Esempio n. 1
// testingTracer creates a Tracer that appends the events to the given slice.
func testingTracer(ev *events) opentracing.Tracer {
	opts := basictracer.DefaultOptions()
	opts.ShouldSample = func(_ uint64) bool { return true }
	opts.NewSpanEventListener = func() func(basictracer.SpanEvent) {
		// The op variable is used in the returned function and is associated with
		// a span; it lives for as long as the span is open.
		var op string
		return func(e basictracer.SpanEvent) {
			switch t := e.(type) {
			case basictracer.EventCreate:
				op = t.OperationName
				*ev = append(*ev, fmt.Sprintf("%s:start", op))
			case basictracer.EventFinish:
				*ev = append(*ev, fmt.Sprintf("%s:finish", op))
			case basictracer.EventLogFields:
				*ev = append(*ev, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", op, t.Fields[0].Value()))
			case basictracer.EventLog:
				panic("EventLog is deprecated")
	opts.DebugAssertUseAfterFinish = true
	// We don't care about the recorder but we need to set it to something.
	opts.Recorder = &basictracer.InMemorySpanRecorder{}
	return basictracer.NewWithOptions(opts)
Esempio n. 2
func defaultOptions(recorder func(basictracer.RawSpan)) basictracer.Options {
	opts := basictracer.DefaultOptions()
	opts.TrimUnsampledSpans = true
	opts.Recorder = CallbackRecorder(recorder)
	opts.NewSpanEventListener = basictracer.NetTraceIntegrator
	opts.DebugAssertUseAfterFinish = true // provoke crash on use-after-Finish
	return opts
Esempio n. 3
// basicTracerOptions initializes options for basictracer.
// The recorder should be nil if we don't need to record spans.
func basictracerOptions(recorder func(basictracer.RawSpan)) basictracer.Options {
	opts := basictracer.DefaultOptions()
	opts.ShouldSample = func(traceID uint64) bool { return false }
	opts.TrimUnsampledSpans = true
	opts.NewSpanEventListener = netTraceIntegrator
	opts.DebugAssertUseAfterFinish = true // provoke crash on use-after-Finish
	if recorder == nil {
		opts.Recorder = CallbackRecorder(func(_ basictracer.RawSpan) {})
		// If we are not recording the spans, there is no need to keep them in
		// memory. Events still get passed to netTraceIntegrator.
		opts.DropAllLogs = true
	} else {
		opts.Recorder = CallbackRecorder(recorder)
		// Set a comfortable limit of log events per span.
		opts.MaxLogsPerSpan = maxLogsPerSpan
	return opts
Esempio n. 4
// callback. If the given DelegatingCarrier is nil, a new Span is created.
// otherwise, the created Span is a child.
func JoinOrNewSnowball(opName string, carrier *Span, callback func(sp basictracer.RawSpan)) (opentracing.Span, error) {
	tr := basictracer.New(CallbackRecorder(callback))
	sp, err := JoinOrNew(tr, carrier, opName)
	if err == nil {
		sp.SetBaggageItem(Snowball, "1")
		// We definitely want to sample a Snowball trace.
		ext.SamplingPriority.Set(sp, 1)
	return sp, err

// newTracer implements NewTracer and allows that function to be mocked out via Disable().
var newTracer = func() opentracing.Tracer {
	opts := basictracer.DefaultOptions()
	opts.TrimUnsampledSpans = true
	opts.Recorder = CallbackRecorder(func(_ basictracer.RawSpan) {})
	opts.NewSpanEventListener = basictracer.NetTraceIntegrator
	opts.DebugAssertUseAfterFinish = true // provoke crash on use-after-Finish
	return basictracer.NewWithOptions(opts)

// NewTracer creates a Tracer which records to the net/trace
// endpoint.
func NewTracer() opentracing.Tracer {
	return newTracer()

// SpanFromContext returns the Span obtained from the context or, if none is
// found, a new one started through the tracer. Callers should call (or defer)
Esempio n. 5
// NewTracerWithOptions creates a new opentracing.Tracer that records spans to
// the given appdash.Collector.
func NewTracerWithOptions(c appdash.Collector, options Options) opentracing.Tracer {
	opts := basictracer.DefaultOptions()
	opts.ShouldSample = options.ShouldSample
	opts.Recorder = NewRecorder(c, options)
	return basictracer.NewWithOptions(opts)