping will be applied
		per resource.

		The following resource types may be migrated by this command:

		* buildconfigs
		* daemonsets
		* deploymentconfigs
		* images
		* imagestreams
		* jobs
		* pods
		* replicationcontrollers
		* secrets (docker)

		Only images, imagestreams, and secrets are updated by default. Updating images and image
		streams requires administrative privileges.`)

	internalMigrateImagesExample = templates.Examples(`
Esempio n. 23
	cmdutil ""
	oerrors ""

var (
	startBuildLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Start a build

		This command starts a new build for the provided build config or copies an existing build using
		--from-build=<name>. Pass the --follow flag to see output from the build.

		In addition, you can pass a file, directory, or source code repository with the --from-file,
		--from-dir, or --from-repo flags directly to the build. The contents will be streamed to the build
		and override the current build source settings. When using --from-repo, the --commit flag can be
		used to control which branch, tag, or commit is sent to the server. If you pass --from-file, the
		file is placed in the root of an empty directory with the same filename. Note that builds
		triggered from binary input will not preserve the source on the server, so rebuilds triggered by
		base image changes will use the source specified on the build config.`)

	startBuildExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Starts build from build config "hello-world"
	  %[1]s start-build hello-world

	  # Starts build from a previous build "hello-world-1"
	  %[1]s start-build --from-build=hello-world-1

	  # Use the contents of a directory as build input
Esempio n. 24
	kapi ""
	kcoreclient ""
	kcmdutil ""
	kvalidation ""


const NewSecretRecommendedCommandName = "new"

var (
	newLong = templates.LongDesc(`
    Create a new secret based on a file or directory

    Key files can be specified using their file path, in which case a default name will be given to them, or optionally
    with a name and file path, in which case the given name will be used. Specifying a directory will create a secret
    using with all valid keys in that directory.`)

	newExample = templates.Examples(`
    # Create a new secret named my-secret with a key named ssh-privatekey
    %[1]s my-secret ~/.ssh/ssh-privatekey

    # Create a new secret named my-secret with keys named ssh-privatekey and ssh-publickey instead of the names of the keys on disk
    %[1]s my-secret ssh-privatekey=~/.ssh/id_rsa ssh-publickey=~/.ssh/

    # Create a new secret named my-secret with keys for each file in the folder "bar"
    %[1]s my-secret path/to/bar

    # Create a new .dockercfg secret named my-secret
    %[1]s my-secret path/to/.dockercfg
Esempio n. 25
	kapi ""
	cmdutil ""

	deployapi ""

var DeploymentConfigRecommendedName = "deploymentconfig"

var (
	deploymentConfigLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Create a deployment config that uses a given image.

		Deployment configs define the template for a pod and manages deploying new images or configuration changes.`)

	deploymentConfigExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Create an nginx deployment config named my-nginx
  	%[1]s my-nginx --image=nginx`)

type CreateDeploymentConfigOptions struct {
	DC     *deployapi.DeploymentConfig
	Client client.DeploymentConfigsNamespacer

	DryRun bool

	Mapper       meta.RESTMapper
	OutputFormat string
Esempio n. 26
var masterCertLong = templates.LongDesc(`
	Create keys and certificates for a master

	This command creates keys and certs necessary to run a secure master.
	It also creates keys, certificates, and configuration necessary for most
	related infrastructure components that are clients to the master.
	See the related "create-node-config" command for generating per-node config.

	All files are expected or created in standard locations under the cert-dir.


	Note that the certificate authority (CA aka "signer") generated automatically
	is self-signed. In production usage, administrators are more likely to
	want to generate signed certificates separately rather than rely on a
	generated CA. Alternatively, start with an existing signed CA and
	have this command use it to generate valid certificates.

	This command would usually only be used once at installation. If you
	need to regenerate the master server cert, DO NOT use --overwrite as this
	would recreate ALL certs including the CA cert, invalidating any existing
	infrastructure or client configuration. Instead, delete/rename the existing
	server cert and run the command to fill it in:

	    mv openshift.local.config/master/master.server.crt{,.old}
	    %[1]s --cert-dir=... \
	            --master=https://internal.master.fqdn:8443 \
	            --public-master=https://external.master.fqdn:8443 \

	Alternatively, use the related "ca create-server-cert" command to explicitly
	create a certificate.

	Regardless of --overwrite, the master server key/cert will be updated
	if --hostnames does not match the current certificate.
	Regardless of --overwrite, .kubeconfig files will be updated every time this
	command is run, so always specify --master (and if needed, --public-master).
	This is designed to match the behavior of "start" which rewrites certs/confs
	for certain configuration changes.`)
Esempio n. 27

	kcmdutil ""

	buildutil ""

var (
	buildLogsLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Retrieve logs for a build

		This command displays the log for the provided build. If the pod that ran the build has been deleted logs
		will no longer be available. If the build has not yet completed, the build logs will be streamed until the
		build completes or fails.`)

	buildLogsExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Stream logs from container
  	%[1]s build-logs 566bed879d2d`)

// NewCmdBuildLogs implements the OpenShift cli build-logs command
func NewCmdBuildLogs(fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	opts := api.BuildLogOptions{}
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:        "build-logs BUILD",
		Short:      "Show logs from a build",
		Long:       buildLogsLong,
Esempio n. 28
	kapi ""
	kcmdutil ""

	cmdutil ""
	fileutil ""

var (
	routeLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Expose containers externally via secured routes

		Three types of secured routes are supported: edge, passthrough, and reencrypt.
		If you wish to create unsecured routes, see "%[1]s expose -h"`)

// NewCmdCreateRoute is a macro command to create a secured route.
func NewCmdCreateRoute(fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "route",
		Short: "Expose containers externally via secured routes",
		Long:  fmt.Sprintf(routeLong, fullName),
		Run:   cmdutil.DefaultSubCommandRun(out),

	cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdCreateEdgeRoute(fullName, f, out))
	cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdCreatePassthroughRoute(fullName, f, out))
Esempio n. 29
package sa

import (


	cmdutil ""

const ServiceAccountsRecommendedName = "serviceaccounts"

var serviceAccountsLong = templates.LongDesc(`Manage service accounts in your project.

Service accounts allow system components to access the API.`)

const (
	serviceAccountsShort = `Manage service accounts in your project.`

func NewCmdServiceAccounts(name, fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	cmds := &cobra.Command{
		Use:     name,
		Short:   serviceAccountsShort,
		Long:    serviceAccountsLong,
		Aliases: []string{"sa"},
		Run:     cmdutil.DefaultSubCommandRun(out),
Esempio n. 30
File: idle.go Progetto: dcbw/origin
	cmdutil ""
	deployapi ""
	deployclient ""
	unidlingapi ""
	utilunidling ""
	utilerrors ""

var (
	idleLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Idle scalable resources

		Idling discovers the scalable resources (such as deployment configs and replication controllers)
		associated with a series of services by examining the endpoints of the service.
		Each service is then marked as idled, the associated resources are recorded, and the resources
		are scaled down to zero replicas.

		Upon receiving network traffic, the services (and any associated routes) will "wake up" the
		associated resources by scaling them back up to their previous scale.`)

	idleExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Idle the scalable controllers associated with the services listed in to-idle.txt
	  $ %[1]s idle --resource-names-file to-idle.txt`)

// NewCmdIdle implements the OpenShift cli idle command
func NewCmdIdle(fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out, errOut io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	o := &IdleOptions{
		out:         out,
		errOut:      errOut,