Esempio n. 1
// decompose splits an aggregate function to two parts: a final mode function and a partial mode function. Currently
// there are no differences between partial mode and complete mode, so we can confuse them.
func (a *aggPushDownSolver) decompose(aggFunc expression.AggregationFunction, schema expression.Schema, id string) ([]expression.AggregationFunction, expression.Schema) {
	// Result is a slice because avg should be decomposed to sum and count. Currently we don't process this case.
	result := []expression.AggregationFunction{aggFunc.Clone()}
	for _, aggFunc := range result {
		schema = append(schema, &expression.Column{
			ColName:  model.NewCIStr(fmt.Sprintf("join_agg_%d", len(schema))), // useless but for debug
			FromID:   id,
			Position: len(schema),
			RetType:  aggFunc.GetType(),
	return result, schema