Esempio n. 1
// CommandFor returns the appropriate command for this base name,
// or the global OpenShift command
func CommandFor(basename string) *cobra.Command {
	var cmd *cobra.Command

	out := os.Stdout

	// Make case-insensitive and strip executable suffix if present
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		basename = strings.ToLower(basename)
		basename = strings.TrimSuffix(basename, ".exe")

	switch basename {
	case "openshift-router":
		cmd = irouter.NewCommandTemplateRouter(basename)
	case "openshift-deploy":
		cmd = deployer.NewCommandDeployer(basename)
	case "openshift-sti-build":
		cmd = builder.NewCommandSTIBuilder(basename)
	case "openshift-docker-build":
		cmd = builder.NewCommandDockerBuilder(basename)
	case "openshift-gitserver":
		cmd = gitserver.NewCommandGitServer(basename)
	case "oc", "osc":
		cmd = cli.NewCommandCLI(basename, basename)
	case "oadm", "osadm":
		cmd = admin.NewCommandAdmin(basename, basename, out)
	case "kubectl":
		cmd = cli.NewCmdKubectl(basename, out)
	case "kube-apiserver":
		cmd = kubernetes.NewAPIServerCommand(basename, basename, out)
	case "kube-controller-manager":
		cmd = kubernetes.NewControllersCommand(basename, basename, out)
	case "kubelet":
		cmd = kubernetes.NewKubeletCommand(basename, basename, out)
	case "kube-proxy":
		cmd = kubernetes.NewProxyCommand(basename, basename, out)
	case "kube-scheduler":
		cmd = kubernetes.NewSchedulerCommand(basename, basename, out)
	case "kubernetes":
		cmd = kubernetes.NewCommand(basename, basename, out)
	case "origin":
		cmd = NewCommandAtomicEnterprise("origin")
		cmd = NewCommandAtomicEnterprise("atomic-enterprise")

	if cmd.UsageFunc() == nil {

	return cmd
// NewCommandStartAllInOne provides a CLI handler for 'start' command
func NewCommandStartAllInOne(fullName string, out io.Writer) (*cobra.Command, *AllInOneOptions) {
	options := &AllInOneOptions{Output: out}

	cmds := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "start",
		Short: "Launch OpenShift All-In-One",
		Long:  allInOneLong,
		Run: func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			if err := options.Complete(); err != nil {
				fmt.Println(kcmdutil.UsageError(c, err.Error()))
			if err := options.Validate(args); err != nil {
				fmt.Println(kcmdutil.UsageError(c, err.Error()))


			if err := options.StartAllInOne(); err != nil {
				if kerrors.IsInvalid(err) {
					if details := err.(*kerrors.StatusError).ErrStatus.Details; details != nil {
						fmt.Fprintf(c.Out(), "Invalid %s %s\n", details.Kind, details.ID)
						for _, cause := range details.Causes {
							fmt.Fprintln(c.Out(), cause.Message)
				glog.Fatalf("OpenShift could not start: %v", err)

	flags := cmds.Flags()

	flags.Var(&options.ConfigDir, "write-config", "Directory to write an initial config into.  After writing, exit without starting the server.")
	flags.StringVar(&options.MasterConfigFile, "master-config", "", "Location of the master configuration file to run from. When running from configuration files, all other command-line arguments are ignored.")
	flags.StringVar(&options.NodeConfigFile, "node-config", "", "Location of the node configuration file to run from. When running from configuration files, all other command-line arguments are ignored.")
	flags.BoolVar(&options.CreateCerts, "create-certs", true, "Indicates whether missing certs should be created")

	masterArgs, nodeArgs, listenArg, imageFormatArgs, _ := GetAllInOneArgs()
	options.MasterArgs, options.NodeArgs = masterArgs, nodeArgs
	// by default, all-in-ones all disabled docker.  Set it here so that if we allow it to be bound later, bindings take precendence
	options.NodeArgs.AllowDisabledDocker = true

	BindMasterArgs(masterArgs, flags, "")
	BindNodeArgs(nodeArgs, flags, "")
	BindListenArg(listenArg, flags, "")
	BindImageFormatArgs(imageFormatArgs, flags, "")

	startMaster, _ := NewCommandStartMaster(out)
	startNode, _ := NewCommandStartNode(out)

	startKube := kubernetes.NewCommand("kubernetes", fullName, out)

	return cmds, options