Esempio n. 1
func newAuthenticator(c *cli.Context, e *empire.Empire) auth.Authenticator {
	// an authenticator authenticating requests with a users empire acccess
	// token.
	authenticators := []auth.Authenticator{

	var client *github.Client
	// If a GitHub client id is provided, we'll use GitHub as an
	// authentication backend. Otherwise, we'll just use a static username
	// and password backend.
	if c.String(FlagGithubClient) == "" {
		log.Println("Using static authentication backend")
		// Fake authentication password where the user is "fake" and
		// password is blank.
		authenticators = append(authenticators, auth.StaticAuthenticator("fake", "", "", &empire.User{
			Name: "fake",
	} else {
		config := &oauth2.Config{
			ClientID:     c.String(FlagGithubClient),
			ClientSecret: c.String(FlagGithubClientSecret),
			Scopes:       []string{"repo_deployment", "read:org"},

		client = github.NewClient(config)
		client.URL = c.String(FlagGithubApiURL)

		log.Println("Using GitHub authentication backend with the following configuration:")
		log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("  ClientID: %v", config.ClientID))
		log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("  ClientSecret: ****"))
		log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("  Scopes: %v", config.Scopes))
		log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("  GitHubAPI: %v", client.URL))

		// an authenticator for authenticating requests with a users github
		// credentials.
		authenticators = append(authenticators, github.NewAuthenticator(client))

	// try access token before falling back to github.
	authenticator := auth.MultiAuthenticator(authenticators...)

	// After the user is authenticated, check their GitHub Organization membership.
	if org := c.String(FlagGithubOrg); org != "" {
		authorizer := github.NewOrganizationAuthorizer(client)
		authorizer.Organization = org

		log.Println("Adding GitHub Organization authorizer with the following configuration:")
		log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("  Organization: %v ", org))

		return auth.WithAuthorization(
			// Cache the organization check for 30 minutes since
			// it's pretty slow.
			auth.CacheAuthorization(authorizer, 30*time.Minute),

	return authenticator
Esempio n. 2
// NewServer builds a new empire.Empire instance and returns an httptest.Server
// running the empire API.
func NewServer(t testing.TB, e *empire.Empire) *Server {
	var opts server.Options
	opts.GitHub.Webhooks.Secret = "abcd"
	opts.Authenticator = auth.NewAccessTokenAuthenticator(e)
	opts.GitHub.Deployments.Environments = []string{"test"}
	opts.GitHub.Deployments.ImageBuilder = github.ImageFromTemplate(template.Must(template.New("image").Parse(github.DefaultTemplate)))
	return NewTestServer(t, e, opts)