func (suite *AccountsTestSuite) TestGetMyUser() {
	// Prepare a request
	r, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Request setup should not get an error")
	r.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer test_user_token")

	// Check the routing
	match := new(mux.RouteMatch)
	suite.router.Match(r, match)
	if assert.NotNil(suite.T(), match.Route) {
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), "get_my_user", match.Route.GetName())

	// And serve the request
	w := httptest.NewRecorder()
	suite.router.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// Check that the mock object expectations were met

	// Check the status code
	if !assert.Equal(suite.T(), 200, w.Code) {

	// Fetch the user
	user := new(accounts.User)
	notFound := accounts.UserPreload(suite.db).First(user, suite.users[1].ID).RecordNotFound()
	assert.False(suite.T(), notFound)

	// Check the response
	expected := &accounts.UserResponse{
		Hal: jsonhal.Hal{
			Links: map[string]*jsonhal.Link{
				"self": &jsonhal.Link{
					Href: fmt.Sprintf("/v1/users/%d", user.ID),
		ID:        user.ID,
		Email:     user.OauthUser.Username,
		FirstName: user.FirstName.String,
		LastName:  user.LastName.String,
		Role:      roles.User,
		Confirmed: user.Confirmed,
		CreatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.CreatedAt),
		UpdatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.UpdatedAt),
	testutil.TestResponseObject(suite.T(), w, expected, 200)
Esempio n. 2
func TestFormatTime(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		timestamp        time.Time
		expected, actual string

	// UTC
	timestamp = time.Date(2012, 12, 11, 8, 52, 31, 493729031, time.UTC)
	expected = "2012-12-11T08:52:31.493Z"
	actual = util.FormatTime(&timestamp)
	assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)

	// UTC
	timestamp = time.Date(2012, 12, 11, 8, 52, 31, 493729031, time.FixedZone("HKT", 8*3600))
	expected = "2012-12-11T00:52:31.493Z"
	actual = util.FormatTime(&timestamp)
	assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)
Esempio n. 3
// NewUserResponse creates new UserResponse instance
func NewUserResponse(o *User) (*UserResponse, error) {
	response := &UserResponse{
		ID:        o.ID,
		Email:     o.OauthUser.Username,
		FirstName: o.FirstName.String,
		LastName:  o.LastName.String,
		Role:      o.OauthUser.RoleID.String,
		Confirmed: o.Confirmed,
		CreatedAt: util.FormatTime(&o.CreatedAt),
		UpdatedAt: util.FormatTime(&o.UpdatedAt),

	// Set the self link
		"self", // name
		fmt.Sprintf("/v1/users/%d", o.ID), // href
		"", // title

	return response, nil
Esempio n. 4
// NewConfirmationResponse creates new ConfirmationResponse instance
func NewConfirmationResponse(o *Confirmation) (*ConfirmationResponse, error) {
	response := &ConfirmationResponse{
		EmailTokenResponse: EmailTokenResponse{
			ID:          o.ID,
			Reference:   o.Reference,
			EmailSent:   o.EmailSent,
			EmailSentAt: util.FormatTime(o.EmailSentAt),
			ExpiresAt:   util.FormatTime(&o.ExpiresAt),
			CreatedAt:   util.FormatTime(&o.CreatedAt),
			UpdatedAt:   util.FormatTime(&o.UpdatedAt),
		UserID: o.User.ID,

	// Set the self link
		"self", // name
		fmt.Sprintf("/v1/confirmations/%d", o.ID), // href
		"", // title

	return response, nil
func (suite *AccountsTestSuite) TestCreateUserOnlyRequiredFields() {
	// Prepare a request
	payload, err := json.Marshal(&accounts.UserRequest{
		Email:    "test@newuser",
		Password: "******",
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "JSON marshalling failed")
	r, err := http.NewRequest(
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Request setup should not get an error")
			"Basic %s",

	// Mock confirmation email

	// Check the routing
	match := new(mux.RouteMatch)
	suite.router.Match(r, match)
	if assert.NotNil(suite.T(), match.Route) {
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), "create_user", match.Route.GetName())

	// Count before
	var (
		countBefore              int
		confirmationsCountBefore int

	// And serve the request
	w := httptest.NewRecorder()
	suite.router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	// block until email goroutine has finished
	assert.True(suite.T(), <-suite.service.GetNotifications(), "The email goroutine should have run")

	// Count after
	var (
		countAfter              int
		confirmationsCountAfter int
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), countBefore+1, countAfter)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), confirmationsCountBefore+1, confirmationsCountAfter)

	// Fetch the created user
	user := new(accounts.User)
	notFound := accounts.UserPreload(suite.db).Last(user).RecordNotFound()
	assert.False(suite.T(), notFound)

	// Fetch the created confirmation
	confirmation := new(accounts.Confirmation)
	assert.False(suite.T(), suite.db.Preload("User.OauthUser").

	// And correct data was saved
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), user.ID, user.OauthUser.MetaUserID)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "test@newuser", user.OauthUser.Username)
	assert.False(suite.T(), user.FirstName.Valid)
	assert.False(suite.T(), user.LastName.Valid)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), roles.User, user.OauthUser.RoleID.String)
	assert.False(suite.T(), user.Confirmed)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "test@newuser", confirmation.User.OauthUser.Username)

	// Check the Location header
		fmt.Sprintf("/v1/users/%d", user.ID),

	// Check the response
	expected := &accounts.UserResponse{
		Hal: jsonhal.Hal{
			Links: map[string]*jsonhal.Link{
				"self": &jsonhal.Link{
					Href: fmt.Sprintf("/v1/users/%d", user.ID),
		ID:        user.ID,
		Email:     "test@newuser",
		Role:      roles.User,
		Confirmed: false,
		CreatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.CreatedAt),
		UpdatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.UpdatedAt),
	testutil.TestResponseObject(suite.T(), w, expected, 201)

	// Check that the mock object expectations were met
func (suite *AccountsTestSuite) TestUpdateUser() {
	testUser, testAccessToken, err := suite.insertTestUser(
		"harold@finch", "test_password", "Harold", "Finch")
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Failed to insert a test user")

	payload, err := json.Marshal(&accounts.UserRequest{
		FirstName: "John",
		LastName:  "Reese",
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "JSON marshalling failed")
	r, err := http.NewRequest(
		fmt.Sprintf("", testUser.ID),
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Request setup should not get an error")
	r.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", testAccessToken.Token))

	// Check the routing
	match := new(mux.RouteMatch)
	suite.router.Match(r, match)
	if assert.NotNil(suite.T(), match.Route) {
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), "update_user", match.Route.GetName())

	// Count before
	var countBefore int

	// And serve the request
	w := httptest.NewRecorder()
	suite.router.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// Check that the mock object expectations were met

	// Count after
	var countAfter int
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), countBefore, countAfter)

	// Fetch the updated user
	user := new(accounts.User)
	notFound := accounts.UserPreload(suite.db).First(user, testUser.ID).RecordNotFound()
	assert.False(suite.T(), notFound)

	// Check that the password has NOT changed
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), password.VerifyPassword(

	// And correct data was saved
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "harold@finch", user.OauthUser.Username)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "John", user.FirstName.String)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "Reese", user.LastName.String)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), roles.User, user.OauthUser.RoleID.String)
	assert.False(suite.T(), user.Confirmed)

	// Check the response
	expected := &accounts.UserResponse{
		Hal: jsonhal.Hal{
			Links: map[string]*jsonhal.Link{
				"self": &jsonhal.Link{
					Href: fmt.Sprintf("/v1/users/%d", user.ID),
		ID:        user.ID,
		Email:     "harold@finch",
		FirstName: "John",
		LastName:  "Reese",
		Role:      roles.User,
		Confirmed: false,
		CreatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.CreatedAt),
		UpdatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.UpdatedAt),
	testutil.TestResponseObject(suite.T(), w, expected, 200)
func (suite *AccountsTestSuite) TestUpdateUserPassword() {
	var (
		testOauthUser   *oauth.User
		testUser        *accounts.User
		testAccessToken *oauth.AccessToken
		err             error

	// Insert a test user
	testOauthUser, err = suite.service.GetOauthService().CreateUser(
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Failed to insert a test oauth user")
	testUser, err = accounts.NewUser(
		"",    //facebook ID
		false, // confirmed
			FirstName: "Harold",
			LastName:  "Finch",
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Failed to create a new user object")
	err = suite.db.Create(testUser).Error
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Failed to insert a test user")
	testUser.Account = suite.accounts[0]
	testUser.OauthUser = testOauthUser

	// Login the test user
	testAccessToken, _, err = suite.service.GetOauthService().Login(
		"read_write", // scope
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Failed to login the test user")

	payload, err := json.Marshal(&accounts.UserRequest{
		Password:    "******",
		NewPassword: "******",
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "JSON marshalling failed")
	r, err := http.NewRequest(
		fmt.Sprintf("", testUser.ID),
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err, "Request setup should not get an error")
	r.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", testAccessToken.Token))

	// Check the routing
	match := new(mux.RouteMatch)
	suite.router.Match(r, match)
	if assert.NotNil(suite.T(), match.Route) {
		assert.Equal(suite.T(), "update_user", match.Route.GetName())

	// Count before
	var countBefore int

	// And serve the request
	w := httptest.NewRecorder()
	suite.router.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// Check that the mock object expectations were met

	// Count after
	var countAfter int
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), countBefore, countAfter)

	// Fetch the updated user
	user := new(accounts.User)
	notFound := accounts.UserPreload(suite.db).First(user, testUser.ID).RecordNotFound()
	assert.False(suite.T(), notFound)

	// Check that the password has changed
	assert.Error(suite.T(), password.VerifyPassword(
	assert.NoError(suite.T(), password.VerifyPassword(

	// And the user meta data is unchanged
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "harold@finch", user.OauthUser.Username)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "Harold", user.FirstName.String)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), "Finch", user.LastName.String)
	assert.Equal(suite.T(), roles.User, user.OauthUser.RoleID.String)
	assert.False(suite.T(), user.Confirmed)

	// Check the response
	expected := &accounts.UserResponse{
		Hal: jsonhal.Hal{
			Links: map[string]*jsonhal.Link{
				"self": &jsonhal.Link{
					Href: fmt.Sprintf("/v1/users/%d", user.ID),
		ID:        user.ID,
		Email:     "harold@finch",
		FirstName: "Harold",
		LastName:  "Finch",
		Role:      roles.User,
		Confirmed: false,
		CreatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.CreatedAt),
		UpdatedAt: util.FormatTime(&user.UpdatedAt),
	testutil.TestResponseObject(suite.T(), w, expected, 200)