Esempio n. 1
// Add appends the bits given its size to the vector.
func (v *BitVector) Add(bits uint64, size int) {
	if size <= 0 || size > 64 {
		panic("ranksel: bit size must be in range [1,64]")

	// Add bits
	v.bits.Add(bits, size)
	vlength := v.bits.Len()

	// Increment popcount
	popcnt := bit.PopCount(bits)
	v.popcount += popcnt

	// Update rank sampling
	lenranks := len(v.ranks)
	overflow := vlength - (lenranks * v.opts.Sr)
	if overflow > 0 {
		v.ranks = append(v.ranks, 0)

		rank := bit.Rank(bits, size-overflow-1)
		v.ranks[lenranks] = v.popcount - popcnt + rank

	// Update select sampling
	lenidx := len(v.indices)
	overflow = v.popcount - (lenidx * v.opts.Ss)
	if overflow > 0 {
		v.indices = append(v.indices, 0)

		sel := bit.Select(bits, popcnt-overflow+1)
		v.indices[lenidx] = (vlength - size + sel) & ^0x3F
Esempio n. 2
// select11 returns the index of the ith 11 pair.
func select11_64(v uint64, i int) int {
	// Same with popcount11
	v &= v >> 1
	v &= ^(v >> 1)

	// Perform regular select
	return bit.Select(v, i)
Esempio n. 3
File: sdc.go Progetto: robskie/sdc
// Get returns the value at index i.
func (a *Array) Get(i int) int {
	start := a.selector.Select1(i + 1)
	bits := a.selector.Get(start, min(64, a.selector.Len()-start))

	length := bit.Select(bits, 2)
	code := a.bits.Get(start, length)

	return decode(code, length)
Esempio n. 4
// Select0 returns the index of the ith zero. Panics
// if i is zero or greater than the number of zeroes.
// This is slower than Select1 in most cases.
func (v *BitVector) Select0(i int) int {
	if i > (v.bits.Len() - v.popcount) {
		panic("ranksel: input exceeds number of 0s")
	} else if i == 0 {
		panic("ranksel: input must be greater than 0")

	// Do a binary search on the rank samples to find
	// the largest rank sample that is less than i.
	// From
	imin := 1
	imax := len(v.ranks) - 1
	for imin < imax {
		imid := imin + ((imax - imin) >> 1)

		rmid0 := (imid * v.opts.Sr) - v.ranks[imid]
		if rmid0 < i {
			imin = imid + 1
		} else {
			imax = imid

	idx := 0
	vbits := v.bits.Bits()
	aidx := (imin * v.opts.Sr) >> 6
	rank0 := (imin * v.opts.Sr) - v.ranks[imin]
	for ii, b := range vbits[aidx:] {
		b = ^b
		rank0 += bit.PopCount(b)

		if rank0 >= i {
			overflow := rank0 - i
			popcnt := bit.PopCount(b)

			idx = (aidx + ii) << 6
			idx += bit.Select(b, popcnt-overflow)


	return idx
Esempio n. 5
// Select1 returns the index of the ith set bit.
// Panics if i is zero or greater than the number
// of set bits.
func (v *BitVector) Select1(i int) int {
	if i > v.popcount {
		panic("ranksel: input exceeds number of 1s")
	} else if i == 0 {
		panic("ranksel: input must be greater than 0")

	j := (i - 1) / v.opts.Ss
	q := v.indices[j] / v.opts.Sr

	k := 0
	r := 0
	rq := v.ranks[q:]
	for k, r = range rq {
		if r >= i {

	idx := 0
	rank := rq[k]
	vbits := v.bits.Bits()
	aidx := ((q + k) * v.opts.Sr) >> 6
	for ii, b := range vbits[aidx:] {
		rank += bit.PopCount(b)

		if rank >= i {
			overflow := rank - i
			popcnt := bit.PopCount(b)

			idx = (aidx + ii) << 6
			idx += bit.Select(b, popcnt-overflow)


	return idx