Esempio n. 1
func BenchmarkFindtype(b *testing.B) {
	var (
		n    Net
		args content.CompleteAtArgs
	args.Location.File.Name = "./testdata/CompleteSharp.cs"
	args.Location.Line = 95
	args.Location.Column = 45
	cache, _ := n.cache(&args.Args)

	var up csharp.CSHARP
	if !up.UsingDirectives() {
	using := up.RootNode()

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		findtype(cache, using, "string")
Esempio n. 2
func (c *Net) CompleteAt(args *content.CompleteAtArgs, cmp *content.CompletionResult) error {
	cache, err := c.cache(&args.Args)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := args.Location.File.Load(); err != nil {
		return err
	contents := args.Location.File.Contents
	var up csharp.CSHARP
	if !up.UsingDirectives() {
		return up.Error()
	using := up.RootNode()

	var p csharp.CSHARP
	off := args.Location.Offset()
	line := args.Location.File.Line(off)
	line = line[:args.Location.Column-1]
	if !p.Complete() {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s, %s, %s", line, p.Error(), p.RootNode())
	r := p.RootNode()
	var td *TypeDef
	var complete func(node *parser.Node) error
	var ns string

	complete = func(node *parser.Node) error {
		switch n := node.Name; n {
		case "CompleteOp":
			n := len(node.Children)
			if n < 2 {
				return fmt.Errorf("Not enough children in Op node: %d < 2: %s", n, node)
			switch op := node.Children[1].Data(); op {
			case ".":
				if td == nil {
					tn := ns + node.Children[0].Data()
					if td = findtype(cache, using, tn); td == nil {
						ns = tn + "."
				} else if t2, err := typeresolve(td, node.Children[0]); err != nil {
					return err
				} else if td, err = cache.FindType(t2.Name); err != nil {
					return err
				} else if td == nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find type: %s", node.Children[0])
				if td == nil {
					// Probably a variable completion then?
					v := c.variable(node.Children[0])
					loc := content.File{Contents: scopes.Substr(args.Location.File.Contents, scopes.Visibility(args.Location))}
					if re, err := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`[=\(,;}\s](\w+(\s*\[\])*\s+)*%s[;\s=,)\[]`, v)); err != nil {
						return err
					} else {
						idx := re.FindAllStringIndex(loc.Contents, -1)
						for _, i := range idx {
							// TODO: It's better at getting the right variable, but still not 100% correct
							line := loc.Contents[i[0]+1 : i[1]-1]
							var p csharp.CSHARP
							if p.CompleteVariable() {
								if t := c.variable(p.RootNode()); t != "" {
									if td = findtype(cache, using, t); td != nil {
									} else {
										// Internal class perhaps?
										var p csharp.CSHARP
										if p.Parse(loc.Contents) {
											for _, t2 := range c.classes("", nil, p.RootNode()) {
												if !strings.HasSuffix(t2, t) {
												if td = findtype(cache, using, t2); td != nil {
									if td != nil {
				if n > 2 {
					return complete(node.Children[2])
				} else if td == nil {
					return tdnil
				return c.complete(cache, &content.Type{Name: td.Name()}, cmp)
				if n < 3 {
					return fmt.Errorf("Not enough children in Op node: %d < 3: %s", n, node)
				td = nil
				return complete(node.Children[2])
			return fmt.Errorf("Don't know how to complete %s", node)
		return nil

	if err := complete(r.Children[0]); err == tdnil {
		return err
	} else {
		return err
