Esempio n. 1
// prepare a signed transaction
func sign_tx(tx *btc.Tx) (all_signed bool) {
	var multisig_done bool
	all_signed = true

	// go through each input
	for in := range tx.TxIn {
		if ms, _ := btc.NewMultiSigFromScript(tx.TxIn[in].ScriptSig); ms != nil {
			hash := tx.SignatureHash(ms.P2SH(), in, btc.SIGHASH_ALL)
			for ki := range ms.PublicKeys {
				k := public_to_key(ms.PublicKeys[ki])
				if k != nil {
					r, s, e := btc.EcdsaSign(k.Key, hash)
					if e != nil {
						println("ERROR in sign_tx:", e.Error())
						all_signed = false
					} else {
						btcsig := &btc.Signature{HashType: 0x01}

						ms.Signatures = append(ms.Signatures, btcsig)
						tx.TxIn[in].ScriptSig = ms.Bytes()
						multisig_done = true
		} else {
			uo := getUO(&tx.TxIn[in].Input)
			if uo == nil {
				println("ERROR: Unkown input:", tx.TxIn[in].Input.String(), "- missing balance folder?")
				all_signed = false
			adr := addr_from_pkscr(uo.Pk_script)
			if adr == nil {
				fmt.Println("WARNING: Don't know how to sign input number", in)
				fmt.Println(" Pk_script:", hex.EncodeToString(uo.Pk_script))
				all_signed = false
			k_idx := hash_to_key_idx(adr.Hash160[:])
			if k_idx < 0 {
				fmt.Println("WARNING: You do not have key for", adr.String(), "at input", in)
				all_signed = false
			var er error
			k := keys[k_idx]
			if adr.String() == segwit[k_idx].String() {
				tx.TxIn[in].ScriptSig = append([]byte{22, 0, 20}, k.BtcAddr.Hash160[:]...)
				er = tx.SignWitness(in, k.BtcAddr.OutScript(), uo.Value, btc.SIGHASH_ALL, k.BtcAddr.Pubkey, k.Key)
			} else {
				er = tx.Sign(in, uo.Pk_script, btc.SIGHASH_ALL, k.BtcAddr.Pubkey, k.Key)
			if er != nil {
				fmt.Println("ERROR: Sign failed for input number", in, er.Error())
				all_signed = false

	// reorder signatures if we signed any multisig inputs
	if multisig_done && !multisig_reorder(tx) {
		all_signed = false

	if !all_signed {
		fmt.Println("WARNING: Not all the inputs have been signed")
