Esempio n. 1
func testFuse(
	t *testing.T,
	test func(client client.APIClient, mountpoint string),
) {
	// don't leave goroutines running
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	defer wg.Wait()

	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "pachyderm-test-")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer func() {
		_ = os.RemoveAll(tmp)

	// closed on successful termination
	quit := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(quit)
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer func() {
		_ = listener.Close()

	// TODO try to share more of this setup code with various main
	// functions
	localAddress := listener.Addr().String()
	srv := grpc.NewServer()
	const (
		numShards = 1
	sharder := shard.NewLocalSharder([]string{localAddress}, numShards)
	hasher := pfsserver.NewHasher(numShards, 1)
	router := shard.NewRouter(

	blockDir := filepath.Join(tmp, "blocks")
	blockServer, err := server.NewLocalBlockAPIServer(blockDir)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	pfsclient.RegisterBlockAPIServer(srv, blockServer)

	driver, err := drive.NewDriver(localAddress)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	apiServer := server.NewAPIServer(
	pfsclient.RegisterAPIServer(srv, apiServer)

	internalAPIServer := server.NewInternalAPIServer(
	pfsclient.RegisterInternalAPIServer(srv, internalAPIServer)

	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		if err := srv.Serve(listener); err != nil {
			select {
			case <-quit:
				// orderly shutdown
				t.Errorf("grpc serve: %v", err)

	clientConn, err := grpc.Dial(localAddress, grpc.WithInsecure())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	apiClient := pfsclient.NewAPIClient(clientConn)
	mounter := fuse.NewMounter(localAddress, apiClient)
	mountpoint := filepath.Join(tmp, "mnt")
	require.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(mountpoint, 0700))
	ready := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		require.NoError(t, mounter.MountAndCreate(mountpoint, nil, nil, ready, true))


	defer func() {
		_ = mounter.Unmount(mountpoint)
	test(client.APIClient{PfsAPIClient: apiClient}, mountpoint)
Esempio n. 2
func do(appEnvObj interface{}) error {
	appEnv := appEnvObj.(*appEnv)
	rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   os.Args[0] + " job-id",
		Short: `Pachyderm job-shim, coordinates with ppsd to create an output commit and run user work.`,
		Long:  `Pachyderm job-shim, coordinates with ppsd to create an output commit and run user work.`,
		Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			ppsClient, err := ppsserver.NewInternalJobAPIClientFromAddress(fmt.Sprintf("%v:650", appEnv.PachydermAddress))
			if err != nil {
			response, err := ppsClient.StartJob(
					Job: &ppsclient.Job{
						ID: args[0],
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err.Error())

			if response.Transform.Debug {

			// We want to make sure that we only send FinishJob once.
			// The most bulletproof way would be to check that on server side,
			// but this is easier.
			var finished bool
			// Make sure that we call FinishJob even if something caused a panic
			defer func() {
				if r := recover(); r != nil && !finished {
					fmt.Println("job shim crashed; this is like a bug in pachyderm")
					if _, err := ppsClient.FinishJob(
							Job: &ppsclient.Job{
								ID: args[0],
							Success: false,
					); err != nil {

			c, err := client.NewFromAddress(fmt.Sprintf("%v:650", appEnv.PachydermAddress))
			if err != nil {

			mounter := fuse.NewMounter(appEnv.PachydermAddress, c.PfsAPIClient)
			ready := make(chan bool)
			go func() {
				if err := mounter.MountAndCreate(
				); err != nil {
			defer func() {
				if err := mounter.Unmount("/pfs"); err != nil {
			var readers []io.Reader
			for _, line := range response.Transform.Stdin {
				readers = append(readers, strings.NewReader(line+"\n"))
			if len(response.Transform.Cmd) == 0 {
				fmt.Println("unable to run; a cmd needs to be provided")
				if _, err := ppsClient.FinishJob(
						Job:     client.NewJob(args[0]),
						Success: false,
				); err != nil {
				finished = true
			cmd := exec.Command(response.Transform.Cmd[0], response.Transform.Cmd[1:]...)
			cmd.Stdin = io.MultiReader(readers...)
			cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
			cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
			success := true
			if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
				success = false
				if exiterr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
					if status, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
						for _, returnCode := range response.Transform.AcceptReturnCode {
							if int(returnCode) == status.ExitStatus() {
								success = true
				if !success {
					fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error from exec: %s\n", err.Error())
			if _, err := ppsClient.FinishJob(
					Job:     client.NewJob(args[0]),
					Success: success,
			); err != nil {
			finished = true

	return rootCmd.Execute()
Esempio n. 3
func Cmds(address string) []*cobra.Command {
	var fileNumber int
	var fileModulus int
	var blockNumber int
	var blockModulus int
	shard := func() *pfsclient.Shard {
		return &pfsclient.Shard{
			FileNumber:   uint64(fileNumber),
			FileModulus:  uint64(fileModulus),
			BlockNumber:  uint64(blockNumber),
			BlockModulus: uint64(blockModulus),

	addShardFlags := func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
		cmd.Flags().IntVarP(&fileNumber, "file-shard", "s", 0, "file shard to read")
		cmd.Flags().IntVarP(&fileModulus, "file-modulus", "m", 1, "modulus of file shard")
		cmd.Flags().IntVarP(&blockNumber, "block-shard", "b", 0, "block shard to read")
		cmd.Flags().IntVarP(&blockModulus, "block-modulus", "n", 1, "modulus of block shard")

	repo := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "repo",
		Short: "Docs for repos.",
		Long: `Repos, short for repository, are the top level data object in Pachyderm.

Repos are created with create-repo.`,
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(0, func(args []string) error {
			return nil

	createRepo := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "create-repo repo-name",
		Short: "Create a new repo.",
		Long:  "Create a new repo.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(1, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return client.CreateRepo(args[0])

	inspectRepo := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "inspect-repo repo-name",
		Short: "Return info about a repo.",
		Long:  "Return info about a repo.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(1, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			repoInfo, err := client.InspectRepo(args[0])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if repoInfo == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("repo %s not found", args[0])
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintRepoInfo(writer, repoInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	var listRepoProvenance cmd.RepeatedStringArg
	listRepo := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "list-repo",
		Short: "Return all repos.",
		Long:  "Reutrn all repos.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(0, func(args []string) error {
			c, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			repoInfos, err := c.ListRepo(listRepoProvenance)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, repoInfo := range repoInfos {
				pretty.PrintRepoInfo(writer, repoInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	listRepo.Flags().VarP(&listRepoProvenance, "provenance", "p", "list only repos with the specified repos provenance")

	deleteRepo := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "delete-repo repo-name",
		Short: "Delete a repo.",
		Long:  "Delete a repo.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(1, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return client.DeleteRepo(args[0])

	commit := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "commit",
		Short: "Docs for commits.",
		Long: `Commits are atomic transactions on the content of a repo.

Creating a commit is a multistep process:
- start a new commit with start-commit
- write files to it through fuse or with put-file
- finish the new commit with finish-commit

Commits that have been started but not finished are NOT durable storage.
Commits become reliable (and immutable) when they are finished.

Commits can be created with another commit as a parent.
This layers the data in the commit over the data in the parent.`,
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(0, func(args []string) error {
			return nil

	var parentCommitID string
	startCommit := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "start-commit repo-name [branch]",
		Short: "Start a new commit.",
		Long:  "Start a new commit with parent-commit-id as the parent.",
		Run: cmd.RunBoundedArgs(1, 2, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			branch := ""
			if len(args) == 2 {
				branch = args[1]
			commit, err := client.StartCommit(args[0],
				parentCommitID, branch)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil
	startCommit.Flags().StringVarP(&parentCommitID, "parent", "p", "", "parent id")

	var cancel bool
	finishCommit := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "finish-commit repo-name commit-id",
		Short: "Finish a started commit.",
		Long:  "Finish a started commit. Commit-id must be a writeable commit.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(2, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if cancel {
				return client.CancelCommit(args[0], args[1])
			return client.FinishCommit(args[0], args[1])
	finishCommit.Flags().BoolVarP(&cancel, "cancel", "c", false, "cancel the commit")

	inspectCommit := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "inspect-commit repo-name commit-id",
		Short: "Return info about a commit.",
		Long:  "Return info about a commit.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(2, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			commitInfo, err := client.InspectCommit(args[0], args[1])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if commitInfo == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("commit %s not found", args[1])
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintCommitInfo(writer, commitInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	var all bool
	var block bool
	var listCommitProvenance cmd.RepeatedStringArg
	listCommit := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "list-commit repo-name",
		Short: "Return all commits on a set of repos",
		Long: `Return all commits on a set of repos.


	# return commits in repo "foo" and repo "bar"
	$ pachctl list-commit foo bar

	# return commits in repo "foo" since commit abc123 and those in repo "bar" since commit def456
	$ pachctl list-commit foo/abc123 bar/def456

	# return commits in repo "foo" that have commits
	# "bar/abc123" and "baz/def456" as provenance
	$ pachctl list-commit foo -p bar/abc123 -p baz/def456

		Run: pkgcobra.Run(func(args []string) error {
			commits, err := cmd.ParseCommits(args)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			var repos []string
			var fromCommits []string
			for _, commit := range commits {
				repos = append(repos, commit.Repo.Name)
				fromCommits = append(fromCommits, commit.ID)

			c, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			provenance, err := cmd.ParseCommits(listCommitProvenance)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			commitInfos, err := c.ListCommit(repos, fromCommits, client.CommitTypeNone, block, all, provenance)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, commitInfo := range commitInfos {
				pretty.PrintCommitInfo(writer, commitInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	listCommit.Flags().BoolVarP(&all, "all", "a", false, "list all commits including cancelled commits")
	listCommit.Flags().BoolVarP(&block, "block", "b", false, "block until there are new commits since the from commits")
	listCommit.Flags().VarP(&listCommitProvenance, "provenance", "p",
		"list only commits with the specified `commit`s provenance, commits are specified as RepoName/CommitID")

	var repos cmd.RepeatedStringArg
	flushCommit := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "flush-commit commit [commit ...]",
		Short: "Wait for all commits caused by the specified commits to finish and return them.",
		Long: `Wait for all commits caused by the specified commits to finish and return them.


	# return commits caused by foo/abc123 and bar/def456
	$ pachctl flush-commit foo/abc123 bar/def456

	# return commits caused by foo/abc123 leading to repos bar and baz
	$ pachctl flush-commit foo/abc123 -r bar -r baz

		Run: pkgcobra.Run(func(args []string) error {
			commits, err := cmd.ParseCommits(args)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			c, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			var toRepos []*pfsclient.Repo
			for _, repoName := range repos {
				toRepos = append(toRepos, client.NewRepo(repoName))

			commitInfos, err := c.FlushCommit(commits, toRepos)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, commitInfo := range commitInfos {
				pretty.PrintCommitInfo(writer, commitInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	flushCommit.Flags().VarP(&repos, "repos", "r", "Wait only for commits leading to a specific set of repos")

	listBranch := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "list-branch repo-name",
		Short: "Return all branches on a repo.",
		Long:  "Return all branches on a repo.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(1, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			commitInfos, err := client.ListBranch(args[0])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, commitInfo := range commitInfos {
				pretty.PrintCommitInfo(writer, commitInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	file := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "file",
		Short: "Docs for files.",
		Long: `Files are the lowest level data object in Pachyderm.

Files can be written to started (but not finished) commits with put-file.
Files can be read from finished commits with get-file.`,
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(0, func(args []string) error {
			return nil

	putFile := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "put-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short: "Put a file from stdin",
		Long:  "Put a file from stdin. commit-id must be a writeable commit.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(3, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			_, err = client.PutFile(args[0], args[1], args[2], os.Stdin)
			return err

	var fromCommitID string
	var unsafe bool
	getFile := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "get-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short: "Return the contents of a file.",
		Long:  "Return the contents of a file.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(3, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return client.GetFile(args[0], args[1], args[2], 0, 0, fromCommitID, shard(), os.Stdout)
	getFile.Flags().StringVarP(&fromCommitID, "from", "f", "", "only consider data written since this commit")
	getFile.Flags().BoolVar(&unsafe, "unsafe", false, "use this flag if you need to read data written in the current commit; this operation will race with concurrent writes")

	inspectFile := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "inspect-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short: "Return info about a file.",
		Long:  "Return info about a file.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(3, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			fileInfo, err := client.InspectFile(args[0], args[1], args[2], "", shard())
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if fileInfo == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("file %s not found", args[2])
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintFileInfo(writer, fileInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	inspectFile.Flags().BoolVar(&unsafe, "unsafe", false, "use this flag if you need to inspect files written in the current commit; this operation will race with concurrent writes")

	listFile := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "list-file repo-name commit-id path/to/dir",
		Short: "Return the files in a directory.",
		Long:  "Return the files in a directory.",
		Run: cmd.RunBoundedArgs(2, 3, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			var path string
			if len(args) == 3 {
				path = args[2]
			fileInfos, err := client.ListFile(args[0], args[1], path, fromCommitID, shard(), true)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
				pretty.PrintFileInfo(writer, fileInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	listFile.Flags().StringVarP(&fromCommitID, "from", "f", "", "only list files that are written since this commit")
	listFile.Flags().BoolVar(&unsafe, "unsafe", false, "use this flag if you need to list files written in the current commit; this operation will race with concurrent writes")

	deleteFile := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "delete-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short: "Delete a file.",
		Long:  "Delete a file.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(2, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return client.DeleteFile(args[0], args[1], args[2], false, "")

	var debug bool
	mount := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "mount path/to/mount/point",
		Short: "Mount pfs locally.",
		Long:  "Mount pfs locally.",
		Run: cmd.RunFixedArgs(1, func(args []string) error {
			client, err := client.NewFromAddress(address)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			mounter := fuse.NewMounter(address, client.PfsAPIClient)
			mountPoint := args[0]
			err = mounter.Mount(mountPoint, shard(), nil, nil, debug)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil
	finishCommit.Flags().BoolVarP(&debug, "debug", "d", false, "turn on debug messages")

	var result []*cobra.Command
	result = append(result, repo)
	result = append(result, createRepo)
	result = append(result, inspectRepo)
	result = append(result, listRepo)
	result = append(result, deleteRepo)
	result = append(result, commit)
	result = append(result, startCommit)
	result = append(result, finishCommit)
	result = append(result, inspectCommit)
	result = append(result, listCommit)
	result = append(result, flushCommit)
	result = append(result, listBranch)
	result = append(result, file)
	result = append(result, putFile)
	result = append(result, getFile)
	result = append(result, inspectFile)
	result = append(result, listFile)
	result = append(result, deleteFile)
	result = append(result, mount)
	return result