// Build an adequate instance of the structured logger for this // application instance. The journal builder may draw data from the // app instance to configure the journal correctly. This method only // instantiates a very basic journal; anything more complicated than // that should be implementing using a boot.Provider to do it. func (app *App) makeJournal(level logrus.Level) *logrus.Logger { const m = "begin writing application journal" var journal *logrus.Logger = &logrus.Logger{} formatter := new(logrus.TextFormatter) // std journal.Level = level // use requested level journal.Out = os.Stdout // all goes to stdout journal.Hooks = make(logrus.LevelHooks) // empty journal.Formatter = formatter // set formatter formatter.ForceColors = false // act smart formatter.DisableColors = false // make pretty formatter.DisableTimestamp = false // is useful formatter.FullTimestamp = false // numbers formatter.TimestampFormat = time.StampMilli formatter.DisableSorting = false // order! moment := time.Now().Format(app.TimeLayout) journal.WithField("time", moment).Info(m) return journal // is ready to use }