Esempio n. 1
// AskForOneBlock is for testing only, so you can ask for a specific block height
// and see what goes wrong
func (s *SPVCon) AskForOneBlock(h int32) error {
	var hdr wire.BlockHeader
	var err error

	dbTip := int32(h)
	s.headerMutex.Lock() // seek to header we need
	_, err = s.headerFile.Seek(int64((dbTip)*80), os.SEEK_SET)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = hdr.Deserialize(s.headerFile) // read header, done w/ file for now
	s.headerMutex.Unlock()              // unlock after reading 1 header
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("header deserialize error!\n")
		return err

	bHash := hdr.BlockSha()
	// create inventory we're asking for
	iv1 := wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeWitnessBlock, &bHash)
	gdataMsg := wire.NewMsgGetData()
	// add inventory
	err = gdataMsg.AddInvVect(iv1)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	hah := NewRootAndHeight(bHash, h)
	s.outMsgQueue <- gdataMsg
	s.blockQueue <- hah // push height and mroot of requested block on queue
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
// handleInvMsg handles inv messages from all peers.
// We examine the inventory advertised by the remote peer and act accordingly.
func (b *blockManager) handleInvMsg(imsg *invMsg) {
	// Attempt to find the final block in the inventory list.  There may
	// not be one.
	lastBlock := -1
	invVects := imsg.inv.InvList
	for i := len(invVects) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		if invVects[i].Type == wire.InvTypeBlock {
			lastBlock = i

	// If this inv contains a block announcement, and this isn't coming from
	// our current sync peer or we're current, then update the last
	// announced block for this peer. We'll use this information later to
	// update the heights of peers based on blocks we've accepted that they
	// previously announced.
	if lastBlock != -1 && (imsg.peer != b.syncPeer || b.current()) {

	// Ignore invs from peers that aren't the sync if we are not current.
	// Helps prevent fetching a mass of orphans.
	if imsg.peer != b.syncPeer && !b.current() {

	// If our chain is current and a peer announces a block we already
	// know of, then update their current block height.
	if lastBlock != -1 && b.current() {
		blkHeight, err := b.chain.BlockHeightByHash(&invVects[lastBlock].Hash)
		if err == nil {

	// Ignore invs from non-witness enabled peers, as after segwit
	// activation we only want to download from peers that can provide us
	// full witness data.
	// TODO(roasbeef): revisit...
	if !imsg.peer.witnessEnabled {

	// Request the advertised inventory if we don't already have it.  Also,
	// request parent blocks of orphans if we receive one we already have.
	// Finally, attempt to detect potential stalls due to long side chains
	// we already have and request more blocks to prevent them.
	for i, iv := range invVects {
		// Ignore unsupported inventory types.
		if iv.Type != wire.InvTypeBlock && iv.Type != wire.InvTypeTx &&
			iv.Type != wire.InvTypeWitnessTx &&
			iv.Type != wire.InvTypeWitnessBlock {

		// Add the inventory to the cache of known inventory
		// for the peer.

		// Ignore inventory when we're in headers-first mode.
		if b.headersFirstMode {

		// Request the inventory if we don't already have it.
		haveInv, err := b.haveInventory(iv)
		if err != nil {
			bmgrLog.Warnf("Unexpected failure when checking for "+
				"existing inventory during inv message "+
				"processing: %v", err)
		if !haveInv {
			if iv.Type == wire.InvTypeTx {
				// Skip the transaction if it has already been
				// rejected.
				if _, exists := b.rejectedTxns[iv.Hash]; exists {

			// Add it to the request queue.
			imsg.peer.requestQueue = append(imsg.peer.requestQueue, iv)

		if iv.Type == wire.InvTypeBlock {
			// The block is an orphan block that we already have.
			// When the existing orphan was processed, it requested
			// the missing parent blocks.  When this scenario
			// happens, it means there were more blocks missing
			// than are allowed into a single inventory message.  As
			// a result, once this peer requested the final
			// advertised block, the remote peer noticed and is now
			// resending the orphan block as an available block
			// to signal there are more missing blocks that need to
			// be requested.
			if b.chain.IsKnownOrphan(&iv.Hash) {
				// Request blocks starting at the latest known
				// up to the root of the orphan that just came
				// in.
				orphanRoot := b.chain.GetOrphanRoot(&iv.Hash)
				locator, err := b.chain.LatestBlockLocator()
				if err != nil {
					bmgrLog.Errorf("PEER: Failed to get block "+
						"locator for the latest block: "+
						"%v", err)
				imsg.peer.PushGetBlocksMsg(locator, orphanRoot)

			// We already have the final block advertised by this
			// inventory message, so force a request for more.  This
			// should only happen if we're on a really long side
			// chain.
			if i == lastBlock {
				// Request blocks after this one up to the
				// final one the remote peer knows about (zero
				// stop hash).
				locator := b.chain.BlockLocatorFromHash(&iv.Hash)
				imsg.peer.PushGetBlocksMsg(locator, &zeroHash)

	// Request as much as possible at once.  Anything that won't fit into
	// the request will be requested on the next inv message.
	numRequested := 0
	gdmsg := wire.NewMsgGetData()
	requestQueue := imsg.peer.requestQueue
	for len(requestQueue) != 0 {
		iv := requestQueue[0]
		requestQueue[0] = nil
		requestQueue = requestQueue[1:]

		switch iv.Type {
		case wire.InvTypeWitnessBlock:
		case wire.InvTypeBlock:
			// Request the block if there is not already a pending
			// request.
			if _, exists := b.requestedBlocks[iv.Hash]; !exists {
				b.requestedBlocks[iv.Hash] = struct{}{}
				b.limitMap(b.requestedBlocks, maxRequestedBlocks)
				imsg.peer.requestedBlocks[iv.Hash] = struct{}{}

				// TODO(roasbeef): only get witness blocks
				// after switch over
				// If the peer is capable, request the block
				// including all witness data.
				if imsg.peer.witnessEnabled {
					iv.Type = wire.InvTypeWitnessBlock


		case wire.InvTypeWitnessTx:
		case wire.InvTypeTx:
			// Request the transaction if there is not already a
			// pending request.
			if _, exists := b.requestedTxns[iv.Hash]; !exists {
				b.requestedTxns[iv.Hash] = struct{}{}
				b.limitMap(b.requestedTxns, maxRequestedTxns)
				imsg.peer.requestedTxns[iv.Hash] = struct{}{}

				// If the peer is capable, request the txn
				// including all witness data.
				if imsg.peer.witnessEnabled {
					iv.Type = wire.InvTypeWitnessTx


		if numRequested >= wire.MaxInvPerMsg {
	imsg.peer.requestQueue = requestQueue
	if len(gdmsg.InvList) > 0 {
		imsg.peer.QueueMessage(gdmsg, nil)
Esempio n. 3
// TestOutboundPeer tests that the outbound peer works as expected.
func TestOutboundPeer(t *testing.T) {

	peerCfg := &peer.Config{
		NewestBlock: func() (*chainhash.Hash, int32, error) {
			return nil, 0, errors.New("newest block not found")
		UserAgentName:    "peer",
		UserAgentVersion: "1.0",
		ChainParams:      &chaincfg.MainNetParams,
		Services:         0,

	r, w := io.Pipe()
	c := &conn{raddr: "", Writer: w, Reader: r}

	p, err := peer.NewOutboundPeer(peerCfg, "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewOutboundPeer: unexpected err - %v\n", err)

	// Test trying to connect twice.

	disconnected := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		disconnected <- struct{}{}

	select {
	case <-disconnected:
	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		t.Fatal("Peer did not automatically disconnect.")

	if p.Connected() {
		t.Fatalf("Should not be connected as NewestBlock produces error.")

	// Test Queue Inv
	fakeBlockHash := &chainhash.Hash{0: 0x00, 1: 0x01}
	fakeInv := wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeBlock, fakeBlockHash)

	// Should be noops as the peer could not connect.

	fakeMsg := wire.NewMsgVerAck()
	p.QueueMessage(fakeMsg, nil)
	done := make(chan struct{})
	p.QueueMessage(fakeMsg, done)

	// Test NewestBlock
	var newestBlock = func() (*chainhash.Hash, int32, error) {
		hashStr := "14a0810ac680a3eb3f82edc878cea25ec41d6b790744e5daeef"
		hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(hashStr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, 0, err
		return hash, 234439, nil

	peerCfg.NewestBlock = newestBlock
	r1, w1 := io.Pipe()
	c1 := &conn{raddr: "", Writer: w1, Reader: r1}
	p1, err := peer.NewOutboundPeer(peerCfg, "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewOutboundPeer: unexpected err - %v\n", err)

	// Test update latest block
	latestBlockHash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr("1a63f9cdff1752e6375c8c76e543a71d239e1a2e5c6db1aa679")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewHashFromStr: unexpected err %v\n", err)
	if p1.LastAnnouncedBlock() != latestBlockHash {
		t.Errorf("LastAnnouncedBlock: wrong block - got %v, want %v",
			p1.LastAnnouncedBlock(), latestBlockHash)

	// Test Queue Inv after connection

	// Test regression
	peerCfg.ChainParams = &chaincfg.RegressionNetParams
	peerCfg.Services = wire.SFNodeBloom
	r2, w2 := io.Pipe()
	c2 := &conn{raddr: "", Writer: w2, Reader: r2}
	p2, err := peer.NewOutboundPeer(peerCfg, "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewOutboundPeer: unexpected err - %v\n", err)

	// Test PushXXX
	var addrs []*wire.NetAddress
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		na := wire.NetAddress{}
		addrs = append(addrs, &na)
	if _, err := p2.PushAddrMsg(addrs); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("PushAddrMsg: unexpected err %v\n", err)
	if err := p2.PushGetBlocksMsg(nil, &chainhash.Hash{}); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("PushGetBlocksMsg: unexpected err %v\n", err)
	if err := p2.PushGetHeadersMsg(nil, &chainhash.Hash{}); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("PushGetHeadersMsg: unexpected err %v\n", err)

	p2.PushRejectMsg("block", wire.RejectMalformed, "malformed", nil, false)
	p2.PushRejectMsg("block", wire.RejectInvalid, "invalid", nil, false)

	// Test Queue Messages
	p2.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgGetAddr(), nil)
	p2.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgPing(1), nil)
	p2.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgMemPool(), nil)
	p2.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgGetData(), nil)
	p2.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgGetHeaders(), nil)
	p2.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgFeeFilter(20000), nil)

Esempio n. 4
// TestPeerListeners tests that the peer listeners are called as expected.
func TestPeerListeners(t *testing.T) {
	verack := make(chan struct{}, 1)
	ok := make(chan wire.Message, 20)
	peerCfg := &peer.Config{
		Listeners: peer.MessageListeners{
			OnGetAddr: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgGetAddr) {
				ok <- msg
			OnAddr: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgAddr) {
				ok <- msg
			OnPing: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgPing) {
				ok <- msg
			OnPong: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgPong) {
				ok <- msg
			OnAlert: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgAlert) {
				ok <- msg
			OnMemPool: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgMemPool) {
				ok <- msg
			OnTx: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgTx) {
				ok <- msg
			OnBlock: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgBlock, buf []byte) {
				ok <- msg
			OnInv: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgInv) {
				ok <- msg
			OnHeaders: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgHeaders) {
				ok <- msg
			OnNotFound: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgNotFound) {
				ok <- msg
			OnGetData: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgGetData) {
				ok <- msg
			OnGetBlocks: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgGetBlocks) {
				ok <- msg
			OnGetHeaders: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgGetHeaders) {
				ok <- msg
			OnFeeFilter: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgFeeFilter) {
				ok <- msg
			OnFilterAdd: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgFilterAdd) {
				ok <- msg
			OnFilterClear: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgFilterClear) {
				ok <- msg
			OnFilterLoad: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgFilterLoad) {
				ok <- msg
			OnMerkleBlock: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgMerkleBlock) {
				ok <- msg
			OnVersion: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgVersion) {
				ok <- msg
			OnVerAck: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgVerAck) {
				verack <- struct{}{}
			OnReject: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgReject) {
				ok <- msg
			OnSendHeaders: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgSendHeaders) {
				ok <- msg
		UserAgentName:    "peer",
		UserAgentVersion: "1.0",
		ChainParams:      &chaincfg.MainNetParams,
		Services:         wire.SFNodeBloom,
	inConn, outConn := pipe(
		&conn{raddr: ""},
		&conn{raddr: ""},
	inPeer := peer.NewInboundPeer(peerCfg)

	peerCfg.Listeners = peer.MessageListeners{
		OnVerAck: func(p *peer.Peer, msg *wire.MsgVerAck) {
			verack <- struct{}{}
	outPeer, err := peer.NewOutboundPeer(peerCfg, "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewOutboundPeer: unexpected err %v\n", err)

	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		select {
		case <-verack:
		case <-time.After(time.Second * 1):
			t.Errorf("TestPeerListeners: verack timeout\n")

	tests := []struct {
		listener string
		msg      wire.Message
			wire.NewMsgAlert([]byte("payload"), []byte("signature")),
				&chainhash.Hash{}, &chainhash.Hash{}, 1, 1)),
			wire.NewMsgFilterLoad([]byte{0x01}, 10, 0, wire.BloomUpdateNone),
				&chainhash.Hash{}, &chainhash.Hash{}, 1, 1)),
		// only one version message is allowed
		// only one verack message is allowed
			wire.NewMsgReject("block", wire.RejectDuplicate, "dupe block"),
	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
	for _, test := range tests {
		// Queue the test message
		outPeer.QueueMessage(test.msg, nil)
		select {
		case <-ok:
		case <-time.After(time.Second * 1):
			t.Errorf("TestPeerListeners: %s timeout", test.listener)
Esempio n. 5
// AskForTx requests a tx we heard about from an inv message.
// It's one at a time but should be fast enough.
// I don't like this function because SPV shouldn't even ask...
func (s *SPVCon) AskForTx(txid wire.ShaHash) {
	gdata := wire.NewMsgGetData()
	inv := wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeTx, &txid)
	s.outMsgQueue <- gdata
Esempio n. 6
// AskForMerkBlocks requests blocks from current to last
// right now this asks for 1 block per getData message.
// Maybe it's faster to ask for many in a each message?
func (s *SPVCon) AskForBlocks() error {
	var hdr wire.BlockHeader

	s.headerMutex.Lock() // lock just to check filesize
	stat, err := os.Stat(headerFileName)
	s.headerMutex.Unlock() // checked, unlock
	endPos := stat.Size()

	headerTip := int32(endPos/80) - 1 // move back 1 header length to read

	dbTip, err := s.TS.GetDBSyncHeight()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("dbTip %d headerTip %d\n", dbTip, headerTip)
	if dbTip > headerTip {
		return fmt.Errorf("error- db longer than headers! shouldn't happen.")
	if dbTip == headerTip {
		// nothing to ask for; set wait state and return
		fmt.Printf("no blocks to request, entering wait state\n")
		fmt.Printf("%d bytes received\n", s.RBytes)
		s.inWaitState <- true
		// also advertise any unconfirmed txs here
		return nil

	fmt.Printf("will request blocks %d to %d\n", dbTip+1, headerTip)

	if !s.HardMode { // don't send this in hardmode! that's the whole point
		// create initial filter
		filt, err := s.TS.GimmeFilter()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// send filter
		fmt.Printf("sent filter %x\n", filt.MsgFilterLoad().Filter)
	// loop through all heights where we want merkleblocks.
	for dbTip < headerTip {
		dbTip++ // we're requesting the next header

		// load header from file
		s.headerMutex.Lock() // seek to header we need
		_, err = s.headerFile.Seek(int64((dbTip)*80), os.SEEK_SET)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		err = hdr.Deserialize(s.headerFile) // read header, done w/ file for now
		s.headerMutex.Unlock()              // unlock after reading 1 header
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("header deserialize error!\n")
			return err

		bHash := hdr.BlockSha()
		// create inventory we're asking for
		iv1 := new(wire.InvVect)
		// if hardmode, ask for legit blocks, none of this ralphy stuff
		if s.HardMode {
			iv1 = wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeWitnessBlock, &bHash)
		} else { // ah well
			iv1 = wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeFilteredWitnessBlock, &bHash)
		gdataMsg := wire.NewMsgGetData()
		// add inventory
		err = gdataMsg.AddInvVect(iv1)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		hah := NewRootAndHeight(hdr.BlockSha(), dbTip)
		if dbTip == headerTip { // if this is the last block, indicate finality = true
		// waits here most of the time for the queue to empty out
		s.blockQueue <- hah // push height and mroot of requested block on queue
		s.outMsgQueue <- gdataMsg
	return nil