Esempio n. 1
// add adds a sample pair to the series. It returns the number of newly
// completed chunks (which are now eligible for persistence).
// The caller must have locked the fingerprint of the series.
func (s *memorySeries) add(v model.SamplePair) (int, error) {
	if len(s.chunkDescs) == 0 || s.headChunkClosed {
		newHead := chunk.NewDesc(chunk.New(), v.Timestamp)
		s.chunkDescs = append(s.chunkDescs, newHead)
		s.headChunkClosed = false
	} else if s.headChunkUsedByIterator && s.head().RefCount() > 1 {
		// We only need to clone the head chunk if the current head
		// chunk was used in an iterator at all and if the refCount is
		// still greater than the 1 we always have because the head
		// chunk is not yet persisted. The latter is just an
		// approximation. We will still clone unnecessarily if an older
		// iterator using a previous version of the head chunk is still
		// around and keep the head chunk pinned. We needed to track
		// pins by version of the head chunk, which is probably not
		// worth the effort.
		// No locking needed here because a non-persisted head chunk can
		// not get evicted concurrently.
		s.head().C = s.head().C.Clone()
		s.headChunkUsedByIterator = false

	chunks, err := s.head().Add(v)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	s.head().C = chunks[0]

	for _, c := range chunks[1:] {
		s.chunkDescs = append(s.chunkDescs, chunk.NewDesc(c, c.FirstTime()))

	// Populate lastTime of now-closed chunks.
	for _, cd := range s.chunkDescs[len(s.chunkDescs)-len(chunks) : len(s.chunkDescs)-1] {

	s.lastTime = v.Timestamp
	s.lastSampleValue = v.Value
	s.lastSampleValueSet = true
	return len(chunks) - 1, nil
Esempio n. 2
// scan works like bufio.Scanner.Scan.
func (hs *headsScanner) scan() bool {
	if hs.seriesCurrent == hs.seriesTotal || hs.err != nil {
		return false

	var (
		seriesFlags      byte
		fpAsInt          uint64
		metric           codable.Metric
		persistWatermark int64
		modTimeNano      int64
		modTime          time.Time
		chunkDescsOffset int64
		savedFirstTime   int64
		numChunkDescs    int64
		firstTime        int64
		lastTime         int64
		encoding         byte
		ch               chunk.Chunk
		lastTimeHead     model.Time
	if seriesFlags, hs.err = hs.r.ReadByte(); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	headChunkPersisted := seriesFlags&flagHeadChunkPersisted != 0
	if fpAsInt, hs.err = codable.DecodeUint64(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	hs.fp = model.Fingerprint(fpAsInt)

	if hs.err = metric.UnmarshalFromReader(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	if hs.version != headsFormatLegacyVersion {
		// persistWatermark only present in v2.
		persistWatermark, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r)
		if hs.err != nil {
			return false
		modTimeNano, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r)
		if hs.err != nil {
			return false
		if modTimeNano != -1 {
			modTime = time.Unix(0, modTimeNano)
	if chunkDescsOffset, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	if savedFirstTime, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false

	if numChunkDescs, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
		return false
	chunkDescs := make([]*chunk.Desc, numChunkDescs)
	if hs.version == headsFormatLegacyVersion {
		if headChunkPersisted {
			persistWatermark = numChunkDescs
		} else {
			persistWatermark = numChunkDescs - 1
	headChunkClosed := true // Initial assumption.
	for i := int64(0); i < numChunkDescs; i++ {
		if i < persistWatermark {
			if firstTime, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			if lastTime, hs.err = binary.ReadVarint(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			chunkDescs[i] = &chunk.Desc{
				ChunkFirstTime: model.Time(firstTime),
				ChunkLastTime:  model.Time(lastTime),
		} else {
			// Non-persisted chunk.
			// If there are non-persisted chunks at all, we consider
			// the head chunk not to be closed yet.
			headChunkClosed = false
			if encoding, hs.err = hs.r.ReadByte(); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			if ch, hs.err = chunk.NewForEncoding(chunk.Encoding(encoding)); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			if hs.err = ch.Unmarshal(hs.r); hs.err != nil {
				return false
			cd := chunk.NewDesc(ch, ch.FirstTime())
			if i < numChunkDescs-1 {
				// This is NOT the head chunk. So it's a chunk
				// to be persisted, and we need to populate lastTime.
			chunkDescs[i] = cd

	if lastTimeHead, hs.err = chunkDescs[len(chunkDescs)-1].LastTime(); hs.err != nil {
		return false

	hs.series = &memorySeries{
		metric:           model.Metric(metric),
		chunkDescs:       chunkDescs,
		persistWatermark: int(persistWatermark),
		modTime:          modTime,
		chunkDescsOffset: int(chunkDescsOffset),
		savedFirstTime:   model.Time(savedFirstTime),
		lastTime:         lastTimeHead,
		headChunkClosed:  headChunkClosed,
	return true